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Theme : Democracy

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02 Oct 2007

A Critique of Democracy through Aristotle (and Plato)

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

Democracy is defined today as “a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.” In the time of Plato and Aristotle, there was a simple definition that was essentially...

24 Jul 2006

Deliberative democracy is theoretically plausible and institutionally impracticable

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

What we mean today when referring to 'democracy' is, according to some scholars, 'a way of organising the state that has come to be narrowly identified with territorially based competitive elections of political leadership for legislative and executive offices' . The...

31 Aug 2006

The party of European socialists and the identity of European social democracy

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

The question wether there is currently something that can be called the crisis of social-democracy is arguable: after all, social-democractic and socialist parties are still the counterpart of Conservatives and Christian-democrats, sharing alternaltively government responsibilities at...

29 Nov 2006

"Adenauer's pursuit of Western integration consolidated democracy in the West at the cost of the East." Comment

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

According to the newspaper die Frankfurte Allgemeine Zeitung, the number of the unemployed people in Germany has decreased by 25.000 in November, reaching the stage of 4.531.000 jobless persons. The Federal Minister of the Economy, Michael Glos (CSU) spoke in the Bundestag „vom ersten...

16 Nov 2004

What is representative democracy? Is it aim to restrict or to promote popular rule?

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

One may accept, as Dahl did, that representative democracy is a means to democratize a government. Yet, representative democracy is far from being a true democracy, both restricting and promoting popular rule. The concept of representative democracy derived from the...

17 Jun 2021

The risks of democracies

Essay - 3 pages - International law

In order to determine whether there is a violation of due process, it is necessary to ask several cumulative and conditional questions. If so, is a fundamental right involved? And finally, depending on the answer to this question, it is necessary to apply the standards of the review to provide an...

12 Jan 2009

How do the Federal Republic of Germany, Fifth Republic France and post-war Italy fulfil the criteria of Lijphart's 'majoritarian' and 'consensus' models of democracies?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

This essay will attempt to analyse the Federal Republic of Germany, Fifth Republic France and post-war Italy thanks to Lijphart's work Democracy (1984). Lijphart classifies the ‘majoritarian' model (or ‘Westminster model') and the ‘consensual model', in function of specific...

15 Jan 2009

To what extent does multiculturalism in developed liberal democracies adequately address the issue of religious diversity?

Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In recent years diversity in developed liberal democracies has deeply increased. Indeed, in European countries, as in America or in Australia many migrants came to work. Whereas the first migration movements happened within Western countries (e.g. many Italians and Poles came to France to work in...

18 Mar 2009

The role of the state in contemporary liberal democracies

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The role of the state within contemporary liberal democracies is an issue that perhaps more than any other has attracted the attentions of the social and political sciences. The concept itself is not accorded universal acceptance and there are a plethora of theoretical and ideological...

03 Feb 2011

Populism: a new challenge for the European democracies?

Dissertation - 19 pages - Political science

While Europe seemed affected by a sudden rise of populist leaders (Berlusconi in Italy, UKIP in Britain, Switzerland with Brocher, France with Le Pen and De Villiers), they were alarmed by this development. Should it be considered as an epiphenomenon of populism? The question is central to the...

31 Dec 2024

Voting, determinism and free will: How do voters choose?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

In a democracy, elections are, for voters, the means to express their own ideology. Therefore, to understand the reason behind the voter's choice, we will first focus on the social forces that shape one's ideology. One's ideology is defined by Ian Budge. It is a relatively...

22 Jul 2022

Representation and governance in international organizations - Rapkin, Strand and Trevathan (2016) - Can international organizations be representative and democratic?

Text commentary - 7 pages - Political science

Due to all the problems associated with globalization, economic or financial crisis, and climates, the importance of international organizations such as the United Nations, or the IMF, has never been greater. As its name suggests, an international organization is made up of a collection of States...

12 Jan 2023

Political Inaction

Essay - 1 pages - Political science

Democracy allows people to make choices. We can see it for instance nowadays with the choice of being vaccinated against coronavirus. In France, there is the possibility for a group of citizens supported by senators to make a referendum. Hugo Clement, a journalist, decided to use this...

31 Oct 2024

Lincoln's Reasoning

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Abraham Lincoln's presidency was a defining crucible in the evolution of the American nation's conception of democracy, as the burning issue of slavery precipitated an existential crisis that challenged the very foundations on which the republic was built. And so the debate on the...

08 Oct 2024

In your opinion, should there be limits to freedom of the press?

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

One of the pillars of democracies, freedom of the press is a fundamental right guaranteed by the 1st amendment to the US Constitution. It ensures people are properly informed, as when the Washington Post revealed the Watergate scandal which led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974. Yet...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: A New World Order?

Course material - 7 pages - Political science

We remember George Bush's optimism in 1990: he had announced "A New World Order", resting on the promotion of liberal democracy and free enterprise everywhere, resting on the UN (at last again effective due to the end of the Cold War) and on American benevolent hegemony. One could have...

29 Sep 2016

The Republic of Germany and the German political system after World War II

Course material - 5 pages - Political science

Our conception of the Federal Republic of Germany is very different from what it was only 15 years ago. Throughout much of its history, Germany was under the leadership of dictators and was never very comfortable with democracy. Germany's first experience with democracy occurred...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy

Course material - 8 pages - Modern history

There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the “American way of life” (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise, two...

13 Jan 2009

Parties and party systems in contemporary democracies

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Laver and Schofield wonder what makes length of a government's life through the examples of Italy and Germany, but also of other countries. Firstly, is the number of parties of the political system related to cabinet stability? This is right in Italy, Belgium and Finland. They have a higher...

13 Oct 2022

India: Kesavananda Bharati vs State of Kerala

Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law

Perhaps the most recognized constitutional decision within the Supreme Court of India reflects on the case of Kesavananda Bharati against the State of Kerala. While the Supreme Court ruled that there was no implied limitation on Parliament's powers on amendments to the Constitution, the...

11 Mar 2024

Does Being « Politically » Represented Necessarily Means Being Represented by Actors Who Directly Have a Position in the Institutional Realm?

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

In a society in which our interests may be represented by a variety of actors (NGO, patries, citizens, social media influencers, politicians...), the necessity of elections depends on the power of these actors to effectively defend our interests. In other words, if we define representation...

08 Jan 2025

Short Summary of Constitutional Law

Worksheets - 4 pages - Constitutional law

Definition of Constitutional Law: Set of norms contained in the Constitution that define the legal identity, territorial and administrative organization of the State, the rights and duties of citizens, and the relationships between citizens and power holders. (...)

14 Dec 2024

History, Culture and Society: Spain From the Ancient Age to 2023

Course material - 31 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

The document covers, in the form of revision sheets, key events in History from the Ancient Age to the year 2023. Excerpt: "Under the reign of Philip II (1556-1598), Spain was the first world power. When the king of Portugal died without descendants, Philip defeated the other candidates and was...

08 Dec 2022

Future Opportunities, Threats, Challenges and Goals of the European Union

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The European Union is the largest and most successful political and economic union in the world, making it a key player. Research on the European Union focuses mainly on its construction, its functioning, the challenges and threats it faces. Our research aims to examine the responsibilities and...

11 Jan 2024

The UK's unwritten constitution is put to the test by Johnson's unprincipled acts, The observer - Catherine Haddon (10 july 2022) - Analysis of British politics and its impact

Text commentary - 3 pages - Political science

The English constitution is not a single, codified document, but a collection of texts and unwritten principles. The government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in office between 2019 and 2022, would have undermined some of these rules, particularly regarding transitional governments, and thought...

01 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: Bush's Second Term and Current Trends in the US Foreign Policy Establishment

Course material - 9 pages - Political life and election

After Bush's re-election in November 2004, there were some doubts about the kind of policy he would now follow, after the occupation of Iraq had revealed itself as a much more difficult undertaking than what the Administration had contemplated. Many felt at the time the President would vastly...

20 Dec 2024

Contemporary Spanish history

Course material - 19 pages - Modern history

Valencia Decree (May 1814): Abolished the Cadiz Constitution, reinstated absolutism, and nullified prior reforms. It's the return of the Inquisition, the restoration of feudal systems, and harsh measures against liberals and afrancesados, leading to imprisonment, exile, and executions....

19 Apr 2024

Is the House of the Lord undemocratic?

Essay - 2 pages - Constitutional law

British Labor proposes to abolish the House of Lords and replace it with an Assembly of Regions. The party's program was presented with a view to the legislative elections which must take place no later than January 2025. It would aim to replace the House of Lords, in which an Assembly of...

28 Jul 2015

Canada and the United States government

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Canada and the United States have one primary similarity. They are both established as democracies. Additionally, they are both declared as federal states. However, there are numerous differences between the two. The primary difference is in the way the two conduct their government. Canada and...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the end of the Cold War (1989-1990)

Course material - 4 pages - Modern history

President George H. Bush was elected in November 1988. He had to steer the end of the Cold War, 1989-1990. His team was different from Reagan's, although he had been his vice-president: there were no neo-conservatives; the new Administration was more adept of Kissinger's prudent line....