A comparative evaluation of digital redesign techniques for LTI systems
Thesis - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
In this paper, a comparative evaluation of various redesign techniques is available in the literature of LTI control system. The redesign techniques like Tustin transform, step invariant method and Euler's method are evaluated based on the Energy Resemblance Index (ERI) at different sampling...
A legal perspective on digital property: Laptops in United States customs and border protection - published: 11/12/2012
Case study - 20 pages - Management
In this paper we will strive to answer several legal questions regarding the search and seizure of digital property at the United States border by U.S. customs officials. In a hypothetical scenario, a defendant crossed the border with illicit materials such as child pornography saved in a folder...
Things you should know about digital photography
Essay - 3 pages - Computer science
As a popular hobby for the past 160 years, one feature that has remained constant in photography is the need for the camera to be loaded with a film' that needs chemical processing. Now, with the development of the charge coupled device (CCD), which converts light into digital electronic...
The birth of the Digital divide
Essay - 3 pages - Computer science
Information technology and communication (ICT) is the subject of a more than abundant literature, and prompted the greatest hopes and greatest fears, and awakened the dreams of democratic ideals and fear of social control. In the late 1970s, we saw a real boom of IT in developed countries. The...
Exploring Gen Z's perception of social media: the line between intrusiveness and engagement
Thesis - 24 pages - Sociology & social sciences
We live in an era that is marked by the omnipresence of social media and it is irrefutable that over the past few decades, social media advertising has undergone a profound transformative evolution. Generation Z (Gen Z), often considered to be the first generation that has been brought up in an...
The Role of FinTech in Transforming the Landscape of Banking
Dissertation - 10 pages - Bank marketing
The rapid growth of financial technologies (FinTech) is transforming and reshaping the future of banking services. With digital platforms replacing conventional methods of providing banking services globally, Fintech has evolved the application of innovative technologies in finance to develop...
A legal perspective on digital property: Laptops in United States customs and border protection
Case study - 29 pages - Educational studies
In this paper we will strive to answer several legal questions regarding the search and seizure of digital property at the United States border by U.S. customs officials. In a hypothetical scenario, a defendant crossed the border with illicit materials such as child pornography saved in a folder...
Case study: Digital cameras and the run for the pixel count
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
Question: What do you suggest digital manufacturers do to reduce the current perception paradox that increased pixel numbers means better pictured quality? Please use the perception process to substantiate your answer. Answer: By the invention of digital sensors technology, digital cameras have...
DigitaI Lending - Commercial Banking Transformation
Presentation - 14 pages - Bank marketing
Digital lending enables faster processing of loan applications through advanced algorithms and technologies. Online lending platforms can evaluate loan applications quickly, providing borrowers with a response in minutes or hours instead of weeks or months with traditional lenders.
How technology is responsible for digital divide in the society
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Digital divide refers to the technology gap between the poor and the middle and upper classes. The so-called haves and have-nots also have a race-ethnic constituent. Because a larger proportion of minorities are poor, compared with whites, a smaller percentage of...
The integration of AI in project management
Case study - 4 pages - Management
Digital capability and leadership capability are the two main capabilities that allow a company to transform digital technology into business advantage. The company that masters first these capabilities and that are aware of the constant evolution of technology, are the ones that grow. Companies...
Reducing Daily Social Media Usage Through Self-Monitoring Techniques
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
Through this project, I will delve deeper into the concept of self-monitoring and its connection to behavioral transformation. My area of focus will be linked to social media consumption. Self-monitoring is an interventionmore specifically, a self-directing behavior change techniquein...
Business strategy: Gnarly Digital
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
In the beginning, Gnarly Digital focused on having the highest P/Q rating possible at a reasonable price to attract customers. We maintained a high price on our multi-featured cameras and a lower competitive price on our entry-level cameras. We offered an array of featured, more options on the...
How to stand out in insurance in 2023 ?
Essay - 2 pages - Business strategy
The insurance industry is changing. Initiated by newcomers, digital journeys are also increasingly adopted by historical players. The acceleration of digital in 2020 will now change customer expectations. How can the insurance industry prepare for these changes to stand out ? Discover four trends...
Acme Pharmaceuticals Growth Model
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
This document presents the growth objectives of Acme Pharmaceuticals, along with the planned actions to achieve them. The GROW model is utilized to structure the objectives and necessary steps for realizing growth. Visual tools are employed to illustrate the company's ambitious quantitative...
The positive effect of Internet information gathering on society
Essay - 5 pages - Computer science
Technologist has been pushing technology boundaries beyond our imagination. This has given rise to the digital world and technology is being used as a medium of expression, learning, entertainment and interaction. This has made digital devices the most important part of the human being. This is...
The impact of digital on Sport Brands
Worksheets - 3 pages - Services marketing
Sport has become an important part of people's lives in the 20th century, whether they are practising a particular sport or following sporting events, more or less closely. Today in France, 34 million people 'practice a sport' and 15 million are registered. And in terms of sports...
Speech processing using wavelete transformation and its implementation in digital hearing aids
Thesis - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Hearing impairment is the number one chronic disability affecting people in the world. Many people have great difficulty in understanding speech with background noise. This is especially true for a large number of elderly people and the sensorineural impaired persons. Several investigations on...
Digital Masterpieces : Are video games any good?
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Video games draw plenty of criticism these days. Parents and politicians alike look at video games as a bad thing in society; it's a time sink that prevents families from bonding and schoolwork from getting done, in their eyes. Others view video games as a way to socialize and meet other...
Social Media Impact on Mental Health
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
In the current digital world, social media is a significant part of society, which has totally changed how people create and share news and information. Yet, in addition to its unquestionable advantages, there is a growing divergence of views concerning how this revolution affects users...
A Case Study Comparing Marketing Campaigns in Film with Research into Models of Distribution and Marketing in Cinema
Case study - 4 pages - Marketing theories
In this case study we will be looking at the marketing campaigns of two films, one before the digital age truly began and one during the boom to see how they both were marketed to audiences and how successful it was in terms of profit return and critic consensus. Before we get into the main...
Exploring the Impact of the Internet on Human Thought Processes Through Critical Analysis
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The development of the Internet has revolutionised human information processing and has launched a new era in cognitive engagement. In his pioneering article 'Is Google Making Us Stupid?' Nicholas Carr carefully sets forth questions about the implications of this digital revolution for...
Organizational Behavioural Management - Assistant project manager for the launch and management of a brick factory at LOME BETON
Internship report - 25 pages - Management
From February 28 to August 28, 2023, I was an intern at LOME BETON in Lomé, Togo. This internship, which I did as part of my third year at EM Lyon, enabled me to discover how a company works, develop my skills and refine my career plan. The company specializes in setting up construction projects...
Theories and case studies on copyright issues in a digital environment, logo infringement and patents
Thesis - 11 pages - Other law subjects
Locke propounded the theory that protection of property is to justify it as a reward for the labor put in to create / generate it by the creator. Locke started his theory with the presumption that every man has a property in his own person'. Locke claims that an individual's labor belongs...
Digital Evolution
Essay - 11 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The turn of the new century has brought outstanding leaps in the realm of technology. The rapid progression of technological development has changed the way our society operates. Moreover, the influence of technology has taken over our lives as a whole. It is with this premise that indeed...
Politeness as Human Value
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The essence of social institutions, politeness, is a key factor in communication. Historically, it has been seen as a symbol of hierarchy and strength. For example, those with a high social status are apt to be more polite than those with a lower status. Nevertheless, the so-called power and...
The digital divide and its effects on work environments
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The nature and structure of an organization is often a hard thing to understand. It can be so flexible and elusive at times that it seems to be reminiscent of a unicorn or other mythical animal: much talked about and yet seldom seen. However, beneath every operating structure lies a model which...
Corporate Strategy, Pernod Ricard : analysis and scenarios
Case study - 11 pages - Business strategy
In this case study, we will discuss and try to understand how the French group Pernod-Ricard is evolving in its global environment but also inside the group itself. They are the 2nd world liquor distributor; therefore, we will take into account their strengths but also potential weaknesses and...
Failures of the digital millennium copyright act and its threat to fair use and innovation
Thesis - 10 pages - Journalism
In today's society, technology has improved in a very short time, allowing us to perform acts that were not previously possible, such as calling from afar on a cell phone, connecting with someone from India via the computer, or storing what would be thousands of documents into a small flash...
Oral Assesment - Human resources planning, strategy and practices
Presentation - 27 pages - Human resources
This document contains three presentations treating three human resources subjects. The first presentation answers the following questions: How can companies attract, retain, motivate, and manage Gen Y and Z? The second presentation answers the following questions: What is HR planning? Why is it...