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27 Jul 2014

Likely evolution of the Security and Economic Dynamics in Central Asia

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Central Asia is a region bordering China to the West, Russia to the north and finally Turkey to the South. Historically, this area has lacked strong political representation and has thus relied on powerful neighbors for all aspects of her development. This paper examines the changing dynamics in...

14 Jan 2014

EADS insider trading affair : Economic intelligence

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

Nowadays, the globalization is in expansion and the competition is aggravated. In its economical war, the major stake is the information which became the key success factor for many companies. Indeed the information allows watching the firm's environment as well as the following of the concurrent...

16 Dec 2013

The foundation of classical economics

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

Adam Smith is one of the most influential individuals to have ever lived. His insights and new ideas into the discipline of economics have cemented his place in history as one of the greatest economists of all time. Smith was born in Kirkclady Scotland in 1723, he attended Glasgow...

29 Nov 2013

Economic advantages and disadvantages of immigration into the U.S

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

Immigrants to the United States have historically elicited passionate debates on whether they are of economic benefit or an economic burden to the country. Those who hold the view that immigrants are of economic benefit have advanced views including that with the coming of...

13 Jun 2013

Economics and Social Policy: The Keynesian Perspective

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

At the onset of civilization, it has always been the aim of surviving societies to establish a kind of welfare state- one that is able to deliver the basic necessities and services to its inhabitants through various modes available. The delivery of services includes, but not is limited to, those...

23 Apr 2013

What is a gift? What are the political, economic, religious, and social implications of the gift?

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

Supposedly, a gift is the free act of willingly donating to someone something that was yours without expecting anything in exchange. It is a thus doubly a free act for it is up to the giver to decide whether he wants to make a gift or not and the receiver has no obligation to reciprocate. The...

05 Apr 2013

Indian economic crisis

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The roots of the 1991 currency crisis in India can be seen during the entire decades that precede it. As a matter of fact it lies in the large and persistent macroeconomic imbalances that developed over the 1980s. A close examination of the government expenditures, over the 1980s, suggests that...

05 Apr 2013

Will the economical collapse of Greece cause the end of the Euro?

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

The euro zone is now frantically bracing itself for the imminent fall of the Greek government. Faced with the possibility of Greece vouching for a fully fledged non-payment of debt and euro zone departure as opposed to a debt deal, the outstanding euro zone members have to choose whether to...

05 Jul 2013

How far do you agree that the crisis experienced by China in the late 1980s was due to "the inevitable consequences of the policies of economic liberalization by Deng Xiaoping"?

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

Shortly after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 came the rehabilitation of Deng Xiaoping. During the latter's reign, China experienced a crisis in the late 1980s, the 1989 Tiananmen Crisis, during which the army attacked students who held a demonstration demanding political liberalisation. This...

24 Jul 2013

A critical review of Downs, A. (1957) 'An Economic Theory of Political Action in a Democracy', Journal of Political Economy, 65(2): 135-150

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

In his seminal work “An economic Theory of Political Action in Democracy” Anthony Downs suggests that traditional economic theory is united in its exclusion of the impact of government as an economic agent. He sets out to address this issue by creating a model that...

16 Aug 2013

Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources amongst unlimited and conflicting end uses

Case study - 2 pages - Economy general

In this world that we live in, there exists a problem due to the conflict between the scarcity of resources and the unlimited wants of the people. Economics is concerned with dealing with this problem, as efficiently as possible. Why, then, are resources scarce? The problem of scarcity...

27 Nov 2013

Facebook, Economic Environment and Lawsuits

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Most companies do not establish in the market as fast as they would wish. It takes time to create a niche in the market place and get loyal customers who would boost the company. However, the reverse has been the case with Facebook Company (Collier, 2010). Since its foundation, Facebook has...

16 Aug 2012

What has the so-called death of distance meant for the economic prospects of cities and nations?

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

In the 19th and 20th centuries, cities were able to attract people and develop primarily because of the lower cost of transportation for goods, people and knowledge that they provided. Distance is costly; search costs for the market and for suppliers, management costs, shipping costs, and...

16 Aug 2012

Impact of economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment

Case study - 15 pages - International relations

The impact of Economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment can have different impacts on specific regions. One common perspective is that economic liberation on the one hand can be beneficial for the developed countries but on the other hand it can actually harm...

23 Aug 2012

Can the onset of the fall of fertility in Europe be related to the economic and social circumstances of the individual countries at the time?

Case study - 10 pages - Modern history

Understanding the onset of the fall of fertility in Europe requires understanding of changes in mortality as it is understood that "the beginning of mortality decline generally precedes that of fertility". The 'demographic transition' saw the average number of births per women fall from...

12 Mar 2012

The impact and the economic consequences of the one-child family policy on the age structure of China's population

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The world population is increasing at a rapid rate and aging fast in developed areas, soon the planet won't be able to satisfy needs of all humans living on it, however China did find a way to slow down the speed of population increase: The One Child Policy. It is a policy that some people...

25 Oct 2012

Assess the effects that corruption may have on economic development. How do you reconcile the anecdotal evidence with the theoretical ideas?

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

Corruption is the abuse of public trust for private gain. This definition is rather universal and many argue that it is vague and that there is variety of corruption, one being corruption under economic sense. Corruption is an ancient phenomenon which is very hard to suspect and even...

29 May 2012

When Mao died his only legacy was the political and economic devastation of China. Arguments in favor and against this proposition.

Case study - 4 pages - Political science

Revolutionary communist, philosopher and theorist, Mao made a significant impact of what is today in the People's Republic of China. In order to understand the complexity of Mao's regime, it is necessary to look at the context and period of history in which Communist China emerged as a nation....

26 Oct 2012

Environmental, economic and social impacts of Cruise ships in Stockholm

Case study - 20 pages - Management

Sweden is a country located in the Northern Europe. Its capital is Stockholm. The city is situated near the Baltic Sea therefore it is accessible to holiday cruise liners as well as other maritime traffic making the port one of the busiest in terms of traffic among other Scandinavian cities....

29 Nov 2012

Economics: Taxes and subsidies

Case study - 3 pages - Economy general

There are two types of tax systems that work simultaneously in an economy. These two systems are called direct and indirect taxation. Both of these systems have different effects on the economy in terms of an incentive or disincentive. Direct taxation is levied on the income of people. They pay...

06 Jun 2012

Political, social, and economic histories of Chile and Paraguay

Case study - 12 pages - Political science

Development in Latin America has been a slow and steady process for many decades. Furthermore, many of the countries in Latin America have failed to become close to matching the United States in terms of political, social, and economic development, although it is very difficult to match...

05 Jul 2011

Economic reform in China and Russia: A Comparison

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

When economic reforms first began in China and Russia, regime stability, when classified as a product of political legitimacy, has, overall, seen only marginal change. Though they are now classified as illiberal democracies, and have opened up economically—China more so than Russia...

13 Dec 2011

Economic stimulus packages and bail outs

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

One of the largest and most frightening problems associated with the economic stimulus packages and the bail outs is the idea that the government is simply ignoring the powers and limits the Constitution applies to it. This can be a frightening scenario because the Constitution was put...

16 Feb 2011

The legitimacy of economic patriotism (2006)

Case study - 5 pages - Management

Introduction Beyond the occasional speech advocating its opening, even though it is true that a majority of the barriers have been removed since its establishment, the GATT (established in 1947) remains a desire to preserve the sensitive areas and promote the penetration of domestic products to...

16 Feb 2011

Resource management and technological innovation, sheet reading: The Netherlands C., Economics of Innovation (Chapter IV)

Book review - 3 pages - Management

For A. A Alchian, under uncertainty, profit maximization cannot be a rule of action for the firm. Success depends on results, not motivations: the decisions and criteria associated with them do not constitute a basis for understanding the behavior of firms. What is important are the decisions...

10 Jan 2011

Economic Growth and Development of Space in Singapore (2004)

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

The world in which we live is constantly changing, whether it is the movement of people from place to place, activities or, more virtual capital. These movements are combined with changes in the environment in which they operate. This combination led governments to adapt as things kept changing....

10 Jan 2011

The Euro and the Recent Economic Crisis

Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general

In 1960, the European Economic Community (EEC) decided to establish a single currency for all the nations that are a part of it. The Barre Plan embodied the same idea in 1969 and the Werner Plan wanted to establish the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) of Europe in 1970. The idea of...

14 Jan 2011

China's economical and ethical rise in the African continent

Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general

The paper is based on the theme of an article that emphasizes on China's role in Africa. We first learn about the contents of the article and then state the status quo of the collaboration between the country and the continent. After description, we will go through a critical thinking section...

03 Feb 2011

Chinese Presence in Africa, and its Economic Impact

Essay - 16 pages - International relations

The African continent is the second largest continent in the world, and is the second most populous continent. This continent has abundant natural resources like gold, diamonds, oil etc. and has been the bone of contention between the super powers of the world for a long time now. China has...

16 Feb 2011

L'Oreal Group: Economic and Financial analysis

Case study - 55 pages - Finance

The L'Oreal group, created in 1909 as a small family business, has grown exceedingly since its IPO (initial public offering) on October 8, 1963. Held by the Bettencourt family (27.5%) and Nestle (26.4%), the Group is now a part of the CAC 40. World leader in cosmetics, L'Oreal has a...