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Theme : Entrepreneur

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12 May 2009

Explanation of the factors that might influence an entrepreneur's decision to start up another new venture following the failure of their business

Business plan - 4 pages - Business strategy

Each year in the United Kingdom over 300 000 businesses have set up, and 300 000 have closed down. Half of these new businesses cease trading within three years of being created, lowering small businesses average life down to five years. Among the failed businesses, only 10% close involuntary...

17 May 2009

Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, and Konopaske. Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Process, 13th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2009, Chapter 5 Case for Analysis: What Motivates Entrepreneurs?

Book review - 3 pages - Management

The 13th edition of Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes is based on the proposition that managing people, structure, and processes in organizations is a challenging, compelling, and crucial set of tasks. There is nothing boring about managing organizational behavior. Traditional...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate entrepreneurship as a winning strategy

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

To survive and to enable continued growth in today's fast changing environment, large corporations need to continually renew themselves through new products and new businesses. In some instances this involves dealing with advanced technology. To illustrate this adaptation, I chose as an example...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate entrepreneurship: The case of Naturis

Essay - 10 pages - Services marketing

The study of Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) is gaining increasing interest within the field of Entrepreneurship. Much research has been carried out, mainly focusing on identifying determinants and outcomes of CE. Scholars suggest that the term “corporate entrepreneurship” encompasses...

14 Dec 2006

Credibility is a critical resource at start up and represents an important element of the entrepreneur's personal contact network

Essay - 6 pages - Management

Traditionally, entrepreneurs have been considered as individuals with a strong, often charismatic, leadership as well as a high drive for individualism and independence. However, a business unit does not exist in isolation since it is, or will be, in contact with a whole range of other...

04 Oct 2024

Noordhoek's Nectar

Business plan - 7 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Noordhoek's Nectar is my community plant project that provides customers with access to locally grown, organic fruits and vegetables, aiming to offer a healthy alternative to supermarket chains. Unemployed individuals will assist with projects, learning how to grow, maintain, and harvest...

23 Sep 2024

BettaU: Building a stronger, more resilient youth equipped to handle the challenges of modern society

Case study - 20 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Awareness surrounding mental health has increased significantly in recent years, specifically amongst the younger generation who are still at school (Free courses in England, n.d.). The World health organisation has estimated that 1 in 5 young people experience a mental health condition (Free...

17 Jun 2021

Managerial Finance

Course material - 12 pages - Finance

Financial markets: - Financing investments (for firms) ; - Inter-temporal allocation of cash-flows (for consumers/investors) ; - Risk transformation: risk-diversification and tis-transfer (for firms and investors). Companies are the unit of observation of this course (companies raise capital and...

21 Aug 2014

Developing business skills

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

Every enterprise begins with an entrepreneur. Hence, the entrepreneur holds the key to the success or failure of a business. However, there is no definite definition of an entrepreneur. It can be a manager undertaking an activity. An entrepreneur can also be an agent...

10 Dec 2024

Partnerships and way to act in business

Course material - 3 pages - Business law

An entrepreneur, definition art 2082 CC, someone who exercises an economic or financial activity professionally, organizes to produce/exchange produces and services, in an individual or collective way. If it's a small entrepreneur = artisan, it's article 2083 CC: he is the...

12 Nov 2014

Research methodology on Business plan: Snaxatac Restaurant

Business plan - 15 pages - Management

This paper is about a new business venture and the various problems, consequences and its solutions as faced by an entrepreneur. Our research will help us identify the factors that should be recognized and acknowledged by an entrepreneur before launching a new business venture. One...

25 Mar 2015

Know closer: merchandise

Case study - 3 pages - Management

Entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and dare to risk to create new businesses and business opportunity, while entrepreneurship is a value that is manifested in the behavior of the resource base, propulsion, goals, tactics, tips, and business results. What is the purpose of...

28 Jun 2010

Setting up a business: A report

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

We will examine both the formal and the informal aspects of an entrepreneurial exercise. The formal aspect deals with the creation of laws and the economic approaches to the standard financial and commercial profile of the contractor. The informal aspect is more subjective and refers to the...

29 Nov 2010

Recycling in South Africa

Thesis - 16 pages - Ecology & environment

As part of my third year at the business school of Rennes in South Africa, I had the opportunity to do an international internship for a period of 10 weeks. This course's main objective was to test my ability to adapt. Indeed, during this internship, I had to adapt to a different culture, and...

27 Jul 2014

'The Monk and the Riddle' by Randy Komisar

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

The book, ‘The Monk and the Riddle' by Randy Komisar draws insights about entrepreneurs from the writer's experience. Komisar presents advice and certain must dos' for anyone wishing to develop a successful business venture. His story is developed with interesting characters who must...

29 Oct 2024

The multilayered essence of inflation

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Inflation, often associated with fears and misconceptions, is essential to global economic stability and household well-being. As a significant contributor to global economic dynamics, the complexity of inflation must be considered (Carstens 3). (...) The rise in inflation negatively impacts...

07 Oct 2020

How to Write a Successful Business Plan?

Business plan - 9 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

In order to achieve any goal or project, all companies face a common problem: "planning for the future". Indeed, the reality is that we cannot predict precisely what will happen in the future or the consequences our present decisions will have on that future. However, entrepreneurs have a...

23 Jan 2015

What to expect from getting an Education?

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

In Scott Adams essay “How to get a real educate at college” led me to question if students have the skills needed to work in society. According to Arguments given by Scott Adams, Rebecca Mead, and Mark Schneider demonstrate how education is an institution where students graduate and...

23 Jan 2007

To what extent is Richard Branson, the English Tycoon, a very influential person in the British political life?

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Richard Branson is Britain's best-known entrepreneur. This self-made man started his first company at the age of 17 and succeeded in building an empire. Worth £3 billion and believed to be the ninth-richest man in the UK, the 56-year-old founder of the Virgin empire inspired a generation...

05 Apr 2009

To what extent did the interwar motor industry overcome its pre-war difficulties?

Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general

The pre-war motor industry was in its infancy and suffered from a lack of investment backing, high production costs, an over engineered end product and a saturation of small family orientated manufactures. Developments in the industry often came from pioneering engineers with components being...

24 Mar 2015

Research Skills - Pizza hut

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

Pizza Hut is a well-known brand that deals with the production of custom made pizzas all over the world. It began as a humble company that achieved profitability over the years to be listed in the New York Stock exchange. Its sole aim was to increase its market share through the allocation of...

05 Apr 2010

Relationship between strategic planning and SME success: Empirical evidence from Thailand

Thesis - 7 pages - Management

The role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is becoming increasingly prominent throughout the world. Thailand is no exception. SMEs in Thailand represent over 90 percent of the total number of entrepreneurs in nearly all business sectors, and employ over 60 percent of the labor force....

25 Jul 2022

How to manage people in this challenging environment?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Human resources

Over the years, motivated by the performance of companies such as Facebook, Google and Uber, many entrepreneurial-minded individuals began to bank on this business model because they envisioned the potential for profitability and the low initial apparent complexity of its structure. However, in...

29 Sep 2010

India, Welcoming Land for the IT Enterpriser

Dissertation - 45 pages - Management

This thesis entitled "India Welcoming Land for IT Enterpriser" has been written with the idea of creating a concrete and practical tool for an entrepreneur who is eager to try the adventure of entering the IT market in India. We will explore various fields like the culture of the country...

25 Sep 2008

Elon Musk: Visionary

Essay - 5 pages - Management

Elon Musk is the extremely successful founder of three companies: the reusable rocket firm, SpaceX, Zip2, which helped newspapers design community-based websites in the 90s, and which bought the online payment system Paypal and sold it for 1.5 billion in 2002. Elon Musk inspires anyone...

02 Dec 2010

To do business in Russia

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

Business in Russia is organized by the clan system. This means that the Russian contractor engaged in this activity in Russia, is required to follow the moral standards (be responsible, honest, keep his word etc; this includes customer/supplier relationships) with his partners in the business,...

03 Sep 2014

The relationship between consumer education and consumer buying behavior in UAE

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Worldwide evolution is dependent on the current and great developments in the technological and industrial sectors. As a result, many players in the business environment are competing insistently in order to capture wider markets. This is greatly influenced by the business education in a country...

27 Mar 2015

Dunkin Donuts - Marketing Arrangement

Case study - 2 pages - Services marketing

Dunkin Donuts is an American franchise that was established in 1950 in Quincy, Massachusetts (ROSENBLOOM, 2013). The brand was initially best known for donuts, hence the presence of the term ‘donuts' in the franchise's title. William Rosenberg, the founder of the franchise, opened his first...

07 May 2009

Indian retail: Stepping ahead to create a benchmark

Dissertation - 47 pages - Business strategy

India is standing on the verge of having the pleasure to hold 2010 Olympic Games .Its retail business meter shows only about 4% organized retail in India. It means that a whopping 96% market is yet to be captured by entrepreneurs. Retail will grow more. India will be making waves in trends...

28 Jun 2010

The role of the works council in the company's internal communications

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Business strategy

The Works council was established in 1945 with the aim of involving the employees in the running of the company and establishing cooperation between employers and employees without undermining the authority of the entrepreneur, and thus increasing competiveness. The purpose of the works...