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Theme : Criminal offense

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08 Aug 2008

Criminal law - prison industrial complex - too complex? Criminal law - prison industrial complex - too complex? Criminal law - prison industrial complex - too complex?

Essay - 8 pages - Criminal law

A third party has entered the scene of the U.S. prison system: the private sector. A handful of for-profit Wall Street corporations are currently making millions of dollars from what some critics call “dungeons for dollars.” Such corporations claim they can build and run prisons more...

12 Sep 2014

Effects of intensive policing tactics (like writing lots of UF-250s and summonses) on the community

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

According to researches, evidences consistently showing that, in the minds of police officers, as well as civilians, being black and male is inextricably accompanied with beliefs of criminality and dreadfulness leading to a habituated reaction of distrust and alarm that then results into...

19 Oct 2023

Federal and States restrictions on abortion, with a focus on Oklahoma

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The year 2023 will mark half a century of legal abortion in the United States. However, Roe v Wade, the landmark abortion decision, may not survive as the Supreme Court might soon overturn it and enable states to criminalize abortion. The term "abortion" in this essay will refer to the...

12 Sep 2013

Futures of corrections

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Legislative statutes in criminal law offer punishments for wrongdoing. Punishment for criminal offenses attempt to cause suffering to the criminal as well as deterrence from committing future crimes. The numerous types of sentencing and rationales within the...

17 Jul 2014

Wrongful Convictions

Case study - 3 pages - Other law subjects

Miscarriage of Justice or wrongful conviction is probably today most biting headache for the legal and justice fraternity. With the discovery of wrongful conviction on the rise, the state and convicts engage in a diabolic tussle on actual innocence and to what extent the law serves its people....

03 Jun 2015

Crimes against the intangible property

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Crimes against intellectual property are defined in the Brazilian penal code in title III of the special part, in Articles 184 to 196. They are: crimes against intellectual property, crimes against privilege of invention, crimes against industry and trade marks, crimes against unfair competition....

20 Dec 2021

Opinion: the process of plea bargaining should be reformed in the American Justice System

Essay - 5 pages - Criminal law

According to the Department of Justice, more than 90% of Criminal Justice cases end in plea bargains (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005). This statistic shows how important the process of plea bargaining is in the American Justice System. Clark Neily (2021) describes plea bargaining as "a...

08 Jul 2013

Goals of punishment and their applications in corrections

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

In punishment, as in all aspects of our world, there is always a goal to an action. For this topic there are not one but five different goals related to punishment and the correctional system of the U.S. and abroad. These goals have evolved over the centuries to fit the needs of society at the...

23 Mar 2009

Discussing and analyzing Restorative Justice: Victims' rights and the future

Thesis - 6 pages - Other law subjects

Restorative justice has become mainstream following the establishment of youth offender panels last year under the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. It is no longer just another possible option available in some places at various points in the criminal justice process....

06 Sep 2013

The security plan: Private Doctor's office

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The target area is of a private physician's practice. The location for the practice is a known urban part of town. The location of the practice has both benefits and downfalls. Since the practice is located in a very busy and highly populated section of town, the practice is well known and has...

13 Jan 2014

Socio Economic Factors Influencing Delinquency

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Contemporary delinquency theories can be deployed in supporting economic deprivation as a contributing factor in elucidating many crimes, though it is directly linked to property crimes like theft (Borraz & González, 2011). However, this does not imply that the cause-and-effect association...

07 Jul 2009

Prevention, treatment and punishment of youth gangs

Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The prevalence of youth gangs is steadily increasing in the United States, with increased gang involvement and violence creating serious implications for both the adolescent population and communities as a whole. An article entitled “Childhood Risk Factors for Adolescent Gang...

19 May 2008

Experiences of and responses to domestic violence

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Domestic violence is a complex and problematic matter, one that poses many questions for the criminal justice system, victims, perpetrators, and enforcers and creators of policy. “Compared to other victims of violent crimes, victims of domestic violence can moreover face heightened...

28 Jun 2012

War on Drugs

Essay - 14 pages - Philosophy

For a culmination of years, scholars have argued the use of policing and other security strategies as risk management strategies to solve complex social criminality. Criminality is such a complex subject that governance have turned to producing risk management strategies that do not fix the...

08 Jul 2013

Classification and imprisonment in the United States correctional system

Case study - 6 pages - Criminal law

Many people wonder who decides what offenders go into what prisons and why some of those prisons are labeled “maximum security” while others are simply “minimum security”. Is it based on a state, local or federal level or is it based on the percentage of felony to misdemeanor...

13 Jan 2014

Sexual Predator Laws of Texas

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Texas law defines a predatory act as “…an act directed toward individuals, including family members for the primary purpose of victimization” (CSOT, 2007). Under the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Act, the State has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is...

24 Dec 2013

Computer Forensics Laboratory and Computer Investigations Training

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

Computer forensics refers to the use of a computer expert program to collect, interpret, preserve, analyze and produce data from either volatile or non-volatile media storage devices. It is a branch of digital forensic science that is related to examining digital media in a forensic manner with...

07 Jul 2008

The issue of White collar crime

Essay - 5 pages - Criminal law

In recent years, corporate scandals such as those that occurred at Enron and WorldCom have brought a more focused spotlight on the issue of white-collar crime. Although white-collar crime has remained a pervasive part of social discourse throughout the course of the twentieth century, the...

24 Nov 2023

Clinton Impeached - Peter Baker, Juliet Eilperin (1998) - How does the lie become the main factor of accusation?

Text commentary - 2 pages - International relations

Despite his relative frequency in the last couple of years, an impeachment procedure remains a rare event in American political history, as it requires the members of Congress to be ready to vote for the deposition of an elected president - meaning first that the president has been guilty of a...

10 May 2013

Alternatives measures for young offenders

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

As indicated in the introduction above, diversion is alternative measures that are giving to younger offenders who commit a minor crime too including their first offense. The very means to alternative measures are basically programs that stored in placed “that uses victim/offender...

13 Jan 2014

Probation in the United States

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Karp (2002) argued that probation in the United States can be said to have originated from English criminal law during the middle ages. During these times, both adults and children were punished in the same harsh manner for crimes that were sometimes not very serious. It was common during...

09 Jan 2009

Disruptive and violent delinquent girls: Behavioral causes and treatment options

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

Delinquency among females is on the rise, with cases among adolescent females increasing by eighty-three percent between 1988 and 1997 (Leve and Chamberlain, 2004). While it is often found that girls are brought into custody for more minor offenses than boys, the proportion of females...

19 Jun 2014

Grant Application Report

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Childhood discrimination, as well as, aggressive offending can be too widespread and fundamental social troubles that cautiously continually confront the present society. The current findings contain four vital goals: to record the pervasiveness of criminal behavior, grown up criminality...

18 Mar 2009

Can we predict which infants will grow up to offend?

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

Positivist criminology's vision was to become so advanced that criminologists could differentiate a criminal before they committed crime. Positivism emerged in the late 19th century and endeavored to utilize scientific methodology to explain crime and criminals. Early positivist...

28 Dec 2009

Juvenile justice

Thesis - 3 pages - Criminal law

The juvenile justice system is different from the criminal justice system. Talking to a parent with a child who has broken the law means addressing the parent's concerns, discussing options specific to the case, and giving appropriate legal advice. The juvenile justice system, while...

29 Oct 2024

How Can AI Contribute to Safer Communities?

Essay - 3 pages - Criminal law

Predictive policing leverages AI's analytical muscle to analyze vast troves of crime data. Being able to scrutinize all these gazes, AI consequently notices patterns and foretells that crime happens in places (Grimm et al., 2021). Picture a town built around the mini-story of the weekend...

21 Jun 2013

One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor: Differing Views on Criminology

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Crime has been studied, analyzed, thought about, talked about, and think tanked to death. Depending on the area of the world in which one lives, and the governing politics of the day, one can find a social theory that fits his or her own personal agenda. After studying Becarria and Rick Linden,...

11 Jul 2013

Media myths and their effect on law enforcement performance

Case study - 2 pages - Film studies

Media over dramatization of crime is a huge issue which has plagued law enforcement communities around the globe for more than a decade, especially since the rise of the technological era. Reporters, newspapers, writers, and news agencies, including websites, around the world cause this by...

13 Aug 2014

Death Penalty - published: 07/08/2014

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

The death penalty is a legal process where a convicted person is put to death for punishment for a crime (Golston 10). The term is also used hand in hand with capital punishment. The actual enforcement of the sentence is known as execution. The crimes that are punishable through death penalty...

15 Jul 2008

Social reaction (labeling) theory

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The social reaction, or labeling theory as it is sometimes known, evolved over time from as early as 1938 (Wellford, 1975). Basically it states that as a person commits a crime, they will receive the label of “criminal”. When a person is labeled as such by society, they are...