The place of the French language in our society
Thesis - 11 pages - Linguistics & languages
The French language is one those languages which are spoken all around the world. It's the 11th most used language through the world, the second most commonly-taught second language in the world (after English) and the official language in 29 countries . According to some estimations, more...
Better than others: Eighteenth century reactionism, elitism, and paradise lost
Thesis - 10 pages - Literature
The eighteenth-century adoption of Paradise Lostand its continuing permanent positioninto the canon of English classics is a testament to Milton's genius for subtlety and intertextuality. The combination of classical sources, contemporaneous politics, symbolism,...
A Fictional History: Shakespeare, England and the Importance of Historical Fiction
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
It is almost amazing, the overwhelming feeling of disgust that infiltrates a high school classroom whenever the subject is history. A kind of primitive competition to find the few kids who actually enjoy the class and bribe them for photocopies of notes and exam answers suffocates like a humid...
"You are Defined by Those that Oppose You."
Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy
It is arguable that today it is commonly, if subconsciously, accepted that nationality is the most important aspect of one's identity. Whether it is a national sports team, a national representative at Eurosong, a national author etc. one's nationality has become the most basic marker of...
What are the most efficient media and related strategies used by companies to target children?
Essay - 20 pages - Services marketing
This dissertation is about children and companies and as the title suggests it, we want to find out which the main media that companies use to target children are and what strategies they develop related to those media. The first part of this dissertation will be focused on a literature...
A critique of the Dystopian novel
Thesis - 17 pages - Literature
The Dystopian novel is a strange subspecies in literature. While it shares many aspects with the traditional science fiction novel, it is rarely categorized with science fiction. Whereas it might satirize the Utopian socialist fantasy of the perfect society, the satire is usually exchanged...
How would a Restoration comedy production stage female gender in a production of The Country Wife?
Thesis - 12 pages - Arts and art history
This paper is a theatre research paper documenting the appropriate approach to staging the female gender in a restoration comedy production of William Wycherley's The Country Wife. The paper considers dialogue, staging, sound and costumes in addition to the historical context of...
Farsi Language
Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies
The purpose of writing this essay will be to examine the various varieties of English that exist in Farsi language classrooms and also to determine the type of English language pronunciation that Iranian learners are aiming for and the interference of Farsi language in attaining the...
Cover letter for a Master MEEF student contract application
Sample letter - 1 pages - Educational studies
It is with pleasure that I submit my application for the student contract (Master's MEEF Degree) offered by your institution. I completed successfully a four-year-college degree (240 ECTS) in French as a Foreign Language from National University of Athens. This undergraduate curriculum...
Second language processing and the access question
Essay - 8 pages - Linguistics & languages
The rest of the paper will be spent expositing and, when necessary, critiquing, some of the literature on second language processing. I will pay particular attention to the recent Shallow Structure Hypothesis (SSH), due to Clahsen and Felser. In contrast to squabbles about the vague...
CSF for implementing an ERP system
Tutorials/exercises - 57 pages - Computer science
The research project that this dissertation will study involves the factors that influence an implementation of an enterprise-wide information system in a large organization. More specifically, it will examine what the critical success factors (CSF) are for implementing an Enterprise Resource...
Article Review: Is Harry Potter Evil
Case study - 2 pages - Film studies
For a number of years, American schools have been under pressure to restrict their students from accessing certain readings, which are deemed objectionable by individuals on moral, ethnic, racial or religious grounds. People understand that any work is potentially open to attacks for any given...
Marvels, Monsters and Miracles in Anglo-Saxon England - Genders and Feminine Monstrosity in Beowulf and Judith
Essay - 6 pages - Literature
Monstrosity has always been a recurrent topic in literature, especially during the Anglo-Saxon period, as people were fascinated by what was considered as abnormal, such as monsters, marvels and miracles. Definition of monstrosity is intricate and is profoundly associated with the...
Motivation in the classroom
Thesis - 8 pages - Educational studies
Teachers should always try to inspire their students to learn. Sadly, not all students are willing to put in the effort it takes to do so and so teachers have a job to motivate their students. Students need to want to learn, because this will facilitate their learning and make it easier for them...
Dynamics of language and society: A discourse of identity togetherness
Thesis - 7 pages - Linguistics & languages
Ethnicity or ethnic groups generally understood as tribal societies or communities who traditionally have something in common identity. A form of identity such as language, place of residence, kinship patterns, marriage patterns, religion, architecture, patterns of residence, and others....
The modeling of the behavior of the international commercial negotiator
Dissertation - 82 pages - Services marketing
"Most of us negotiate Every Day" are the first words of the book "Creative Negotiating" by Stephen Kozicki. Whether it is supplies or international agreements, all cases are well prepared to negotiate a better price, a convenient delivery date or more favorable terms. Regarding the idea that...
Socio-cultural movements in India
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
There is no definition of art or nation that does not quickly become problematic in the Indian context, and this is indicative of the complexity of the issues at hand when we ask: in what ways do art and literature help in nation-building in India? Definitions are still manageable in the...
Foreign language influence on studies in UK
Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies
My research is on Foreign language influence on studies in UK. The main objective of this research project is to show how international student in Staffordshire University adapt their own comprehension during their English studies. The purpose of this study is to know what the...
Competition between European football clubs
Dissertation - 37 pages - Management
In Europe, the economic competition is as fierce as the sporting competitions that engage among the professional football clubs, and this fight is somewhat uneven between very large European professional clubs and other smaller clubs. How can we explain the differences in competitiveness between...
Exploring gender role construction and conflicts in Niebelungenlied, the 13th Century German warrior epic
Thesis - 10 pages - Medieval history
The position of women in the medieval German state in the 13th century is a complex one when viewed through an historical lens that looks at gender and sex (using feminist theory) to understand this past era. What are the factors that shaped gender dynamics, as trends from the end of the Roman...
The Beveridge report: Political and intellectual origins
Thesis - 32 pages - Political science
The historiography of the political and intellectual origins of the Report on Social Insurance and Allied Services - or Beveridge Report, named after William Beveridge, the Chairman of the Commission- was chiefly displayed in the document itself. Published in 1942 and highly edited, the white...
Sir Thomas Browne: The cosmography of himself
Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy
There is an adventurer who discovers more that is truly surprising, than the one who penetrates jungles, crosses deserts, and keeps the company of caravans; for all Africa, and her prodigies' cannot have an effect on the placid, unplumbed nature, other than to store up images in his mind;...
What place does the Maori culture hold New Zealand today?
Thesis - 13 pages - Sociology & social sciences
New Zealand, made with several small islands and two main ones, is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea, around 2,000 kilometres far from Australia, New Caledonia and Fiji Islands. It is 270,000 km² large, with three million people living in the northern island and one...
How to negotiate with French companies?
Essay - 4 pages - Management
French people often seem unnervingly cool and worldly, sometimes even aloof, especially to Britons and Americans. This is not surprising as they are great thinkers, and they value intelligence and eloquence. Philosophy is part of a French child's education. Logical thinking and a passion for...
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In the 19th century, a fad for the Orient appeared. The artists were inspired by its luxury, its mystery and of course, the supernatural that surrounded this part of the world. Orientalism is the study of near and Far-Eastern societies and cultures by westerners (first meaning). But it can also...
Immigrant performance in the UK and Germany
Thesis - 20 pages - International relations
This paper reviews the existing literature on ethnic inequality and discrimination in the labor market, to then analyze the economic performance of various ethnic groups in Germany and the UK. Main findings are that in the UK the immigrant population as a whole performs similarly to the...
Theme of loss and longing in poems-Postcard from Kashmir, by Agha Shahid Ali and "Elena" by Pat Mora
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Loss and longing are two universal emotions that are predominantly active in our human souls especially when we find ourselves away from the places we naturally call home. While migration has significantly contributed to the richness and diversity of cultures, ethnicities and races, it has also...
Did popular protest have any lasting influence on the Royal Policy in the 15th century?
Case study - 10 pages - Medieval history
This was a period of immense political change, both in the way the English people were viewed by the government, and in the way they thought of themselves within it. It was characterised by popular disturbances, pieces of critical literature and seditious speech, and a corresponding...
Shakespeare's Shylock: A sympathetic portrait of a Jew in an anti-semitic culture
Thesis - 6 pages - Literature
William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice plays host to one of the most complex and intriguing characters of the accomplished playwright's literary canon. In the character of Shylock, Shakespeare presents a view of the Jews that is, while still negative by the standards of modern culture,...
A historiography of the
Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history
The historiography of an event, phenomenon or a novel can be defined as the examination of different discourses and diverse modes of writing history. Therefore, we must first, examine the design of the history and methodology. Today, historiography is characterized by a rapid methodology that...