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21 Feb 2012

Case study -

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Value Proposition: Successful e-commerce value propositions; An innovative concept; A new mode of consumption; Fashion and lifestyle e-commerce business; International website. Experience: Specialist for over 20 years of storage; Facilitation of transactions by managing product...

15 May 2009

Moneo: A success or a failure?

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

Moneo was one of the first three experiments with the electronic wallet (or e-wallet). In 1999, Modeus (in Ile de France), Mondex (in Strasbourg) and Moneo (in Tours) were launched in France by Société Européenne de Monnaie Electronique (SEME, which is made up of seven French banks -Crédit...

28 May 2009

Apple's i-Pod, new marketing strategy in Korea

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

Apple's iPod is the hottest, most innovative and sought-after MP3 player in the world. In Europe, iPod takes 80% in MP3 player market, and it is the most powerful item for Europeans. Same situation is happening in north-America. For almost all of American, when they think of MP3 player, they...

28 Oct 2009

A study on branding with reference to laws of internet branding

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

Time is money. And probably the quickest way to save time and create business, thereby generating income, is through e-commerce. But there is still a relevant question related to whether e-commerce business between consumer and the marketer would, in future, completely outplace the...

29 Sep 2010

AuchanDrive, E-ZPass and Amadeus cases

Case study - 10 pages - Economy general

The drive-in hypermarket Auchan Drive is a concept which was launched in Leers (north of the France) in 2000. This new service offers the customer the possibility to place an order on the website (or on a terminal located into the stores), and to pay for it by credit card...

03 Nov 2021

PESTEL Analysis - Vodafone

Case study - 5 pages - ICT marketing

Vodafone is a British telecommunication company based in Newbury. The company was created in 1984 and known as Racal Telecom, a branch of Racal Electronics. It is only in 1991 that the company became Vodafone group. The company made its entry in the stock market in 1988 under the name...

29 Sep 2010

TomTom N.V in the industry of the PND (Personal Navigation Devices)

Case study - 27 pages - Business strategy

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on, or near the Earth. GPS is made up of three parts:...

25 Feb 2011

Integrated marketing communication: Promotional report for Kindle

Case study - 19 pages - Services marketing

This promotional plan is designed for Kindle, an eBook reader produced by Amazon. Three objectives have been set out for the year 2011. Making an impressive introduction of Kindle in the Australian market which establishes and increases brand awareness of Kindle is the first objective. Secondly,...

16 Apr 2014

Investment opportunities in relevance to ICICI

Case study - 74 pages - Finance

In the '90s there has been a decisive shift towards a new wave, the domain of financial services. In the era of the consumer, financial services, which seek to put the consumer in the forefront, have come to stay. Skillful marketing has opened up a wide spectrum of areas where financial...

16 Apr 2009

Telecommuting: The future of work

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

Telecommuting is synonymous with the Work-from-Home concept, wherein the employee, instead of physically commuting between home and the workplace rather works from home and connects with the office via channels of communication such as telephone, internet, Voice over IP, videoconferencing,...

06 Apr 2009

Wipro Infotech: The market aspects of laptops

Market study - 31 pages - Services marketing

Laptops are now a very essential commodity for Indian consumers. They constitute a large portion of the electronic market in India. If these laptops are not marketed properly and are not in the Indian consumers' eye, the more established brands are likely to rule the roost and the other...

22 Nov 2006

Foxtel TCO Analysis

Case study - 50 pages - Logistics

"Sourcing in China started with low-tech products but it has evolved beyond that," says Jim Hemerling, a senior vice president in The Boston Consulting Group's Shanghai office. "Now, in addition to traditional products, another huge area is consumer electronics. I believe the next big...

27 Jan 2011

Corporate strategy: LVMH

Case study - 29 pages - Business strategy

At a time when mass consumption remains one of the hallmarks of Commerce, the world of luxury has adopted a strategy based on a distinct rationale, where differentiation is the key. Who does not know the biggest names in this exciting universe? Prada, Manolo, Gucci, Jimmy Choo, Chanel, or...

10 Aug 2022

Technology Industry in India

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

To begin with, we will talk about the history of India but without going too far back in time because what we are interested in is the part of the history that still has a significative impact on the current socio-economic situation which leads the Technology Industry in India including IT...

28 Oct 2020

PESTEL Analysis - Polar

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

The Polar Electro company which is based in a town called Kempele in Finland was founded in 1977 by Seppo Säynäjäkangasand, who invented the first wireless EKG monitor. With its technological innovations in wearable heart rate monitors, it has become one of the leading manufactures in the...

22 Feb 2007

Radio frequency identification implementation in the supermarket industry

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

This paper discusses the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the supermarket industry. RFID is based on the transmission of radio frequency waves by RFID tags to RFID readers. The RFID tags are attached to products or pallets and can be embedded with a wide variety of...

27 May 2009

A study on market potential for office automation products

Tutorials/exercises - 36 pages - Services marketing

We live in a world surrounded by digital technology, it has totally transformed the way we lead our lives. Today we go to digitally remastered surrounded sound, we watch movie at home on a digital video CD. And we listen to music on a digital technology. Technology has become such a part and...

03 Feb 2011

Strategic management - example of the company "Apple"

Case study - 15 pages - Computer science

The Apple Company is present in the technology sector. It operates in three business areas with main strategies: - Computer: design and production of computers (desktops and laptops), development of operating systems and software. - Music: design and implementation of MP3 players, their media...

21 Sep 2011

Toys "R" Us: Storch Strategizes to Torch Competition in the US

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Toys "R" Us Inc., founded by Charles Lazarus in 1948, is one of the leading retailers of toys, games, electronics, sporting goods, baby products, children's apparel and juvenile furniture. With its headquarters in Wayne, New Jersey, and over 1600 stores worldwide, Toys 'R" Us has...

03 Mar 2011

Switzerland and the watch making industry

Market study - 40 pages - Services marketing

For decades, Switzerland has been one of the most economically dynamic countries in Europe. Despite its persistence to stay on the outskirts of the European Union, it took advantage of several sectors such as banking and financial sectors and was more focused on the luxury market of Swiss watch...

07 Apr 2009

From internet innovation to E-process execution

Presentation - 33 pages - Services marketing

This presentation will start with a brief look at innovation and move onto the success of a process. It will then examine the idea in the realm of retailing and financial services. then it will move to cover the e process strategy before moving onto value network polarization, value portfolio...

15 Jan 2009

Financial aspects of international operations: Case study - weapons export to Brazil

Case study - 18 pages - Finance

In the framework of the “financial aspects of international operations” we were invited to analyze the case of exporting weapons from Belgium to Brazil. We are going to introduce the analysis with a description of the weapon sector in Belgium and in Brazil. In this description, we will...

20 Apr 2009

Performance of NBFC's in Indiabulls

Dissertation - 45 pages - Finance

Non-banking Financial Institutions carry out financing activities but their resources are not directly obtained from the savers as debt. Instead, these Institutions mobilize the public savings for rendering other financial services including investment. All such Institutions are financial...

03 Jun 2009

Cyber crime

Presentation - 20 pages - Other law subjects

Cyber crime refers to anything done in the cyber space with a criminal intent. These could be either the criminal activities in the conventional sense or could be activities, newly evolved with the growth of the new medium. Cyber crime includes acts such as hacking, uploading obscene content on...

29 Sep 2010

Tesco Case Study

Case study - 23 pages - Business strategy

To understand the essay, it will be useful to consider the environment of the national market. Indeed, it will be helpful to understand why environmental influences are particularly significant in the future of a company and its competitors. So, 'a dynamic PESTE analysis can be done in order...

28 Apr 2010

LIP printer: An approach for file transfer

Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science

This paper presents a biometrics based security algorithm for transferring a file in a distributed environment using lip prints. This work is motivated by large problems arising in certain applications such as e-commerce and criminal detection applications. Biometric is one of the unique...

02 Dec 2010

French wine exports in Japan

Thesis - 26 pages - Services marketing

France is a part of the European Union; it is subject to common rules across Europe especially regarding the foreign trade policy which is deemed to be quite liberal under the leadership of the European institutions. It was from 1 January 1993, all European countries constituted a single...

10 Jan 2011

BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and the global economy

Thesis - 11 pages - Economy general

BRIC is an acronym that refers to the countries Brazil, Russia, India and China. According to a paper published by Goldman Sachs in 2005, these countries have been growing rapidly, and will continue growing rapidly for the next fifty years. By the year 2050, the combined economies of the BRIC...

28 Aug 2009

DuPont Auto refinishes India Pvt Ltd

Tutorials/exercises - 23 pages - Business strategy

The automotive segment is bifurcated into OEMs and auto refinishes and is one of the fastest growing sub sectors in the Indian Industrial paint markets. The OEM market is the most predominant one where the action has been remarkable in the last few years, with almost all the major automobile...

05 Mar 2009

The Information Technology Act 2000

Case study - 22 pages - Other law subjects

Connectivity via the Internet has greatly reduced geographical distances and made communication even more rapid. While activities in this limitless new universe are increasing incessantly, laws must be formulated to monitor these activities. Some countries have been rather vigilant and formed...