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08 Oct 2024

Do you personally believe religious instruction and public secondary education are compatible?

Dissertation - 1 pages - Philosophy

Since 1991, the percentage of N.O.N.E.S ("None of the above") has increased by 266%, and this proportion of non-religious American citizens is showing no sign of decline. Therefore, how could one claim that religious instruction is still relevant to public education and should not be seen...

16 Oct 2024

Discipline in Special Education - Case of a Child in Need

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

After Charlie's 13-day suspension, the special education teacher should first and foremost focus on delivering his services to the child in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As 20 USC ยง 1415(k)(1)(D) states, students with disabilities are...

20 Oct 2024

Examining the Cost of General Education Courses - Research Proposal

Dissertation - 2 pages - Economy general

Students often have to bear tremendous financial burdens, especially during courses that cost differently, like the general course required for the entire student. This fact dominates the debate over whether these courses should be more cost-effective or valuable because they are designed as an...

21 Nov 2024

Sociological Aspects and Education

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Today's contemporary teacher does far more than educate her students. She often finds herself playing nurse, psychologist, confidant and often, she might be the only one who ensures a child has a meal from one day to the other. It's overwhelming and does not stop when the 3 p.m. bell...

02 Nov 2024

Special Education Leadership

Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies

A woman administrator in a special education leadership role is involved in very complex work, which requires imaginative flexibility involving both advocacy and politics. Weir et al. (2023) argue that the process of women's leadership is extremely complex as women leaders firstly...

29 Oct 2024

Bridging Gaps: Education Services for Thunder Bay Newcomers

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Thunder Bay is similar to many other diverse cities in Canada, where people from small towns around the world keep moving in search of the more promising good life. Nevertheless, the integration of these newcomers into the cultural background of the city depends on the availability of services...

27 Oct 2024

Effects of reflective practice on baccalaureate nursing students' stress, anxiety and competency: An integrative review - Contreras J. A., Edwards?Maddox S., Hall A. & Lee M. A. 2020) - Value of Continuing Education

Book review - 2 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

In the article, the likelihood of 30-day inpatient surgical mortality was found to be lower when the hospital had higher proportions of both BSN nurses who had graduated from a traditional BSN and those who had completed an alternative pathway to the degree. This is of notable importance as it...

29 Oct 2024

Socioeconomic status and educational achievement in impoverished communities in the United States

Case study - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The purpose of the study is to assess the socioeconomic status and educational achievement in impoverished communities in the United States. The research will involve a non-experimental, qualitative approach to examining the multifaceted social dynamics underlying the unequal distribution of...

29 Oct 2024

Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Metaverse, a vast virtual world where digital and augmented realities meet, marks the start of a new era for higher education. Combining technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and immersive game-based learning can bring the emergence of a digital frontier that will...

03 Nov 2024

Rural Educational Setting - The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Future

Dissertation - 7 pages - Educational studies

The emergence of AI in rural educational contexts represents a case in point, since the challenges of AI implementation are more pronounced in these settings. While AI has fantastic potential to transform the education process by providing individual experience, automating administrative...

24 Oct 2024

Balancing Innovation with Student Privacy - Navigating the Ethical Terrain of Educational Data Mining

Course material - 4 pages - Educational studies

Data mining is now part of many areas in the modern world, including education. This can be seen through Educational Data Mining (EDM). It involves gathering data from educational settings and studying it systematically to find patterns, make predictions or understand things better. Even...

27 Oct 2024

The Report of the Review of Aboriginal Education - New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Incorporated and New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2004); NSW Department of Education and Training Aboriginal Education and Training Policy - New South Wales Government (2008) - Fostering Effective Partnerships in Aboriginal Education

Text commentary - 3 pages - Educational studies

The basis of effective education is a synergistic link between schools, families, and communities that is a unified web of support for students. Extensive studies do confirm that students excel in the academic sphere when the learning environments at home and school are integrated. This...

24 Oct 2024

Nurturing Diversity in Early Childhood Education

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

This paper comes up with strategies that fit diversity and advocate encounters in the early-childhood educational center. The inclusion of the multifaceted backgrounds, encounters, and characteristics of families and children by ECEC professionals and other early years professionals can be used...

31 Dec 2024

The relation between physical activity and physical education - Econometrics Research Project

Presentation - 13 pages - Educational studies

To what extent does physical education imparted in school affect the level of physical activity in school-going adolescents in NY?

17 Oct 2024

Inadequate Patient Education in Healthcare in Patient Improvement Plan

Presentation - 6 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

I am thrilled to spearhead this discussion on a critical component of healthcare: improving community safety in medical settings by emphasizing patient education. Our research has shown how crucial it is for patients to comprehend their medical illnesses, the treatments they may get, and...

27 Oct 2024

Diversity and Learning Theories - Nursing Education

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Choosing an appropriate educational theory is crucial in the ever-changing field of nursing education to promote successful learning results. An essential aspect of any course is not just its content but also the theoretical framework that informs its design. This comprehensive pedagogical...

22 Feb 2024

Role of Education in Gender Equality: Stereotyping - published: 04/11/2023

Presentation - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This document is a guide summarizing the main concepts to be covered in a 15-minute presentation on the role of education in gender equality.

17 Dec 2024

My Goals in Early Childhood Education

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

My short-term goals are to complete college completion and, afterward, continue working on my skills as an early childhood education teacher. Also, I have set a goal of becoming a kindergarten teacher as soon as I have the teaching certifications. My long-term goals are to enhance my...

24 Oct 2024

Leandro v. State of North Carolina, 488 S.E.2d 249 (1997) - Educational Equity in North Carolina: The Leandro Case and Its Impact on Achieving a Sound Basic Education

Case study - 11 pages - Educational studies

Amid the complex web of North Carolina's educational framework, two persistent issues exist - the challenge of achieving educational equity and the struggle to provide a high-quality academic environment to all students. In a multicultural context where people from different communities and...

19 Jul 2024

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) - What exceptional circumstances allow states to establish segregation?

Law case study - 4 pages - Constitutional law

Let's be clear, the decision of the Supreme Court that we are going to study today is a real jurisprudence change, which means that the decision overturns several other Supreme Court decisions, resulting in a total change in the analysis of the constitution over time. It's very important...

22 Oct 2024

Student Veteran Retention at PWIs and Discrimination in Higher Education

Case study - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Student veterans have particular difficulties to overcome during college transition, including adjusting to civilian life, handling disabilities, and finding a balance between work, studies, and family. Students who have served in the armed forces may encounter particular difficulties in college...

22 Feb 2024

Role of education in gender equality: stereotyping

Presentation - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

Today, I would like to present you the emergence of the patriarchal social structure started approximately 12 000 years ago when ancient civilizations became agricultural societies. The structural aspect of societies led to an increase of power and professional skills among men that directly...

05 Aug 2024

Does good quality education necessarily depend on important financial investment?

Essay - 1 pages - Educational studies

Education is a very important thing in today's society. A lot of families consider education as an investment for the well-being of their children. Indeed, they want the best and some are willing to pay a very high tuition fee to make sure their children are given the best...

30 Nov 2024

Bilingual English / French Portfolio for the Certificate of Language Proficiency in Higher Education

Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Psychology

It's difficult for students to feel comfortable when they discuss mental health. It is recommended to do prevention about mental health and to discuss it in primary school. The Prime Minister promised to educate secondary school staff on mental health, to examine the health services currently...

31 Jan 2024

David Copperfield - Charles Dickens (1850); The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer-Lovell with their two daughters - Augustus Leopold Egg (19th century); Billy Elliot - Stephen Daldry (2000) - To what extent does gender have an impact on education?

Text commentary - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This document tackles 3 documents : - Document 1 is an extract from the novel entitled David Copperfield written by Charles Dickens and published in 1850. It is a coming-of-age novel. - Document 2 is a painting by Augustus Leopold Egg realized in the 19th century. It pictures The Rev. and Mrs....

29 Oct 2024

The Superiority of In-Person Learning: A Comparative Analysis of Educational Effectiveness

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In light of the modern education topography's digital technique, there has been an enormous evolution. Virtual learning platforms and online classrooms are gaining more and more importance as they are opposed to traditional, brick-and-mortar procedures. The relevance of online...

25 Oct 2024

Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Comprehensive Analysis

Dissertation - 3 pages - Educational studies

AI has become a revolutionising factor in education, which is one of the sectors that has been affected by artificial intelligence. This essay will cover multidimensional AI in education and explain the positive and negative impacts while trying to understand them. By carefully...

04 Mar 2023

Geography, Demography, Social Issues, Education and Culture in the United States of America

Course material - 20 pages - Sociology & social sciences

(...) One of the characteristics of US climatic conditions is the constant fear of violent climatic happening such as hurricanes (in the Southeast, particularly during the fall), violent wind storms known as "tornadoes" (the Midwest), or flooding due to heavy rainfall and storms in the eastern...

10 Dec 2023

The impact of cognitive dissonance in higher education and career choices

Litterature review - 17 pages - Clients and users behaviour

Cognitive dissonance, a concept both profound and captivating, was brought to the fore by Leon Festinger in 1957. It embodies the psychological discomfort experienced by individuals when they encounter conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. This incongruity incites a pursuit of cognitive...

10 Aug 2023

Supporting Newly Arrived Migrant Students in the Education Domain

Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies

Newly arrived migrant students encounter unique obstacles in their lives, and the school setting may either foster positive or negative student experiences depending on the structure of the learning environment. European countries have adopted several measures and programs to facilitate positive...