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Theme : Democracy

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07 Jan 2025

Democracy in Action: The Essential Role of Citizens in the United States

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

In a nation built on the ideals of freedom and democracy, the role of active and informed citizens cannot be overstated. The United States has thrived on the principles of civic involvement and participation since its founding. To sustain and strengthen the democratic fabric of the nation,...

13 Feb 2025

The trouble with Wilderness - Cronon (1996); The ambivalence of post-development: between reactionary populism and radical democracy - Ziai (2004) - Development and environmental geography

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - World geography

Cronon questions the wilderness, often seen as the only hope, an antidote - wrongly, in his view. Indeed, he believes that this nature is the work of the human hand. The term wilderness is a pure creation of civilization: what it refers to has evolved over time. This was reflected in various art...

30 Jan 2024

12 Angry Men - Reginald Rose (1953) and Sidney Lumet (1957) - To what extent is debate necessary for a trial in the American Democracy?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Political science

This document tackles three documents : - Document A is a still from the film 12 Angry Men entitled « Preliminary vote ». The film is a courtroom drama, it was directed by Sidney lumet and released in 1957. - Document B is a literary extract from a play called 12 Angry Men written for television...

14 Dec 2024

How Did the Media Influence Spain's Journey to Democracy, Shape Public Perceptions, and Tackle the Challenges of Moving From Censorship to Independence?

Essay - 1 pages - Political science

The media's role in shaping public opinion during Spain's shift from dictatorship to democracy was powerful and profound. As the country moved away from Francisco Franco's authoritarian rule, media outlets—previously controlled by the state—suddenly became key players...

21 May 2024

How does Hungary's and Poland's illiberal approach to democracy, accompanied by a nationalistic retreat, constitute a break with the values of the European Union?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

On 28 July 2014, at the twenty-fifth summer university in B?ile Tu?nad, Romania, Viktor Orbán declared: "The new state we are building in Hungary is not a liberal state, it is an illiberal state based on the value of labour." Indeed, since he came to power in Hungary in 2010, and won the...

21 Sep 2023

How Did the Jewish Community Manage to Reconcile War and Democracy in the Creation and Perpetuation of the Israeli State?

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

I am going to give you a presentation on democracy and war in the Israeli state, based on the writings of Ran Halevi. Ran Halevi is a French historian, born in 1950, director of research at the CNRS. His research focuses on the political history of France as well as on Israeli political...

09 Mar 2015

Schumpeter's Conception of Democracy

Case study - 2 pages - Ancient history

Schumpeter is well known for his efforts in advocating a procedural democracy definition. He sets the stage for his definition by first criticizing the implications of the 18th-century philosophy that was associated with democracy (Medearis, 2009, p. 34). He claims that the...

16 Feb 2015

Considerations on democracy and state in the modern world

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The transformations that have occurred over the past three decades in the capitalist and socialist states brought to the discussion the importance of democracy as a determinant of the changes made largely in contemporary societies. The relationship between state and democracy...

16 Feb 2015

Social inequality, democracy, capitalism

Case study - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In Latin America, social inequality can lead to the strengthening of anti-democratic convictions and further develop the "apartheid" prevailing social. The intervention of the political in the definition and implementation of economic and social policies is becoming more necessary, and the State...

21 Apr 2014

What were the main factors of the collapse of " Social Democracy " in Britain?

Essay - 11 pages - Modern history

After the Second World War, the British political and economic landscape underwent a radical transformation in its own foundations. Indeed, the previous economic orthodoxy that had characterized the governing of Britain was substituted by a Keynesian form of welfare state. It was the beginning of...

01 Feb 2014

Does interest representation enhance or undermine democracy in the European Union?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The democratic legitimacy of the European Union has long been questioned and debated upon. In this essay we will consider the role of interest representation and discuss whether or not it aids or demoralizes the ideals of democracy. In order to fully investigate this question we will first...

24 Jul 2013

A critical review of Downs, A. (1957) 'An Economic Theory of Political Action in a Democracy', Journal of Political Economy, 65(2): 135-150

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

In his seminal work “An economic Theory of Political Action in Democracy” Anthony Downs suggests that traditional economic theory is united in its exclusion of the impact of government as an economic agent. He sets out to address this issue by creating a model that sets key...

19 Apr 2013

Did Poland make a success of its return to the democracy?

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

Poland, the fatherland of Nicolas Copernicus, Frederic Chopin and Jean-Paul II, is widely regarded as an icon of the emancipation of the people's democracies of Central and Eastern Europe with respect to the USSR. More still, Poland appears in the international imagery as an effective...

17 Oct 2012

How convincing and appealing is Schumpeter's theory of democracy?

Case study - 4 pages - Political science

Joseph Schumpeter is an American economist and political scientist from the first part of the 20th C, well-known for his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy written in 1942 during the Second World War. In this eminent work, Schumpeter has elaborated a New Theory of Democracy,...

30 Jun 2011

Exploring the relationship between democracy and MDG progress

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The Millenium Development Goals of 2000 focused the international community on the development and health advances of the developing world. To succeed in completing these goals, massive amounts of aid have been sent to developing countries, though many conditions have been attached. Many...

27 Jan 2011

Democracy Ancient and Modern' by Moses I. Finley

Book review - 15 pages - Political science

"It was the Greeks who discovered not only democracy but also politics, the art of reaching decisions through public discussion, and to obey those decisions as a necessary condition for existence of a social civilization." Posed between paying homage to the great Hellenic legacy and its...

03 Jan 2011

The Democracy of the Chancellor in Germany

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

The German political system, which was designed after the Second World War, is characterized by considerable stability. It strikes a balance between the four pillars of power, namely the government formed by the chancellor, the parliament (Bundestag) where party influence is exercised, the...

14 Jun 2011

Archon Fung and Deliberative Democracy: How Educated Voters can Determine Their Own Best Interests

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

A government led by representatives of the people has seemingly become the accepted method of representing the wants and needs of the masses. Yet it is easy to see how these people in power may have more ability to influence the desire of the voters rather than allowing the voters' interest...

13 Apr 2010

The missing link: No child left thinking: Democracy at-risk in American schools

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In “No Child Left Thinking, Democracy At-Risk in American Schools,” Joel Westheimer asks readers a simple question: if they had “stepped into a school” and observed a classroom “lesson related to [a] country's political ideals,” would they be able to tell...

23 Aug 2010

Democracy and religion

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Religion and democracy, though resting on similar principles, have been at logger heads constantly. There are several instances in history that have depicted a constant clash between these two concepts. Democracy has battled with theocracy and has replaced in many parts of Europe....

29 Sep 2010

Compare and contrast Rousseau's and Tocqueville's accounts of the civil function of religion in a democracy. Consider closely the respective merits of their case before offering your own assessment

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Rousseau and Tocqueville fundamentally agree that the civil function of religion is to strengthen the bond that exists between the people and the law. However, the two men differ in their views on how this bond should be strengthened. Rousseau argues in favor of a new, civil religion being...

29 Sep 2010

International Law and Organization: Weighing the Democracy Deficit

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The history of the relationship between the United States and international law and organization has always been a love-hate one. While historically the U.S. has unquestionably been one of the strongest proponents of the development of international organizations such as the United Nations...

23 Aug 2010

Islam and democracy

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, political scientists and researchers in international relations have abandoned the bipolar pattern between the USSR and the United States. Following the implosion of the Soviet bloc in 1991, issues concerning the East-West conflict have disappeared,...

29 Sep 2010

Phillips and Young - the common critique of liberalism and the divergence of views on democracy, the equality and rights

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

Our modern society has been solidly founded upon liberal principles; the Enlightenment constitutes one of the most influential political ideas in the nation-building process. Nevertheless, some criticism has emerged as our society seems to fail to provide all its citizens political equality....

29 Sep 2010

Democracy in the US Constitution: Representation and the Balance of Powers

Essay - 2 pages - Constitutional law

Although the US Constitution intended to ensure the principles of equal representation and freedom of political expression, the imperfect process by which the document was created resulted in various undemocratic principles that are contrary to the spirit of the given prompt. The Constitution not...

29 Sep 2010

Jihad Vs. McWorld by Benjamin Barber. Two opposite tendencies that threaten democracy

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

Benjamin R. Barber is a professor of political science and director of the Whitman Center at Rutgers University. His popular books are Strong Democracy (1984), An aristocracy of Everyone (1992), and Jihad Vs. McWorld (Times Books, 1995). Jihad Vs. McWorld, his last book was published in...

15 Mar 2010

Capitalism, democracy and power

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

Both James Madison and Karl Marx can be considered “democrats”; however both vastly differ on their theories and understanding of democracy and government on a wide spectrum of issues. If Karl Marx were to be asked his opinion of Madison's Federalist#10 in the post-Paris Commune...

13 Jul 2009

Shortcomings of democracy

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

Most people in North America revel in the fact that they live in countries that are ruled by the best type of political system available: democracy. People who advocate for the use of democracy will argue that all of the other systems are flawed and democracy is the best...

09 Jan 2009

United States versus democracy

Thesis - 10 pages - Political science

Throughout history individuals have discussed the term democracy, which has its origins in ancient Greece, and is derived from the words demos and kratos. The literal definition of this term is “rule by the people.” However, this definition is ambiguous and has allowed scholars...

15 Jan 2009

What's wrong with the elite theory of democracy?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The elite theory of democracy has emerged out of two major concerns of its precursors: no theory of democracy until now has given leadership the importance it ought to have, and none has really settled the issue of whether the common man is up to the task of governing a modern and...