Press release - H&M's commitment to ecology
Case study - 1 pages - Communication
Write a fictitious press release about an ecological action carried out by a ready-to-wear brand.
Ecology: Football and Sustainable Development
Presentation - 8 pages - Sports
Sustainable development and ecology are clearly the stakes of this 21st century. Political, industrial and citizens, all the people are involved in trying to save our planet from past setbacks and thinking about future generations. As far as football is concerned, we all know that it is...
Save Nature, Save The World: the last resort in terms of ecology
Creative writing - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
Karma, as the narrator, turns to the audience : I'm Karma. I've come from Bhutan for this international meeting. All the representatives are here. At last. Stage directions: Even if the American one, Mr. Dump, has arrived quite late, he rushes headlong to one of the two chairs, while the...
Idea of progress - How Americans relate to ecology nowadays?
Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
We will talk about the notion of the idea of progress and illustrate it with the environmental issue in the USA. Progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Here, we...
Meals not so ready to eat: Ecology of food
Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies
Napoleon once said, An army marches on its stomach, and most soldiers would agree. So in 1975, the Department of Defense created the Meal Ready to Eat, affectionately known as MREs. Over the years MRE's have become the foremost source of food for our nation's troops. Meal Ready to...
Genecology and the adaptations of forest trees
Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment
Genecology is the study of intraspeci?c genetic variation in relation to environmental conditions. It reveals patterns of adaptation of populations to their environments that result from differences in natural selection among locations. Genecological studies are conducted for the practical...
Landscape ecology, use and application in forestry
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
Many ecological processes result in or are affected by spatial patterns. However, the relative importance of different processes is very sensitive to the scale of analysis. For example, at a very local scale, species diversity is often strongly affected by competition and trophic interactions...
Reproductive ecology of forest trees
Essay - 8 pages - Biology
Plant reproductive processes encompass biotic interactions, such as pollination and seed predation and dispersal, and abiotic elements, notably disturbance that creates differential reproductive opportunities for plant groups and thereby maintains diverse forest formations. There are several...
The concept of landscape ecology
Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment
Landscape ecology is an emerging discipline that aims to understand the environmental processes and patterns in?uencing habitats and species beyond the site level. It arose independently in the latter part of the twentieth century in central and Eastern Europe and in North America as...
Population Ecology Using D.melanogaster and D. Virilis
Case study - 3 pages - Biology
In the Population Ecology Experiment, fruit flies were used to investigate the factors that enhanced and limited population growth in these species alone as well as in the presence of other species. In this experiment, the effects of high and low population densities in the...
Forest Ecology Lab Report
Case study - 3 pages - Biology
This lab was set up in order to demonstrate the diversity and at the same time scarcity of species of plants in a long island forest as an example for a very global issue. The main principles involved were the community structure and dynamics of ecology. To observe this in the open we...
The Ecological Issues Related to Street Garbage in the Context of the French Strike
Presentation - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
In this presentation, I will discuss the ecological issues associated with street garbage. One of the main concerns is the accumulation of waste in the streets. Firstly, I selected this topic because it greatly impacted me, particularly during the garbage collectors' strike. This strike...
Critical annotations
Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
This exercise is a critical annotation of each of the following texts: - Davis (2007) The Granary of Rome. Ch. 1 and 6 - Merchant (2003) Shades of Darkness: Race and Environmental History - Nash (2006) Inescapable Ecologies. Ch. 4 - Brown (2019) Chernobyl. An environmental History of the...
How Do You Think the Focus on Hypercars and Sustainability Will Evolve and Adapt From 2023 Onwards?
Case study - 3 pages - Automotive marketing
Luxury cars are fuel-hungry and polluting and appear incompatible with environment friendly. However, the industry is now trying to attract a clientele which is more sensitive to sustainable development and ecological issues. Today, going green is an essential step for the automotive industry....
Perceptions of nature by indigenous communities and their relation to the ecological contexts
Essay - 11 pages - Ecology & environment
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of how indigenous communities perceive and relate to the bio-ecological contexts of which they are part and on which they depend. The main message is that there is much more to learn from them than information about plant resources or methods...
Analysis of an ecologically sustainable development
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
An Ecologically sustainable development is a development that uses, conserves, and enhances the community's resources so that ecological processes on which life depends are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased (Cwth of Australia, 1992)....
Methodology - Natural heritage inventory
Practical guide - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
There are 3 categories of natural heritage: - Ecological heritage can be summed up as everything to do with the living world. The 7 main habitat categories are: marine and coastal habitats, continental water habitats, peat bog and marsh habitats, moorland and grassland habitats, forest habitats,...
An analysis of two theories: Solution-focused therapy and ecological systems theory
Essay - 7 pages - Psychology
In this assignment I will demonstrate my knowledge of two selected theories, discussing how they contrast, how they may overlap and possibly even work well together. I will begin by looking at what a theory is and the nature of the relationship between theory and practice. I have chosen to use...
Static/dynamic ecological modeling systems
Thesis - 8 pages - Ecology & environment
Ecological modeling is utilized as a predictor mechanism, to ultimately analyze and observe the various systems and process which govern an ecosystem. With this information available, scientists can attempt to alter an ecosystem based on the interactions of several variables. These models...
Ocean Acidification
Presentation - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
When I started this course, my knowledge about ocean acidification was superficial, and I needed a clearer understanding of this comprehensive topic. The course on ocean acidification left a mark on my knowledge about this urgent global problem. Before beginning my college years, I needed more...
PESTEL Analysis - Subway
Case study - 5 pages - Catering marketing
Since its inception in 1989, the Subway company has continued to expand its activities in many countries around the world. Most of its restaurants are located in the United States. In addition, beyond the quality of the products offered by Subway, the popular brand loved by burger fans is known...
Can France abandon nuclear power in favor of renewables?
Case study - 12 pages - Ecology & environment
From a social, economic and political point of view, the subject of energy transition is more relevant than ever in France. Indeed, the energy transition aimed at reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, fighting against global warming and promoting renewable energies are major challenges for...
PESTEL Analysis - Tesla
Case study - 2 pages - Automotive marketing
Politically, subsidies and ecological bonuses for the purchase of non-polluting vehicles help orient the purchase of cars in Europe towards the environmental protection desired by political parties. The CAFE standard was put in place in order to penalize manufacturers who do not respect the...
Causes and Impacts of Coral Reef Bleaching
Litterature review - 9 pages - Ecology & environment
The causes and consequences of coral reef bleaching have garnered significant attention from researchers across various disciplines, elucidating the complex interplay of environmental factors and biological responses that shape this phenomenon. This review examines the causes, mechanisms, and...
Using the Socio-Ecological method to combat eating disorders
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Community health utilizes the ties between members of varied communities to change behaviors that lead to premature morbidity or mortality. We can use populations to analyze risk factors for those with a certain set of characteristics, but the real goal is to employ the bonds of the community to...
Ecological Nature of the Problem of acid rain
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
Over the course of the last several decades, notable environmental problems have come to the attention of policymakers. Chief among these issues has been the problem of acid rain. Although many governments have argued that they are not responsible for the production of acid rain in the global...
Market Study - Sustainable tourism
Market study - 8 pages - Tourism marketing
The tourist is, according to UNWTO, a traveller who travels away from his usual place of residence for at least one night and a year at most. The tourism market has a significant weight in the world economy, and its influence is not about to end, as it is constantly growing. France is the number...
PESTEL analysis - The clothing market in the UK
Case study - 5 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing
The UK's fashion industry is a big and well reputed one. In fact, aside from the fact that it hosts many clothing ceremonies or events, it also shows the place given to fashion in the country. For example, when we talk about London Fashion week and similar events, it reflects on the...
Ecological census lab report
Thesis - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
This lab involved field work in Hammond Woods, Newton, MA. Here, we observed trees in two sites: an exterior and interior site. These two sites possessed different distributions of trees and their species. The exterior, or edge site, consisted of four different species of plants: the White Pine...
Hemlock forest ecological analysis - Environmental gradients
Thesis - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
The Hemlock Forest Model represents the varying diversities along an environmental gradient. Variations in elevation can potentially yield alterations in various biological processes, which subsequently form complex assemblage interactions. The Hemlock Forest displayed a high level of diversity...