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29 Jul 2021

How to create an e-commerce website?

Practical guide - 21 pages - Digital & e-marketing

If an online store is to effectively acquire and retain customers, it must deliver the best possible customer experience. The key to doing this is to connect with customers at all possible touch points. The experience has to be great every time to keep customers coming back. The most important...

15 Jan 2009

Essay on the Rome Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations

Essay - 13 pages - International law

The Rome Convention on the Law applicable to contractual obligations “applies to contractual obligations in any situation involving a choice between the laws of different countries.” The scope of the Convention is therefore clear; its aim is to regulate contractual relations between...

03 Apr 2009

Research on customer satisfaction for the services of Hutchison-Essar

Case study - 25 pages - Business strategy

After the globalization of the Indian economy in 1991 the tele communication sector remained one of the most happening sectors in India. The recent years witnesses rapid and dramatic changes in the field of tele communications. In the last few years more and more companies both foreign, domestic,...

23 Apr 2009

Designing an electro-mechanical device with automatic target detection and firing mechanism and a provision for remote controlling the device

Tutorials/exercises - 35 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The main aim of any security organization is to provide a comprehensive security net to its client. However, in the process the cost of the whole process in terms of labor and money needs to be considered. Many times the work force gets limited due to reasons such as unavailability of suitable...

28 Apr 2009

Evolution of mobile commerce

Tutorials/exercises - 50 pages - Business strategy

How shall we define “mobile commerce”? Simple definitions of the term are emerging in the industry, but most tend to serve the commercial interests of those who coin them. Thus for some mobile commerce is purely concerned with shifting existing online shopping services onto cell phones,...

30 Jul 2015

Primary School Setting - Local Area Network (LAN)

Essay - 10 pages - Computer science

Local Area Networking technologies utilizes the concept of Local Area Network (LAN), which refers to the data communication network that connects computers, terminals, and printers in a building or within geographically limited areas. Wireless links or wired cables could be used to connect...

22 May 2009

Aspen: Analysis or simulation

Dissertation - 42 pages - Computer science

A process consists of chemical components being mixed, separated, heated, cooled, and converted by unit operations. These components are transferred from unit to unit through process. Process flow sheet can simply be defined as a blue print of a plant or the language of chemical processes. Like a...

27 May 2009

The architecture and functioning of OCB-283: The switching node in the Alcatel 1000E

Thesis - 20 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

This document relates to the O.C.B 283 system, switching node in the ALCATEL 1000E 10 switching system. It outlines the general architecture and operation of the O.C.B.283, both the fixed subscriber centers and the access exchange to services (G.S.M, IN). O.C.B.283 is digital switching system...

17 Jun 2009

Construction: Failure and success

Presentation - 426 pages - Journalism

The presentation first talks about its objectives and then moves onto some simple errors that can be made while constructing a building. It will then cover the types of errors followed by the classification and causes of these errors before moving onto the failures and their various types. It...

03 Mar 2011

The instability of the international financial system and the proposals for reform proposals

Dissertation - 193 pages - Economy general

In 1997, an earthquake hit Asian stock exchanges, the shock wave reached Russia a year later, and then Latin America, including Brazil in 1999. To the world, these crises have been a succession of real and financial shocks of exceptional magnitude. Far from having exogenous origins, this global...

07 Jul 2009

How to control a Dish antenna from a remote area

Thesis - 25 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The development of this Remote Controlled Dish Antenna application requires the configuration of the micro controller architecture, writing (code) and debugging of the application program. In this application the status of the dish antenna such as direction, angle will be controlled by the user...

09 Jan 2009

Synchronicity: Carl Jung's attempt to establish 'meaning' scientifically

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

When in his seventies, the Swiss psychologist extended his theory of the collective unconscious by throwing in synchronicity into the mix. This he did following a quarter of a century correspondence with the Nobel Prize winning physicist, Wolfgang Pauli. No longer was phenomena such as religion,...

16 Jan 2009

The building of customer loyalty and retention strategies in sports marketing

Essay - 23 pages - Services marketing

The research in this dissertation focuses on the building of customer loyalty and retention strategies in sports marketing with the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) as an example. This research aims to provide the factors which influence customer loyalty from a sports customer...

20 Jan 2009

Almasah international real estate: The real estate market in Dubai

Market study - 41 pages - Business strategy

In February, I landed in Dubai for the first time, after having heard so much about it. I was astonished by the number of towers already built at that time but more by the huge amount of cranes and construction sites. Therefore, I decided to do my internship for a real estate broker. I quickly...

20 Feb 2009

A look at the consumer response to creativity in advertising

Dissertation - 56 pages - Services marketing

This chapter will provide an outline of the topics that will be covered in this proposal. It will briefly give an overview of the proposed research topic and acknowledge the importance of this study. Next, the literature review and the methodology chapters will be summarized. This will give a...

05 Mar 2009

Cyber law in India

Case study - 33 pages - Other law subjects

Since the beginning of civilization, man has constantly adapted himself to the changing circumstances and scenarios to usher in new eras of development and progress. Every stage in human history has been important in its own way. However, if today we look back in retrospect and try to analyze...

16 Apr 2014

A study on E-Commerce

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

E-business is what happens when you combine the broad reach of the Internet with vast resources of traditional information technology system. It uses the Web connect together customers, vendors, suppliers and employees in a way never before possible. They do business on the Web, and consequently...

16 Apr 2009

Marketing strategies of IBM Global Service India

Dissertation - 54 pages - Services marketing

IBM India's revenue is up 45% from a year ago, largely contributed to by a strategic approach and highly penetrative marketing strategy, and it keeps winning its share of large deals, such as a 10-year, $750 million contract it signed in 2004 with Bharti Tele-Ventures, India's No. 1...

20 Apr 2009

Analysis of money laundering risks in priority banking: A unit if Standard Chartered Bank

Tutorials/exercises - 65 pages - Finance

Money laundering, at its simplest, is the act of making money that comes from Source A look like it comes from Source B. In practice, criminals are trying to disguise the origins of money obtained through illegal activities so it looks like it was obtained from legal sources. Otherwise, they...

05 May 2009

Sales & distribution analysis of the Indian telecom industry

Presentation - 27 pages - Services marketing

Until the mid-1980s, the telecommunications industry in India was a monopoly, managed and controlled by the Government. The industry is growing at the fastest pace in the world and India is expected to become the second largest telecom market globally by 2010. Forthcoming services such as 3G and...

17 Oct 2024

Investigating the Cybercrimes Related with IOT Based Home Appliances

Dissertation - 16 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This paper covers four areas: introduction, literature review, results and recommendations, and conclusion. In the introduction, the paper delineates its research objective: to identify cyber threats of IoT-based home appliances and to propose actions for their reduction. The literature review...

26 May 2009

Comparative analysis of market strategies for rural penetration of Nokia, Samsung, LG, Sony Erickson and Motorola

Dissertation - 23 pages - Services marketing

Nokia is a world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia connects people to each other and the information that matters to them with easy-to-use and innovative products like mobile phones, devices and solutions for imaging,...

06 Apr 2010

An empirical reflection on the needs for and consequences of operational and technical integration with ERP projects

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Management

This research article is set against the background of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as a solution to address operational and technical integration to support daily operations. It aims at characterizing ERP projects by their reasons for initiation in particular considering integration...

23 Oct 2024

Essentials of People Practice

Course material - 13 pages - Human resources

The job description is a synonymous term for a comprehensive document outlining the purpose, scope of work, tasks, and responsibilities for a given role within the organization (Dingel and Maffet, 2020). It gives us a clear vision of job expectations for employees and employers and helps manage...

14 Apr 2010

Web mail server for mobile mailing application

Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science

The Web Mail Server is a mailing system implemented to allow a user to access POP3 mail account through a Mobile SMS and also supports to access POP3 mail account through GUI on intranet. The server will be support to any mobile. To design a Mail Server to address the above problem and allows...

27 Oct 2024

Social Media as a Strategy for Protest Movements in an Era of Government Control - Hong Kong And Sudan Case Studies

Dissertation - 11 pages - Sociology & social sciences

By facilitating instantaneous global communication among geographically dispersed audiences, digital media has fundamentally altered information production and dissemination processes. As a result, more people are able to access information and news, which may be a powerful instrument for...

29 Jun 2010

Facts based voltage sag mitigation and stability improvement in induction generator based wind farms

Thesis - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In recent years generation of electricity using directly connected asynchronous generator (induction generator) based Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) has received considerable attention world wide. The connection of these Fixed Speed Induction Generators (FSIG) to the Point of Common...

29 Sep 2010

Literary devices and style in pride and prejudice

Book review - 15 pages - Literature

Sound effects connect the 2 words in the title ?Pride and Prejudice? right from the start of the novelv(also used in Sense and Sensibility). This connection between Pride and Prejudice helps define the 2 main characters of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, and participates in the development of the...

06 Dec 2010

Strategic analysis of Skype

Thesis - 23 pages - Business strategy

Change in patterns of communication has become usual, whether intended for professionals or individuals. Thus, the emergence of internet telephone has revolutionized communications but was limited by traditional difficulties of its technologies. Nevertheless, the market potential of IP telephone...

07 Aug 2018

Anatomy of the Russian disinformation campaign: understanding the complexity of a covert network as part of state policy and a military tool against Europe

Tutorials/exercises - 73 pages - Journalism

About two decades ago, it was impossible to imagine that foreign disinformation could actually affect the policy decision making or disturb social cohesion and solidarity in European countries. Back then, media outlets such as television, radio stations and newspapers enjoyed munificent funding...