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Theme : Economic factors

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24 Jan 2025

What key policy and socioeconomic factors contribute to healthcare disparities in the United States and the United Kingdom? - Comparative study

Dissertation - 10 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The health care system in the United States appears as a complex and multi-layered system that includes a mix of public and private entities. Unlike many other developed countries that have adopted universal health care systems, the United States relies primarily on a privately owned system ,...

29 Oct 2024

The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Racial Bias in the U.S. Courts System

Dissertation - 13 pages - Law's history and philosophy

This research aims to discover the relationship between social and economic conditions involved in making racial bias more evident within the American court system. This theory relies heavily on the existing theory of social stratification—"winners' school" that emphasizes the...

13 Jan 2014

Socio Economic Factors Influencing Delinquency

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Contemporary delinquency theories can be deployed in supporting economic deprivation as a contributing factor in elucidating many crimes, though it is directly linked to property crimes like theft (Borraz & González, 2011). However, this does not imply that the cause-and-effect...

13 Jul 2009

Obesity in North America: Assessing the socioeconomic factors

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Obesity has become a North American epidemic that is closely associated with the stereotypical overindulgence of western culture. Unfortunately, the prevalence of obesity is on the rise. In fact, “currently, more that half of Canadian adults are obese or overweight (more than 5 million...

22 Oct 2014

Discuss the main microeconomic environmental factors affecting the junior mineral resource industry

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

This report is to discuss the main microeconomic environmental factors affecting the junior mineral resource industry. To avoid confusion the report will concentrate on the junior exploration mineral industry versus the mining industry. The mining industry is directly related to the junior...

10 Dec 2023

Economic Growth in Nigeria and Its Impact on Human Development

Dissertation - 51 pages - Economy general

Despite its significant economic growth and status as a major economic power in Africa, Nigeria faces numerous challenges. Over-reliance on the oil and gas sector, corruption, and poor resource management have prevented the country from fully realizing its economic potential....

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: demography and energy in the world as predictable long-term factors

Course material - 11 pages - World geography

The current policy, and even more the future policy of any country is difficult to assess, because it depends on a lot of factors, many of them (public moods, politics, personalities) being of a transient nature. But the current and future policy of any country also depends largely on...

10 Dec 2023

Cultural Differencies in International Business Negotiation: the Need for an Assessment of Influencial Factors

Litterature review - 14 pages - Management

With social conflict being ubiquitous, conflict management is a major challenge for humanity. Recently, researchers have advanced several theories and research on constructive solutions for conflict management. Negotiation is then proposed as the most effective way to do this according to...

07 Nov 2014

Applied Investment - Financial and Economic Context

Case study - 10 pages - Finance

Every single investor is interested in maximizing investment returns while simultaneously minimizing risk subjected to the investment. Consequently, investors prefer committing their resources in receptive economic systems free from uncertainties that may hamper their anticipated returns....

30 Jan 2017

Investigation of the factors and forces that promote internationalization of firms - A case study of Wal-Mart stores Inc.

Case study - 67 pages - International marketing

The world is more independent in recent time more than ever and changes occur constantly. Due to such changes, most of the organizations with the potential to grow tend to take their operations to foreign countries away from their home country through internalization. The level at which a firm...

18 Aug 2014

Electric Cars and the Economics of the Automobile Industry

Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy

One of the main themes of the contemporary society is environmental conservation. There has been a consensus that the rates of emission of pollutant need to reduce as well as the value of sustainable development and reduced reliance on fossil fuel to reduce the volume of carbon emissions to the...

24 Mar 2015

Chanel Bags Company micro-economic analysis

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

There various factors that affect the demand and supply of channel bags, in this case, leather bags will be the specification. The major factor affecting demand of these Channel bags is price. Every time there is change in the prices of these channel bags there is always a movement...

10 Dec 2023

The Importance of the International Factoring Market

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

According to the CFI's latest report, the global factoring market experienced impressive growth in 2022, with notable expansion in all regions of the world. Remarkable performance was seen in North America with growth of 45.7%, followed by India (83.4%) and Singapore (52%).

19 Aug 2021

Introduction to economic principles and terminology

Course material - 20 pages - Theories and economic notions

Economics is currently in a phase of uncertainty: economics is not an exact science. There is a rising trade war between the US and mainly but not only China. The US also has trade disagreements with the EU and its partners in NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association: Canada and...

06 Nov 2014

Human Resource Approach during Economic Downturn

Case study - 15 pages - Human resources

The contemporary environmental dynamisms present new and unpredictable economic patterns translating into new challenges for organizations already struggling to keep pace with the market volatility. While the general entrepreneur agrees that the risks are abound during turbulent times, the...

12 Nov 2014

How and to what extent the new economic geography explains industry specialization patterns in Europe?

Case study - 8 pages - Geography

The discipline of economic geography is concerned with the impact of the geophysical, social, and political environments on political activities (Hodder & Lee, 1974). It addresses the influence of location, distribution, and spatial organization of economic activities on...

16 Feb 2015

Economic Growth and Construction Industry in Libya

Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The sector of construction is ranked as a vital factor that influences policies of the economy in countries that are still developing like Libya. The sector entails backward and forward linkages with various sectors of the economy. In other words, they are dependent on each other....

18 Aug 2017

Economic development since the Second World war - (Developed vs. Developing World)

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

After the Second World War, there have been significant changes in all aspects of life. The increasing concerns about the economic development caught much attention of economists. It is during this era that the European colonization ended and the world seemed to be divided into two parts...

01 Mar 2022

How does the phenomenon of unemployment impact Brazil both economically and in its development?

Essay - 5 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

With an area of 8,514,876 km², Brazil is one of the five largest countries in the world. It is located in Latin America and borders seven countries, some of which are Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. Brazil is also the eighth-largest country in the world with a GDP of 2054 billion dollars....

24 Mar 2015

Measurement indicators of economic efficiency

Case study - 5 pages - Sports

Before analyzing the measures of economic efficiency sponsorship, we must remember that the ultimate goal is to increase business revenue. Sponsorship is a real strategy for businesses. In times of sponsorship operation, and if the growth of the company exceeds the periods without...

08 Aug 2022

Employee protection and economic liberalism in the US: does the search for a balance still make sense?

Essay - 6 pages - Labor law

American history, such as most countries nowadays in the world” history, has been through several periods of crucial changes, socially, economically and in general, politically. Very frequently, this also led to some changes in the legislation that was applied and evolved through most...

31 May 2023

What are the different factors that lead to the road to success?

Essay - 2 pages - Marketing theories

Success comes in many different forms, one can easily associate it with professional or personal accomplishments, wealth, happiness and material benefits but once we take a closer look, the true meaning of being successful is extremely complex and every individual defines success in their own...

13 Aug 2022

Global Business Economics and Finance - AmRest Holding SE

Case study - 13 pages - International economy

AmRest Holdings SE is a public limited company with operations in the global bar and restaurant industry. The firm's headquarters are in Madrid, Spain. AmRest enjoys market dominance in Eastern and Central Europe. It operates several subsidiary firms, including Burger King, Pizza Hut,...

10 Dec 2023

To what extent should economic theory provide expertise for decision-makers?

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

The use of economic theories can give rise to interpretations, depending on one's ideas, but also to biases that need to be taken into account. For example, the economics of nudge developed by Robert Thaler demonstrates that an economic theory does not necessarily have to...

25 Oct 2024

Restoring Economic Integrity After the 2010 Haiti Earthquake

Case study - 7 pages - Economy general

The 7.0 magnitude earthquake of January 12, 2010, which crushed Haiti, was a devastating calamity that further worsened the already deplorable productive pillars of the country. Hundreds of thousand deaths, 300 thousand injuries, and more than 1 million left homeless are the rough estimates that...

02 Aug 2024

Economic development plan based on comparative advantages

Creative writing - 1 pages - Marketing theories

"Our advice was solicited in order to establish hereby an economic development plan. Thus, we have studied each specificity of your nation and will explain the steps to follow in order to increase your wealth creation."

17 Apr 2015

Economic theory: Brief study

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Schools of economic thought correspond not only systematized sets and interconnections of theoretical principles, it also corresponds to the systems of ideas and values, committed to ethical, political and social issues. Therefore, they do not have the direction and results of scientific...

19 Nov 2014

Islamic finance and its come back after the last economic crash

Case study - 4 pages - Criminal law

The economic crash took place between 2007 and 2008. It originated from the United States. It is the worst economic crisis that has ever hit the world up to today. It has become a global issue, hitting economies in all countries. It has led to the fall or decline in the economies,...

08 Oct 2015

British university championship : economic impact on the city of Sheffield

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

This paper entails an analysis of data from a real life sports industry consultancy project. The sport being studied in this case is the British University Championship and its economic impact on the city of Sheffield. SPSS program is used for the analysis. The findings are then presented...

06 Oct 2023

Development as Growth: Macro Theories of Economic Growth

Course material - 10 pages - Economy general

Why do some countries have much higher levels of income per capita than others? Why do some countries grow (in terms of their output or income per capita) faster than others? From a public policy perspective: what are optimal policies to promote growth? Growth depends on two processes: the...