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Theme : England

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07 Jan 2024

Presentation of the Hasting seafood and wine festival in England

Presentation - 5 pages - Linguistics & languages

Hastings Seafood and Wine Festival is a 2-day event that takes place each year in September at Hastings, in England. The Seafood and Wine Festival has developed into one of Hastings' greatest and most famous event in that specific region of England. This cherished foodie...

23 Apr 2024

What are the different sources of the law in England and Wales, and what are the common law rules which engage with an actionable misrepresentation?

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Business law

The document answers two short essay questions from Business Law Final Summative Assessment of Regent's University London. The questions are the following: 1- Critically assess the different sources of the law in England and Wales. 2- Explain the difference between a representation...

21 Jan 2024

The Condition of the Working Class in England (German: Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England) - Friedrich Engels (1844) - The British industrialisation

Text commentary - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages

The Condition of the Working Class in England, translated from German and published in 1845 is Friedrich Engels' first writing. It presents a study of the proletarians in Victorian England based on notes and observations made by the author during his stay in Manchester from 1842...

28 Jul 2020

Marvels, Monsters and Miracles in Anglo-Saxon England - Genders and Feminine Monstrosity in Beowulf and Judith

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Monstrosity has always been a recurrent topic in literature, especially during the Anglo-Saxon period, as people were fascinated by what was considered as abnormal, such as monsters, marvels and miracles. Definition of monstrosity is intricate and is profoundly associated with the viewer's...

18 Aug 2017

An introduction to the history of Christianity in England

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Henrician Reformation is a phenomenon that followed the Europe Reformation and Protestant Reformation. This led to the severing in the relationships between England and Rome. The purpose of this article is to highlight the most decisive feature of the Henrician reformation. In...

29 Jan 2015

The Current Organization of the Local Government System in England

Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The government of England has a complex pattern with quite an array of functions distributed according to the local governments. The government and public administration includes the central government and the civil service, devolved and regional government and the local government. The...

28 Jun 2013

How well did the legal system of early modern England work?

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

A legal system can be defined as the legislation enacted by the State institutions on the basis of tradition or law. In early modern England, the legal system was complex, relying on with overlapping institutions -local criminal courts, Church courts and royal courts-, on itinerant judges...

27 Jan 2011

The crisis of the years 1590 in England of Tudor

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

In 1588, Queen Elizabeth I, was seated on the throne for 30 years. Although she had to overcome various obstacles and conspiracies, those years were marked by peace and prosperity in general. However, due to several factors, the situation really began to deteriorate during the last decade of the...

29 Sep 2010

The Clash between Politics and Music: Joe Strummer's Songs in Thatcher England

Essay - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Today it only sounds like stating the obvious to say that the importance of popular music as a means of building one's identity has indubitably been shaping the so-called counter-culture of the second half of the twentieth century. Indeed, in this consumerist society, classical music has...

19 Jul 2010

The ancient history and literature of England

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

The Romans, following their usual policy, had destroyed all jealousies among the British tribes, but, at the same time, had destroyed their power of self-defense. When the last Roman garrison was withdrawn in 410, Britain was like a derelict ship. The “Picts” and the “Scots”...

12 Jul 2010

Social problems in England

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Every society, as good as it seems, has many problems. Although England is generally regarded as a high-class place, a playground for the rich, there are many social problems within their society. The gap between the rich and the poor is enormous, and often the plight of the poor and...

01 Apr 2010

Integrated essay on the empire in the West, France and England as powerful states, the medieval period and Black Death in Europe

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

Charlemagne's coronation as emperor at St. Peter's Basilica heralded a new era for the West and for the Byzantine Empire. Charlemagne became the strong leader at the helm and his missi dominici kept a watchful eye on territories that were far away. The governments of France and England...

01 Mar 2010

The functionality of the supernatural in Medieval England

Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history

Peter Brown has observed that, in medieval Europe, the supernatural “was intimately connected with the life of the group on every level. At the same time, however, it was operative because it was thought of as radically different from the human world into which it penetrated.” This is...

22 Apr 2009

The public health environment in England: Focus on specific policies

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The nature of major causes of work-related ill health makes occupational health fit more closely than ever before into the public health agenda. The government has been quick to recognize the role of occupational health nurses in reaching the public health targets set in recent public health...

07 Jun 2009

A study on the origin and effect of the industrial revolution in England

Thesis - 12 pages - Economy general

The Industrial Revolution refers to the first breakthrough from a rural handicraft economy to a urban machine driven manufacturing economy that took place in England around 1780 C.E., and which, in the course of the next one hundred years, spread and established itself over much of Europe...

05 Aug 2009

Living the dream: Social climbers during Georgian England

Case study - 6 pages - Medieval history

Throughout all of history there has been a desire for status. Both men and women have set out to achieve it. However, because of the constraints placed on women through most of history, their aspiration and realization of status has been tainted. The Georgian era (1714- 1830) during British...

12 May 2009

An evaluation of the role played by the early Tudors in the growth of England as a super power

Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history

The Tudor period in English history refers to the period between 1485 C.E. and 1603 C.E. that coincides with the rule of the Tudor dynasty. The five monarchs who ruled England during this period were Henry VII (1485 C.E. to 1509 C.E.), Henry VIII (1509 C.E. to 1547 C.E.), Edward VI (1547...

13 Aug 2008

How disability rights will be protected in England and Wales after 1st October 2007

Essay - 8 pages - International law

The main legislative framework addressing protection of disability rights in the UK has been the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) as amended by the Disability Act 2005 to widen the definition of “disability” in order to confer stronger protection rights. However, a consistent...

05 Sep 2007

The Growth of Education in Tudor England under the Influences of Church and State

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Medieval history

The growth of education in England is largely associated with the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the rule of the Tudor monarchy. Although there are many factors which contributed to the advancement of education, it was the policies of church and state that had the greatest impact....

26 Sep 2007

Materialism in Renaissance England as Seen in Utopia and King Lear

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

The sixteenth century, which set the stage for the Early Modern Period, was characterized by an influx of humanist ideals to England. The literature from this period takes new stances on issues that were not subjected to such intense scrutiny before. Thomas More's Utopia envisions a...

28 Oct 2007

A Fictional History: Shakespeare, England and the Importance of Historical Fiction

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

It is almost amazing, the overwhelming feeling of disgust that infiltrates a high school classroom whenever the subject is history. A kind of primitive competition to find the few kids who actually enjoy the class and bribe them for photocopies of notes and exam answers suffocates like a humid...

23 Oct 2024

Cop Culture

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Despite over three decades since the implementation of stop and search legislation, no police force has fully grasped the consequences of utilizing these powers. This has resulted in evident disproportionality, as reflected by statistical data. For example, in the 2019/20 period, individuals...

07 Sep 2023

Tracts, Volume 1, n° 2 - Peter Force (1836) - Civilisation and History of America according to Peter Force

Text commentary - 1 pages - Pre-modern history

The text presented is an abstract of Tracts, volume 1 number 2, written by Peter Force in 1836, in Washington DC. The first part is an abstract of the Mayflower Compact, a pact written by the Pilgrim Fathers in 1620 during a trip between Plymouth, England and Plymouth, Massachusetts. The...

12 Nov 2022

The history of the English language

Speech - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

Today, the purpose of my conference is to present you the history of the English language and its evolution, and I will conclude with the impacts of this language in the world nowadays. So first of all, English was born circa the fifth century, when The Romans (who spoke Latin) left...

11 Oct 2023

The English Football League

Case study - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The English Football Championship, founded in 1888, is the oldest professional football competition. It gathers 72 clubs from England and Wales. The competition was originally organized into three divisions: the Championship, League One, and League Two. The operations centre is located in...

06 Oct 2023

English basics - Culture, politics, sociology

Worksheets - 7 pages - World geography

European Economic Community founded in 1957, by« Inner Six» so France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg. Initially UK, unwilling to join the EU mainly because of its« special relationship» with the US, its Commonwealth and Geographic Localisation. 1960's years she realized...

07 Apr 2021

Pestel Analysis - Airbus

Case study - 5 pages - Tourism marketing

The Airbus company operates in the aeronautics sector, which includes a civilian component and a military component. Airbus was created in 1969, following an agreement between several European powers, notably France, Germany and England. The head office is located in France, near Toulouse....

04 Mar 2023

Geography, Demography, Social Issues, Education and Culture in the United States of America

Course material - 20 pages - Sociology & social sciences

(...) One of the characteristics of US climatic conditions is the constant fear of violent climatic happening such as hurricanes (in the Southeast, particularly during the fall), violent wind storms known as "tornadoes" (the Midwest), or flooding due to heavy rainfall and storms in the eastern...

03 Jul 2024

Rule, Britannia! - James Thomson (1740); UKIP Party Song - Jonny and the Baptists (2013); The New York Times, How Britain Voted in the E.U. Referendum - Gregor Aisch, Adam Pearce and Karl Russell (2016); History of British Empire for Dummies - The United Kingdom, Between Unity and Division

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The document comments on the two notions of "Space and Exchanges" and "Places and Forms of Power" in the context of the history of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. The commentary answer the questions "How was the UK built and what cultural model did it set up?" and "What consequences did the...

21 Nov 2023

Message to Captain John Smith - Chief Powhatan (1609) - The Starving Time

Text commentary - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The Powhatans were farmers, hunters, and fishermen. They had long rectangular houses covered with mats and bark. They grew corn and tobacco. Their lives were rich and easy. They formed a confederation of nations established in several hundred villages. They were a former confederation of...