The State of the Tibetan People as a minority experiencing complex social conflict and proposal to United Nations for applied second track intervention
Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy
This proposal outlines some of the conflicts associated with the Tibetan people as the repressed and overtaken minority within the People's Republic of China. Currently, social conflict is one of the most critical issues facing Tibetans today. This document attempts to direct all...
Conflicting Zionisms in the context of George Orwell's "Notes on Nationalism"
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
I begin this essay with an anecdote: when I read the headline announcing the resignation of Fidel Castro, I asked several American friends their instinctive reaction to Castro, regardless of their views on his forty-nine year rule. While the reactions were not as visceral as one might expect...
Transnistria: An Unrecognized State, A Frozen Conflict
Essay - 4 pages - Geography
Transnistria, also known as the Pridnestrovskaya Moldavskaya Respublika (PMR), is a republic unrecognized by any government in the world. Lying on a narrow swath of land along the left bank of the Dniester River, the territory's leaders call it a republic. Transnistria has been declaring itself...
Social revolution: Conflict of ideology as a driving force towards war
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
As described by Stephen M. Walt in his essay Revolution and War, social revolutions, or revolutions that seek to overthrow and reshape the social structure of a nation, are fueled and motivated by ideology. Walt writes that it is hard to imagine a mass revolution succeeding without an...
How conflict theory provides an insight to sociologist in to the process of criminal activity and behavior
Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Psychology
Conflict theory has developed throughout the course of the twentieth century as a principle theory for better understanding the development of criminal behavior. Although conflict theory directly links criminal behavior to the development of larger social inequities, research on...
The holy union: Religion and marital conflict
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In a time when conservatives worry that allowing homosexual to marry will destroy the sanctity of marriage and the family, heterosexual Americans are divorcing at a greater rate than ever before. The ratio of divorces to marriages is around 50% , suggesting that half of all marriages are doomed...
What has served as the basis for cohesion between the US and Europe and what has served as the basis for separation and/or conflict?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
Throughout the course of the twentieth century, the United States has worked diligently to develop cohesive and functional relationship with Europe. Although this process has enabled the US and Europe to develop a strong relationship, the reality is that both the United States and Europe have...
Influence of Jerusalem's religious symbolic in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
The author takes position against a Palestinian-controlled Old Jerusalem, where all the holy and historical sites of Judaism stand. He states that Jerusalem is « holier » to Jews than to Muslims (ignoring the Palestinian Christian minority) and that it should be put under exclusive Jewish...
The Greatest Human Conflict
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
In The Country Husband, John Cheever introduces us to Francis Weed, a passive country man who leads a lackluster life. The story begins with a plane crashan event that should be traumatizing and life-altering. However, Frances Weed hardly has a reaction to this frightening setting. He is...
Is there a 'responsibility to protect'? Is the UN capable of protecting the victims of internal conflicts?
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
Civil wars are, today, since the end of the Cold War, the dominant form of conflicts all around the world. For instance, as Stephen John Stedman explains, 'all thirty-five of the wars in 1997 were primarily internal' . Massive violence, destruction and killing tend, so, nowadays,...
"When you look back at the role that Washington has played between the Arabs and the Israelis, it is clear that the United States could end the Arab-Israeli conflict tomorrow, if it so desired"
Thesis - 3 pages - International relations
The picture taken at the Washington summit right after the Madrid conference just says it all: Rabin and Arafat, the representatives of the two most antagonistic peoples in the modern world, shake hands under Clinton's blessing. Thus it may seem that the American presence and participation is the...
Make Trade Not War? - Philippe Martin, Thierry Mayer, and Mathias Thoenig (2008)
Text commentary - 6 pages - Economy general
In The Spirit of Laws, the French political philosopher Montesquieu wrote that "the natural effect of trade is to bring about peace. Two nations which trade together render themselves reciprocally dependent." This idea that trade leads to peace has been a guiding principle of globalization. The...
The Donbass, How Vladimir Putin, sower of instability, became surrounded by it
Case study - 9 pages - International relations
Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 was motivated by a fear of NATO's expansion and Mr Putin's pursuit of the Eurasian Economic Union, as an imagined counterweight to the European Union. The conflict started following the ousting of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych....
Dispute Resolution Systems Design for Rapid Printing
Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy
The main goal of a dispute management systems design is to create the most efficient policy, to manage fairly and commercially conflict which can cause harm to the company. Here, we will focus on dispute resolution instead of dispute prevention. Here we will list the different methods that...
Police Administration and Management
Essay - 3 pages - Management
Understanding the complexities of group development is vital for organizations seeking to adopt highly dynamic and unified teams. The six distinctive stages outlinedorientation, conflict and challenge, cohesion, delusion, disillusion, and acceptanceshed light on the...
Types of Migration: Voluntary, Forced, and Permanent
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Migration is a complex phenomenon influenced by conflict, economic crises, and environmental factors. It is fundamental to grasp all those forms of migration to have a whole picture of what drives people to move across borders. This essay explores three main types of migration: voluntary,...
The Cold War (1947-1991)
Course material - 3 pages - Modern history
The expression used for the first time in 1947 and popularized by the journalist Walter Lippmann is the name given to the international relationships between 1947 and 1991. It was a military and ideological conflict concerning every aspect (economy, ideology, propaganda, science, conquest...
How to Maintain Inmate Security and Control in Correctional Facilities?
Essay - 4 pages - Management
'Prison overcrowding has become one of the major issues in our correctional facilities and criminal justice system. Overcrowding in the correctional facilities could lead to increased violence and the spread of many preventable illnesses due to unhygienic conditions, among other problems that...
The United States and the World: The US and the Cold War (1945-1980)
Course material - 5 pages - Modern history
The goal of this document is to stress the main thrust of American strategy in the Cold War in order to understand the legacy of the Cold War on American foreign policy today. The main structures of US foreign policy and foreign policy establishment and instruments, still in place today, were...
Mexican- American War
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The conflict also known as the Invasion of Mexico was an armed war between the United States and Centralist Republic of Mexico that started in April 1846 to February 1848. The conflict came on the wake of the United States annexation of Texas which Mexico regarded it as its own...
Understanding the Russia-Georgia (2008) Using Realism and Liberalism
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
War, the sad reality of human history, frequently stems from a complex binding of geopolitical, economic, and ideological factors. The 2008 Russia-Georgia war confirms this fact. Territorial disputes, power struggles, and regional tensions characterize this confrontation. The situation in the war...
Diversity and Learning Theories - Nursing Education
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Choosing an appropriate educational theory is crucial in the ever-changing field of nursing education to promote successful learning results. An essential aspect of any course is not just its content but also the theoretical framework that informs its design. This comprehensive pedagogical...
Early Modern History
Worksheets - 21 pages - Modern history
Contrary to the contemporary definition, the cities of the early modern era were not defined only according to a threshold of number of inhabitants, continuity of buildings, or command functions. During the Old Regime, a city was certainly a densely populated space, but it was also surrounded by...
'Violence brings only temporary victories' M.-L. King. Discuss in the light of past and current political affairs
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968) was an American minister and a social activist, who is mostly known for his leadership of the civil rights movement in the United States. Thanks to him, the segregation of Black Americans stopped. Given his implication in non-violent movements in order to...
European colonization and its effects in the Spice islands and Banda islands
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Europeans began to colonize different areas of the world as soon as they became aware of their existence. Explorers sailing out of England, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands worked tirelessly to comb the vast regions of the world for suitable additions to their respective empires. Islands and...
Anatomy of the Russian disinformation campaign: understanding the complexity of a covert network as part of state policy and a military tool against Europe
Tutorials/exercises - 73 pages - Journalism
About two decades ago, it was impossible to imagine that foreign disinformation could actually affect the policy decision making or disturb social cohesion and solidarity in European countries. Back then, media outlets such as television, radio stations and newspapers enjoyed munificent funding...
Employee protection and economic liberalism in the US: does the search for a balance still make sense?
Essay - 6 pages - Labor law
American history, such as most countries nowadays in the world history, has been through several periods of crucial changes, socially, economically and in general, politically. Very frequently, this also led to some changes in the legislation that was applied and evolved through most...
West African Anglophone Literary Productions
Course material - 21 pages - Literature
By and large, the objective of this course is to get students in the humanities to cast a meaningful glance at the landscape of the aesthetico-social and political realities which have affected the continent, ever since slavery days through colonization up to the contemporary stage, in the prism...
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens (1849); Cat's Eye - Margaret Atwood (1988); Juno - Jason Reitman (2007) - Difficulties in friendship and love relationships
Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature
This passage is an extract from the novel David Coperfield by Charles Dickens, at the time David Coperfield was married to Dora Spenlow. David felt completely in love with Dora, and they decided to get married. However, their relationship is not reasonable because Dora has no sense of everyday...
Transformations of resource management in Canada and his impact on the Public Service
Essay - 3 pages - Management
Resource management in Canada has gone through upheavals since the 1960s and 1970s. What might be one of those transformations and why is it significant for management in the Public Service of Canada?