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14 Mar 2025

Panel Data Analysis - Empirical Financial Modelling

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Finance

We formulate the following three hypotheses after reading the literature: H1: There is a positive relationship between bank loans and ROAA. H2: There is a negative relationship between bank loans and the business climate dBSI. H3: There is a positive relationship between bank lending and GDP...

13 Jan 2025

Social listening - Access and Collect web data: Enrich Post data

Presentation - 5 pages - Digital & e-marketing

This slideshow explains how to create an attractive post on social networks.

29 Oct 2024

Encryption and Cryptography: Safeguarding Data Integrity and Confidentiality

Essay - 3 pages - Computer science

The security of data that is transmitted over networks and stored in devices is very important in the current world of digital operations, and it must be protected and remain intact. Encryption and cryptography are tools to protect data and ensure the possibility of verifying its...

03 Jul 2024

Data Analysis for Decision Making - Quantitative Technique

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Business strategy

The population in this example is the number of boys of a certain age. We have a sample of 25 boys of the same age, whose mean weight is 80.94 pounds. It is argued that boys in the neighborhood from which the sample is drawn are underfed. We can observe that there is a difference of almost 5...

20 Apr 2024

RSTUDIO: Final Project - Data Correlation, Causation

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Computer science

In this document we propose to study three countries on three different continents namely France, Japan and the United States. We want to analyze how the primary variable fertility rate is related to the influencing variables namely unemployment rate and inflation. Indeed, harsh economic...

23 Oct 2024

Data Security and the Benefits for Users and Companies

Dissertation - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In today's interconnected digital world, data becomes the life-sustaining fluid of every part of existence, whether we are talking about individual communications or global trade. (Lopez, 2023) illustrates that, ultimately, the role of the SOC becomes a validation of the importance of...

24 Oct 2024

Balancing Innovation with Student Privacy - Navigating the Ethical Terrain of Educational Data Mining

Course material - 4 pages - Educational studies

Data mining is now part of many areas in the modern world, including education. This can be seen through Educational Data Mining (EDM). It involves gathering data from educational settings and studying it systematically to find patterns, make predictions or understand things...

27 Oct 2024

Empirical Study: British Election Study survey data collected in 2017

Case study - 3 pages - Political life and election

The BES survey data collected in 2017 is an excellent dataset for the understanding and analyses of voter conduct during a very important political period. Data collected in 2017 from the BES survey include face-to-face surveys, internet panel data and cross-section...

23 Oct 2024

Data Drives Decisions: How Analytics Brings Intelligence to the Business Strategy

Essay - 2 pages - Business strategy

Statistics and data analytics are closely related but sometimes work differently. Statistics provides data analysis with a methodology that includes techniques for accumulating, arranging, compendium, and interpreting data structures. (Levine, D., & Stephan, 2014). For...

29 Oct 2024

Qualitative Data Analysis Software Comparison- MaxQDA and NVivo

Case study - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

QSR International's NVivo is a top qualitative data analysis (QDA) program. It originated from Tom Richards' 1981 NUD*IST and is now a mainstay for scholars, with the first version, 1.0, being released in 1997 (Dhakal, 2022). NVivo supports Grounded Theory, content analysis, and...

03 Jul 2023

How to set up a long-term Data-Driven Omnichannel CRM Roadmap to better recruit, retain and grow its clients?

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

To become best-in-class in terms of data-driven client activation, the company should aim to deliver personalized and relevant messages to each customer across all channels, and at each stage of the customer journey. This requires a deep understanding of customer behavior and preferences,...

06 Oct 2023

Data Analysis for Decision Making - Cookfood Project

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Mathematics

A questionnaire is administered to a sample set of 856 individuals on a pilot consumer brand called "Cookfood" ready-to-eat product. The data gathered on the sample set is based on their answers with respect to their attitude to the new product, as well as standard demographics, such as...

23 Aug 2022

Scientific Research and Data Analysis

Worksheets - 4 pages - Philosophy

This document is the summary of a course that presents the different ways in which research can be conducted in Science, as well as the method of data analysis. Science is a more formal, rigorous approach in the quest for truthful knowledge. It relies on objectivity and rationality -...

12 Feb 2021

Implementing a database

Tutorials/exercises - 17 pages - Computer science

You are required to write a summative report for the company's senior management and shareholders, who you are to assume are not digital-literate in relation to databases, therefore the language should be clear and any technical terms used should be explained. The report should introduce the...

15 Mar 2021

Witnesses and Data Messages

Law case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

In terms of section 15 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 25 of 2002 ('ECTA') the legal requirements for the admissibility and weight of data messages are stipulated by the Act. The term 'data message' means data generated, sent, received...

19 Nov 2021

Wine Yield Forescasts Using EO and Weather Data

Internship report - 16 pages - Computer science

Yield forecast methods based on satellite imagery are numerous, and they are usually built around diverse machine learning approaches. This internship was an introduction to a whole remote sensing workflow development, from the input data retrieving to the final forecast itself, which is...

19 Feb 2015

Efficiency of Clustering Algorithms - Large Biological Data Bases

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Today, protein sequences are more than one million (Sasson et al., 2002) and as such, there is need in bioinformatics for identifying meaningful patterns for the purposes of understanding their functions. For a long time, protein and gene sequences have been analyzed, compared and grouped using...

09 Mar 2015

Utilizing Database Performance Using DB column storage

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

This paper seeks to discuss how databases can perform with DB column storage techniques. Over the past few years, databases systems running on column stores have been discussed and so much attention paid to them. In retrospect, column stores are used to store each and every database table column...

29 Sep 2015

Data mining as a methodology for extracting hidden knowledge from breast cancer patient's

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

Modern monitoring devices among other data collection devices have helped health care organization reduce their cost of collecting and storing data. Specialized tools that come with such equipment have made the entire data collection and storage process more effective thereby...

27 Feb 2015

Security and Risk Management - IT Database security

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The IT infrastructure of the organization makes it susceptible to external intrusions. For example, there are more than 1000 access points with no security awareness programs and no deployed security software programs or reporting to protect the access points. In addition, there is need for...

14 Jul 2014

Recommendations for Data Warehouse Concept

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The main aim of various business organizations is to be the leading producer of goods and services offered to their customers in order for the organization complete with competitors in the competitive market. In order for organizations to achieve these desire, organizations through their...

18 Aug 2014

Data analysis in business

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

Business analytics is often referred to as practices, technology and skill in continued iterative exploration and investigation of previous business performance to attain insight and conduct the planning of business. A specific example of business analytics application is data analysis....

16 Apr 2014

Sensor protocols for information via negotiation: A data centric routing protocol for wireless sensor networks

Case study - 6 pages - Computer science

The emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) as one of the dominant technology trends in the coming decades has posed numerous challenges for researchers. These networks are likely to be comprised of hundreds, and potentially thousands of tiny sensor nodes, functioning autonomously, and in...

14 Sep 2011

The importance of ethnobotany, compilation of data and the potential problems arising from distribution of this information

Thesis - 4 pages - Biology

Undoubtedly, it is beneficial for the catalogue information for the sake of preserving knowledge. When confronted with any situation, it would be great to have all of the relevant information possible to help make a decision. Particularly when yourself or a loved one is ill, being able to have...

03 Mar 2011

Data sheet: CARE International

Essay - 10 pages - Services marketing

CARE International focuses on the technology of 'avant-garde' and the pending the needs of consumers in respect of personal care products. CARE International is based on a simple philosophy: innovate and offer the greatest number of consumers with the most innovative and effective...

30 Jun 2011

Data warehousing

Essay - 3 pages - Computer science

A data warehouse is a term used to describe the electronically stored data of an organization. These warehouses are important in helping an organization analyze and report on the organization data. It is a process that aims at storing data but it also aims at...

06 May 2010

Privacy preserving distributed data mining by using tree based randomization

Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science

Due to increasing concerns related to privacy, organizations are forced to take actions to protect the privacy of individuals when revealing customers' records during data mining activities. In this paper we present a methodology that preserves statistical relationship between attributes...

03 Mar 2010

Database enterprise manager

Tutorials/exercises - 27 pages - Computer science

The project titled “Database Enterprise Manger” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2005 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 2.0. The coding language used is VB .Net. The system...

24 May 2010

A new paradigm in designing an advertisement - an application of real time data warehouse & data mining in preparation of an ad copy

Thesis - 16 pages - Computer science

The purpose of the article is to address the relative information of modeling an ad copy through real-time data warehousing. In modern enterprises the day-to-day activities information is to be stored in data warehouse. We have taken the example of data warehouse concept from...

29 Jun 2010

Kanata: Adaptation and evolution in data sharing systems

Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science

The role of various elements employed in the adaptation and evolution of data systems is complex. This article elaborates a number of issues related to adaptation and changing data patterns. It includes the use of metadata. Metadata is employed in web pages and are used by search...