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Theme : Eastern europe

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28 Jul 2015

The fall of the Soviet Union

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

As a result of the Soviet fall in the year 1991, there were many changes in Europe. After the collapse of the Soviet Union there were recently created Eastern Europe countries which found themselves brought into the new era. (Keohane, Robert 2010) Many people relied on the...

20 Apr 2021

United States foreign policy

Course material - 5 pages - Modern history

A period of political isolation intervened between the end of WWI and the entrance of the US into WWII. In the 1930s new threats to world peace appeared through Japan's invasion of China; Italy's invasion of Ethiopia; the Spanish Civil War; Germany's occupation of Austria; and...

30 Jul 2022

The development and failure of the European system (1815-1945)

Course material - 7 pages - Modern history

There was a European system before the current European Union. Its roots went back to the 17th century and the Westphalian peace of 1648. It reached its maturity during the 19th century, after the Vienna Congress, and under the impression of 25 years of revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. It was...

16 Jun 2022

The European employment strategy

Dissertation - 7 pages - European union

Over the last ten years, employment has remained the top concern of Europeans, including new EU members. In fact, due to the lack of change in each national level, EU citizens have grown to trust the European Union more than their own governments to improve their country's employment...

19 Jan 2009

Is the Common Agricultural Policy indispensable for the future of Europe ?

Essay - 16 pages - Economy general

The CAP has long been a stumbling block among EU members. Last year, Jacques Chirac strongly opposed Tony Blair's proposal about the CAP. Indeed, France is the country which receives more agricultural subsidies while the United Kingdom does not get any concern in the agricultural policies. The...

22 Apr 2009

Legends of Mary Magdalene in Europe

Thesis - 9 pages - Modern history

Most of what we know about Mary Magdalene is found in the New Testament or in the documents about the early groups called apocryphal writings. The texts of the New Testament are not reliable historical records, since they were written years after the events by people not personally involved, but...

30 Jul 2022

Towards a European Confederation? From de Gaulle's Return to Power to the Milan European Summit (1958-1985)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

After the failure of the federal concept and the more prudent approach of the Rome Treaties, for about 30 years, the European Economic Community (EEC) seemed to develop more along the concept of a European Confederation, not a Federation, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, Robert Schuman or...

28 Nov 2008

Discovering Barbarian Europe

Essay - 7 pages - Geography

Almost everyone has seen a picture of Stonehenge, the famous circle of large upright stones in southern England. Yet very few people know that it was built in several stages over a period of more than a thousand years, starting nearly five thousand years ago. Most are unaware that it is...

31 Jul 2022

The Possible Geopolitical Consequences of Further Enlargements of the EU

Course material - 6 pages - Political science

The big enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the last one in 2007 to Bulgaria and Romania have been greeted with skepticism or even hostile reactions in large sectors of European public opinion. This situation, which probably contributed to the failure of the Constitutional Treaty in France and the...

01 Aug 2022

Towards a Federation of Nation-States? - From the Milan summit to the Nice one (1985-2000)

Course material - 7 pages - Modern history

To try to describe the aim of the European Construction at the beginning of the 90ies, Jacques Delors, president of the European Commission from 1985 to 1995, invented the concept of a Federation of Nation-States. An oxymoron? What does national sovereignty become in such a system? But still it...

12 Dec 2023

The Institutional Structure: The European Balance of Powers

Course material - 7 pages - European law

The European community created particular institutions, which were quite different from the usual skims of the separation of powers. In the traditional system of separation of powers, more or less separation is between executive, legislative and judicial power.

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: The US and the Cold War (1945-1980)

Course material - 5 pages - Modern history

The goal of this document is to stress the main thrust of American strategy in the Cold War in order to understand the legacy of the Cold War on American foreign policy today. The main structures of US foreign policy and foreign policy establishment and instruments, still in place today, were...

28 Jan 2023

Between 1856 and 1914, how did the authority of the central power try to build and impose itself on the multiethnic Russian imperial domain despite the rise of national affirmations?

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

On the eve of World War I in 1914, Russia is one of the most backward powers and the entire political system collapses in 1917 with the Russian Revolution. However, these two elements are opposed to the will of the tsar Alexander II in 1856, who, after the defeat of the Crimean War, decided to...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: demography and energy in the world as predictable long-term factors

Course material - 11 pages - World geography

The current policy, and even more the future policy of any country is difficult to assess, because it depends on a lot of factors, many of them (public moods, politics, personalities) being of a transient nature. But the current and future policy of any country also depends largely on long-term...

27 Jul 2023

Early Modern History

Worksheets - 21 pages - Modern history

Contrary to the contemporary definition, the cities of the early modern era were not defined only according to a threshold of number of inhabitants, continuity of buildings, or command functions. During the Old Regime, a city was certainly a densely populated space, but it was also surrounded by...

31 Jul 2022

The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - The Countries Other than France and Germany

Course material - 8 pages - Political science

France and Germany alone can no longer call the tune in the EU. They henceforth have to take much more into account the agenda of the other members. We shall see first that agenda, regrouping, of course, the different countries into larger groups along their affinities, and then the possible...

18 Aug 2014

Fall of the Classical Roman Empire

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The classical Roman Empire was one of the most influential empires to modern civilization. It was started by rapid expansion in to the surrounding part of Africa and Europe (Warner, 2005). At the pinnacle of the Roman Empire, it included sections of Asia Minor. Many accounts place the...

15 Sep 2023

Introduction to British Civilization

Course material - 9 pages - Modern history

In this lecture, we'll be looking at some of the key dates in the history of the UK and looking at recent events that have illustrated the fragility of British nationhood and identity and the very real possibility of the UK as we know it today no longer existing in its present state.

01 Aug 2022

The United States and the World - Russia and China

Course material - 7 pages - Modern history

At the beginning of his first term, President Bush neglected Russia and considered China as the next major geopolitical adversary. At the same time, American analysts were quite confident that Washington would be able to manage the "Geostrategic Triad" between Washington, Moscow and Beijing to...

27 Oct 2009

The strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland

Dissertation - 75 pages - Business strategy

This paper deals with the strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland. In a first part, the author discusses the theory of Foreign Direct Investment, more commonly called FDI: its different types and their alternatives, their motives, benefits and risks. In the second...

13 May 2009

Culture & leadership

Thesis - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

First of all, it is necessary to have a clear and simple definition of culture. So, “culture can be defined as all the behaviors, arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life” for an entire...

28 Sep 2016

Jewish Immigrations of the Lower East Side, Manhattan, New York (19th & 20th century)

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

The Lower East Side in Manhattan, New York, is symbolic of American Jewry. Since the mid 1800's, sometimes earlier, European Jews emigrated from various countries and settled in New York. Their most common destination was the Lower East Side in Manhattan, and since then this area is well...

25 Jul 2006

Critically examine the factors that ultimately led to the enlargement of the EU in 2004. What are the stages and debates?

Essay - 5 pages - European union

According to the article 43 of the European Community treaty, 'any European State may apply to become a member of the Union[...]the conditions of admission and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the Union is founded which such admission entails shall be the subject of an agreement...

15 Jan 2009

Building democratic institutions: East and West Lecturer: A. Dimitrova

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The accession in May 2004 of eight countries from Eastern Europe to the European Union and the future membership of Romania and Bulgaria in 2007 tends to show the importance, for these post-communist states, to find a new order and to gain more stability and security. Indeed, the...

13 Jul 2009

The fall of the Soviet Empire: Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

The two rebellions in Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968 were interesting times for Eastern and Central Europe. To being to study these, one must put these two events in context. It was a time when the political climate in Easter Europe was very delicate because of the...

17 May 2009

Can Tesco expand and succeed in North America?

Case study - 30 pages - Business strategy

In the first part of this report we evaluated Tesco's international expansion to date, taking their main global competitors into consideration. Results showed that Tesco has one main strategy that they use to approach international markets. Although, the company uses a different entry method and...

21 Jun 2010

The expansion of the European Union

Thesis - 5 pages - European union

Over a period of time, the European Union had bifurcated into two groups. Trade between the East and West was minimal, and the accession of Eastern European countries was out of question. The sudden disappearance of the Iron Curtain created a need for exchange of goods and helped the...

16 Feb 2011

L'Oreal Group: Economic and Financial analysis

Case study - 55 pages - Finance

The L'Oreal group, created in 1909 as a small family business, has grown exceedingly since its IPO (initial public offering) on October 8, 1963. Held by the Bettencourt family (27.5%) and Nestle (26.4%), the Group is now a part of the CAC 40. World leader in cosmetics, L'Oreal has a...

14 Oct 2020

SWOT Analysis - Veolia

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

The core business of Veolia is of course the distribution of drinking water. The company offered various services in the area of water that flowed from this craft. With the acquisitions of competitors and suppliers (horizontal strategy), the company has consolidated its position in the water...

29 Sep 2010

Post communist transition - Paper 3

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

After the collapse of the Soviet system, corruption in post-communist countries surged. Some of the post-communist nations were more successful in dealing with corruption than others. Do you believe that corruption was and still is a big obstacle to the development of these nations? Please...