Is the euro a success?
Essay - 13 pages - European union
Now accused of all evils (stifling exports, slowing growth, feeding speculation, etc.), the euro seems to have become everybody's favorite scapegoat. Yet it remains that this currency is a unique experience (a single currency managed jointly by several countries), and it is undeniable that the...
The logan's Renault
Case study - 24 pages - Services marketing
In this report, we will analyze a very strong competitive company in order to identify the factors behind the success of its products. We decided to choose the Logan of Renault. This choice stems from the desire to present a French car and to examine the launch of a new concept car from its...
The two equality directives of 2000: False-twins
Essay - 22 pages - European union
2007, the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All in the European Union ended a few months ago, stressing on the question of the current anti-discrimination law in the Union. This initiative of the Commission took place in a general movement of the European...
Britain is widely regarded as the 'awkward partner' in europe: how accurate is this assessment? - published: 29/09/2010
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
We have our own dreams and our own tasks. We are in Europe, but not part of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not integrated. Winston Churchill's famous quote aptly describes Britain's approach to European integration since the...
Britain is widely regarded as the « awkward partner » in Europe. How accurate is this assessment? - published: 27/03/2007
Thesis - 4 pages - International relations
We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed. Winston Churchill's famous quote aptly describes Britain's approach to European integration since the inception of the...
Britain is widely regarded as the 'awkward partner' in Europe: How accurate is this assessment?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
The Second World War gave impetus to the idea of European unity. A view developed that only by the creation of some form of European federation would Europe enjoys a permanent peace. After WW2, European states focussed on national reconstruction, whereas Britain had a...
The Common Agricultural Policy
Essay - 10 pages - European union
Agriculture, is to date, the economic sector in which the integration of the EU members has gone the farthest. The success of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), is the result of the elaboration of some basic principles aiming to establish a common market. Since the CAP implementation in...
The co-operation between Euro-Morrocan relations of bilateralism and regionalism
Dissertation - 39 pages - International relations
The Euro-Mediterranean cooperation has been developed through various Community policies since the 1960s. These policies have resulted in various cooperative programs. There is both a regional scope for all Mediterranean partners who comprised: Algeria, Palestinian Authority, Cyprus,...
Regulations: Direct applicability and Direct effect
Essay - 8 pages - European union
Article 249 of the European Community Treaty provides that Regulations shall be directly applicable in all Member States. Does this mean that they are also necessarily directly effective? As notices Josephine Steiner , this question is of paramount concern to EC lawyers. If a...
The Treaty of Lisbon: the division of competences between the EU and the Member States
Worksheets - 3 pages - European union
Conceived and founded by Robert Schuman, Europe as a community, has continued to evolve and grow over the years, through the formation of various Treaties. Out of the 6 members present originally in 1957, in 1992, the EEC became the European Union with 12 Member States....
Outline de Gaulle's vision of France's international role and discuss the ways in which his foreign policy sought to realise this vision
Essay - 13 pages - International relations
The immediate cause of Charles de Gaulle's resumption of power (1958-1969) was the Algerian War, which had brought France to the brink of civil war and destroyed the Fourth Republic. By ending the war, de Gaulle had the chance to resurrect his proposal, first elaborated at Bayeux in 1946, of a...
How valid were Third World criticisms of international economy between 1945 and 1991?
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
With the end of the Second World War in 1945 came the reconstruction and development of the global economy via such pillars of multilateralism as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). At this point I must specify that the...
The EU Foreign Policy - Myth or Reality?
Essay - 21 pages - International relations
European Union (EU) critics are a very heterogenic group. Amongst them, there are people who think that this organization has too many responsibilities. Sometimes this disapproval is summarized in only one word: Brussels', the city where several institutions of the EU and especially...
History, Culture and Society: Spain From the Ancient Age to 2023
Course material - 31 pages - Culture, religion & civilization
The document covers, in the form of revision sheets, key events in History from the Ancient Age to the year 2023. Excerpt: "Under the reign of Philip II (1556-1598), Spain was the first world power. When the king of Portugal died without descendants, Philip defeated the other candidates and was...
A history of the UE: Robert Schuman
Essay - 4 pages - European union
On May 9th, 1950, Robert Schuman, a French statesman and visionary European, gave a speech soon to be known as the Schuman Declaration. This event determined Europe's future and is considered as the birth of actual functional European integration; a Europe...
The political history of Cyprus
Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history
Cyprus is the third largest Island in the Mediterranean. The Republic of Cyprus has sovereignty over the entire island of Cyprus except small portions that are allocated to the United Kingdom as military bases. Its political setup is complicated by the fact that it is divided into two main...
Energy choices in Europe: the case of electricity
Essay - 14 pages - Economy general
Energy is a vital element for the economy as a whole as every sector demands its usage constantly. It is not an end-product by itself, but a pre-requisite for most of the economic activities. A sudden increase in energy prices or a disruption of supply can entail heavy economic...
Globalisation and peace in the twenty-first century: a structuralist approach
Thesis - 15 pages - Philosophy
In his Glance at today's world (1931), French poet Paul Valéry wrote "Le temps du monde fini commence" (1). By "monde fini", he meant that the world now had well-established geographical limits, implying there was no more Terra incognita or utopia where to transpose our dreams, either in...
Reva: An alliance between Maini Group and AEV LLC Inc.
Thesis - 38 pages - Business strategy
REVA electric car company is a joint venture between the Bangalore based Maini group and AEV LLC Inc. of USA. Other companies, world leaders in their respective fields, have also partnered with Maini and AEV LLC Inc to design and develop key components for the REVA. Today the Maini Group has on...
Why has the historical development of the EU been so uneven? - published: 29/09/2010
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
On the 28th of March 2001, Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister made an interesting declaration: 'Europe is more than a market. It stands for a model of society that has grown historically.' . This statement refers to the development of the European Coal and Steel...
Comparison between the capitalism of France and Germany
Dissertation - 39 pages - Economy general
France is a country located on the European continent. Its area is about 550,000 square kilometers. Its capital and largest city is Paris. It is a nation that is active on the international stage. A co-founder of the European Union, it is also a permanent member of the Security...
Is culture an intrinsic element of management and leadership: Eastern Europe against Western Europe?
Thesis - 14 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since the quickening of the Industrial Revolution in United Kingdom in 1850 there is no doubt that Europe sustained important cultural changes. The aura of this revolution crossed the Channel and pervaded in Europe but only went in western countries ready to change, France the first, then...
The French policy in sub-Saharan Africa since 1960
Essay - 10 pages - Political science
The French policy in Africa is frequently deemed neo-colonialist. France would enduringly attempt to keep its former colonies within its sphere of influence for economic and political reasons. Cases in point are the lyrics of the song Françafrique by the Ivorian descent artist...
Culture & leadership
Thesis - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education
First of all, it is necessary to have a clear and simple definition of culture. So, culture can be defined as all the behaviors, arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire...
Does displaying nutritional information in fast food restaurants impact consumers ?
Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies
In Western societies food is usually readily available, but poor nutritional choices have been linked to poor health as well as to such things as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Often these choices involve fast food. (NHS Choices, undated):- The observed association between the number of...
The instability of the international financial system and the proposals for reform proposals
Dissertation - 193 pages - Economy general
In 1997, an earthquake hit Asian stock exchanges, the shock wave reached Russia a year later, and then Latin America, including Brazil in 1999. To the world, these crises have been a succession of real and financial shocks of exceptional magnitude. Far from having exogenous origins, this global...
Switzerland and the watch making industry
Market study - 40 pages - Services marketing
For decades, Switzerland has been one of the most economically dynamic countries in Europe. Despite its persistence to stay on the outskirts of the European Union, it took advantage of several sectors such as banking and financial sectors and was more focused on the luxury market of Swiss...
Why has the historical development of the EU been so uneven? published in 2007
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
On the 28th of March 2001, Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister made an interesting declaration: 'Europe is more than a market. It stands for a model of society that has grown historically.' . This statement refers to the development of the European Coal and Steel...
An overview of important concepts and theories in relation to foreign exchange (forex) rates
Thesis - 10 pages - Finance
The rate of exchange means the price of one currency in terms of another currency. Different countries have adopted different exchange rate systems at different times like the Gold Bullion, Gold Standard and the Bretton Woods system. The last system was soon replaced by the Floating Rate System....
United Kingdom: In and out of Europe
Essay - 10 pages - Journalism
The United Kingdom has always been in and out of Europe. Such posturing is in keeping with a series of mantras [religious beliefs] upon which Britain's policy towards Europe is predicated. The latter have never been really challenged in the last century. Britain's Europe is a paradoxical...