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Theme : Corporate culture

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28 Jul 2009

Greenpeace: Anti-corporate watchdogs

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Chuck Palahniuk's 1996 novella Fight Club narrates the experience of adult men disaffected by modern consumer culture who form underground boxing clubs before developing them into clandestine social terrorist groups aimed at destroying hyper-capitalist culture. Read as a critique...

25 Jan 2010

A research study on corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Tutorials/exercises - 40 pages - Management

The aim of this research proposal is to gather information about the strategies and initiatives taken by ASDA with respect to corporate social responsibility towards workforce, community, environment which can be emulated by other retailers. The purpose of this research is to investigate...

29 Sep 2010

The Danone Case: can a firm combine profits and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

Case study - 70 pages - Business strategy

First, to hit the high degree of competitiveness, it becomes necessary for the firm to keep the competitive advantage by dealing with new concepts such as the environment, respect of human rights and social activities. Indeed, the traditional factors such as product, price, place, promotion seem...

29 Sep 2010

Corporate Entrepreneurship of Steve Jobs

Case study - 9 pages - Management

During the seminar, we used different case studies of the US management and leadership in applying theoretical concepts. In this assignment, I have chosen to analyze the CEO of the company Apple because of its particular way to lead the company that he created. Steve Jobs was trained as an...

15 Feb 2013

Creating and measuring shareholder value in British corporations

Case study - 15 pages - Business strategy

The shareholder value in business industry is the most commonly used term in present age. The wildfire of equity culture is quickly spreading from United States to the whole world business industry and it has been grasped as critical today as it was in the last few decades. In United...

27 Oct 2010

Corporate governance and the global financial crisis

Thesis - 6 pages - Finance

The first part of this report discusses the nature of corporate governance, its objectives and good practices. Issues around risk taking, board structure, remuneration or inadequate monitoring are tackled with the global Financial Crisis as a backdrop. The Organization for Economic...

31 Jan 2011

Critical evaluation of Nike's corporate social responsibility (C.S.R)

Essay - 10 pages - Computer science

Corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship or corporate conscience relates to a mode of regulation within the corporate world where corporations display a form of corporate conscience. A corporation chooses integrate its corporate...

07 Oct 2013

McDonald's: Corporate reputation after criticism of unhealthy food

Case study - 20 pages - Management

McDonald's is a large fast food chain with an international presence around the world. During the last few years, the company has been criticized by customers for offering unhealthy food causing obesity, and for dodgy corporate ethics. This is why we decided to study the international...

25 Sep 2008

Starbucks Corporation

Thesis - 15 pages - Business strategy

Starbucks Corporation is one of the world's fastest growing companies. Originally founded as a single store in Seattle, Washington in 1971, Starbucks now operates more than 15,000 coffee shops across the globe, with an average of 220 locations in each of the 50 U.S. states. Starbucks' goal is...

15 Jan 2009

Political governance and corporate governance

Essay - 15 pages - Management

The 20th century was viewed as the age of management; the early 21st century is predicted to be more focused on governance. There is a distinction between politics and governance, where the former is regarded as cooperation between people with different points of view in order to improve the...

12 Mar 2009

Risk management in a multinational corporation

Thesis - 18 pages - Management

MNCs are coming up in huge numbers nowadays. To earn the profits with minimal amount of risk has been a matter of concern for the investors. For this purpose management of risk is a very crucial factor. Pertaining to this context, this project has been undertaken with an objective to study the...

03 Apr 2009

Overview of the IPCL (Indian Petrochemical Corporation Limited)

Dissertation - 49 pages - Business strategy

IPCL, Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited, is a pioneering petrochemicals company in India and was incorporated on 22 March 1969. It is a leading integrated manufacturer of polymers, synthetic fibers & fiber intermediates & chemical products from hydrocarbon feed stock. They also...

06 Apr 2010

Corporate venturing as a major corporate strategic initiative

Essay - 15 pages - Business strategy

This paper reviews selected literature on internal corporate venturing in order to help build a venture management framework for scholars as well as managers. It includes a discussion of the various definitions authors have proposed, corporate venturing success drivers, and the...

05 Mar 2009

Strategic decision making and its importance in the corporate world

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

According to Prasad (2001) every organization is involved in a complicated pattern of decisions from board of directors to specific decisions about the day to day processes. Some of these decisions have a long- term effect while others have only short- term effect. The emphasis of making these...

15 Apr 2009

Job satisfaction at the Indian Oil Corporation Limited's refineries division

Thesis - 25 pages - Management

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (Indian Oil) was formed in 1964 through the merger of Indian Oil Company Ltd. (Estd. 1959) and Indian Refineries Ltd. (Estd. 1958). It is currently India's largest company by sales with a turnover of Rs. 1, 83,204 crore (US $ 41 billion) and profits of Rs. 4,915 crore...

27 Jul 2006

The political influence on organization decision making towards corporate social responsability: a socio economic approach

Essay - 30 pages - Economy general

This research will look at the political influence on organization decision making towards social responsibility. To do so, a combination of social and economic theories will be used. In chapter three, the political field and the political actors in this research will be discussed. Chapter...

13 May 2009

Project finance and project evaluation: The Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Dissertation - 43 pages - Accounting

The use of non-recourse project financing has grown steadily in emerging markets, especially in basic infrastructure, natural resources and the energy sector. Because of its cost and complexity, project finance is aimed at large-scale investments. The key is in the precise estimation of cash...

29 Sep 2009

Total and its corporate social responsibility

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

TOTAL, the international group known worldwide, works above all, in the energy industries and also a little bit in the chemical industry. TOTAL group was created in 2003, after several mergers but it has some origin from 1923. It is a limited company. Today TOTAL is not only a multinational...

16 Jun 2010

Environmental analysis of Dell Computer Corporation

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

Established in the year 1984 by Michael Dell, Dell Computer Corporation created an innovative concept by placing the customer at the center of the business organization. In 1998, the company set up a direct sales model, which was implemented quickly and successfully in the computer industry....

29 Sep 2010

International Business Environment assignment: an analysis of the national business system and cultural conditions in China and assessment of how this will affect SuperSam

Dissertation - 24 pages - Services marketing

Choosing China as a host country for an International Business Environment assignment offers three advantages: first, since 1979, China has faced major economic and political changes. Second, it has been very successful in attracting foreign direct investment, i.e., in 1995, China was the second...

30 Jan 2011

Organizational Culture and Employee Motivation at Cognizant Technology Solutions

Case study - 30 pages - Management

During the past 15 years, a particular sector of consulting firms has been performing very well. These are the firms that are mostly into technology consulting, whose modus operandi is to win the contract for design, development and maintenance of information systems from large, mostly American...

16 Feb 2011

Strategic Analysis of HR for Alcatel-Lucent: A merger facing HR & management culture issues

Dissertation - 11 pages - Human resources

In this document, we focus on the analysis of the human resources function of a huge company, which is unique because it is in the perspective of a merger between Alcatel and Lucent. We have first presented an overview of the merger to position the sector, and concluded this part with a SWOT...

12 Dec 2012

The corporate executive board cover letter

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

I am writing to express my interest in becoming a Research Consultant at Corporate Executive Board. After learning much through research, experience with government internships, and five years in NROTC, I have been very impressed by the Corporate Executive Board's outstanding...

06 Oct 2008

Key cases of corporate ethics in the workplace

Essay - 7 pages - Management

Organizational leadership requires an understanding of organizational goals, the ability to reach these goals without violating the law or ethical standards, and the ability to communicate these goals to employees and the public. The issue of diversity is also important as it relates to ethics...

05 Feb 2009

Seeking evidence of corporate profiteering in Australia

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Despite media outcry's, Australia's legal system largely protects its citizens from the effects of corporate profiteering. Whether it is complaints over the rising cost of fuel or even the price paid for a kilogram of Bananas, Australian's are quick to condemn business and large...

17 May 2009

Corporate governance and business ethics: Air France-KLM

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

Businesses have to publish their yearly Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSRR) for their stakeholders. CSRR is “the business contribution to the sustainable development goals. Essentially it is about how business takes account of its economic, social and environmental impacts...

13 Jul 2010

Engineering culture: Fact or fiction?

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

In order to effectively manage an engineering organization, one must first fully understand its culture. To get an inside view of engineering cultures, we interviewed members of engineering organizations, Apple Inc., Engineers Without Borders, and Gerecht Lab. The effects of...

29 Sep 2010

What are the implications of the ?New Economy' for corporate strategy?

Essay - 5 pages - Management

The aim of this essay is to highligh the implications of the New Economy for the corporate strategy, to understand how companies use the Internet in their strategy to enhance their business. To answer this question, I will first explain what the New Economy is and the shifts from the Old...

25 May 2012

Globalization of Culture

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Globalization has been known to benefit local communities through the creation of new opportunities, financial capital and culture. But it is even more famous for the detrimental effect that it has brought upon the world's poorest countries. This essay will be focusing on the examination...

29 Sep 2010

The term globalization used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political processes

Essay - 12 pages - International relations

Globalization is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same groups across time and space. It evokes...