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Theme : Crisis

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14 Jan 2025

The International Community response to the 2006 North Korean nuclear crisis: overcoming stick-and-carrot diplomacy?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

On October 9, 2006, the North Korean state news agency announced that the country had completed its first nuclear test with success. This "great leap forward" was the first step toward a "powerful self-reliant defense capability". In the following days, Moscow and Washington confirmed that North...

22 Feb 2024

Responsibility for the Climate Change Crisis

Course material - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Beginning in the Industrial Revolution era, developed countries particularly in the European Union have contributed to a greater part of the heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions. Developing countries have a significantly lower footprint but they bear an equal or greater brunt of the forest...

24 Sep 2024

Behavioral finance: the global financial crisis in the late 2000s

Case study - 4 pages - Finance

The global financial crisis in the late 2000s began from the United States. The crisis sprung from the supply side with the mortgage lending market after the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation reached a decision that it would stop buying high-risk mortgages. Consequently, the...

12 May 2024

The Quiet Crisis, Conservation and the future - Stewart L. Udall (1963) - Is science the key to a kingdom of conservation? Introduction and detailed plan

Text commentary - 3 pages - Modern history

'The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something' (Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932). This quotation highlights...

29 Oct 2024

The Central Role of Subprime Mortgages and Their Securitization in the 2008 Financial Crisis

Case study - 2 pages - Economy general

The burst of the subprime mortgage market in 2008 crumbled major financial institutions, thus causing an economic catastrophe that wiped out more than $10 trillion in household wealth within the USA (Lioudis, 2023). This traumatic event exposed serious weaknesses within the financial system,...

05 Oct 2024

The Impact of the 2007/2008 financial crisis on the UK economy - Can we identify indicators of a possible future UK financial crash?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Economy general

Ten years ago the world economies were hit by the financial crash which exposed countries of their weakness and almost collapsed some of the biggest banks in the world. The crash exposed the weakness of banks their reserves held were less than 1% of equity well below a level that could...

29 Oct 2024

The Climate Crisis

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

The world is plagued with many complex issues related to food insecurity, poverty, pollution, and the climate crisis, which require urgent action to mitigate the far-reaching consequences. Despite the prevalence of techno-optimistic solutions and related perspectives on addressing global...

24 Oct 2024

The Border Crisis in Texas

Case study - 4 pages - International relations

The Texas border constitutes approximately half of the border between the United States and Mexico, extending from the Gulf of Mexico to El Paso. The border crisis, encapsulating security concerns and exacerbated-illegal immigration from Mexico is causing strenuous relationships between...

04 Jun 2023

What future for the French economy after the Covid-19 crisis? - The "France 2030" investment plan proposed by President Macron

Essay - 6 pages - Economic politics

In 2020, the health crisis caused a recession of -7.9% for France. France had a fairly stable economy before the crisis and the various confinements led to a negative evolution of the economy as well as a recession in GDP. The French economy is growing little but resisting the...

07 Aug 2023

The diplomatic crisis - Recep Tayyip Erdogan: his ambition for himself and his vision for his country

Presentation - 6 pages - Political science

Erdogan had always had the project of building a strong Turkey, being only possible with him at his head, according to him and his supporters. With this in mind, he did everything to strengthen his power to the detriment of some and consolidate Turkey's role on the world stage without really...

14 Sep 2023

Crises of Capitalism: 1847, a 19th-century crisis heralds the future

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Between slave societies, characterized not only by exploitation but by the possession of man by man, and capitalist society, where man is free in law but where the labour of those who have only their arms exploited by the owners of the means of production. While capitalism, as the dominant mode...

04 Nov 2022

Essay: the coronavirus crisis, a result of political mistakes across the world?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Mistakes often take place when critical policy-making institutions and politicians take wrong decisions - for instance through under-reaction or overreaction to critical issues, as a result of preoccupation with symbolic and ideological concerns - or as a result of the adoption of wrong policy...

23 Aug 2022

Politics and crisis management

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Crisis management has certainly become a critical feature of contemporary management and governance. During periods of crisis, members of organizations and communities expect leaders to work out strategies that minimize the impacts of crises at hand, while bureaucratic competitors...

12 Feb 2021

How are companies adapting their activity to the COVID-19 crisis?

Case study - 9 pages - Management

In this argument, we will try to explain a management problem that companies constantly encounter in their environment, whatever their sector and size, taking into account more particularly in the current crisis context. Thus, the following question will be answered more precisely: "How...

10 Feb 2021

The today health crisis poses the problem of its financing in large part by public debt - With the subprime crisis, how can the impact of such a cost be sustainable on the budget ?

Dissertation - 8 pages - International economy

According to an article published on April 28, 2020, in the newspaper Les Echos and written by Renaud Honoré, the current rate of French public debt is twice as high as that of the subprime crisis in 2008. In fact, we never reached these figures since the Second World War. European debt...

18 Feb 2021

Mass consumption and crisis situation - Parallel with the Coronavirus

Case study - 4 pages - Clients and users behaviour

In recent days, panic has invaded the homes of French consumers, since the Coronavirus has officially arrived in France, causing in particular the closure of schools. In these moments of doubt, fear and anguish, some consumers have tended to rush into the supermarket shelves in order to provide...

09 Feb 2021

Greece - Economic, Social issues and Migration crisis

Essay - 5 pages - Foreign markets

Greece is a country located in the South East of Europe. It is a member of the European Union and its population is about 10.75 million inhabitants. It's a member of the EU since 1981 and joined the Eurozone in 2001. In the past few years, Greece experienced an economic crisis, social...

29 Sep 2016

A marxist view of the 2008 banking crisis

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

In 2008, there was a major issue facing the American banking sector and the global financial world right now. A catastrophic loss of confidence stemming from a failure of the securities market has caused a number of banks to suddenly find themselves in danger of collapsing. In a sudden need of...

29 Sep 2016

The subprime loan crisis

Thesis - 9 pages - Finance

There is always debate during an election year whether there is too much or too little government intervention in the social or economic realm, but whatever a person's personal beliefs are, the truth is that government regulation is a fact of life. The topic of this paper is the role that the...

16 Jan 2015

Starbucks as Solution to Globalization and the Coffee Crisis in Colombia

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

Globalization has affected every part of the society around the world. Multinational corporations are opening new shops, manufacturing plants, and marketing agencies in other countries around the world. These efforts are aimed at reducing costs of production, in search of cheap labor as well as...

24 Mar 2015

Public opinion & responding to crisis

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

A crisis is an unstable condition or situation or a stage in a series of events at which the inclination of future events, in most cases for the worst, is determined. How issues are handles at this stage, is very vital in determining the extent to which the future events may be favorable...

22 Jul 2015

European Sovereign Debt Crisis and its impact on financial markets and institutions

Essay - 5 pages - Finance

The European Sovereign Debt Crisis of was basically the failure of the Euro which was the monetary symbol that tied together 17 Countries across Europe (Arezki et. al, 2011). This therefore means that the start of all these is retraced back to the second world war in 1945. At this time...

27 Apr 2015

Evolution of lodging networks during the economic crisis: What happened to Airbnb and to budget hotels in the context of the crisis in the USA?

Case study - 25 pages - Management

The financial crisis started In September 2008, in the USA, with the bankrupt of Lehman Brothers. This financial shock led to a deep and long economic crisis. The USA has started to experience economic recovery in 2010 but the economic growth has still been low. The hospitality...

08 Jan 2015

The worst economic crisis - Late 1970s to early 1980s

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The worst economic crisis that happened in the world history occurred between the late 1970s spreading over the years to early 1980s. The USA was one of the world economies that were greatly hit by the economic downturn. The debts escalated and savings went down in the American economy...

27 Apr 2015

Analysis of the crisis management of Malaysia flight MH370 disaster

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

On 8th March 2014, the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared within 1 hour of takeoff while en route from the Malaysian city of Kuala Lumpur to the Chinese city of Beijing. The airplane, a Boeing 777 registration number 9M-MRO, was carrying 239 persons from 14 different countries, of which...

19 Feb 2015

The global financial crisis (2007/2008)

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

During the 2007/2008 period, the world experienced a financial crisis that rivaled the great depression experienced in the late 1920's. According to Turner, the total cost of the crisis undoubtedly exceeds trillions using any of the major currencies . The crisis resulted in...

17 Apr 2015

Crisis Action Plan and Response

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The first step of the action plan is the acknowledgement of the occurrence of the incident. The unpleasant incident involved Mr. Ward, who together with 14 other family members had booked rooms in the hotel (Amy & Kimes, 2014). Mr. Ward and his wife were not able to get their rooms when they...

20 Apr 2015

The economic crisis - external debt

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The economic crisis in Brazil at the beginning of the 80 forces the company to maintain, throughout the decade, approximately the same number of pigs slaughtered in 1980. What is striking is that in 1986 the Concordia plant of Sadia group hit 855,501 heads and in 1989, only 601 507 (almost...

14 Jul 2014

The European debt crisis, can the world ignore it and keep it European?

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The European debt crisis brings as a result of how Europe had made an attempt to solve the financial crisis faced by most countries and as a result an immediate end in their prosperity and put them in great debts. In an attempt by the European to defend itself against collapse has...

06 Nov 2014

International Finance and Investment-The Greece Debt Crisis

Case study - 21 pages - Educational studies

Human fallibility ripped off Greece the dignity accorded to its rich history as the economy has been marred with endless conflicts, whose effects spreads beyond its national frontiers. The events revealing themselves in the Greece economy have caught the entire Eurozone in denials and bargains of...