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Theme : Europe-puissance

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07 Jun 2011

India's impact on the world economy

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

The emergence of China and India as major economic players has had an important impact on the last 20 years of globalization, and it is now leading to important structural changes in the balance of power between countries by challenging the domination of the Triad: The United States, the European...

16 Jan 2009

Theoretical explanations of the period of peace between Japan and the USA (from 1945 onwards)

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

On the 7th of December 1941, Japanese submarines and carrier-based planes attacked the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, killing 3000 military personnel, and destroying a great part of the fleet. This led to a 4-years war culminating in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a milestone in human history....

16 Jan 2009

Suicide at work in France and Japan

Essay - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Bad working conditions can affect people and lead them to commit suicide. For example, in France between 300 and 400 suicides per year are directly linked to working conditions. Through poor working conditions we mean three major trends, which exert a bad pressure on the way people work. The...

12 Nov 2014

How and to what extent the new economic geography explains industry specialization patterns in Europe?

Case study - 8 pages - Geography

The discipline of economic geography is concerned with the impact of the geophysical, social, and political environments on political activities (Hodder & Lee, 1974). It addresses the influence of location, distribution, and spatial organization of economic activities on productivity. According...

29 Sep 2015

Europe vs America - different approaches to privacy

Essay - 5 pages - Civil law

Everything that people do within the internet leaves behind some digital fingerprints. This means that it is logical that most users of the internet worry a lot about the matter of privacy. Because laws of privacy are different from one country to another, a company may not be obligated legally...

07 Jul 2015

Council of Europe

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Julie Ringelheim also regrets the lack of definition in the Convention. The supervisory bodies have refused to broad interpretation But since large denominations, atypical movements benefit. No international convention gives. Moreover, faced with this difficulty, the Strasbourg Court was...

07 Jul 2015

Europe and the ports of religious symbols at school: an absence of obvious consensus

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The Sahin v / Turkey is fundamental in that it tends to limit the risks of inconventionnalité edited measures against violators of the ban on the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols and after the decision Karaduman c / Turkey of 3 November 1993, already unfavorable to the applicants ......

17 Jun 2008

The specific events that shaped the development of Europe between the years of 1914 and 1965

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

In the aftermath of World War II, Europe showed a notable overall decline in both its economic production and its overall primacy in the international community. While some historians have argued that the Second World War is what had served as the impetus for the decline of Europe,...

17 Jun 2008

What has served as the basis for cohesion between the US and Europe and what has served as the basis for separation and/or conflict?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

Throughout the course of the twentieth century, the United States has worked diligently to develop cohesive and functional relationship with Europe. Although this process has enabled the US and Europe to develop a strong relationship, the reality is that both the United States and...

15 Jan 2009

"Britain for and against Europe", by David Baker & David Seawright

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

This study, by a group of important political thinkers, provides an analysis of the often problematic relationship between Britain and the European Union. The book opens with a general review of the history of this relationship since 1950. This is followed by ten chapters by other researchers,...

15 Jan 2009

American HRM model vs. European HRM model: Is the American model exportable to Europe?

Case study - 5 pages - Human resources

The success of the American firms and the rapid economic growth of the country seem to give significant emphasis on the US way of managing a business. Seen as part of management, the US strategic human resource management models are often considered to be the best practice and the key to success....

15 Jan 2009

Why did communism become established in Eastern Europe after the Second World War? - published: 15/01/2009

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

On the 25th of April 1945, shortly before the official end of the Second World War, American and Soviet soldiers meet at the Elbe river. But to reach the Elbe river, the Russian troops had to come all the way across Europe, and so across Eastern Europe. By the end of the same year,...

16 Jan 2009

United Kingdom: In and out of Europe

Essay - 10 pages - Journalism

The United Kingdom has always been in and out of Europe. Such posturing is in keeping with a series of mantras [religious beliefs] upon which Britain's policy towards Europe is predicated. The latter have never been really challenged in the last century. Britain's...

30 Jul 2012

Describe the influx of foreign-labor migrants to Europe and the consequences for the welfare state in Western Europe

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

In Europe, the second half of the 20th century was a period of major change in all aspects of social life. It was marked by economic, social and demographic changes. Migration movements since 1945 have had an especially marked effect, both on the existing population and on newcomers, which...

20 Feb 2009

Polythene industry of Europe

Essay - 38 pages - Business strategy

Polythene is one of the most widely used materials today. It has permeated practically every aspect and walk of life. From the positive to the negative its always there, the positive being some of the products made from it that uphold essential functions in various industries and the negative...

28 May 2009

Is culture an intrinsic element of management and leadership: Eastern Europe against Western Europe?

Thesis - 14 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Since the quickening of the Industrial Revolution in United Kingdom in 1850 there is no doubt that Europe sustained important cultural changes. The aura of this revolution crossed the Channel and pervaded in Europe but only went in western countries ready to change, France the...

29 Sep 2010

What future for Europe?

Essay - 5 pages - European union

Europe ceased to be a concept years ago. It is now a concrete political, economical and social association of 27 states which aim to move on and improve together. Europe currently has a future and will draw it by its own means and will. Yet, Europe is taking her first steps...

24 Jul 2006

What were the central features of Stalinism in Eastern Europe?

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

The term “Stalinism” refers to the brutal dictatorship which lasted from 1927 to 1953 in Russia and Eastern European countries. Although he was the leader of Soviet Russia, after the Second World War Stalin soon became the dictator of a Soviet Union which had expanded to most of Eastern...

21 Aug 2006

Analysis of the development strategy of Societe Generale in Europe

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Achieving an integrated market for banks and financial conglomerates is a core component of the European policy in the area of financial services. Even if the banking market seems to remains mainly national, the free movement of capital, the adoption of the euro and the progressive harmonization...

27 Mar 2007

Britain is widely regarded as the « awkward partner » in Europe. How accurate is this assessment? - published: 27/03/2007

Thesis - 4 pages - International relations

“We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed.” Winston Churchill's famous quote aptly describes Britain's approach to European integration since the inception of the...

15 Jan 2009

To what extent has Europe benefited from a "peace dividend" through the European Union and its budget?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The notion of “peace dividend” was forged in the 1980s to convey an idea that had already been analysed before: the link between security/peace, and economic growth. Without going into further details, one may wonder if this economic theory can be applied to the European Union, which...

20 Apr 2007

The results of the "Lisbon agenda" - the attempt to make Europe the world's most successful knowledge-based economy - are generally thought to have been disappointing. What steps should be taken by the European Union, and by national governments

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the Lisbon Strategy was launched to overcome a series of weaknesses in the European economy: long-term structural unemployment, a poor employment rate, and under-development of the service sector. In an often-quoted sentence, it has therefore assigned the EU “a new strategic...

15 Jan 2009

Fair trade in Europe: overview and perspectives

Essay - 36 pages - Economy general

Fair trade is a movement born after the Globalization. It's a consequence of the growth of exchanges. To develop their economy, countries have been forced to trade with their neighbors and the territories around them, etc…Finally countries have abolished their barriers and established...

15 Jan 2009

Britain is widely regarded as the 'awkward partner' in Europe: How accurate is this assessment?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

The Second World War gave impetus to the idea of European unity. A view developed that only by the creation of some form of European federation would Europe enjoys a permanent peace. After WW2, European states focussed on national reconstruction, whereas Britain had a globalist...

15 Jan 2009

The contribution of the Salon and the Masonic Lodge to the circulation of enlightened ideas in eighteenth-century Europe

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

The Masonic Lodge embodied the new type of private societies with public effects that developed remarkably over the eighteenth century in Europe. On the contrary, the Salon, as an official exhibition of paintings, was the representation of the influence of the monarchy on artistic matters...

16 Jan 2009

The far-right in Europe

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The far-right in Europe has been a permanent feature in the European countries since the fifties. But for some years the far-right movement, most of the time a mix of populism and nationalism, has an increasing audience among the European population. Earlier it was indeed seen as a...

19 Jan 2009

Higher education in Europe as an institution

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

Aristote was asking what the purpose of education was. He gave the following answer: education has to produce learned men, education has to be done in virtue and finally, education has to satisfy the material needs of society. Centuries after this Aristote's definition, there is no doubt that...

21 Jan 2009

Democratizing Europe: On the quest for a common public space

Essay - 4 pages - European union

We all remember the rebuff of the constitution from France and the Nederland in spring 2005 and the further comments on the event. Many bet on an end of Europe. This refusal called into question Europe that was upset that stopped for a while. Of course, although this reject was not...

07 May 2009

Communist systems of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

Thesis - 2 pages - International relations

During the XXth century, the communist system, an alternative political system to capitalism, emerged in Russia after the October Revolution. The features of this system are the important ideologies, the role of the communist party, the central planned economy and also the terror that took place...

30 May 2009

A history of the Black Death and its impact in late medieval Europe

Thesis - 9 pages - Medieval history

The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1347 C.E. and 1351 C.E, reducing the population of Europe by nearly half, and resulting in widespread socio-economic and other changes. Medieval people referred to this catastrophe as the...