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Theme : Family

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24 Oct 2024

Family Violence Intervention Program (FVIP) - Still Outstanding

Case study - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

By way of the thorough analysis accomplished, this essay examines the wide range of facets of the FVIP program led by Still Outstanding, including its goal of increased autonomy, the array of social services provided and the foremost target populations, which are the core contributors to the...

24 Jun 2024

The Guardian, We are family - Maureen Rice (2002) - Gay Adoption

Presentation - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The document is an editorial analysis in the form of an oral presentation on the theme of gay adoption. The 1976 Adoption Act prohibited unmarried couples from jointly adopting a child. Twenty-five years later, on May 16, 2002, the British government presented an amendment in order to lift the...

16 Oct 2024

Family Dynamics and Fairy Tales: A Personal Perspective

Creative writing - 2 pages - Literature

With that autobiographical experience in mind, I found many parallels to complex family dynamics in the famous fairy tale "Cinderella" by the Brothers Grimm. At its core, the story deals with the struggles between a folk heroine named Cinderella and her wicked stepmother and stepsisters...

14 Nov 2023

Conflict Over Leadership and Succession in a Successful Family Business: The Lakkard Leather Company - Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation (2011) - Case Review

Case study - 2 pages - Economy general

This document contains the review of the case study: Conflict Over Leadership and Succession in a Successful Family Business: The Lakkard Leather Company. The case study, determines: • The situation. • Background information: industry, organization, products, history,...

03 Jul 2023

"We are Family"

Text commentary - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

"We are Family" - Article analysis - February 2018 : The 1976 Adoption Act prohibited unmarried couples from jointly adopting a child. 25 years later, on May 16th 2002, the British government presented an amendment in order to lift the restriction on unmarried couples.

01 Feb 2015

Of Gustavo Capanema vision on the question in brazilian population protection act creating social family

Case study - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

When Getulio Vargas adopted Decree-Law 3200 of April 19, 1941 - on social protection of the family - was determining state intervention in poor and large families. New in Brazil and recent attitude in Europe, corresponding to the so-called "family issue" problematic within the...

22 Oct 2014

Discussion Essay-Should we Encourage Population Control by Limiting Family Size Given our Obligations to the Future Generations?

Essay - 8 pages - Educational studies

Increase in population has become the concern of many countries in the world. Statistics show that there has been a tremendous increase in population in the recent past. The increase in population has its positive and negative effects as well as the influence it has in the world. Availability of...

14 Jul 2014

The effects of NaCl on seed germination (Seeds used are from the Family Solanaceae and Brassicaceae)

Case study - 5 pages - Physics

In agricultural production, soil salinity has been a major contributing factor to soil degradation. Salinity inhibits the plant germination due to ionic and osmotic effects. Though, different plant species and families have developed coping mechanisms to defeat this vice. Osmotic potential...

24 May 2013

Establishing an Australian manager & his family in Shanghai

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

With lager multinational organisations' pre-occupation with increasing their profit & market share (Kobrin 1996 cited in Lewis 1997), globalization and internationalization is clearly the next step to achieving these objectives (Brewester 1988 & Guzzo et al. 1994 cited in Brewester 1988). However...

06 Aug 2013

Balancing work-family conflicts

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

At some point in our careers, we have all experienced something that is referred to as a “Work-Family Conflict.” The best way to describe this, and in the simplest terms, is that issues at home are taking a person's attention away from work or situations at work are taking a...

06 Dec 2013

Past, Future, Family

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Kate Morton's Forgotten Garden is a tale of mystery and self-discovery as Nell, the protagonist, tries to uncover her family's secret past, which opens a door to a new future as well. The decision to keep certain secrets concealed and her enigmatic past, affect Nell's personality and her...

29 Aug 2013

Gender and family

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In any given year there is an estimate three million runaways. Children run away from home for a number of different reasons; “may be [they are] evading the law, suffering depression, or dealing with a personal crisis, most are running from a disturbed family or home life.”...

24 Dec 2013

Functional investigation of QPT promoters using a small gene family from Nicotiana, as the test system

Case study - 30 pages - Biology

The QPT gene codes for the QPTase (enzyme), which is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The enzyme provides the only route for QA metabolism and is essential in the de novo biosynthesis of NAD. It catalyzes the reaction between QA and 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) in the presence...

08 Aug 2013

Psychological article critique: 'Childhood Family Violence History and Women's Risk for Intimate Partner Violence and Poor Health' by Bensley, Van Eenwyk, & Simmons

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

This study investigated the association between a history of childhood family violence and subsequent adult physical health, mental distress, and intimate partner violence. The sample consisted of 3527 women living in Washington State. Data were obtained from the Behavioral Risk Factor...

12 Mar 2012

The impact and the economic consequences of the one-child family policy on the age structure of China's population

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The world population is increasing at a rapid rate and aging fast in developed areas, soon the planet won't be able to satisfy needs of all humans living on it, however China did find a way to slow down the speed of population increase: The One Child Policy. It is a policy that some people...

08 Jun 2012

Critically analyse gender roles and other factors surrounding family businesses

Essay - 8 pages - Management

Family firms have played and still play a significant role in European economy. Most small businesses are family owned (Boissevain and Grotenbreg, 1987), and the importance of this type of business has experienced a significant development during recent decades. As Sampson (1982)...

23 Mar 2011

Mercedes: Should it introduce a small, 'clean' family car?

Market study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Mercedes Benz is a German automobile brand, distributed worldwide and known for its high-end vehicles. Like all other car manufacturers, it faces a severe economic crisis that has been particularly detrimental to the automotive sector. In this context, car manufacturers must innovate and artfully...

08 Feb 2011

Managing work, family and life

Thesis - 10 pages - Management

With the ongoing languished economy and many businesses attempting to ‘do more with less', a growing research showed that arrangements of flexible labor in the form of flex-time and compressed workweek, etc., when appropriately implemented, can benefit both the organization and the employees...

10 Aug 2010

Family as a social force

Book review - 2 pages - Journalism

In the novel Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, by Jeanette Winterson, the social force of family is very significant. Jeanette's family and the people that surround her eventually work against her to push her out of their exclusive social circle. The way that Jeanette is raised by her...

24 Feb 2010

McCalls Pumpkin Patch provides family fun and scary spooks

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

About ten years ago Kevin McCall invited his first group of school kids out to the McCall farm for field trips. Today the farm is visited by over 60,000 people to pick pumpkins, go on hay rides, walk through the corn maze and enjoy other activities. The McCall Land & Cattle Co. in Moriarty is...

10 Aug 2010

Marriage and family in America

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In general, blacks and Hispanics are more likely to date or cohabit than they are to marry, although their expectations for marriage tend to be the same. Minorities tend to view cohabitation as more of a replacement for marriage than a precursor to it. This is largely due to the tendency of...

25 Feb 2010

The Fair family: Nursing, healthcare and ethics

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The factual scenario raises complex issues pertaining to ethical and legal considerations with regard to the rights of Mr Fair and his daughter. As an initial observation, patient autonomy and consent will be a central factor in determining the appropriate course of action and from a nursing...

29 Sep 2010

Family Law: Comparison France Vs. China

Essay - 20 pages - Other law subjects

During the last century, the Chinese government decided to abolish the old family system and establish a new family idea: the socialist family system (the Marriage Code of 1950). This marked a turning point in Chinese common law and the beginning of a new family way of...

23 Aug 2010

The family and the other models of family in the Western World

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The family is a group of people united by a particular link. This link may be a relationship, a relationship of alliance or a link to it. In civil law, a family can be defined as a unit that is a collection of all people who have descended from a common ancestor, and are bound...

25 Mar 2010

Importance of the family structure in a child's life

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For a child, the family structure is their only understanding of society and of relationships. A child rarely interacts with society, unless it is through his or her family. A child is wholly reliant upon family to provide friends, shelter, food, entertainment and love....

24 Feb 2010

African American family

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This essay aims to reinforce both afrocentric and revisionist models of the African-American family. An integral part of this argument will be to deny cultural deficit theory, and instead to focus on how African cultures blended together with each other and simultaneously adapted to New...

13 Jan 2009

To what extent have developments in individual rights in Britain delivered family friendly working practices, and with what implications for all relevant stakeholders

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Since New Labour came to power in May 1997 some developments in employments rights have aimed to promote the balancing between work and family life: “Families are the core of our society, but they are under pressure. Women and men struggle with choices over work and family...

26 Feb 2009

A sociological perspective on the family

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This essay will discuss and analyze the concept of the family from a sociological perspective. Families are the foundation of all societies. They can be formed by father-mother-children combination or even more complicated combination of aunt-cousin-grand relatives along with father and...

29 Apr 2009

Comparing Italian American immigrant families to black American families: A sociological analysis of the family in America

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This paper will offer a comparison between African American families and Italian American immigrant families, by exploring family cohesion and identity. What are the ways that the black American family is written about in sociological literature, and how does this differ from the...

13 Aug 2009

A comprehensive examination of psycho educational multifamily group therapy

Tutorials/exercises - 18 pages - Psychology

While the field of psychology has come a long way from locking the door and throwing away the key on people who carry a mental illness diagnosis, there is still a long way to go. Regardless of the research that has been done attempting to normalize these problems as medical diseases many people...