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12 Oct 2024

Risk Management - published: 11/10/2024

Essay - 2 pages - Management

With the rising level of globalization experienced in the market today, companies need to prepare for high levels of uncertainty. They have begun to reconcile their operations in preparation for the long-term economic downturn as well as to increase their exposure to the changing world markets....

23 Apr 2008

Examining the Causal Factors and Societal Ramifications of the Celtic Tiger Phenomenon

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

When one examines the historic past of Ireland it is evident that this once colonial appendage of Brittan has had its fair share of despair. Within just over a hundred years Ireland as a whole has suffered through numerous crises including two famines, oil crisis, religious conflict and economic...

17 Mar 2009

A study on working capital management

Thesis - 10 pages - Finance

Cash is the lifeline of a company, no matter how large or small the organization is. If this lifeline deteriorates so does the company's ability to fund operations, reinvest and meet capital requirements and payments. Understanding a company's cash flow health is essential to making...

16 Jun 2010

Financing plan and cash management

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

Each year, when investments are planned, the company must monitor the medium-term balance of funding and coverage of its invested capital. It is the financing plan that makes this control and forecasting possible. A financing plan usually refers to the means by which cash will be acquired to...

07 Oct 2009

The role of private equity firms as an alternative investment model in the Middle East and globally

Tutorials/exercises - 27 pages - Finance

The global economic reality has witnessed a recent international increase in the private equity markets. This fact has brought up many concerns as to whether this will have a positive or negative outcome (Financial Services Authority, 2006). This document will present an overview of private...

21 Jun 2010

Enhance your portfolio: The hedge fund

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

A hedge fund is an investment fund open to a limited range of investors. It undertakes a wider range of investment and trading activities in addition to the long term investment funds. Every hedge fund has its own investment strategy that determines the type of investments and the methods of...

16 Feb 2011

Analysis on the group of JC Decaux SA

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

The group JC Decaux invests on an average of about 200 million Euros each year to fund its growth. It is important to note that the investment turns primarily to urban furniture as the detriment of other areas of strategic activity. This seems consistent strategy for several reasons: the group...

28 Jul 2014

Wesfarmers annual report 2012 -Accounting concept and systems

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

In the definition of cash, for the sake of preparation of the statement of cash flows, this company has used several terms, explanations and implications. The company has dealt with the operating revenue, earnings that have been made by the firm during that year, the net profit, the operating...

29 Jan 2015

College education is undoubtedly valid

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

For many students in the United States and the world as a whole, view a bachelor's degree as a golden ticket to a more intellectually and financially fulfilling life. The most disturbing reality is the likely outcomes that include the unemployment, debt and politically charged pseudo...

03 Mar 2011

Performance of the British Airways

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

BA is one of the world's largest international airlines, providing travelers with a broad network to and from the U.K. and has a total service for premium travelers in co-operation with world alliance partners. The company expanded rapidly in the 1990s, which led to overcapacity, lower fares...

20 Apr 2015

Critical analysis for the Brazilian case

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Brazil felt a huge change in the economy after the Real Plan in 1994. The plan has changed the economic environment in Brazil to check the stability of the economy after a long period of high inflation. From this year on, we used two types of monetary policy: a fixed exchange rate until 1999,...

21 Sep 2011

Hilton hotels: Hospitality across the world

Market study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Over the past few years, Hilton Worldwide has been donning the mantle of the most stylish, forward thinking global leader of hospitality. Associated with inaugural balls, Hollywood award galas and premier business events, Hilton Worldwide has been offering accommodations and other leisure...

10 Jan 2011

Economy of Morocco

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

Morocco is a country of 29 million people with low-middle income, and gross domestic product per capita, estimated in 2001 to be 1190 U.S. dollars. Agriculture occupies an important place in the economy, with a share of GDP which has increased by about 15% over the last twenty years, and employs...

28 May 2008

Microeconomics: United States Economics

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Most people I know have iPods, drive high-horsepower automobiles with complex inner workings, and pay little attention to newspaper articles regarding oil, stocks, and debt. First off, nobody wants to think about the avalanche amount of debt that's accumulating and what it can do to...

10 Nov 2014

The American revolution: Case study in detail

Thesis - 17 pages - Modern history

In 1763, the Treaty of Versailles ended the Seven Years War between France and Spain against Great Britain. The victory of the latter (gain of French, Canada, of all the territories east of the Mississippi except New Orleans, and with Spanish, Florida) was certainly a matter of immense pride in...

17 Jun 2008

Alternative accounting practices: earnings management using loan loss

Essay - 4 pages - Accounting

Critical examinations of recent corporate scandals that have occurred—i.e. Enron and WorldCom in particular—demonstrate that the accounting practices utilized by the organization were less than ethical. However, in most instances the accounting principles used by the organization were...

14 Apr 2009

Competitor analysis of financial securities industries: Religare

Case study - 36 pages - Finance

The securities markets in India witnessed several policy initiatives since the year 2000, which further refined the markets micro-structure, modernized operations and broadened investment choices for investors. The irregularities in the securities transactions in the last quarter of the previous...

20 Apr 2009

Initial public offering: MIC Electronics Ltd

Dissertation - 51 pages - Business strategy

Project IPO deals with initial public offering, or IPO, because it is the first sale of stock by a company to the public. A company can raise money by issuing either debt or equity. If the company has never issued equity to the public, it's known as an IPO. Broadly speaking, companies...

07 May 2009

Analysis and features of Standard Chartered

Thesis - 18 pages - Finance

The world “Bank” has been derived from the Italian world “Banca” meaning a branch or a counter. However, the banks that we are now accustomed to seeing no longer seem to be a reflection of what “Bank” really means. But today's banks are not what banks used to...

25 Oct 2012

Although the basic accounting concepts define the assumptions underlying the preparation of financial statements and the process of preparation in the UK is well regulated, this does not entirely eliminate the need for judgements/estimations to be made by

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

The general purpose of financial reporting is to present information about specific company to investors or shareholders but also creditors, employees and tax authorities as well as the general public. The information is than to be used for decision making as well as planning in case of the...

06 Nov 2014

Business Analysis - Duane Reade

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Since the inception of Duane Reade in 1960, the drug chain has recorded remarkable growth from three stores started by the Cohen family comprising Eli, Abraham and Jack Cohen. The company named after streets from where the location of its first full-service drugstore -between the Manhattan...

12 May 2009

Dividend policy irrelevance

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

Depending on its life cycle and strategy, a firm has different financial needs. These financial needs could be fulfilled by internal or external resources. The sources of internal financing is cash flows. External financing could be debt and/or equity. When a firm uses debt, the...

27 Nov 2012

Sample hardship letter

Sample letter - 1 pages - Management

This letter is to explain the current delinquent accounts that appear in my credit history. I am currently in the process of working with a credit repair agency to clear up some of these debts, because they do not belong to me. I do have three strong credit references that I have been...

09 May 2002

How long can the 'Pay As You Go' pensions last? (followed by the case-study of France)

Case study - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Most countries do provide retirement pension schemes within the framework of Pay As You Go pensions. This system however encounters today some unprecedented drawbacks, mainly due to the burden of an ageing population. The future of the retirement system is a real economic concern, not simply a...

26 Aug 2008

Capital budgeting methods

Essay - 7 pages - Finance

Capital budgeting is concerned with the process of producing, evaluating, selecting and controlling capital expenditures. In this context, capital budgeting decisions are critical. Winning projects typically produce positive cash flows for a long period of time, while failing projects do not...

15 Jan 2009

The European union's development policy toward Africa

Essay - 5 pages - European union

On December 8th and 9th 2007 the summit of African and European leaders has hold in Lisbon. It is the second ever Summit between heads of states and governments from EU and Africa after the Cairo Summit in 2000. The 52 countries of the African Union, the 27 European member states, and the...

12 May 2009

Has the 'war on terror' influenced Latin America and its relationship with the U.S.? What are the implications of this process for the region?

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

War on Terror was launched by the George Bush administration in respond to the attacks on September 11, 2001 on the US soil. The official term used by the US military, Global war on Terrorism refers to the various military, political, and legal action taken to curb the spread of terrorism. So, to...

17 May 2009

To what extent is Brazil and its development typical of a country of South America?

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

In 1952 when the demographer Alfred Sauvy first used the expression “Third World” in an article titled “Three worlds, one planet” to designate the poor, recently decolonized countries or those due to soon break free of their colonized past, this new world struggled to define...

28 Feb 2010

Corporate bonds: A term paper

Thesis - 3 pages - Finance

Corporate Bonds are debt obligations issued by corporations as an alternative to issuing stock when raising capital. They are an alternative to issuing new shares on the stock market, and they are a form of debt finance. Companies of all sizes issue corporate bonds. In the United...

08 Jan 2015

The worst economic crisis - Late 1970s to early 1980s

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The worst economic crisis that happened in the world history occurred between the late 1970s spreading over the years to early 1980s. The USA was one of the world economies that were greatly hit by the economic downturn. The debts escalated and savings went down in the American economy...