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Theme : Employees

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29 Feb 2024

The globe and Mail, Canada's top employers raise the bar - Diane Jermyn (2018) - How Canadian employers work to make the lives of their employees better?

Law article commentary - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

Employers are setting up programs to boost their employees' productivity from leadership training and formal mentoring to experiential initiatives. Personal development programs, which enable them to improve as individuals by developing good emotional intelligence, i.e. learning to...

28 Mar 2023

Intercultural Competence & Motivation - What Motivates Employees?

Essay - 3 pages - Human resources

Unmotivated employees represent 37% of the international workforce. Yet, motivation is something very important for companies because a motivated employee is more productive and creative. In other words, competence and motivation are the key to success for a company. However,...

11 Oct 2023

How Great Managers Motivate Their Employees (2019) - Human Resources tasks

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Human resources

Dealing with Human Resources is an estimated tricky mission. Nevertheless, this article gives some interesting clue about how to help motivate employees in the workplace. To me, the first valuable piece of advice is to be made "actively" available to them in one way or another. I think...

18 Sep 2022

Human resources marketing: which strategies to attract and retain employees?

Dissertation - 11 pages - Human resources

A considerable number of business organizations have incorporated strategic human resource management initiatives in the current economic conditions. The primary reason for the widespread assimilation of strategic human resource management reflects the idea that it is responsive and comprehensive...

06 Apr 2022

How to Create a HR Function that Empowers Employees?

Practical guide - 3 pages - Human resources

Employee empowerment is the key to any successful business as it comes with a huge range of benefits for both employees and the organisation as a whole. An empowered workforce is likely to be more productive, more satisfied within their roles, and they are more likely to be loyal to...

22 Nov 2021

HR marketing: what strategy to attract and retain employees?

Dissertation - 8 pages - Human resources

The current context has changed the business world a lot. For several years now, these companies have undergone profound changes and must review their entire strategy, both with regard to customers and group employees. Indeed, all business sectors are impacted by increasingly fierce...

21 Dec 2021

Pay and reward package benefit both employers and employees

Essay - 4 pages - Management

Reward describe by (Bloom and Milkovich, 1996: 25) as "bundle of returns offered in exchange for a cluster of employee contributions" is a combination of financial and non-financial components that is attributed to the employees depending on several factors such as the legal,...

28 Jul 2015

Gaining employees trust in management decisions and organizational change

Essay - 2 pages - Management

Organizations occasionally fail to remain productive. They maintain the ability to change with the times. Several precautions are necessary to ensure the success of an organization. Attaining the trust of the employees is one of the primary provisions that may be taken. Employees...

03 Sep 2014

Local and Expatriate employees in Human Resource Management - published: 02/09/2014

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Organizations consitute people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These people have to work together in order to fulfill an organization's goals. Human Resource Management, HRM describes the management of the workforce in the organization. It is accountable for selection, assessment,...

04 Sep 2014

Local and Expatriate employees in Human Resource Management

Case study - 7 pages - Human resources

Organizations constitute people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These people have to work together in order to fulfill the organization's goals. Human Resource Management, HRM describes the management of the workforce in the organization. It is accountable for selection, assessment,...

24 Nov 2014

Health Insurance Cost of University Employees - Research paper

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

Employee health insurance is a benefit provided based on the length of service, commitment, the position of the employee and the specifications of the scheme set by the employer. Employees of various US universities have a package that they are able to take advantage, of,...

06 Nov 2014

Why Employers should Make Employees Happier?

Case study - 11 pages - Human resources

Over the years, corporate leaders have embraced change in their operations approach to generate the strategic fit with the dynamic environment. This is in a bid to accomplish their corporate goals of maximizing shareholder wealth while minimizing the cost incurred. While all profit-oriented...

12 Nov 2013

Why is it particularly necessary for HR managers in national companies in China to focus on protecting female employees. working rights?

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Gender inequality is a problem among the workplace globally, female employees tend to be paid fifteen to fifty percent less than male employees when they are working the same job. (Burnett,2010) In terms of the situation in China, although the Constitution in 1982 has reinforced...

12 Nov 2013

Why is it particularly necessary for HR managers in national companies in China to focus on protecting female employees. working rights? - published: 31/10/2013

Case study - 5 pages - Human resources

Gender inequality is a problem among the workplace globally, female employees tend to be paid fifteen to fifty percent less than male employees when they are working the same job. (Burnett,2010) In terms of the situation in China, although the Constitution in 1982 has reinforced...

21 Aug 2013

Mistreatment of employees by management

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Surveys have shown that the mistreatment of employees by the management is a common occurrence among many firms and corporations. Employees allow the management to disregard their rights as employees of the company, to avoid being fired by the same management. Drafting a...

29 Aug 2013

Script for orienting new employees

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

After an arrest is made, knowledge of the criminal act(s) as well individual(s) who have participated in the criminal act then becomes public knowledge. The Albany Police Department's Public Information Officer produces bi-weekly arrests and responses for the public on the company website under...

11 May 2012

How to attract, recruit and make loyal employees in the software firms?

Case study - 60 pages - Human resources

Recruitment in a company is an obligated part when we are looking for a job. It is necessary to pass job interviews, and a selection is made before the interview in order to select the best candidate. Recruitment involves costs, but not just financial costs. We have the cost of time, cost of...

15 Nov 2011

Developing a cross-cultural training program for L'Oreal's employees at the headquarters in Paris

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

In the evolving world of interconnected societies and culturally globalized world economy, firms are developing outside the constraints of a particular national setting. The main aim of this training programme is to understand and improve the interaction of co-workers from different countries and...

30 Dec 2010

Inclusion of employees in the collective performance of companies

Case study - 4 pages - Management

As part of the discussions initiated in February 2009 by the President of the Republic on the distribution of value added, the Movement of French Enterprises or ‘Mouvement des enterprises de France' (MEDEF), formulated last July, several proposals to develop the employee savings,...

29 Sep 2010

Different strategies to secure employees' loyalty

Essay - 3 pages - Human resources

As an introduction to this subject, we can emphasize on idea of 'a job for a life'. It doesn't exist anymore in the modern days. In fact, securing employees loyalty is an essential priority of companies. It allows the company to be competitive. There are many means to secure...

12 Feb 2010

Assess the significance for employees of the decline in trade union recognition and collective bargaining

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

The continuous development of different working structures to accommodate the modern business environment has rendered the complex area of employment law a legal minefield. The significant variances in contemporary working relationship structures have compounded the need for legal certainty...

28 Jun 2010

Strategies used by companies to attract young employees

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

Recent years have seen the inclusion of new management practices in the recruitment process. These changes, are a sign of awareness of the company's awareness of the strategic aspect of recruitment, and derive from an increasingly competitive labor market. HR marketing: This concept is then...

16 Jul 2010

Managing employees to satisfy and retain customer

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The modern business world has offered a plethora of purchasing options to the everyday consumer. The extensive purchasing option has led to the production of similar products by multiple competitors. This condition has further increased the intensity in competition, where companies' are focusing...

29 Sep 2010

McDonald's: impact of physical evidence and servicescapes on customer perceptions and employees' behaviour

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

"Explain the impact of physical evidence and servicescapes on customer perceptions and employees' behavior within the service sector. Provide relevant service sector examples." McDonald's is an interpersonal service company, in Bitner's categorization, which highly resorts to...

04 Mar 2010

HR issues companies and employees facing in Mainland China and the Strategies need to pursue in future

Thesis - 4 pages - Human resources

China, the world biggest construction site as well as biggest growth market, develops rapidly in these twenty years. However, the human resource management (HR) is still remaining in a traditional status. “It's an emerging profession,” HR Director for Microsoft's Research and...

14 Oct 2009

A research study on absenteeism of employees in an organization

Thesis - 20 pages - Human resources

According to Picoars and Payers ‘unexpected absence disturbs the efficiency of the group as the jobs are inter-connected, if one single man remains absent without prior notice the whole operation process is distributed. This absenteeism results in production losses because, due to...

20 Jan 2009

Managing in a global context : How managers can overcome problems arising from cultural differences of employees?

Essay - 13 pages - Management

According to the United Nation Statistics in 2003, the globe constitutes of approximately 226 countries. All these nations have their own culture. this can be more or less similar from one country to another. However, it creates a multitude of differences between individuals that managers have to...

15 Jan 2009

Why should a company improve its employees' working conditions? Inquiry on Bouygues construction

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

How can business improve people's lives? That is the issue of this inaugural seminar, and we decided to study a sector where there are real risks for employees, such as the building trade. On this way we chose Bouygues Construction, because we were sure that such a worldwide company would...

19 Mar 2009

A study on benefits for female employees in MNC's

Thesis - 9 pages - Human resources

The study covers five multinational companies, i.e., INFOSYS, WIPRO, IBM, SAP LABS and GOOGLE. After the study of the policies of the companies mentioned above, I have generated the following report with recommendations. Women constitute the largest number among the protected classes. In1995,...

25 Jun 2009

A study on motivational levels of employees in Dr. Reddy's Laboratories

Thesis - 40 pages - Human resources

Motivation is a basically a psychological process. Many people equate the causes of behavior with motivation. The causes of behavior are much broader and more complex than can be explained by the motivation alone. Along with perception, personality, attitudes and learning. It interacts with the...