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Theme : Congress

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29 Aug 2007

Parody as it Relates to U.S. Copyright Law

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

The idea at the heart of the First Amendment - and at the heart of democracy, itself - is that citizens have the right to criticize anything. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution establishes the power of Congress “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for...

17 Feb 2008

India: The state of the children in the world's most populous democracy

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In December 2001, a farrago of representatives of intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, and concerned members of the civil society around the world convened in Yokohama, Japan, at the 2nd World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation...

24 Jun 2010

Why ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) is good for America?

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, abbreviated “ARRA”, is a stimulus bill which was proposed and passed by President Barack Obama and the 111th Congress of the United States exactly one year ago. What better way to examine the effectiveness of ARRA than giving it...

10 Jan 2011

Comparison of the monetary policies of the American Federal fund (EDF) and the European Central bank (BCE)

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

Interest rates of the Fed are currently at an all-time low. The rates of the European Central Bank are at their lowest levels in history and on April 2, 2009, there was a further decline with a reduction to 1%.Indeed, monetary policy is an important instrument of control, and along with fiscal...

05 Nov 2014

Author Link, The President Woodrow Wilson's Author

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Author link is an American author, born to a German Lutheran family in a new market in Virginia. He was a leading specialist of President Woodrow Wilson, and he wrote five biographies about the man. In the book Woodrow Wilson: Revolution, War, and Peace, the author presents Wilson as a diplomat...

06 Jul 2015

London city

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

London, central and dynamic city becomes throughout the century the place of a strong political activism, in its most modern form. The UK is considered the land of individual freedom that welcomes exiles continent such as Zola or Marx and Engels. They organize their 1847 international communist...

27 May 2008

First Steps Towards Success: The First National Convention

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

Following the Revolution, drastic measures needed to be taken to insure America's survival and success if it was to truly become a rich and orderly nation after departure from British rule. The Articles of Confederation had been formulated and processed, yet proved not wholly productive,...

03 Feb 2011

Beginning of television in the United States

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The history of television is probably one of the biggest stories of the century. The history of American television began long before the marketing of the first receivers in the late 1940s.It took a long time to develop the technology for television. The concept of the television was implemented...

08 Oct 2015

Analysis of Mann and Ornstein prompt - It's even worse than it looks - Views of the authors

Book review - 2 pages - Political science

The book “It's Even Worse than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism” by Norman J. and Thomas E. Mann Ornstein analyses American politics. The books says that today's US congress has come to a congestion state caused by the...

08 Aug 2022

The Wilsonian tradition and its limits (1914-1945)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

President Wilson (1913-1920) renounced isolationism, which was the American tradition since Monroe: in agreement with his progressive agenda, he believed the US had to act abroad. He promoted a new internationalist doctrine. But he failed to convince either the foreign partners of the US, or, at...

13 Jan 2009

The influence of Socrealism in Poland

Essay - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Socrealism is „an attempt to translate Marxism into the sphere of art” . This term appeared first in 1932 in the soviet press. It is, more formally, an artistic current; it was indeed the official art trend imposed by the Communist regimes. It originates in the Union of Socialist and...

27 Aug 2014

Health Insurance and Financing in United States

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

The U.S health care spending has been characteristically among the costliest per individual, despite which the service quality lies overall below the anticipated delivery level. Unlike the single-payer healthcare system in the United Kingdom, the U.S operates a blend of market-based and...

03 Jun 2015

Individualization the penalty for heinous crimes

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The past fifteen years in force gives law a tight vote (6x5) or the Supreme Court which declared unconstitutional laws on the art. Then it established penalty for heinous crimes that was complied with in dated regime. This issue deserves wide discussion in society, being praiseworthy or...

07 Dec 2007

The Bat Stops Here - Or does it ? The Continuing Obligation of Agencies under NEPA and ESA

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are two important environmental statutes passed by Congress to help preserve the earth and its resources for future generations. Under these statutes, governmental agencies are required to determine how...

05 Mar 2009

A critical evaluation of media censorship in the US

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

This essay will discuss and analyze the media and censorship of the media in the United States. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press…” (United States...

11 Mar 2010

Wilson's fourteen points: Success or failure?

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

The carnage of World War I exposed the failures of the European system of diplomacy. It was in this context and even before the war ended, that American President, Woodrow Wilson, proposed his Fourteen Points, designed to establish and ensure a lasting peace following an Allied victory. President...

30 Apr 2009

Sacred tantra

Thesis - 6 pages - Ancient history

Tantra, is set of mystical practices employing rituals, mythologies, and sacred sexuality to achieve divine awareness. It is a system of mysticism found in both Hindu and Buddhist spiritual traditions and perhaps predates them as well. This paper will discuss the transition from very intense...

27 Jan 2011

Two-party system in the United States

Worksheets - 3 pages - Political science

"We are moderate people, not extremist", declared Hillary Clinton at a meeting in Iowa during the race for the Democrats nomination in 2007. It is a statement which applies to the American people as much as to the political parties. Indeed, the United States, the country which is often upheld as...

29 Jul 2010

The Fourteen Points

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Fourteen Points, the proposals of President Woodrow Wilson, were designed to establish the basis for a just and lasting peace following the victory of the Allies in World War I. The proposals were contained in Wilson's address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress in January of...

29 Nov 2006

The US and Guantanamo Bay

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

In 1898, the United States intervened in the Caribbean and Pacific to fight against Spanish imperialism. In the aftermath of the Spanish-American War, the United States occupied Cuba from January 1899 to May 1902. On February 25, 1901, Senator Orville H. Platt introduced in Congress...

14 Dec 2006

Psychological approaches to International Politics. The case of Cyprus

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

Located at a strategic position in the eastern Mediterranean sea, Cyprus, in the course of its history has frequently switched hands in-between powers which maintained an interest in the region. The list of its successive rulers includes the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Byzantines,...

25 Jan 2007

The United States and international religious freedom

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

In 1998, the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) created both the International Religious Freedom Office in the Department of State and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Since this date, a report has been produced every year within the United States,...

29 Aug 2007

Commercial Media as Free Press

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and...

27 Sep 2007

Personal statement for Ph.D. candidacy

Sample letter - 2 pages - Literature

Sometimes the dreams of first-grade naivety are the only dreams ever realized. In all probability, I will never read every book ever written. To think of the amount of novels, manuals and reference materials in the Emerson College library is staggering, not to mention the Boston Public Library,...

22 Oct 2007

Intelligent Design and Religion

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

According to the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” and according to the Fourteenth Amendment, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.”...

09 Feb 2008

Thoughts and Understanding on the Decline of Voter Participation

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Political science

It is a common knowledge that the most general type of political behavior is voting. Voting fundamentally represent the idea of Government being enacted by the people for the people. This is the time when a regular John Doe has a power to decide on whom, he thinks is the best to represent him and...

13 Jan 2009

Leadership : Review of the literature

Essay - 19 pages - Human resources

Research on leadership has been part of organisation behaviour for the last one hundred years and is seen as one of social science's most researched subject (Antonakis, Cianciolo and Sternberg, 2003:5). It is believed that in 1896, the Library of congress in the USA had no book on...

04 Dec 2008

International political sociology

Essay - 10 pages - Political science

Political sociology is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry developed by sociologists and political scientists to study the dynamic relationship between society (a complex web of social institutions and social behavior) and politics. Much of the impetus for the development of the field grew out...

18 Mar 2009

Subhas Chandra Bose: Nationalism, Morality and Empire

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the 1940's the range of Indian nationalism had reached a full spectrum of discourse previously thought impossible. The British declaration of war on the Axis Powers on India's behalf was followed quickly by a mass resignation of elected Indian National Congress (INC) leaders, and in...

16 May 2009

Nintendo Wii: Entering a new industry of simulation

Thesis - 13 pages - Business strategy

In 1975, the world is changed by the creation of the interactive television. The components are packed with a 13-inch black-and-white TV set in a futuristic-looking cabinet. In this time period, the introduction of the first arcade video game comes about. However, the public found this new...