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Theme : 7-eleven

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25 Aug 2022

Marketing in Japan - Create a buzz and retain Japanese customers for 7-ELEVEN by using Social Networks Site

Case study - 6 pages - International marketing

Japanese convenience stores offer drinks, food and daily products every day 24 hours a day. The 3 major convenience stores in Japan, also called Konbini, are 7-ELEVEN, Lawson and Family Mart... The mission statement of the company is to provide a complete range of products to the conscious...

12 Nov 2020

Franchising, a 7-Eleven case study

Case study - 8 pages - Distribution marketing

Franchising is a way of licensing, between two firms in which the parent company (the franchisor) grants (the franchisee) which is a separate and independent entity the permission to do business by selling goods, or services that are provided by, or authorised by the (franchisor). What is a...

29 Sep 2010

NAFTA's Chapter Eleven and Non-Discriminatory Treatment

Essay - 2 pages - Business law

One of the first and foremost agreements which has been driven by policy considerations is the NAFTA agreement. This agreement was especially created so that three important countries in the world (US, Mexico and Canada) would benefit economically. On clearly assessing this agreement, a layman...

29 Sep 2010

NAFTA's Chapter Eleven and Fair and Equitable Treatment

Essay - 2 pages - Business law

The interpretation of Article 1105 of the North American Free Trade Agreement or the NAFTA has generated and will generate many controversies regarding the meaning of its first paragraph. Given this provision's open language, the controversies and doubts are understandable. According to Meg...

29 Sep 2010

Eleven years after the Asian crisis, what are the policy lessons?

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Year 2008 is remembered, in History books, as the year of a major economic crisis throughout the world. As most papers put it mentioning as, “The worst since the great depression”. But as the world suddenly pays attention to its economic system and its (present) prominent imperfections,...

04 Aug 2022

The best restaurants in New York City

Practical guide - 2 pages - Everyday's life

This document offers a list of the most appreciated restaurants in New York City, ranging from restaurant chains to more luxurious places.

22 Feb 2023

Technology, a Benefit to Superheroes - Introduction

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

During the digital revolution, technology scares. It is thought to be harmful and will destroy our way of life and our humanity. This fear is reflected in the feature films of these years: "Terminator" (James Cameron, 1984), "Matrix" (The Wachowskis, 1999), "War Games" (John Badham, 1983) to name...

19 Feb 2015

Effect of color on mood

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Color is an aspect of life that has been present with humanity since its inception. As such, the two aspects are often so delicately intertwined to the extent that the mere presence of color can have significant effects on a human being. Researchers and psychologists have over time studied the...

19 Jan 2015

Life Event

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

My significant event in life that I will not forget happened when I was eleven years old. My father kicked me out of our house. The main thing that triggered all this according to me was the fact that my father moved in with my step-mother, and since she was pregnant, there was a need for...

27 Jun 2008

Empire of the Sun by James Graham Ballard

Book review - 20 pages - Literature

Jim, an eleven year old boy, and his parents are living in a wealthy European area in Shanghai during World War II. The novel begins the evening before the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. Most of the European families had already been evacuated from China, and there were many scrambling to...

13 Jan 2009

The perception of the United States for Canadian people

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Geographically neighbours, Canada and the United Sates share a lot of different things like language, history or an important part of their culture. They are also linked together in a political way, for instance by being two of the three participant countries of the NAFTA. All that elements can...

05 Mar 2009

A study on comparative analysis of customer satisfaction

Case study - 48 pages - Services marketing

Marketing is the business function that identifies customer needs and wants, determine which target market the organization can best serve, designs appropriate products, services and programs to serve these markets, and calls upon every one in the organization to “think and save...

29 Sep 2010

Marketing - Diesel

Case study - 48 pages - Services marketing

In 1978 Renzo Rosso founded the Diesel clothing company. The brand's growth story was a phenomenal success in a short span of time. Indeed, its first market is the United States where the company carries out 15% of its sales turnover. In France, the sales have tripled in three years, to reach...

26 Feb 2009

The effects of disturbing distractions on short-term human memory

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Psychology

The present study examines the effects of short-term memory forgetting under the delay of a distracting task. Eleven subjects were asked to remember three consonants while counting backwards by 3's for varying amounts of time (3-, 9-, 18-sec). An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to...

29 Nov 2006

The Fog of War: Lessons One and Two

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

Through the process of critical oral history, Robert McNamara has re-evaluated his experience as the Secretary of Defense under the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies. Filmmaker Errol Morris shaped his documentary The Fog of War around eleven lessons from the life of McNamara. The first two...

07 Jul 2008

Anne Frank's "The Diary of a Young Girl" and Elie Wiesel's "Night": A literary analysis and comparison of Holocaust literature

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The Holocaust of the 1940s is one of the most abominable periods in world history. Approximately eleven million Jews lost their lives during World War II due to Nazi genocidal policy enforced by Adolf Hitler. Jews were beaten to death, starved, burned in human crematoriums, enslaved, and...

18 Dec 2008

Dark comedy in the films of Joel and Ethan Coen

Essay - 6 pages - Film studies

Joel and Ethan Coen have made eleven very different films since 1984. From a film noir set in rural Texas to a Homer's “Odyssey”-inspired convict film, their films jump from genre to genre. Each one, however, is imbued with the Coens' authorial signature. Their heroes are flawed,...

09 Jan 2009

When "just say no" does not work

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Growing up in a small suburb of Tulsa was an experience one might want to soon forget. I grew up in Glenpool, Oklahoma for the first eighteen years of my life. It was a small, poor suburb with only one school. Despite all the churches in Glenpool, which numbered eleven at my last count...

16 Apr 2014

The happiest place on earth

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Disney World was never an illusion to me as a child; I could see right through it. “It's a theme park,” my mom would explain to me. What an interesting idea. It was tangibility's final step in the evolution of imagination. First there were the playgrounds I knew as a child, consisting...

09 Jan 2009

Where would you place New Labour on the ideological spectrum?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Since its foundation in 1900, the British Labour Party has been in power eleven times, and has had five Prime Ministers. It was founded as a social-democratic party, close to the unions and advocating the rights of the working class. On June 2001, led by Tony Blair, it won its second...

15 Jan 2009

Saqiyuk - Stories from the lives of three Inuit Women by Nancy Wachowich

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

Saqiyuq is a collection of stories from the lives of three Inuit women: Apphia, Rhoda and Sandra. It consists of biographies and accounts from these three generations. This book enables the reader to see the great evolution of the Inuit lifestyle during the twentieth century. The author, Nancy...

19 Jan 2009

Consumer behavior : Dove vs Palmolive

Market study - 9 pages - Services marketing

The advertisement shows eleven women just with their underwear. The colors of the picture permit to remind the flask of the shower gel (S.G) which is white and blue. The white color is reminded with the background of the picture and the underwear. The blue color is reminded with the...

07 May 2009

Why did the British leave India in 1947?

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

The independence of India in August 1947 was the result of a long process which started after the First World War. Indeed in 1919 Parliament had passed the Government of India Act which was designed to organize provincial governments in India. Then, before 1939 and the outbreak of the Second...

12 May 2009

The Chinese banking system

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

The Central Bank is the only monetary policy-making and policy-executing entity in the Republic of China. Its organization structure is split into two independent entities: The decision-making body and the decision-executing body. The decision-making body, which is more important, is composed of...

18 Jun 2009

Lupus erythematosus and respiratory

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

Most patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have, during their illness, respiratory reached the most frequent is the pleurisy (one of the eleven diagnostic criteria recognized by the American Rheumatism Association). The respiratory events that found in the LED cover both the...

22 May 2024

Comparative Research Project - Ethics of Vaccination

Summary - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Vaccination gives humans and living beings immunity against some viruses, allowing humans and animals to live longer, as they can now be protected. Vaccination is a very important procedure in several countries, as it can provide people with general immunity. However, some vaccination campaigns...

25 Jan 2010

The female portrait mask

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Completed in the second century Common Era, The Female Portrait Mask was constructed under the longstanding tradition of funerary wax portrait masks used to commemorate the upper classes and their distinguished ancestry. The seventeen inch tall and eleven inch wide mask presents the...

16 Jul 2010

The failure of the introduction of Wal-Mart in Germany: Analysis and reasons

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

In 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart Store in Rogers, Arkansas, in a rural area. After one year of operation, the store had sales exceeding one million U.S. dollars. With this success, the supermarket chain grew at an increasing pace. In 1967, there were 24 stores in eleven U.S....

06 Aug 2010

Experiment: Magnetic susceptibility measurements of solids lab

Thesis - 4 pages - Physics

Nine of a possible eleven solid complexes were tested for magnetic properties using a magnetic susceptibility balance. From this data, the number of unpaired electrons were calculated using an estimate value of ?(1+ ?eff2)-1. These experimental numbers were compared to the calculated...

29 Sep 2010

NAFTA Dispute Settlement

Essay - 2 pages - Business law

This paper illustrates the tensions inherent to the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA dispute settlement mechanism. They also underline the difficulties encountered to establish a proper balance between two legitimate and contradictory interests, namely the protection of investors'...