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Theme : EU european union

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29 Sep 2010

The European Union and the democratic deficit

Essay - 13 pages - European union

The Convention of the the European Council of Laeken in 2001, was put in charge of drafting a new treaty for Europe. The main objective of this draft Treaty was to clearly define: “how to bring citizens closer to the European aim, and to European Institutions, by...

29 Sep 2010

The European Union Court of Justice is more relevant for the advance of the EU political unity than the Commission and the Parliament' - Discuss

Essay - 4 pages - European law

The European Union's political role has been a big issue among the main theoriticians of the European Union. The place of the European Parliament and the Commission in the process toward political unity is obvious. The Commission, as the institution which...

21 Jun 2010

Electronic commerce in the European union: The case study of Premier tours ltd

Tutorials/exercises - 23 pages - Business strategy

Electronic commerce has emerged with the development of the new information and communication technologies, the Internet and the World Wide Web. This paper addresses the theoretical issue of the electronic commerce by introducing the main theoretical issues and summarizing the few literary...

21 Jun 2010

Bulgaria and European Union: A research report

Tutorials/exercises - 22 pages - European union

The development of a global financial market transforms the individual countries' and domestic capital markets into connected single financial environment, where investors can take advantage of numerous investment opportunities. The dynamic growth and gradual integration of the Bulgarian capital...

14 Dec 2010

Should turkey join the European Union?

Thesis - 4 pages - European union

Many people believe that the debate regarding Turkey's adhesion to the European Union (EU) is modern and recent; it actually goes back quite a long time. As a matter of fact, it dates back to the 1960s; the issue was raised in 1963, when Turkey signed a customs union with...

29 Sep 2010

The European Union will never be fully democratic: discuss

Essay - 8 pages - European union

On 13th October 2005 was launched the Commission's “Plan D” for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate, which intends to “lay the foundations for the profound debate about Europe's future” in order to “mak[e] the European Union more democratic” . This strategy...

24 Mar 2010

The foreign policy tools of the European Union and the various institutions that they are connected to

Thesis - 4 pages - European law

The European Union is present on the international scene through 3 main policies areas: trade, development and security. Each domain depends on different institutions, holds different power and uses different tools. Decisions-making procedures are varied. Nonetheless, these three...

24 Aug 2010

Financing the European Union (EU)

Thesis - 5 pages - European union

The first twenty years of the Community financial system have been marked by several important developments: The movement toward unification: Since the unification the various fiscal budgets created from the ECSC Treaty in 1951 have gradually been merged. In 1975, there were only two fiscal...

29 Sep 2010

European union and regulation of the peace process in the Middle East since 1991

Essay - 10 pages - International relations

Launched with the Madrid Conference in 1991, the israeli-Palestinian peace process led to the historical handshake between Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres at the White House in Washington. American president Clinton, thus sealed the signature of a statement of principles, and reaffirmed the...

29 Sep 2010

The results of the "lisbon agenda" - the attempt to make europe the world's most successful knowledge-based economy - are generally thought to have been disappointing. what steps should be taken by the european union, and by national governments - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the Lisbon Strategy was launched to overcome a series of weaknesses in the European economy: long-term structural unemployment, a poor employment rate, and under-development of the service sector. In an often-quoted sentence, it has therefore assigned the EU "a new strategic...

29 Sep 2010

Analyse of the European Union (EU) common Strategy on Weapons of Mass Destruction

Essay - 5 pages - European union

While globalization makes trade easier, it also makes illegal trafficking easier. As a global trade power, the EU has to against the limiting negative effects of liberalization, especially in the WMD domain. The question we must answer at the outset is: what are Weapons of Mass Destructions?...

21 Jun 2010

Bulgaria in the European Union: A framework (proposal) of the dissertation

Essay - 2 pages - European union

Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007 - shortly before the world was hit by the global financial and economic crisis. The situation turned into an unprecedented challenge for the new Member State. The aim of this dissertation is to provide us with sufficient information about...

29 Sep 2010

The European Union: "Fortress Europe"

Essay - 6 pages - European union

Article 14 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”. Europe has always attracted migrants and asylum seekers because it benefits from a reputation of high standards of living and as...

29 Sep 2010

The implementation of the Third Pillar of the European Union in the United Kingdom

Essay - 15 pages - European union

The establishment of the European Union (EU) Policy within the third pillar of the United Kingdom (UK) has changed substantially over the past decades and more with the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty. Originally the UK had been reluctant to acknowledge or embrace...

29 Sep 2010

European Union and Federalism

Essay - 4 pages - European union

In 1948, federalists formulated a project of United States of Europe at a Congress in La Haye. But they were defeated by unionists who wanted mere intergovernmental cooperation between European states. Nowadays, this continues to be a recurrent debate: is the European Union...

29 Sep 2010

The Relationship between the European Union and the South Mediterranean Countries: An Incomplete partnership submitted to the union's interests and fears

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The Mediterranean area presents a particular structure. The Northern part of the region is composed of Western, developed countries belonging to the European Union, such as France, Spain, Italy and Greece. The Southern part is the African coast, including Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria,...

29 Jun 2010

Environment protection initiatives by the European Union

Thesis - 7 pages - European law

Environment policy is one of the greatest social challenges faced by governments and Businesses today. This is due to the rise in awareness of the impact of the environment on public health and welfare. The need for environmental conservation gave rose to a series of Community initiatives...

21 Jun 2010

The expansion of the European Union

Thesis - 5 pages - European union

Over a period of time, the European Union had bifurcated into two groups. Trade between the East and West was minimal, and the accession of Eastern European countries was out of question. The sudden disappearance of the Iron Curtain created a need for exchange of goods and...

29 Sep 2010

How the Georgian and the financial crisis stress the main difficulties and changes that the European Union is facing nowadays?

Essay - 9 pages - European union

The financial crisis that we are facing in the present scenario is said to be the worst since World War two or even since the great depression. We can't compare our situation to the one in 1929 but we have to be realistic that the crisis is a global issue. We are now far away from the German...

17 May 2009

A critical examination of the European Union's commitment and approach to promoting democracy and Human Rights in accession candidate countries and elsewhere in the world

Thesis - 10 pages - European union

The current image of European Union's democracy promotion is marred by the discrepancies of member states' attitude vis-à-vis the Chinese violation of the Human Rights. In contrast to most European countries, Great Britain and Germany have already claimed that they will not...

17 May 2009

Economic consequences of the last European union enlargement

Thesis - 20 pages - Economy general

The idea of a united Europe was once just a dream in the minds of philosophers and visionaries. Already in 1620, the Duke of Sully imagined "a body politics of all the States of Europe which could produce between its members an unalterable peace and a perpetual trade". In The 19th Century, Victor...

27 Apr 2009

The European Union and democratic progress in post communist states:The cases of Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, strong winds of change have been sweeping across the European continent. With the growth of the European Union into the region's dominant political force, the last remnants of communism and...

13 Jan 2009

Politics of the European Union

Thesis - 12 pages - European union

Since its foundation in the late 1950's, the European Union has seen its membership growing from 6 to 27 countries in 2007, with the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. The process might not stop at this point, as other countries such as West Balkans, Turkey, and eastern countries...

12 Jan 2009

The role of the European Union in the democratisation of Central and Eastern Europe

Essay - 8 pages - International relations

In the concept of « consolidation of democracy », two aspects can lead to misunderstanding. Firstly, one can interrogate on the direction towards which such a consolidation is supposed to tend, as the word « consolidation » implies that democracy already exists, as something is bound to exist if...

15 Jan 2009

Polonsky M. J., Brito P. Q., Pinto J. and Higgs-Kleyn N. (2001). Consumer Ethics in the European Union: A comparison of northern and southern views

Essay - 3 pages - European union

Our article for seminar three is called Consumer Ethics in the European Union: a Comparison of Northern and Southern Views. It discusses the issue of a single European market and the cultural problems that occur in this growing “integrated” market. The authors have...

15 Jan 2009

How successful are the attempts to create a citizenship of the European Union?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

Although the formal concept of European citizenship appeared for the first time in the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992, the idea thereof goes back to the early years of the European construction. The Treaty founding the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 instituted a...

13 Jan 2009

The European Union's Policy in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries: Towards an Effective Democratisation?

Essay - 7 pages - European union

“Since 1992, the European Community has included in all its agreements with third countries a clause defining respect for human rights and democracy as ‘essential elements' in the EU's relationship. This clause is unique in bilateral agreements. This approach has been further...

15 Jan 2009

The Relations between the European Union and Latin America

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

Latin America is a huge geographical and cultural space that faces many serious difficulties in development because of high social inequalities, drug traffic and democracies that are often young and fragile. Because of these important issues, and as Latin America is a potentially important...

15 Jan 2009

Gender equality and employment in the European Union

Essay - 29 pages - European union

Gender equality is among the fundamental principles and the common values of the European Union. In the 2nd Article of the Treaty of the European Community, it is even mentioned as a “task” to perform for the Community, and again in Article 3(2) TEC. But two...

16 Jan 2009

Integration of new countries in the European Union

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The story of Europe is still being written. The entrance of new countries, ten in 2004, two others in 2007, and the current question of opening Europe to Turkey, shows that the European Union is continuously evolving. From 1947 to 1989, the liberalist doctrine has been adopted by...