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Theme : Economic growth

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24 Aug 2009

Economic development in Nigeria: The role of agriculture, FDI and trade relations with China, India and the USA

Case study - 15 pages - Economy general

Nigeria is one of the countries in Africa which have a large economy. It is also one of the most populated countries in Africa with the highest number of labor. The country is well endowed with mineral resources compared to other countries in Africa. It is the largest oil producer in Africa and...

18 Jun 2010

The economic development of the world since 1945

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

Since 1945, the world has experienced a period of growth which, although slowed down since 1973, has nevertheless continued until today. However, the size, pace and character of this growth has changed over a period of time and is different for different countries. What factors...

29 Jul 2010

Analysis of the Indian economic sector

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

India is slowly emerging to be the next economic superpower of the world. It is often regarded as the other Asian giant, and has shown consistent growth in terms of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over the years. This growth has been fuelled by enormous economic...

03 Feb 2011

Chinese Presence in Africa, and its Economic Impact

Essay - 16 pages - International relations

The African continent is the second largest continent in the world, and is the second most populous continent. This continent has abundant natural resources like gold, diamonds, oil etc. and has been the bone of contention between the super powers of the world for a long time now. China has...

29 Sep 2010

Business Cycles Analysis; The outlook for real GDP growth

Essay - 35 pages - Economy general

Nowadays, the real GDP growth seems to be the prevailing worry for every economy. We are going to analyze real GDP growth and employment in France in 2006-2007, in the context of the international economy. Our overall objective is to understand and to interpret growth...

28 Jul 2008

Economic crisis in South-east Asia

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In order to fully appreciate the nature of the economic crisis in south-east Asia, it would be necessary to have at least some insight into the nature of these economies prior to the financial problems they experienced1. Before the onset of the Asian crisis, the south-east Asian countries...

15 Jan 2009

Co-economic climate in Japan

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

For this economic coursework we have chosen to speak about Japan. We think that Japan is a really interesting country to speak about because of its economy which is one of the greatest in the world nowadays. The economy experienced a major slowdown starting in the 1990s following three...

18 Mar 2009

The inner-city problem is one of both growth and decline

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The city is undeniably the centre of much of our social action. It is the arena in which most of our economic, political and commercial activity tends to occur, and it has become the most popular place to socialise, and to experience the cultural aspects of the modern world. Its evolution...

19 Mar 2009

Economic freedom

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Amartya Sen argues that world development should not be judged by plain economic statistics such as GDP growth rates or income per capita. Instead he argues a form of measurement that uses a "freedom-centered understanding of economics" where the enhancements of individuals...

29 Apr 2009

Economic history of Hong Kong during the 20th century

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

In this essay I will explore the economic history of Hong Kong during the 20th century. Hong Kong, during this period, I will argue, went from an entrepot trading outpost, which nevertheless attracted large British trading companies, to a major independent regional trading center. I will...

17 May 2009

Should we stick to the stability and growth Pact?

Thesis - 4 pages - European union

The Stability and Growth Pact is an essential element of the European Monetary Union and has been often criticized. One of the sharpest and most violent attacks came from the President of the European Commission, which is supposed to be the watchdog of the Treaties and laws, Romano Prodi...

15 Dec 2022

Foundations of Economics and Sociology Foundations of Economics

Course material - 25 pages - Economy general

It is within the multiple and different enterprises, which together define to a large extent a national economy, that the observation of economic and social facts is the most extensive and undoubtedly the most visible. The company is a reality that weaves its way through our daily lives...

05 Jun 2009

Socio-economic status: An independent risk factor

Thesis - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Social inequality on health is well known. The measure of socioeconomic status remains difficult because it is a multidimensional concept that requires the use of multiple indicators. The indicators used to measure social status are education, occupation and income. They each have their...

29 Jul 2009

Keynesian economics: The transition to the Washington consensus

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Recent political events concerning the international economic downturn have revived the discussion of Keynesian economic theory due to the apparent failure of free market neo-liberalism. On 26 September, 2008, French President Nicolas Sarkozy remarked that “we must rethink the...

29 Jul 2009

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario: Economic development in the 21st Century

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, is located on the St. Marys River in Ontario, Canada, across from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, in the United States [Figure 1]. With a population of 74,945 [Statistics Canada, 2009], it is the third largest city in Northern Ontario after Sudbury and Thunder Bay....

27 Oct 2009

The U.S. economic crisis and possible solutions

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

The U.S. economic cycle was due to many factors that had roots for over a decade. Much of what has been seen was due to the high levels of confidence built over the years as a result of healthy and fast growing economy, and to the improper steps taken by many of the financial institutions...

24 Feb 2010

Analytic paper on the current state of economic development and its system of governance in Somalia

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Somalia's recent history has been mired in protracted civil wars resulting in a corrupt and fragmented distribution of governance and power, with a lack of basic governance at central level. As a result, the insecurity and political fragmentation is extremely high and “the nationwide level...

06 Apr 2010

ICT and economic development: Analyzing Thailand's path to the information economy

Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Economy general

This analysis of the development of Thailand's information economy places particular emphasis on its ICT and social infrastructure development. Drawing upon lessons learned from similar development trajectories in Ireland, China, and India we develop a set of guidelines for Thailand to consider...

21 Jun 2010

The global economic crisis and its impact on economy of Finland: The case of Nokia corporation

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

The global economy is experiencing the impact of an unprecedented economic downturn which began in the United States and spread all over the world. This paper provides an overview of the impact of the global crisis on the economy of Finland in 2008 and 2009. The course work analysis the...

29 Sep 2010

Impact of the economic boom on Irish society (2006)

Case study - 16 pages - Economy general

"To be Irish in 2006 is to be living through an unprecedented social experiment" (Holmquist 2006). This statement exemplifies the Irish economic performance in the 1990s. It puts an end to the years of high spending and taxes, an increasing inflation, low growth and soaring...

05 Apr 2013

Indian economic crisis

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The roots of the 1991 currency crisis in India can be seen during the entire decades that precede it. As a matter of fact it lies in the large and persistent macroeconomic imbalances that developed over the 1980s. A close examination of the government expenditures, over the 1980s, suggests that...

16 Aug 2012

Impact of economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment

Case study - 15 pages - International relations

The impact of Economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment can have different impacts on specific regions. One common perspective is that economic liberation on the one hand can be beneficial for the developed countries but on the other hand it can actually harm...

27 Jan 2011

The Nestle company - an example of organic growth in Europe

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

Introduction Each company has two ways to ensure its development through external growth. One way is acquiring the competition (or a complementary increase in its business volume) and another is organic growth which is achieved by adding additional means of production that is...

01 Dec 2010

Strategy of growth of Hermes

Thesis - 2 pages - Business strategy

The strategy of Hermes is based on a relatively intense growth strategy. Indeed, Hermes uses 5 of the 8 existing growth strategies, in seeking to expand into new markets. Hermes has a strategy of globalization (and if necessary, carries out small adjustments to its plan, but does...

15 Jun 2008

The Political and Economic Policies of Russia and China

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

Introduction At the end of World War II, the international community became notably divided upon political and economic lines. While many countries in the West chose a capitalist democracy many in the East had chosen communism/Marxism as the central means for social development. Although...

18 Aug 2008

Implications of the European economic integration on the centrally-planned economies

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

Former Communist countries joined the EU in 2004 and in 2007. Having different features in their surrounding region as compared to the older EU members, centrally-planned economies were - and still are - challenged to alter their political and economic environment in order to align with...

13 Jan 2009

Conservative and Labour Economic Policies

Essay - 17 pages - Political science

After World War II, a new economic philosophy called “Keynesianism” - different from the “laissez-faire” of old - became prevalent; to his main proponent, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1945), free operation of the market was a good thing but it might prove insufficient to...

13 Jan 2009

How and why has the adoption of free market economic policies affected the consolidation of democracy?

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

“Economic factors have significant impact on democratization but they are not determinative.” (Huntington 1991: 59). To Huntington, there is a clear link between economy and democracy as a form of regime, bond that few people could deny nowadays. Actually, this bond can be shown...

28 Feb 2010

From population to policy growth: Colombian-Venezuelan migration patterns

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In Venezuela, immigration has been characterized by the import of foreign workers. Premised by the status of their economy, immigration in Venezuela has been a product of their sense of stability and a response to their demands for success. Venezuela's attempts to achieve a level of immigration...

16 Jan 2009

International economics: The World Trade Organization

Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general

Pascal Lamy, General Director of the WTO recently said that “negotiations towards a conclusion to the Doha Trade Round are 70% complete”. Indeed, the WTO trade talks have not been efficient over the last few years. Lowering agricultural and industrial tariffs, reducing subsidies in...