Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources
Case study - 3 pages - Human resources
In our era, CSR is not only a "trendy" matter but has a real impact on the positioning of the company and its impact on the society. Initiatives can be found in every department: Human Resources make no exception. This is related to my future first dream job: HR manager or Business Partner...
Can we consider corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mean of recognition for multinational company?
Case study - 70 pages - Business strategy
Ethics has been a very important subject for thinkers since ancient times. The definition of ethics, a reflection on the reasons for desiring justice and harmony and how to achieve these, will be a valuable aid in the development of this thesis. It establishes the criteria for acting freely in a...
A research study on corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Tutorials/exercises - 40 pages - Management
The aim of this research proposal is to gather information about the strategies and initiatives taken by ASDA with respect to corporate social responsibility towards workforce, community, environment which can be emulated by other retailers. The purpose of this research is to...
The Danone Case: can a firm combine profits and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Case study - 70 pages - Business strategy
First, to hit the high degree of competitiveness, it becomes necessary for the firm to keep the competitive advantage by dealing with new concepts such as the environment, respect of human rights and social activities. Indeed, the traditional factors such as product, price, place,...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A multi-lateral approach to the subject
Essay - 13 pages - Management
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a highly debated topic during the last recent years in most developed and developing countries. We can today distinguish among three main general views on the role that CSR could play in shaping companies' policies....
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Tutorials/exercises - 19 pages - Business strategy
The history of corporate social responsibility is as old as trade and business itself. Business-related operations, for example, along with laws to protect forests, can be traced back to almost 5,000 years ago. When we look at history, we can see that in Ancient Mesopotamia...
Religion and Attitudes to Corporate Social Responsibility in a Large Cross-Country Sample - S. Brammer, Geoffrey Williams and John Zinkin (2006)
Book review - 1 pages - Corporate social responsibility
In this article, authors Stephen Brammer, Geoffrey Williams, and John Zinkin examine the effect of religious identity on attitudes toward corporate social responsibility (CSR). After reviewing existing literature, the authors conclude that the Hebrew Bible, the...
Corporate Social Responsibility
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Corporate social responsibility
Within the last 12 months, many Environmental, Social and Governance failures showed us that many companies, corporations and even governments are trying to mislead consumers or citizens and to improve their reputation, by promoting sustainable initiatives or products. These claims can be...
Questions and Answers for my Interviews on the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility
Case study - 2 pages - Corporate social responsibility
Does your company have a CSR policy? How do you start to develop a CSR policy? What can companies hope to achieve with their CSR policy? Who benefits from a company's CSR policy?
Strategy and transformation portfolio - Corporate Social Responsibility
Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy
Over the years, organisations have continually engaged in activities that aim at improving their position and competitiveness in the market. They have been taking more considerations towards the wellbeing of the community as well as trying to improve their business models. This paper entails a...
Managerial Economics: Welfare Corporate Social Responsibility
Case study - 5 pages - Criminal law
Free market theory was a dominant theme of the 1780s propagated by economists such as Adam Smith. Amongst other things was its exclusive resolve that there should be minimal government involvement in the business of the economy if any at all. It was the era of the industrialization concerned with...
Global Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
Although equated to philanthropic activities, today's investment by corporations in pro-social programs seek to create a social impact beyond building customer loyalty. With the society experiencing a myriad of issues, among them environmental sustainability and health issues,...
Apple corporate social responsibility
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
Corporate Social responsibility is a practice whereby an organization tries to execute ethical practices in its operations. It also entails an organization giving back to the society by contributing to activities that benefit the society. The company benefits because of the...
Corporate social responsibility in India
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
Corporations can now have workers in India to execute production within hours via online matchmakers. From administrative responsibilities to executive orders, full-scale solutions have produced a huge infrastructure for inexpensive labor in India for multinational corporations. With businesses...
Critical evaluation of Nike's corporate social responsibility (C.S.R)
Essay - 10 pages - Computer science
Corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship or corporate conscience relates to a mode of regulation within the corporate world where corporations display a form of corporate conscience. A corporation chooses integrate its...
Ethics, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility: Ben & Jerry's case study
Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing
Ben & Jerry's have evolved on a growing market. This is why the influence of customers and competitors is significant. Nevertheless, these threats have do not have a huge impact on the company, because the growth enables each competitor to find its own position. Even if prices are falling in...
Total and its corporate social responsibility
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
TOTAL, the international group known worldwide, works above all, in the energy industries and also a little bit in the chemical industry. TOTAL group was created in 2003, after several mergers but it has some origin from 1923. It is a limited company. Today TOTAL is not only a multinational...
Corporate social responsibility: The example of Air France-KLM
Thesis - 8 pages - Management
This group was created in 2004 through the merger of Air France and KLM and is now the world leader in terms of international passenger traffic. In addition, the financial results have been improved considerably over the last few years. But how is the airline group actually dealing with its...
Corporate social responsibility: An overview
Thesis - 5 pages - Management
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that has been around for a while, but it has become increasingly relevant as the forces of globalization have become fiercer, and as the issue of environmental sustainability become more recognized by businesses and...
The case for corporate social responsibility
Thesis - 4 pages - Management
The idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged in the recent decades as a point of discussion within the business world. Some advocate for it, while others are adamantly opposed to the idea. It is a type of corporate self-regulation that is...
Environmental Management and Corporate Social Responsibility
Essay - 40 pages - Ecology & environment
The Nobel-winning IPCC group of climate scientists on Saturday the 17th, 2007 issued their starkest warning yet on global warming. Global warming bore the seeds of "catastrophe" yet there was also hope, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon emphasized. Nonetheless "There are real and affordable ways...
Corporate social responsibility is not an integral part of business: Hence accountants should have little to with it.
Essay - 2 pages - Accounting
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become one of the leading topics of discussion and deliberation in today's modern business environment. The main reason for this is due to the fact that climate change has become a very important agenda for many business,...
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - published: 08/03/2024
Case study - 17 pages - Business strategy
The paper discussed is written by Dirk Lindebaum, Deanna Geddes & Yannis Gabriel, under title 'Moral Emotions and Ethics in Organizations : Introduction to the Special Issue'1, published in the Journal of Business Ethics in 2017. The authors propose to introduce the reader to the...
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Case study - 14 pages - Business strategy
The document consists of three assignments which depend on the paper. The first assignment is to discuss a paper written by Dirk Lindebaum, Deanna Geddes & Yannis Gabriel, under the title 'Moral Emotions and Ethics in Organizations: Introduction to the Special Issue', published in the...
Macy's to invest $5B in social responsibility efforts - Kaarin Vembar (2022) - How can the brand promote its conversion to eco-responsibility?
Text commentary - 2 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing
This article was published on March 1, 2022, on Retail Dive and written by Kaarin Vembar. It talks about the willingness of the clothing and cosmetics chain Macy's to invest in social responsibility. Indeed, the textile sector is at the top of the list of the most polluting...
Pratt & Whitney Ethics and Social Responsibility
Case study - 14 pages - Educational studies
Corporate social responsibility, environmentalism and ethical principles provide a triple foundation of contemporary decision making concept for business and managing organization's activities. Considering that social awareness amongst the public and other interested...
Corporate governance and ethical responsibility research paper
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
One of the top internal stakeholders within a hospital would have to be the actual doctors that run the day to day life of the patients. They make the ultimate decisions in split seconds that can save or lose the life of a patient. Doctors do make a lot of money but they can also be careless if...
Case study : CSR policy and corporate governance, Casino group, annual report 2007
Case study - 10 pages - Management
Sustainable development can be defined as 'trying hard to answer to the present's needs without compromising the capacity to satisfy the future generations needs'. Sustainable development has three pillars, the social aspect, the ecological aspect, and the economic aspect. In...
The social responsibility of business: Why is it stigmatized?
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Energy costs can represent 15-20% of total expenses or even the raise in the product's cost for some businesses. This is especially true for companies producing steel, cement, sugar, paper and fertilizer. Energy is used in the form of coal, oil, gas and water. A major concern for these...
The social aspects of corporate restructuring in France
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
The company has a special reference in social law. It is the framework within which the employment relationship operates. The activities of the staff, management and capital components constitute business. The purpose of this article is to study the effect of the changes of these...