NATO and the European Union: less influence on members than on applicants in the case of Romanian Intelligence agencies
Case study - 10 pages - International relations
In 2014, during the presidential campaign, Romania's departing conservative president, Traian Basescu, declared that his principal rival, prime-minister Victor Ponta, was an undercover agent working for the foreign intelligence service. In a country where the specter of the brutal Communist...
Ukraine joining the European Union: myth or reality?
Essay - 1 pages - International relations
Ukraine is an Eastern European country located between Poland and Russia. However, it is not a member of the European Union, which is a unique partnership between 27 European countries, known as Member States, or EU countries. This country has shown interest in joining...
Jean-Claude Junker's vision for the European Union: the first steps towards federal integration?
Essay - 8 pages - European union
In his 2017 White Paper, Jean-Claude Junker, president of the European Commission, proposes five possible scenarios concerning the European Union's future after Britain's definite departure in 2019. These scenarios range from "nothing but the single market" -- where...
European Union (EU) Law - Power sharing and EU institutions
Course material - 2 pages - European law
The document broaches the subject of European Union law. It delves into how power is shared between member states and institutions, and describes the institutional structure of the EU.
How does Hungary's and Poland's illiberal approach to democracy, accompanied by a nationalistic retreat, constitute a break with the values of the European Union?
Essay - 4 pages - European union
On 28 July 2014, at the twenty-fifth summer university in B?ile Tu?nad, Romania, Viktor Orbán declared: "The new state we are building in Hungary is not a liberal state, it is an illiberal state based on the value of labour." Indeed, since he came to power in Hungary in 2010, and won the...
In the European Union, how can the current generation gap be bridged?
Essay - 4 pages - European union
The generation gap is not exclusive to our time. In fact, this phenomenon has been documented in literature since antiquity. In each generation, an arbitrary label is given to each side, but the deepest essence of the gap remains the same: economic, social, and political divergence of points of...
Is the European Union still relevant nowadays?
Essay - 2 pages - European union
In his declaration of May 1950, in the aftermath of World War II, Robert Schumann emphasized the goal of peace that the European Union (EU) has to play in European politics. Throughout its history, the EU evolved and gained more and more power over several aspects of our...
European Union (EU) Law - Introduction and the different stages of integration
Course material - 8 pages - European law
European construction was imagined by politicians and people centuries ago but was achieved after WWII. In middle age, cities developed trade, and at that moment national markets were created. Traders were moving from a city to another, and these citizens made the rules of mercatoria. The...
Investment law - The reinforcement of the control of foreign investments by the European Union
Essay - 4 pages - European law
How do the European Union's reinforced measures for controlling foreign investments, including the EU FDI (Foreign direct investment) Screening Regulation, national investment screening mechanisms, and increased scrutiny on state-owned enterprises, impact the attractiveness of...
The growing involvement of the European Union in the control of foreign investment in its territory
Essay - 6 pages - European union
This is what the European Commission said on March 25th, 2020 for the Member States concerning foreign direct investment and free movement of capital from third countries, and the protection of Europe's strategic assets. From this quotation, we can see that the European...
Anglo-German relations in the European Union, 1945-2019
Presentation - 10 pages - International relations
History showed that Germany and the United Kingdom were often enemies, even if they were also strongly dependent and linked on many levels. Indeed, they were commercial and industrial rivals before 1914, and then they fought against each other during the two World Wars. But more recently, they...
The European Union and its International Role - Towards a European Federation? (From the European Conference in The Hague to the Rome Treaties, 1948-1957)
Course material - 6 pages - Modern history
Already during the war, many Resistance groups asked themselves how to stop the cycle of recurring European wars. After 1945, many groups and associations suggested going back to the European ideas of the 20s, which included the concept of a European Union (Briand Plan...
Future Opportunities, Threats, Challenges and Goals of the European Union
Essay - 4 pages - European union
The European Union is the largest and most successful political and economic union in the world, making it a key player. Research on the European Union focuses mainly on its construction, its functioning, the challenges and threats it faces. Our research aims to...
The European Union and its neighbors to the East and South-East of the Continent and to the Middle East
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
The European Union has still very limited means in terms of foreign and security and defense policy, and its members still follow quite different foreign policy agendas. But the EU confronts several and often growing problems and crisis in her immediate vicinity.
Relationships between Serbia and the European Union
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
Serbia also officially called the Republic of Serbia is a small sovereign state whose capital city is Belgrade. On June 5 of 2006, the Republic of Serbia was created after the independence of Montenegro which composed a federation (Serbia and Montenegro) since 2003 after the disruption of...
European Union Influence in International Political Economy
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
International political economy is a field that tries to understand global and international problems through an electric interdisciplinary array of theoretical perspectives and analytical tool. It encompasses analysis of political economy in the global trade, international finance, multinational...
Critically assess the extent to which the Court of Justice of the European Union, through its interpretation of EU law, has struck an appropriate balance between the need to respect single market objectives
Case study - 5 pages - European union
European integration was always conveyed by economic motives. The European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community, and the European Union (EU) were founded by economic interests. Since the European Union is a sui generis...
The economic, territorial, and cultural impact of the European Union on the Danish identity
Case study - 5 pages - European union
Created by the treaty of Rome in 1957, the European Union now has 25 member states. Over the years and decades, it has developed a wide range of policies with an emphasis on economic measures. The member states have had to adapt themselves to this new system of governance and to the...
Does interest representation enhance or undermine democracy in the European Union?
Essay - 4 pages - European union
The democratic legitimacy of the European Union has long been questioned and debated upon. In this essay we will consider the role of interest representation and discuss whether or not it aids or demoralizes the ideals of democracy. In order to fully investigate this question we...
The future of financial centres in the European Union
Essay - 4 pages - Economy general
The working of European Union was expected to be similar to the United States of America. Theorists believed that Europe will have a financial hub similiar to the Wall Street in the United Sates and questioned the future of the European Union. Establishing inter-market...
Turkish membership to the European Union: what stakes?
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
In the aftermath of the enlargement of the EU and the adoption of the Lisbon treaty, Turkey's adhesion to the European Union is a question which has often arisen since the formal accession negotiations began in 2005. Turkey first applied for associate membership of the...
Is the European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights a necessary and desirable development?
Thesis - 7 pages - Constitutional law
The Treaty of Lisbon came into force in 2009 and alongside it, a reference to the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Charter) gave it legal standing. The Charter became one of the most defining documents the European Union has ever witnessed, or a mere piece of symbolic literature that...
European Union Law - Commentary: Article 4 of the EU Treaty (Member States' sovereignty/cooperation duties)
Thesis - 4 pages - European law
The document we are going to comment on is the article 4 of the EU Treaty, as modified by the Lisbon Treaty. It highlights the fact that the EU membership implies a great number of consequences for the member States. According to this article, although some rights belonging to the States are...
Underground Economy in the European Union: Moonlighting
Essay - 24 pages - Economy general
The black market, also known as the underground economy, has a substantial arsenal of words to describe it: black economy, illegal economy, unreported, unrecorded, ghost, invisible economy etc. Undeclared work also falls into the category of underground economy. This consists of different...
Relationship between Moldova and European Union
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
The Economist recently published an article on Moldova entitled the country that Europe forgot describing the tiny Republic which, due to an unhappy combination of economic, political and geopolitical factors, is the last in the queue for love and attention. Such...
Limits to transnationalism in social movements: The case of the farmers' protests in the European Union
Essay - 13 pages - Political science
Farmers are among the most vigorous protestors against the European Union. However, contrary to some other groups, the farmers fail to cooperate. Transnational movements are quite rare, and quasi inexistent. It is for this reason that it is interesting to focus on this group in...
Should Turkey join tne european union ?
Thesis - 21 pages - International relations
In the 1960s, a community of nations like France, Germany, Italy, and the Benelux covered almost all economic sectors, introduced the future common market framework, and established common policies for agriculture, transports, international relations, and regional cohesion. The integrating...
Should Turkey be admitted into the European Union ?
Essay - 14 pages - Political science
Although many people believe the debate regarding the admission of Turkey into the European Union (EU) is recent, it actually dates back to 1959, just two years after the signing of the Rome Treaty, which created the EU (see appendix 1). In July 1959, Turkey asked for an association...
The new European Union members and the euro : advantages and disadvantadges of joining the euro, an assessment
Essay - 13 pages - European union
Over the last few years, twelve countries, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Cyprus, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia in 2004, and Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, joined the European Union. This came as the result of a long political process, followed by...
Describe the major differences in interests and perspectives of the member states of the European Union on Iraq and the US policy
Essay - 15 pages - International relations
The Iraq conflict uncovers difficulties for the member states of the European Union to find a common position in the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. This essay describes the major differences in the interest and perspectives of the member governments on Iraq, and...