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Theme : European commission

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29 Sep 2010

The European Central Bank (ECB)

Essay - 14 pages - European union

The Eurosystem includes the national central bank (NCB) and the European central bank (ECB). All states that have central bank in the eurosystem are in the European Union and there are 27 member states. The countries which have not adopted the Euro but that are in the...

12 Jul 2011

European Union Law - Commentary: Article 4 of the EU Treaty (Member States' sovereignty/cooperation duties)

Thesis - 4 pages - European law

The document we are going to comment on is the article 4 of the EU Treaty, as modified by the Lisbon Treaty. It highlights the fact that the EU membership implies a great number of consequences for the member States. According to this article, although some rights belonging to the States are...

16 Apr 2014

Critically assess the extent to which the Court of Justice of the European Union, through its interpretation of EU law, has struck an appropriate balance between the need to respect single market objectives

Case study - 5 pages - European union

European integration was always conveyed by economic motives. The European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community, and the European Union (EU) were founded by economic interests. Since the European Union is a sui generis organisation and is...

15 Jan 2009

How successful are the attempts to create a citizenship of the European Union?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

Although the formal concept of European citizenship appeared for the first time in the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992, the idea thereof goes back to the early years of the European construction. The Treaty founding the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 instituted a...

29 Sep 2010

Describe the major differences in interests and perspectives of the member states of the European Union on Iraq and the US policy

Essay - 15 pages - International relations

The Iraq conflict uncovers difficulties for the member states of the European Union to find a common position in the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. This essay describes the major differences in the interest and perspectives of the member governments on Iraq, and the US...

30 Mar 2011

The future of nuclear energy: The European Energy Policy

Case study - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

It is hard to forecast with any certitude what the 21st century will hold for nuclear power. Still, the issues that will form its future are slightly clear. The goal of this paper is to study the possible role of nuclear energy in the formation of sustainable development in Europe, on the basis...

15 Jan 2009

The Relations between the European Union and Latin America

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

Latin America is a huge geographical and cultural space that faces many serious difficulties in development because of high social inequalities, drug traffic and democracies that are often young and fragile. Because of these important issues, and as Latin America is a potentially important...

24 Nov 2021

Under which conditions can the European Parliament decide legislative outcomes?

Essay - 5 pages - European law

As any national parliament, the European Parliament's role is mainly a legislative one even if, as opposed to national assemblies, it does not possess the exclusivity of the power to establish and vote the law. The development of the power of the Parliament belongs to a logic of...

15 Jan 2009

To what extent has Europe benefited from a "peace dividend" through the European Union and its budget?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The notion of “peace dividend” was forged in the 1980s to convey an idea that had already been analysed before: the link between security/peace, and economic growth. Without going into further details, one may wonder if this economic theory can be applied to the European Union,...

15 Jan 2009

The role of the TARGET system in the European financial integration

Essay - 4 pages - Finance

When Euro was introduced in 1999 as the European single currency, a large value payment system was also set up. The so-called Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer (TARGET) system was expected to be the basis of both financial integration and...

21 Jan 2009

The European citizenship: A transnational challenge

Essay - 5 pages - European union

A citizen is “by definition a citizen among citizens of a country among countries. His rights and duties must be defined and limited, not only by those of his fellow citizens, but also by the boundaries of a territory [...]”. Hannah Arendt asserted thus, in 1968, that the concept of...

29 Sep 2010

Competition between European football clubs - published: 29/09/2010

Case study - 25 pages - Business strategy

In Europe, the economical competition is as relentless as the sport competition between professional football clubs and this fight is clearly unequal between the big and small clubs. How can we explain the competitive differences between the best French football club and the best clubs of the...

06 Dec 2013

French's rejection of the European Constitution

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

What is the research question in this article? Several months after the French referendum, Gilles Ivaldi is trying to answer to the question “How can we characterize the disapproval of the French referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty held on 29 May 2005?” The main...

21 Jan 2009

The European union and the third world: The case of the EU-ASEAN relations

Essay - 7 pages - European union

The European Union is a growing and developing organization which is becoming more and more important. That's why its relations with other countries in a more and more globalized world are also moving. The EU relations with the developing world are as old as its creation but they have...

27 Jan 2011

Competition between European football clubs

Dissertation - 37 pages - Management

In Europe, the economic competition is as fierce as the sporting competitions that engage among the professional football clubs, and this fight is somewhat uneven between very large European professional clubs and other smaller clubs. How can we explain the differences in competitiveness...

29 Sep 2010

Does the EU need a European Identity? Why? Why not? Use concrete examples to support your line of argument

Essay - 5 pages - European union

In a European Union under construction, speaking about European Identity is essential. If it exists, it should be the expression of a dynamic link between Europeans. This identity is or would therefore be the creator of art and culture, a common political ethic,...

29 Sep 2010

The European Union and the democratic deficit

Essay - 13 pages - European union

The Convention of the the European Council of Laeken in 2001, was put in charge of drafting a new treaty for Europe. The main objective of this draft Treaty was to clearly define: “how to bring citizens closer to the European aim, and to European Institutions, by...

13 Jan 2009

What does the European Union's so-called 'democratic deficit' stem from, and how could it be tackled?

Essay - 6 pages - European union

One of the most important discussions in the modern-day European Union concerns the democratic deficit. The Maastricht treaty, which was signed on February 1992 by different European states, claims that the goal the EU is to create ‘an ever closer union among the peoples of...

12 Jan 2009

The budgetary implication of the European Union's May 2004 enlargement

Essay - 5 pages - European union

On 1 May 2004 Europe celebrates the entrance of ten new members in the European Union but behind the fireworks and the celebrations, Brussels has to adapt itself to this new generation of the European project. One of the most important points is the budgetary issue. History has...

29 Sep 2010

The application of the European Arrest Warrant in the United Kingdom and its use in the fight against terrorism.

Essay - 6 pages - European law

The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is a judicial decision issued by a Member State with a view to the arrest and surrender by another Member State of a requested person, for the purposes of conducting a criminal prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order.' The EAW...

01 Feb 2014

Critically evaluate the impact upon EC jurisprudence and legislation of the judgement of the European Court of Justice in REWE Zentral AG Bundesmonopolverwaltung fur Branntwein "Cassis de Dijon"

Essay - 7 pages - European law

Article 28 (ex-30) of the EC Treaty is one of the major principles governing the achievement in establishing the common market. It lays out a strong principle that imposes quantitative restrictions on imports and that all measures having equivalent effect will be prohibited between member states....

17 May 2009

Can the European parliament ever break out of the cycle of failing public interests and legitimacy?

Thesis - 5 pages - European union

In one of his speeches, Pat Cox, the President of the European Parliament said ‘Turnout across Europe [in 1999] was higher than in the last US Presidential Elections, and I do not hear people questioning the legitimacy of the presidency of the United States.'. Since 1979, indeed, the...

24 Mar 2006

The European Union and national sovereignty

Essay - 3 pages - European union

The birth of the modern sovereign state is usually associated with the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, after which modern nation-states began to constitute in Europe. Today, some scholars argue that state sovereignty has been challenged by trends such as globalization and European integration...

12 Jan 2009

Why has the European Court of Justice been so central to the process of integration?

Thesis - 10 pages - European union

“Law is often still treated as if it were a separate field, clearly distinct from the economic or political spheres” . As the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has never been given a lot of media coverage, most of the time, its role in the integration process is either disregarded...

15 Jan 2009

Europeanization of politics and society: Domestic change and the question of a European Social Model

Essay - 5 pages - European union

Europeanization is an elusive concept because of the variety of meanings it refers to. Scholars such as Featherstone (2003, 6-12) often distinguish several usages according to various outcomes of European change, for instance the emergence of new forms of governance or the process of...

24 Nov 2009

A critical examination of European Union's economic policy

Thesis - 12 pages - European union

The EU's trading policy towards the rest of the world is called the Common Commercial Policy and is established under Articles 100-116 of the Treaty of Rome (Title IX Articles 131-134 of the Consolidated Treaty). “By establishing a customs union between themselves Member States aim to...

24 Mar 2010

The foreign policy tools of the European Union and the various institutions that they are connected to

Thesis - 4 pages - European law

The European Union is present on the international scene through 3 main policies areas: trade, development and security. Each domain depends on different institutions, holds different power and uses different tools. Decisions-making procedures are varied. Nonetheless, these three domains...

21 Jul 2022

English test - Translation and Essay writing: How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Political science

This document is a corrected English test made of a translation exercise, a fully written essay, and a rough draft of a second essay. How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples? Is Australia's origin as a convict colony important?

18 Aug 2008

The impact of European Union Law on the world of sport in the context of sport regulation and restraint of trade since the Bosman decision.

Essay - 7 pages - International law

Under European Union law, Article 81 of the EC Treaty provides that all agreements between undertakings, decisions of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their objective or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of...

09 Sep 2008

The impact of European Union Law on the world of sport and the Bosman decision

Essay - 7 pages - International law

Under European Union law, Article 81 of the EC Treaty provides that all agreements between undertakings, decisions of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their objective or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of...