Do's and Don'ts to work in Tunisia
Practical guide - 2 pages - Philosophy
It is almost impossible for a foreigner to get a job in Tunisia (given the revolution) unless it is sponsored by a Tunisian company. In order to obtain a position, it is imperative to be proficient in Arabic or English. The main sources for finding work are the Internet and the daily newspaper...
Creation of SMEs in Morocco
Thesis - 51 pages - Economy general
Unemployment has reached alarming levels and proportions in Morocco. Every year, more and more working people are being affected by this problem. The Moroccan labor force totals to about 10,347,000. Women constitute about 27.6% of the total work force. Of the 10,347,000, only about 8,977,000 are...
Effect of psychological contract forms on employee attitudes toward Affirmative Action
Essay - 71 pages - Human resources
Psychological contracts are individual beliefs in reciprocal obligations between employees and employers. In a sample of 1377 South African white collar-employees, this study examined the effects of Affirmative Action on psychological contract attributes and how these changes influence employees'...
The experience of the Indian and Pakistani immigrant communities in Great Britain from 1948 to 1971
Essay - 42 pages - Modern history
The history of Indian and Pakistani presence in Britain is long as it dates back to the seventeenth century. Yet the influence of the South Asian community was almost insignificant at that time, for its size remained very small. Only after the Second World War (1939-1945) did South Asian...
Management report - Trade union recognition
Essay - 7 pages - Civil law
This report considers and advises on the legal and practical implications for the Company Board of Directors (the Board) of the invitation for voluntary recognition as a Trade Union (TU). The relevant law applicable to TU recognition is the Trade Union and Labour...
Industrial relations in the United States: A way from confrontation to cooperation
Essay - 6 pages - Labor law
The industrial relations characterize the employee-employers relation in a company. In the United States, the term industrial relation really appeared with the creation of the Commission on Industrial relations in 1912 after two leaders of the Structural Ironworkers Union killed...
The revival of the small business sector in the UK
Thesis - 11 pages - Economy general
According to data from Labour Market Trends in 1999, enterprises with fewer than 50 employees provide 45% of UK non-government employment and account for 38% of turnover, the employment figure includes the self-employed who employ no one and comprise 2.3 Million out of a total of...
To what extent have developments in individual rights in Britain delivered family friendly working practices, and with what implications for all relevant stakeholders
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since New Labour came to power in May 1997 some developments in employments rights have aimed to promote the balancing between work and family life: Families are the core of our society, but they are under pressure. Women and men struggle with choices over work and family...
Flexicurity: the Danish Model
Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The word "flexicurity" is used to describe a social system combining an easy possibility for the employers of hiring and firing - flexibility - to important social benefits for unemployed people - security. This model is typical for Denmark for different reasons. Welfare benefits are centralised...
The rolled-up holiday pay
Essay - 5 pages - Human resources
The Working Time Regulations (WTR) were introduced in the UK in 1998 to implement the EU Working Time Directive 93/104/EC (the Directive) and are intended to be a health and safety measure. Under the Regulations, workers are entitled to four weeks paid annual leave. One of...
The labor market in Spain
Essay - 13 pages - Human resources
Today, a lot of desires or worries of the European population are linked with the employment. From the question What would you do when you grown up? to the social claims and the general strikes. The reason is simple: a job provides a means to live but above all, work is...
Health and welfare of employees at World Phone India Pvt Ltd
Case study - 27 pages - Human resources
Labor welfare is important part of industrial relations, the extra dimension, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which even a good salary cannot. It is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits & facilities offered to employees by the employer. Medical health care...
Understanding how keyman insurance works
Thesis - 25 pages - Finance
Life insurance isn't meant for people who die. Life insurance is meant for people who live. Who said this doesn't really matter, what matters is that there is an important lesson to learn from this. The basic tenet of life is to indemnify the survivors against financial loss. Keyman...
Recruitment and selection in a job placement consultancy
Tutorials/exercises - 43 pages - Human resources
Measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select...
A closer examination of the phenomenon of globalization and its affect on India
Tutorials/exercises - 117 pages - Economy general
The term "globalization" has acquired considerable emotive force. Some view it as a process that is beneficiala key to future world economic developmentand also inevitable and irreversible. Others regard it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and...
Do you think Lister v Hesley Hall [2001] UKHL 22 was correctly decided by the House of Lords?
Thesis - 4 pages - Business law
On the 3rd May 2001, the House of Lords gave their judgment to Lister v Hesley Hall [2001] UKHL 22. By overruling a previous decision of the Court of Appeal; Trotman v North Yorkshire County Council [1999] LGR 584. The House of Lords widened the scope of vicarious liability to include acts of...
A study of human resources development climate in hospitals and its impact on patient satisfaction
Tutorials/exercises - 43 pages - Human resources
Combining medical technology and the human touch, the health care industry administers care around the clock, responding to the needs of millions of peoplefrom newborns to the critically ill. Industry organization - About 580,000 establishments make up the health care industry; they vary...
Employee welfare measures taken in the Indian South Central Railway
Dissertation - 44 pages - Human resources
Human Resource Management is one of the most complex and challenging fields of management. It deals with the People Dimension' in management. Human Resources play a very important role in the development of the business. They constitute the organization at all levels and are regarded as a...
All you wanted to know about recruitment and selection
Case study - 41 pages - Human resources
Recruitment has acquired immense importance in today's organizations. Organizations have realized the value of human capital and its role in their development. Recruitment is the first step in the process of acquiring and retaining human resources for an organization. In today's rapidly changing...
Assess the significance for employees of the decline in trade union recognition and collective bargaining
Thesis - 6 pages - Management
The continuous development of different working structures to accommodate the modern business environment has rendered the complex area of employment law a legal minefield. The significant variances in contemporary working relationship structures have compounded the need for legal...
The social aspects of corporate restructuring in France
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
The company has a special reference in social law. It is the framework within which the employment relationship operates. The activities of the staff, management and capital components constitute business. The purpose of this article is to study the effect of the changes of these...
A different approach to training
Thesis - 8 pages - Human resources
Every government has an underlying duty to protect its citizens. Nevertheless, there are problems faced by the developed nations to bring in 100% employment rate for its people. As the ill effects of unemployment range from property crimes to national dissatisfaction, governments seek ways...
Spare the rod; but don't spoil the child
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The most precious assets of a company are its employees. They represent the foundation and stand by the company through thick and thin. However, in unforeseen circumstances, it does happen that an employer needs to take punitive action against an erring employee. This might act as a deterrent...
Women and Unions in Contemporary Japan
Essay - 15 pages - Political science
Post-war Japan has seen considerable change with regard to women. The 1946 Constitution guaranteed for the first time, the equality of men and women under the law. Subsequently, the revised Civil Code and a range of domestic laws, including the Fundamental Law of Education and the Labor Standards...
The management of the expatriation in France and Europe
Dissertation - 42 pages - Human resources
After 30 years of mass unemployment, mobility has become a reality. Viewed more as a threat than as an opportunity to advance in life, mobility is in fact often a prerequisite for a job that is both stable and of quality. The year 2006 was proclaimed by the European Commission as "European Year...
A report on human resource management
Case study - 4 pages - Human resources
This report draws on an investigative and deductive analysis research paradigm, which seeks to define the various concept dealt in human resource management. In this concept, a brief definition of what connotes a contract of employment will be outlined. The discussion then emphasizes on...
Managing work, family and life
Thesis - 10 pages - Management
With the ongoing languished economy and many businesses attempting to do more with less', a growing research showed that arrangements of flexible labor in the form of flex-time and compressed workweek, etc., when appropriately implemented, can benefit both the organization and the employees...
Health and Safety Legislation
Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies
The enactment of the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 outlined a fundamental structure, upon which other regulations have advanced. This report captures the emphasis demonstrated in its provisions requiring employers and self-employed to prioritize workplace safety. The report highlights the...
Health Insurance Cost of University Employees - Research paper
Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies
Employee health insurance is a benefit provided based on the length of service, commitment, the position of the employee and the specifications of the scheme set by the employer. Employees of various US universities have a package that they are able to take advantage, of, however, the cost of...
Affirmative action in the U.S
Essay - 9 pages - Constitutional law
In recent years, the issue of affirmative action has become one that has polarized debate in the United States. Affirmative action, which was originally conceptualized under President Johnson's Executive Order 11246 was supposed to provide social institutions with the mechanisms necessary to...