What to expect from getting an Education?
Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy
In Scott Adams essay How to get a real educate at college led me to question if students have the skills needed to work in society. According to Arguments given by Scott Adams, Rebecca Mead, and Mark Schneider demonstrate how education is an institution where students graduate and...
Why would Asterix and Obelix be a successful entrepreneurial founding pair?
Dissertation - 21 pages - Management
In this essay, our purpose is to prove that diversity in an entrepreneurial team often leads to success and that, reciprocally, failures may often be explained by the narrow-mindedness resulting from a too homogeneous partnership. When we talk about diversity, we talk about complementary...
Setting up a business: A report
Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy
We will examine both the formal and the informal aspects of an entrepreneurial exercise. The formal aspect deals with the creation of laws and the economic approaches to the standard financial and commercial profile of the contractor. The informal aspect is more subjective and refers to the...
'The Monk and the Riddle' by Randy Komisar
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
The book, The Monk and the Riddle' by Randy Komisar draws insights about entrepreneurs from the writer's experience. Komisar presents advice and certain must dos' for anyone wishing to develop a successful business venture. His story is developed with interesting characters who must find...
International accounting regulations: Understanding differences - USA/ Europe
Essay - 6 pages - Management
Throughout the globe, U.S.A. has been famous for their notion of freedom, their way of life, and their entrepreneurship, stemming back to its very origins. This is a legacy from the very first pioneer, which still affects them nowadays either in their private or business life. It's a...
The key success factors for "Overnite Express" company.
Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy
Entrepreneurship is a mindset or a way of thinking that is opportunity-focused, innovative, and growth-oriented. We will examine some key success factors required to start a company and how these can be linked to Overnite Express company. Rob Ukropina learned a good deal about...
Girl child education and economic development in Africa
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
The objectives of this essay are to: Discuss reasons why girl child education is essential for economic development in Africa. Discuss reasons why the girl child in Africa is underprivileged in terms of education Discuss the impact of the low level of girl child education on economic development...
Credibility is a critical resource at start up and represents an important element of the entrepreneur's personal contact network
Essay - 6 pages - Management
Traditionally, entrepreneurs have been considered as individuals with a strong, often charismatic, leadership as well as a high drive for individualism and independence. However, a business unit does not exist in isolation since it is, or will be, in contact with a whole range of other...
Profile of Mrs Sofia Augousta - A South African woman leader
Essay - 6 pages - Journalism
M other of two children, Mrs. Sofia Augousta (Sofia) is working in the top management of a family business in Bloemfontein (South Africa): DMN Family Trust, well known under the name N. Georgiou Business Consultants. Because people see her like a housewife, she is glowing with energy...
A look at the small scale industries
Thesis - 22 pages - Business strategy
Small scale industry is widely recognized as a powerful instrument for socioeconomic growth and balanced sectoral development. One of the distinctive characteristics of small scale sector is that the development of these industries would create broader employment opportunities assisting...
The term globalization used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political processes
Essay - 12 pages - International relations
Globalization is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same groups across time and space. It evokes...
Coca Cola ads since its creation (period 1938-1952)
Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing
Nowadays, Coca-Cola company is still a dream. This 1889's company, worldwide, well-know, survived and moreover it is still developing its products to increase of course its markets shares and its sales. Coca-Cola is a model for entrepreneurship because for its capacity to survive, to be...
Digital marketing and E-commerce, what future for physical stores in the textile industry?
Thesis - 30 pages - Distribution marketing
Changes in consumer behavior along with a world in which everything is getting digitalized require firms to rethink their marketing strategy in order not only to be able to identify and target market needs accurately but also deliver information and interact with the customers in real time thanks...
The Knowledge Economy
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Business strategy
Knowledge economy integrates effectively knowledge aiming to enhance organizational performance, competitiveness, and corporate social responsibility. Being a source of innovation and creativity, it attains organizational competence through the proficient and continual exchange of knowledge, it...
Business communications trends
Case study - 1 pages - Management
Any successful business will always be doing whatever it takes to have a leg up on the competition, and make sure that they stay successful. There are ten trends in business, government, and non-profit organizations that affect business and administrative communication. These trends are:...
Are entrepreneurs born or made?
Essay - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs are seen as pillars of the market economy and their activities as creators of value and employment. Indeed, we live in an entrepreneurial economy model. In the first place, it is important to define the word 'entrepreneur': she/he is an individual who has the courage to...
Reasons for small business success and failure: Reflections of a literature review
Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general
Within all major economies, the role of the small business is significant; as such it is important to understand the factors associated with why some small businesses fail and why others are successful. For the purposes of this paper we will assume that a small business is a for-profit enterprise...
Innovation: An advantage for companies
Course material - 7 pages - Business strategy
Innovation is the application of a new invention in a way that provides new technical, organizational or commercial benefits to a business. It aims to add value or provide an additional benefit to the company. Innovation is the foundation of entrepreneurship, since an entrepreneur need to...
Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources amongst unlimited and conflicting end uses
Case study - 2 pages - Economy general
In this world that we live in, there exists a problem due to the conflict between the scarcity of resources and the unlimited wants of the people. Economics is concerned with dealing with this problem, as efficiently as possible. Why, then, are resources scarce? The problem of scarcity arises due...
Strategic study of Dyson's innovative vacuum cleaner
Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy
James Dyson has been an inventor since 1970, and has invented an incredible array of products. These inventions have experienced several subsequent innovations. Indeed, the inventor has sold a dozen products that range from "Dyson" vacuum cleaners to washing machines. The vacuum cleaners have...
Entrepreneur interview an analysis- Michel Et Augustin
Case study - 15 pages - Human resources
Michel Et Augustin is an innovative French food brand created in 2005, with activities on several food markets: biscuits,crackers,yogurts and desserts. Different products are sold, such as little round and good biscuits, sweet and savory, fresh mixed fruit juices, drinkable yogurts...
The entrepreneurial process
Case study - 4 pages - Management
Entrepreneurial success is often associated with being capable of spotting opportunities and being a risk taker. An entrepreneurial opportunity can be seen as a situation in which a person can create a new means to an end framework for recombining resources that the entrepreneur believes will...
Explanation of the factors that might influence an entrepreneur's decision to start up another new venture following the failure of their business
Business plan - 4 pages - Business strategy
Each year in the United Kingdom over 300 000 businesses have set up, and 300 000 have closed down. Half of these new businesses cease trading within three years of being created, lowering small businesses average life down to five years. Among the failed businesses, only 10% close involuntary...
To what extent is Richard Branson, the English Tycoon, a very influential person in the British political life?
Essay - 11 pages - Economy general
Richard Branson is Britain's best-known entrepreneur. This self-made man started his first company at the age of 17 and succeeded in building an empire. Worth £3 billion and believed to be the ninth-richest man in the UK, the 56-year-old founder of the Virgin empire inspired a generation of...
The strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland
Dissertation - 75 pages - Business strategy
This paper deals with the strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland. In a first part, the author discusses the theory of Foreign Direct Investment, more commonly called FDI: its different types and their alternatives, their motives, benefits and risks. In the second...
Critically assess the extent to which liberal intergovernmentalism provide a more fitting explanation of European integration than neofunctionalism
Essay - 9 pages - European union
Drawing an analogy with the diversity of the process of European integration, Robert Schuman expressed that, when the cooperation is still at its embryonic stage, the theorization of that unique phenomenon involves a plurality of approaches developed over time and bringing together...
Creation of SMEs in Morocco
Thesis - 51 pages - Economy general
Unemployment has reached alarming levels and proportions in Morocco. Every year, more and more working people are being affected by this problem. The Moroccan labor force totals to about 10,347,000. Women constitute about 27.6% of the total work force. Of the 10,347,000, only about 8,977,000 are...
Critically analyse gender roles and other factors surrounding family businesses
Essay - 8 pages - Management
Family firms have played and still play a significant role in European economy. Most small businesses are family owned (Boissevain and Grotenbreg, 1987), and the importance of this type of business has experienced a significant development during recent decades. As Sampson (1982) indicated, the...
Growth and development: Case study of Rahmqvist
Case study - 23 pages - Economy general
We will in this thesis examine the growth and development opportunities for Europe's largest organisation within direct sale, i.e. Rahmqvist. The empiric will be analysed and evaluated with a base of theories. The main bottom theory used is the SWOT analysis, but in order to make a more thorough...
The role of private equity firms as an alternative investment model in the Middle East and globally
Tutorials/exercises - 27 pages - Finance
The global economic reality has witnessed a recent international increase in the private equity markets. This fact has brought up many concerns as to whether this will have a positive or negative outcome (Financial Services Authority, 2006). This document will present an overview of private...