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07 Jan 2025

The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas (2017) - What historical events and context gave rise to this novel?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Angie Thomas's novel "The Hate U Give" is not merely a fictional story; it is a profound reflection of historical realities that have shaped contemporary society. The novel, which centres on the life of a young Black girl, Starr Carter, who witnesses the police shooting of her unarmed friend,...

09 Jul 2024

Managing Events for Hospitality and Tourism - Taste of London

Case study - 12 pages - Management

Taste of London is an annual culinary event with multilateral issues. Commercial, political, economic, and cultural, are all dimensions that characterize this event. A voluntarist spirit emerges from this event, sponsored by both major brands in the food industry, and...

25 Jan 2023

Middlemarch, Part 6, Chapter 56 - George Eliot (1871-1872) - How does George Eliot, through a posterior view and a description of fictitious events, manage to present the prejudices of the time on the progress?

Text commentary - 3 pages - Economic politics

In 1919, Virginia Woolf writes, about Eliot's contribution to English literature, that her masterpiece Middlemarch is "one of the few English novels written for grown-up people". Indeed, Eliot's novel is known for its realism and its psychological insights on its different characters from...

29 Jun 2023

How did the Political and Social Context of the 1960s Lead to the Stonewall Riots and How did these Events Impact the Society Back?

Presentation - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today, I'm going to talk about the Stonewall riots, a series of violent protests and street demonstrations that took place on June 28th, 1969, in a gay bar in Greenwich Village, NY. These riots occurred for various reasons including timing, social history, cultural changes, local geography...

15 Jul 2022

Mega-Sport Events: Impact on Women Opportunities in Sponsorship and Their Brand Image

Dissertation - 34 pages - Sport marketing

"Sport has the power to change the world," declared Nelson Mandela in his famous speech at the first Laureus World Sports Awards in Monaco in 2000. According to research done by A.T. Kearney, the global sports market is worth somewhere between $480 billion to $620 billion. Over and above the huge...

23 Apr 2021

The most prominent events that the world and Europe have lived through, especially during the last decade, their repercussions and the most important measures taken to avoid or reduce their severity

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Modern history

The origin of the crisis dates back to ancient times, when it was derived from the Greek word krino, meaning an important or decisive decision. From the political field, the crisis is considered: a case that discusses the aspects of the political system, which also requires a decision to confront...

22 Jul 2015

Supporting Significant Life Events

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

It is very difficult to be able to understand how significant life events such as dying and bereavement impact on the lives of individuals and more so their social networks when one has never had prior experience with grief (McFarlane et. al 1994, p. 716). Life is a cycle with a lot of...

12 Nov 2013

Policing Roman Masculinity through gladiatorial events

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Roman society operated as a patriarchy, and therefore maintaining male dominance and superiority was of great importance. Hegemonic masculinity required males to display self-control, valor, strength, and discipline. Such attributes could be attained and developed through military efforts. The...

29 Mar 2012

Environmental sustainability of events

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Educational studies

In this report the author aims to educate the readers regarding environmentally sustainable event management. The author believes that in today's trend it is very important not only for event managers but also people from all other sectors to think about our environment and how our...

25 May 2012

Examination of the My Lai massacre- one of the most infamous events of the Vietnam War Review of the book "My Lai: A Brief History with Documents" (James Stuart Olson, Randy Roberts)

Book review - 4 pages - Philosophy

This report will look at the book My Lai. Written by the history professors James S. Olson and Randy Roberts. Distinguished Professor of History in Houston, James S Olson is a historian whose main concern is recent American history. In this respect, he had been very interested in Vietnam, having...

21 May 2012

Examination of the my lai massacre- one of the most infamous events of the vietnam war review of the book "my lai: a brief history with documents" (james stuart olson, randy roberts) - published: 21/05/2012

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

This report will analyze the book “My Lai” by the historians Olson and Roberts. To look at the different issues that surrounded the My Lai massacre, it is necessary to look at the specific situation of the area at the time. The Vietminh emerged in 1941 with the aim of obtaining...

10 Jan 2011

Impacts of the mega events in times of crisis: The Olympic Games of London, 2012

Dissertation - 29 pages - Economy general

The economic crisis that most countries are experiencing is the largest since 1929. Like other recessions that have hit some countries (Japan's crisis of the 90s) or certain parts of the world (the crisis of communism after the fall of the Berlin Wall), the latest occurred in the US in 2007...

11 Mar 2010

Killer angels: A fictionalized account based on factual historical events and people

Time lines - 3 pages - Journalism

Killer Angels is a fictionalized account based on factual historical events and people. It takes these actual people and events and hypothesizes their motives and inner most thoughts; it also extrapolates on their motives. It deals in particular with the Battle of Gettysburg and the...

15 Mar 2010

Orientalist Scholarship, the Conquest of India and the Events of 1857

Thesis - 4 pages - Medieval history

Britain's conquest of India was not an occupation in the conventional sense. Although England did have a military and economic presence on the sub-continent for over 200 years, the source of their power lay in a control of India's knowledge. England came to dominate the country through the...

29 Sep 2010

The period from 1948 to 1953 was a phase of high intensity in Cold War history and decisively shaped the future of the European continent. Analyse the events in Europe in this period and their meaning for European integration.

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

After World War II, Europe was destroyed and two superpowers emerged; the United States and the USSR. The United States was the only state to have the atomic bomb and used the massive weapon against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and the USSR was important because of the fight against Nazi...

23 Jul 2010

Business events

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

The event, in marketing terms is a pretext used to advertise or change a course of action. It is characterized by the rupture it causes in a process, a habit which can then allow the beginning of a new communication strategy. In general, we can say that the event in its marketing...

19 Jul 2010

Techniques for taking good sports photographs in some sporting events

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

By sports photography we mean taking pictures of sporting events that involve action and movement. If the pictures are not sharp and do not depict fast movement that take place in a sequence, the purpose of a good sports photograph will not be achieved. That exciting movement of action...

16 Jan 2009

Macroeconomic events before and after Argentina's 2001-2002 currency crisis

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In practice economical balance is unachievable. Stabilization conditions that many scholars and economists claim are but fleeting status of the economy. Some of the major crises around the world including the US stock market collapse, Asian financial crisis, Latin financial crisis and recently...

15 Jan 2009

Community festivals and events - Their role in raising awareness, generating pride and fostering a sense of belonging within socially isolated areas

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Phillip Kotler's traditional definition of a product (1997) includes anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a demand. This large definition embraces goods, services, retail stores, persons, ideas and also places. Place marketing usually concerns countries, regions and big...

04 Dec 2008

New methodology using synchrotron radiation to characterize fast events in food processing

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

In a typical food process, a hot mixture is made, which is then cooled rapidly. A main result of cooling is a change in physical state and/or molecular structure. Often, a succession of physical changes occurs as the product cools. Events occurring at the more rapid cooling rates can be...

19 Apr 2008

The History of Abolition: A Global Interplay of Events

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

Historical phenomena such as the abolition of slavery cannot be explained by isolating them from the larger global context that created the conditions for their existence. In his chapter titled Whose Abolition? Popular Pressure and the Ending of the British Slave Trade, Seymor Drescher states:...

17 Jun 2008

The specific events that shaped the development of Europe between the years of 1914 and 1965

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

In the aftermath of World War II, Europe showed a notable overall decline in both its economic production and its overall primacy in the international community. While some historians have argued that the Second World War is what had served as the impetus for the decline of Europe, when tracing...

17 Jun 2008

The Life of Octavian and the Events that led to his rule

Essay - 4 pages - Medieval history

Throughout the course of history, there have been a number of notable leaders that have significantly altered or improved civilization. Although the contributions of many of these leaders have fallen by the wayside in modern times, there are a few that remain as prominent today as they were...

03 Jul 2023

Event Management - Taste of London

Case study - 26 pages - Management

Taste of London is an annual culinary event with multilateral issues. Commercial, political, economic, and cultural, are all dimensions that characterize this event. Like the Anglo-Saxon culture, Taste of London is a multicultural event in which the world's cuisine is...

19 Jan 2015

Life Event

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

My significant event in life that I will not forget happened when I was eleven years old. My father kicked me out of our house. The main thing that triggered all this according to me was the fact that my father moved in with my step-mother, and since she was pregnant, there was a need for...

09 Apr 2024

Fèt Kaf - Pierre Marchal (2023) - To what extent can a memorial event be a unifying tool in a population?

Presentation - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages

The memorial event "fèt kaf" happens every 20th December. Everyone from the isle is invited to reunite in honor of the abolition of slavery on Reunion Island. This abrogation was proclaimed in 1848 by Sarda Garriga, the colonial administrator at that time. All day long, we can hear songs...

19 Mar 2009

A study on event management

Thesis - 23 pages - Services marketing

Michael J Wolf, in his book "The Entertainment Economy" says, "Entertainment not autos, steel or financial services is fast becoming the engine of growth of the new economy". Digitalization, broadband and internet make this among the fastest growing businesses worldwide. Entertainment...

14 Oct 2009

The mindset of the people towards the concept of event management

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

The present study has been undertaken to get the first hand exposure on the mindset of people towards the Event Marketing concept and their involvement in events, as and when they come across, if any. A questionnaire was designed keeping in mind the requirements for study & analysis...

05 Apr 2010

Analyzing international portfolio strategy with home event risk versus foreign information asymmetry

Thesis - 10 pages - Finance

This study develops a model for international portfolio choice in the presence of the home asset with event-risk versus foreign asset with stochastic information filtering. The model is constructed from comparing the portfolio fraction changes of domestic assets so as to maximize the...

29 Sep 2010

Fundraising event

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

For the purpose of this assignment, our group was asked to carry out a fundraising event for a charity of our choice. This assignment was set to us, so we could get into the habit of generating our own ideas, running an event, and also to writing a paper reflecting upon our...