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Theme : European defense

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30 Jul 2021

Sustainable Tourism in Croatia - How Does Croatia Operate its Shift Towards a More Sustainable Economy Through Tourism?

Thesis - 24 pages - Tourism marketing

In 1800, there were 900 million human beings on earth. In 2020, the Earth is home to 7.8 billion people. This strong population growth is accompanied by an increase in demand for goods and services and production methods that cause environmental and social disorders. In the 1970s, many experts...

13 Oct 2022

History of the Common Law System on the English Legal System

Essay - 11 pages - International law

As a direct result of the colonization by the British, many of its states naturally acquired this common law system, being the English law in globo, maintaining its primary principles, procedures, actors and modes of proof. As a consequence of this adoption and utilization of English law, and the...

21 Sep 2023

Constitution - Comparative study between American and French constitution

Course material - 2 pages - Constitutional law

This document is a comparative study in the form of questions/answers about french and US constitutions.

11 Sep 2023

Business Law: Transnational commercial contracts

Course material - 15 pages - Business law

Parties can choose the law applicable to the contract and other should respect that choice. Recognized for the first time in France with the decision "American trading" in 1910. Today this principle is recognized by a lot of conventions and is a general principle.

29 Oct 2024

Village Infernos and Witches' Advocates: Witch-Hunting in Navarre, 1608-1614 - Lu Ann Homza (2022) - A Comprehensive Analysis of Witch Trials in Navarre

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

Village Infernos and Witches' Advocates: Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting in Navarre, 1608-1614, by Lu A. Homza, followed protocol diligently and studied the witch trials held in the Kingdom of Navarre during such a difficult era of cultural, social, religious, and political confusion. Through...

18 Aug 2014

Hurricane Sandy

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The hurricane sandy tragedy occurred in late October 2012. It was reported as the biggest Atlantic storm in the history of the United States. Scientists classified the hurricane as a category three storm at its peak intensity. Hurricane sandy is a post tropical cyclone that swept through the East...

20 Feb 2013

North Atlantic Pact (NATO)

Case study - 7 pages - Political science

April 4, 1949 witnessed the signing of the Treaty of the North Atlantic (or Atlantic Pact) thus marking the birth of the NATO military alliance between the United States, Canada and 10 European countries: France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark,...

01 Feb 2014

Why has the historical development of the EU been so uneven? - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

On the 28th of March 2001, Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister made an interesting declaration: 'Europe is more than a market. It stands for a model of society that has grown historically.' . This statement refers to the development of the European Coal and Steel Community...

09 May 2009

Business of war and terrorism

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

Towards Post Cold War conflicts, the English army became the heir of a strong strategic culture. Indeed, the geo-politic and military story of England has been made mainly by maritime army power, in order to avoid any insurrections from other countries. However, in today's absence of any...

21 Jun 2010

The revival of the idea of Europe (1945-1950)

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

There is a remedy which, if it were generally and spontaneously adopted by a great majority of people in many lands, would as by a miracle transform the whole scene and would in a few years make all Europe, or the greater part of it, as free and happy as Switzerland is today. This is an excerpt...

12 Jun 2013

EU towards a federal state

Case study - 5 pages - European union

"Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity" (issued from Schuman Declaration on 9th May 1950). At the end of the Second World War, bruised, France, Germany, Benelux, and Italy,...

03 Feb 2011

The reasons for the rejection of the Irish by the treaty of Lisbon

Essay - 8 pages - European union

A blow to Europe was delivered on June 12, 2008, with Ireland handing an emphatic "no" to the Lisbon Treaty which had won over 53.4% of voters. Ireland was the only member of the European Union to hold a referendum on this issue. A referendum is a procedure that allows all citizens of a...

29 Aug 2006

Is NATO still relevant ?

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

General De Gaulle once said that all alliances are like roses: they wither and decay. NATO might be a counter-example or it might not. While during the Munich Conference, the US Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, claimed “As an alliance we have never been stronger. We have...

24 Jul 2006

Why has the historical development of the EU been so uneven? published in 2007

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

On the 28th of March 2001, Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister made an interesting declaration: 'Europe is more than a market. It stands for a model of society that has grown historically.' . This statement refers to the development of the European Coal and Steel Community...

29 Sep 2010

EADS and Intercultural Management

Case study - 7 pages - Management

Since the 1980s, the number of Merger & Acquisition operations has surged on the European and international markets. During the year 2000, the value of the international Merger & Acquisition (M&A) ventures was greater than $1000 billion and more than half were carried out by...

28 Jul 2009

How an EU military could affect world peace through international law

Thesis - 12 pages - International law

There is no greater motivation for European unification than the desire for peace. Just like the UN, the EU wants to avoid the “scourge of war” for its future generations. In times of peace, the world forgets that the EU is not an economic coalition, but is instead a peaceful,...

21 Dec 2010

Manufacture and strategic interest of Airbus A-400M

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Airbus A400M is a general-purpose military strategic transport aircraft which will enter into service in 2012. It is intended to replace Lockheed C-130 Hercules and Transall C-160, brought into service in 1956 and 1967 repectively, by doubling the load and the volume capacity of these planes....

31 Dec 2010

The productive forces of United States of America

Thesis - 32 pages - Economy general

The GNP of United States is the highest in the world, at $10,946 billion in 2004, substantially higher than the EU-25 ($9449 billion, including $1523 billion for France) and two and a half times higher that of Japan ($4390 billion). The GNP per capita remains the fourth highest in the world, with...

14 May 2009

Dangerous liaisons: On the love-hate affair between the US and France

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

A quick look at the sheer number of French books written on the United States, whether it is on 9/11, Iraq, the environment, George W.Bush or any other foreign policy issue, shows how important is the United States for France. The opposite may not be so true. France is considered like one of...

29 Sep 2010

Financial Management : EADS

Case study - 9 pages - Finance

The European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company or the EADS was created by the combined will of several states to be competitive in the space and aeronautics sector. Yet, at the beginning of the 1990s, many concentrations were developed on the American market like Northrop and...

29 Sep 2010

EADS : A cross cultural merger

Case study - 8 pages - Finance

Since the early 1980s, mergers and acquisitions have been developing in Europe and worldwide. After the dramatic increase in the number of mergers and acquisitions in the second half of the 1980s, the 1990s leaves its mark by rapid cross-border connections and increased significant value of...

10 Jan 2011

The French army

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

'The army' is the term used to denote all the resources in manpower and equipment that a community implements either to deter, or to repel the attacks of another community, or to attack. It is a hierarchical group of men, recruited directly or indirectly by a State or an organization,...

10 Jan 2011

The Strategy of the EADS group

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

The industry group EADS (European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company) is the leading advocacy group in Europe and the second in the world. EADS was created on July 10th, 2000 following the merger of the German DASA and the French Aerospatiale-Matra. EADS may be a young industry...

05 May 2009

Six case studies on usage of technology in relation to the philosophical, social and ethical factors in modern education system

Dissertation - 71 pages - Educational studies

The following are the case studies discussed in this paper. 1. The misuse of e-Mail technology has created ethical problems. Some critics think that technology tends to remove students from the moral implications of technology. Issues at stake include respect for privacy, the proper use in...

29 Sep 2010

The Iraq war: an International Relations Theory Analysis

Case study - 16 pages - Political science

On the nineteenth of March 2003 America and its allies started their invasion of Iraq. This intervention had the official goal of the struggle against a terrorism-friendly country, to avoid the expansion of mass destruction weapons and establish a democratic breakthrough in the Middle East. This...

29 Sep 2010

Intercultural management : EADS's merger

Case study - 12 pages - Management

Intercultural management is born from the process of expansion of business areas, or globalization. To expand business activities, companies can not only develop their industry on their own market, they also have to make strategic choices like joint venture, merger, acquisitions, alliances, and...

22 Nov 2012

Airbus and Boeing: A real life duopoly

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

Another Nose in the Trough and Plane Poker were two articles on the air craft industry which were published by The Economist in late 2010. While these two articles might have been published in different issues of the famed magazine, when we consider the aircraft industry it is simply inevitable...

03 Feb 2011

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Worksheets - 3 pages - European law

It is only with the European Council acting by qualified majority and the concurrence of the President of the European Commission that the High Representative is appointed. Art 18 TEU states that the High Representative shall implement the common foreign and security policy of the...

29 Sep 2010

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs): Reactions of Developed Countries

Dissertation - 70 pages - Finance

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) have attracted increasing attention during the last few years, mainly due to their intervention in the rescue of the American and European financial systems. This intervention came at a time when the other financial systems were in a financial and economic...

21 Jun 2013

The Native American Right to Sovereignty

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 caused a marked change in the course of Native American history. From the 16th to the 19th centuries, subsequent European invaders justified removal of Natives based on beliefs of religious and cultural superiority. After American independence...