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Theme : EU european union

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15 Jan 2009

To what extent has Europe benefited from a "peace dividend" through the European Union and its budget?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The notion of “peace dividend” was forged in the 1980s to convey an idea that had already been analysed before: the link between security/peace, and economic growth. Without going into further details, one may wonder if this economic theory can be applied to the European...

12 May 2009

The situation of the French energy market within the European Union: Case study

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

Since its conception, the EU has been aware of the importance of energy issues. The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), formally established in 1951 by the Treaty of Paris, served as the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) as the foundation for the modern-day...

17 May 2009

The European Union (EU) and Mercosur

Thesis - 4 pages - European union

“The objectives of this Agreement shall be to strengthen the existing relations between the Parties and to prepare conditions enabling an interregional association to be created. To these ends, the Agreement covers trade and economic matters, cooperation regarding integration and other...

17 May 2009

Two years after: What has the eastern enlargement brought to the European Union?

Thesis - 4 pages - European union

“The future of Europe never appeared so dubious. Neither did some of its possible futures appear so promising” affirms Jean-Paul Fitoussi in his book devoted to the problems of the conflict between the national interests and the requirements of convergence in Europe1. In fact, for the...

21 Jan 2009

The European union and the third world: The case of the EU-ASEAN relations

Essay - 7 pages - European union

The European Union is a growing and developing organization which is becoming more and more important. That's why its relations with other countries in a more and more globalized world are also moving. The EU relations with the developing world are as old as its creation but they...

12 Jan 2009

The budgetary implication of the European Union's May 2004 enlargement

Essay - 5 pages - European union

On 1 May 2004 Europe celebrates the entrance of ten new members in the European Union but behind the fireworks and the celebrations, Brussels has to adapt itself to this new generation of the European project. One of the most important points is the budgetary issue. History...

17 May 2009

Karen E. Smith "European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World"

Book review - 4 pages - European union

European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World provides a clear introduction to the complexities of the contemporary European Union foreign policy, and offers a comprehensive and a distinctive perspective on the nature of the European Union's...

09 Jan 2009

To what extent can the Spanish model of citizenship be used for the European Union? Examine the rights and duties of the citizen under the Spanish Constitution as well as the conciliation of various regional aspirations and feelings. In what way is this

Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law

According to many commentators and journalists, the European Union would be challenged by some crisis, each of them having different natures: for instance, European regions, whereas they could be a good complement for European governance, are increasingly perceived as...

09 Jan 2009

Multi-level governance in the European Union

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The former French President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, once stated that the European Union was an “unidentified political object”. This phrase highlights the complexity of the EU polity, which various theories have tried to capture and which has...

17 May 2009

The future of the state in a global context: Is the European Union a super state?

Thesis - 12 pages - European union

The organization of the world has been changing for the past few decades. Besides the nation sates, a lot of different forms of organization have been coming up. The development of international relations has brought about the need for organizations which enable cooperation between the national...

15 Jan 2009

The European Union and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Essay - 8 pages - European union

With the recent election of Mahmud Abbas as chairman of the Palestinian Authority and Ariel Sharon's plan to withdraw Israeli troops and settlers from the Gaza strip, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians appears to be at a crossroads, after years of severe strain on the so-called...

13 Jan 2009

What does the European Union's so-called 'democratic deficit' stem from, and how could it be tackled?

Essay - 6 pages - European union

One of the most important discussions in the modern-day European Union concerns the democratic deficit. The Maastricht treaty, which was signed on February 1992 by different European states, claims that the goal the EU is to create ‘an ever closer union among the...

15 Jan 2009

Governance in the European Union: Policies

Essay - 9 pages - European union

The Common Fisheries Policy is one of the oldest policies entirely delegated to the European Community since it is part of the Common agricultural policy. Indeed, in the Treaty of Rome, agricultural products are defined as “the products of the soil, of stock-farming and of...

15 Jan 2009

The European union's development policy toward Africa

Essay - 5 pages - European union

On December 8th and 9th 2007 the summit of African and European leaders has hold in Lisbon. It is the second ever Summit between heads of states and governments from EU and Africa after the Cairo Summit in 2000. The 52 countries of the African Union, the 27 European member...

24 Nov 2009

A critical examination of European Union's economic policy

Thesis - 12 pages - European union

The EU's trading policy towards the rest of the world is called the Common Commercial Policy and is established under Articles 100-116 of the Treaty of Rome (Title IX Articles 131-134 of the Consolidated Treaty). “By establishing a customs union between themselves Member States aim to...

03 May 2008

Regional Economic Integration and the European Union

Essay - 3 pages - European union

Regional Economic Integration is the act of cooperating countries entering into agreements with each other to remove all barriers to importing goods into their respective countries. One of the biggest walls to exporting to foreign markets has been tariffs and taxes levied against foreign nations...

09 Sep 2008

The impact of European Union Law on the world of sport and the Bosman decision

Essay - 7 pages - International law

Under European Union law, Article 81 of the EC Treaty provides that all agreements between undertakings, decisions of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their objective or effect the prevention, restriction or...

18 Aug 2008

The impact of European Union Law on the world of sport in the context of sport regulation and restraint of trade since the Bosman decision.

Essay - 7 pages - International law

Under European Union law, Article 81 of the EC Treaty provides that all agreements between undertakings, decisions of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their objective or effect the prevention, restriction or...

23 Oct 2007

The European Union

Tutorials/exercises - 11 pages - European union

The European Union, which formed under this name in 1992, currently consists of 25 nations and covers much of Western Europe. The European Union is an enormous organization that was initially created to maintain peace and security between European states through...

20 Apr 2007

The results of the "Lisbon agenda" - the attempt to make Europe the world's most successful knowledge-based economy - are generally thought to have been disappointing. What steps should be taken by the European Union, and by national governments

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the Lisbon Strategy was launched to overcome a series of weaknesses in the European economy: long-term structural unemployment, a poor employment rate, and under-development of the service sector. In an often-quoted sentence, it has therefore assigned the EU “a new...

16 Jan 2007

Principles and practices of consumer's protection within the European Union

Thesis - 19 pages - European law

The European Union aims at protecting the health, safety and economic well-being of its citizens. It promotes their rights to information, helps them safeguard their interests and encourages them to set up consumer associations. Consumer policy is designed to improve the quality of...

31 Mar 2006

'The European Union Court of Justice is more relevant for the advance of the EU political unity than the Commission and the Parliament' - Discuss - publihed: 31/03/2006

Essay - 4 pages - European law

Its political role has being a big issue between the main theoricians of the European Union. The place of the European Parliament and the Commission in the process toward political unity is more obvious. The Commission, as the institution who has the power of initiative, can...

24 Mar 2006

The European Union and national sovereignty

Essay - 3 pages - European union

The birth of the modern sovereign state is usually associated with the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, after which modern nation-states began to constitute in Europe. Today, some scholars argue that state sovereignty has been challenged by trends such as globalization and European integration...

24 Mar 2006

The European Union and organized crime

Essay - 8 pages - European union

With French and Dutch voters' recent rejection of the proposed constitutional treaty for the European Union, a number of proposals in the field of Justice and Home Affairs have been watered down or considerably postponed. However, both EU leaders and the general public continue to...

15 Jan 2006

The integration of the European Union

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

On the 16th April, 2003, ten new members were signing the adhesion treaty to the European Union, in front of the Parthenon in Athens. The adhesion of these ten new countries, among which eight were ex-communist countries, represented a historic moment : the European...

21 Aug 2006

The economic results of the 2004 enlargement of the European Union

Essay - 15 pages - Economy general

Two years ago, the European Union was joined by 10 new members whose 8 were former communist countries (plus Malta and Cyprus). The fifth enlargement has been the most ambitious in the history of the European Union. It was the largest ever in terms of number of...

24 Mar 2010

The evolution of the European Community / Union over the last 50 years

Thesis - 5 pages - European union

Fifty years after the Treaties of Rome (1957), the European Union has deeply evolved. From a regional economic cooperation, it has become a major international actor looking for re-launching its Constitutional process. If the European cooperation was a revolutionary concept...

30 Jul 2022

Towards a Kind of European Constitution? From the Saint-Malo Franco-British Meeting to the Lisbon Treaty (1998-2007)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

In 1998, Prime Minister Blair had to realize that the fact that GB did not participate in the Euro would actually marginalize her inside the European Union. He decided to recover the initiative, and to take up the subject of European defense, where GB could contribute in an...

16 Jun 2022

The European employment strategy

Dissertation - 7 pages - European union

Over the last ten years, employment has remained the top concern of Europeans, including new EU members. In fact, due to the lack of change in each national level, EU citizens have grown to trust the European Union more than their own governments to improve their...

31 Jul 2022

Towards a European Defense?

Course material - 7 pages - International relations

The problem of a European defense system is not new: we remember the Brussels Treaty of 1948, which was a military alliance between GB, France and the Benelux countries, including a common European general staff which was stationed in Fontainebleau, until it was taken over by NATO...