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Theme : Customer service

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20 Apr 2009

Credit appraisal process and customer satisfaction on home loans with reference to ING Vysya Bank Ltd

Market study - 46 pages - Business strategy

The changes after liberalization and globalization process was initiated in 1991 had a significant impact on the financial sector. In India, housing finance segment has increased in the recent years. Boost to housing can rejuvenate the economy. The success of the housing companies in the market...

29 Apr 2009

Banking services marketing

Presentation - 22 pages - Finance

Banks are the most significant Bodies in the financial market. Dominated by public sector Banks, the Industry has so far acted as an efficient partner in the growth and the development of the country. An essential ingredient to any service provision is the use of appropriate staff and...

07 May 2009

Managing customer relationship and their financial aspects: Standard Chartered India

Case study - 33 pages - Finance

The objective of the project was to study the choice criteria to decide upon a bank for savings account and accordingly prepare the competitive update, i.e. Standard chartered VS other private banks to facilitate sales. The nature of the project involved a comprehensive market survey in which the...

07 May 2009

The customer relationship management method in the company "Propriétés Privées"

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

I currently work in a real-estate agency in Nantes. This agency is called Propriétés Privées and I am in charge of the international marketing and communication of the company. I have been working for this company for 2 reasons. First of all, Propriétés Privées is a real-estate agency, and I have...

28 May 2009

A comparative study of services and prices between public and private sector broadband providers

Tutorials/exercises - 33 pages - Business strategy

The advent of the Internet has set in motion a fundamental shift in the way business is done these days. The global business is shifting dramatically from a self-centered approach to more and more outward customer oriented approach and Internet is the one basic reason behind this shift....

28 Aug 2009

Customer relationship marketing

Thesis - 10 pages - Services marketing

Traditional marketing strategies focused on the four Ps (price, product, promotion, and place) to increase market share. The main concern was to increase the volume of transactions between seller and buyer. Volume of transactions is considered a good measure of the performance of marketing...

28 Aug 2009

Role and importance of customer care department and market research

Thesis - 13 pages - Management

A customer is defined as any person with whom the business or the organization has dealings, which can be expressed in monetary terms. These dealings can either be exchange of goods or rendering of services. Customers are the lifeblood of every successful business, and...

04 Sep 2009

In the magic land of CRM in bank management: Needs and strategies for sublime customer satisfaction

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

Irrespective of whether it is a public sector bank or a private sector bank; a regional rural bank or a foreign bank all banks commonly store details of tens of thousands of customers and prospects - both in a corporate database and in discrete documents on the desktops of individual...

16 Jun 2010

The need for customer relationship management (CRM) in an organization

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

The end of World War Two saw an industrial boom. Manufacturing companies focused on mass production of standardized goods, in order to meet the requirements of a society in its attempt to rebuild after the devastation caused by Two World Wars. The period between 1970 to 1990, was considered as...

14 Oct 2009

The need of customer relationship management (CRM) to succeed in the world of business

Thesis - 26 pages - Business strategy

A woman once purchased a car, and several days before the scheduled delivery date, she got a call all from the sales manager at the dealership. Fearing the expected bad news about the potential delay in the delivery date, she answered the call with trepidation. To her surprise manager asked her...

16 Jul 2010

Managing employees to satisfy and retain customer

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The modern business world has offered a plethora of purchasing options to the everyday consumer. The extensive purchasing option has led to the production of similar products by multiple competitors. This condition has further increased the intensity in competition, where companies' are focusing...

22 Jul 2010

Measuring customer satisfaction in industrial markets

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

Customer satisfaction is a fundamental concept of marketing that has been the source of many studies in the consumer market. Measuring customer satisfaction is a process that is now well assimilated and widely used by companies in B to B transactions. The question arises about the...

27 Jul 2010

Assessing and improving customer satisfaction

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

In a world of commercial competition at present, customer satisfaction is a key data that leads to business success. The manager needs to provide tools to determine objectively and accurately the needs of his customers and determine their satisfaction and track improvements that...

09 Aug 2010

The relationship between internal customers and customer satisfaction

Thesis - 2 pages - Management

Customer satisfaction is one of the major indicators of the performance of a company. If the requirements and expectations of the customers are met or even exceeded without using excessive resources, then customer satisfaction is guaranteed. It is claimed that the cost of...

12 Aug 2010

The marketing of services

Thesis - 4 pages - Services marketing

Between the 1960's and 1980's, scholars such as Christian Grönroos and Leonard Berry began the study of a new specialized area of marketing: Service Marketing. (Bjerke and Hultman. 2002) Whilst some of the general principles of marketing can be applied to services, a new set of...

29 Sep 2010

E-Tourism in Europe. The E-CRM and ITCs adoption issues: how to retain customers?

Case study - 37 pages - Economy general

E-tourism offers the potential to make information and booking facilities available to a large number of consumers at a relatively lower cost. Among its several advantages are that it enables the tourism sector to make large scale savings on the production and distribution of print and other...

29 Sep 2010

What is the impact of service in the fast food industry? (A comparison between McDonald and Burger King in Bergen city)

Case study - 16 pages - Services marketing

Through our course “Service Marketing and Management” at NHH, we got the idea of doing our own study to figure out the major differences of McDonald and Burger King in Bergen by examaning customers' different perceptions, expectations, satisfactions and loyalty towards...

04 Jan 2011

Marketing of the services: The case of Club Mediterranean

Case study - 12 pages - Services marketing

Club Mediterranean was at the helm of creating one of the first holiday packages that was "all inclusive" and offered people to live at their own pace in heavenly places. For the last 50 years, it was the leader and a benchmark in this market. This structure, established in 1950, had been...

18 Nov 2010

Analyzing the strategy of "Tresses" hairdressing services

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

The introduction of this report begins by stating its purpose which is to analyze strategies which a new hairdressing service provider, Tresses should practice in order to successfully launch itself in the market. It then touches on the industry as well as describes Tresses uniqueness in...

18 Jan 2011

Dell's customer relationship management (CRM) strategy

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most efficient systems which could be implanted in a company for its success. CRM is a process, a data mining, a technology and a philosophy base on the customer which aims to strengthen the relationship between the...

27 Jan 2011

Customer relationship management in the pharmaceutical industry

Dissertation - 35 pages - Management

This document examines issues and approaches to various business strategies focused on different clients of French pharmaceutical laboratories. The idea was to reconcile two opposing stances: the industrial way of working opposed by a need to strengthen the image that the public has of the...

29 Jul 2010

A measure of delight: The pursuit of quality at AT&T universal card services

Thesis - 3 pages - Management

By the late 1980s, AT&T had produced a favorable reputation for itself. By focusing on customer satisfaction and quality, AT&T became a leader in its respective industry. This, however, was not sufficient enough. There was more to be achieved and the leaders of AT&T, at the time, knew...

23 Oct 2007

Cover letter for visitor services

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

On the Museum of Science's Human Resources website, I learned of various employment opportunities in Visitor Services. I am very interested in these positions, and I believe I have the skills and expertise to excel at providing the best experience for guests. Particularly, I would love...

21 Nov 2006

SERVQUAL: A tool to measure service quality

Thesis - 7 pages - Logistics

SERVQUAL consists of a model developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1986) which helps measure service quality through a series of steps. It concentrates on the notion of perceived quality. “Perceived quality refers to a consumer's judgment about a product's overall...

16 Jan 2009

The building of customer loyalty and retention strategies in sports marketing

Essay - 23 pages - Services marketing

The research in this dissertation focuses on the building of customer loyalty and retention strategies in sports marketing with the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) as an example. This research aims to provide the factors which influence customer loyalty from a sports...

22 Oct 2007

Total Quality Management in Services

Tutorials/exercises - 11 pages - Business strategy

Total Quality Management is a component of strategic managment, which improves an organization from top to bottom. In particular, it is a structured approach, which aims at enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through a continous improvement of services quality. Total...

30 Nov 2006

Customer Loyalty

Essay - 6 pages - Management

With the globalisation of the world competition has become challenging. Competitors from emerging markets are entering into the developed markets. Attracting new customers has become a more expensive and exhausting business. Therefore the customer is one of the most valuable assets...

05 Mar 2009

Domain name service

Dissertation - 93 pages - Computer science

DNS began in the early days of the Internet when the Internet was a small network created by the Department of Defense for research purpose. Before DNS, computer names, or hostnames, were manually entered into a file located on a centrally administered server. Each site that needed to resolve...

31 Mar 2009

Consumer behavior in the services sector

Market study - 21 pages - Services marketing

This presentation will start with a look at the services marketing triangle. It will then explore the ways of using the services marketing triangle. it will then take a look at the scope of consumer behavior along with examining the consumers decision making process. It will then...

07 Apr 2009

Recruitment and selection process at Siemens BPO Services Pvt Ltd

Dissertation - 42 pages - Human resources

The outsourcing history of India is one of phenomenal growth in a very short span of time. The idea of outsourcing has its roots in the 'competitive advantage' theory propagated by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations' which was published in 1776. Over the years, the...