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Theme : Competition

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29 Nov 2010

The continued dominance of Dell in the the highly competitive technological world

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, Dell Computer Corporation created an innovative concept by placing the customer at the center of the business organization. In 1998, the company set up a direct sales model, allowing it to establish itself quickly and successfully in the computer industry. Indeed,...

27 Jan 2011

Decathlon: A Competitive and strategic study to develop recommendations to establish a specific communication in the bicycle market for women and children

Case study - 39 pages - Business strategy

Michael Leclercq established Decathlon in France in 1976. Decathlon was the first mass producer of sports equipment and caters to all a sportsman's needs whether he is an athlete or just a sports enthusiast. Decathlon is the leading innovator, producer and retailer of a broad range of sports...

16 Sep 2011

How does Peugeot build a competitive edge against Chinese and foreign car industry

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

In this report, we focus on the PSA Peugeot Citroen group. Firstly, we will analyze the company and its features and key data. PSA Peugeot Citroen group is a French car manufacturer, and is the result of a merger between Citroen and Peugeot Limited companies. Thanks to the framework of a coherent...

16 Jan 2009

Radio frequency identification (RFID). Hudson Bay Company's next great competitive advantage

Essay - 17 pages - Business strategy

The hype around Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology - a revolutionary information-gathering method whereby information in a tag can be read from up to 300 feet away - has caught the attention of many retailers in North America. Retailers such as Wal-Mart and Tesco (in the U.K) have...

30 May 2009

A study on the competitive analysis in the telecom sector

Tutorials/exercises - 45 pages - Business strategy

Technological changes in the telecom and computers have radically changed the business scenario. In turn, the new demands of business have spurred many telecom based technological innovations. In order to exploit these innovations for competing in global markets, business community the world over...

29 Sep 2010

Competitive Environment Analysis : Haagen- Dazs

Case study - 24 pages - Business strategy

Since it was created in the early 1920s, Häagen-Dazs has become a strong and powerful brand, and is well established in the ice cream market. The company has made quality and originality its motto. Its philosophy is also based on the same principles: 'Find the purest and the finest...

10 May 2013

Competitive Strategies and Government Policies: The Automobile Industry (Tesla Motors)

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Since the beginning of the last century, automobile companies have fought for control of a rapidly expanding market in what was a newly created automobile industry. Many companies existed throughout the years trying to find their place in the market, with three major companies remaining with the...

29 Nov 2010

Louis Vuitton's market strategy to excel in the competitive luxury industry

Thesis - 23 pages - Business strategy

The leather sector is renowned for the quality of its products, especially in the luxury market. Louis Vuitton, the most prestigious French business of luxury leather goods, has, for years, been an incredible success, continually expanding its activities. Recently, consumer behavior has changed...

25 Mar 2011

Competitive Advantage of France in Haute Couture

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

What does "Haute Couture" mean? "Haute couture" is a French term, which means high fashion. This expression refers to the elegance and taste of clothing (P. Paccaud, 2004). France - and particularly Paris - can be considered the birthplace of fashion. It is the largest fashion center of the...

29 Sep 2009

Competitive strategy: Strategies model by Michael Porter

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

The strategy has taken a big place in the firm and it has become the only way to do business. Big companies have special staff to formulate strategies, whereas in the smaller firms it is the CEO and/or the Head Officer who takes and makes the strategic decisions. Some definitions are necessary to...

05 Feb 2006

Cultural diversity is a source of international competitive advantage. Critically evaluate

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

Most of companies employ people from different culture and want to manage them in order to use in the best way as possible this diversity. The management of this kind of workers must be adapted. To become a real international competitive advantage, cultural diversity in the company has to be...

30 May 2009

A study on the competitive environment in the retail market

Tutorials/exercises - 39 pages - Services marketing

The Indian retail industry is now beginning to evolve in the line with the transformation that has swept other large economies. There is a change a foot in Indian retail too, the liberalization of the consumer goods industry initiated in the mid-80's and accelerated through the 90's has begun to...

12 Aug 2010

Competitive strategy and value creation in relationship marketing

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

This paper considers how relationship marketing can be utilized in corporate strategy to facilitate value creation and increased customer satisfaction. The meaning of relationship marketing and the purpose of various relational frameworks such as the ‘relational spectrum', the...

08 Jan 2022

Company performance: different assessment approaches

Dissertation - 9 pages - Management

In the current context, it has become essential for companies to become more proficient at standing out from the competition and, therefore, be more competitive by seeking more performance. The objective is to achieve the goals set during the development of the marketing strategy and to...

03 Apr 2012

Strategy and competitive analysis of L'Atelier Des Chefs

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

The mission of L'Atelier Des Chefs is to invent new ways to cook, that can be accessible for all who love cooking and have passion for it. For individual customers and professionals too, cooking classes are taught by top chef of famous French restaurants, and adapted at their level. Indeed, with...

28 Mar 2022

Country Report - Indonesia

Case study - 20 pages - International economy

With a population of 273 million and a gross domestic product (GDP) 1 of approximately 1 050 billion, Indonesia is the fifteenth largest economy. Indonesia is currently relying on economic openness and free trade to catch up economically. It is aware that it has fallen behind its neighbors...

29 Oct 2024

Do Mergers and Acquisitions Increase Market Concentration?

Dissertation - 7 pages - Economy general

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have been regarded as critical events in the sphere of industrial economics that affect market concentration and simultaneously attract the attention of researchers trying to figure out their impact. Such mergers and acquisitions of two or more organizations that...

19 Jul 2022

The treatment of killing acquisitions by GAFAM : Antitrust implications

Case study - 5 pages - Economic politics

In recent years, antitrust authorities have identified "killer" acquisitions as a particular problem for the tech industry. A "killer" acquisition is often described as the acquisition of a small, innovative startup by a large, well-established company. Typically, a startup has limited or no...

29 Sep 2010

Michelin Marketing strategies, emphasize differentiation, accelerate growth and strengthen competitiveness

Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing

It is a multinational company whose headquarters are in Clermont-Ferrand in France. With a claim over 20% of the global tire market, it is the world's largest tire company. Its net sales amounted to 16.867 billion Euros in 2007, which positioned Michelin in second place behind Bridgestone ($...

28 Oct 2021

How is a lack of a communication strategy detrimental to business development?

Dissertation - 9 pages - Communication

Communication occupies an increasingly important place in the business world, and for good reason, it has evolved a lot in the space of a few years. Whether internal or external, it is necessary for the development of groups, regardless of their sector of activity. The society in which companies...

22 Nov 2021

HR marketing: what strategy to attract and retain employees?

Dissertation - 8 pages - Human resources

The current context has changed the business world a lot. For several years now, these companies have undergone profound changes and must review their entire strategy, both with regard to customers and group employees. Indeed, all business sectors are impacted by increasingly fierce...

23 Oct 2024

Michael Porter's Five Forces

Course material - 3 pages - Business strategy

Michael Porter's Five Forces model, which is a leading analytical approach for explaining an industry within a structured approach, is one of the most respected methodologies in businesses now. This model, which was first introduced in 1979, is regarded as an inescapable instrument for the...

06 Nov 2014

Chilean Wine Industry

Case study - 11 pages - Business strategy

In today's globalized economy, international competitiveness in the international market is a growing concern for all stakeholders including government and firms. While the corporate leaders embrace dynamism to cope with the changing business climate, strategies of the firms are subject to the...

15 Aug 2022

UK Retail Fashion Industry Report - Missguided

Case study - 6 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing

While Missguided, which operates in the UK retail fashion industry, has managed to achieve competitiveness in the global fashion retail industry, its long-term survival and success is dependent on its effectiveness in responding to market changes. Gavinelli (2016) notes that adopting effective...

28 Sep 2022

Coca Cola vs. Pepsi: Analysis and Comparison of Strategies - published: 27/09/2022

Case study - 13 pages - Business strategy

Without a doubt, the revenue of Coca-Cola has reflected considerable growth over the years, but when compared to PepsiCo, the revenue of PepsiCo appears to have doubled within the fiscal year of 2019. Between 2016 and 2019, when the revenue of PepsiCo increased steadily, the income of Coca-Cola...

16 Apr 2009

Kaizen: The key to Japan's competitive success

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

The term "Kaizen" is a combination of two Japanese words "Kai" meaning "change" and "zen" meaning "good," and evolves from the ancient Japanese philosophy of actions that lead to sustainable benefits for the society as a whole rather than one particular individual, or actions that benefit...

30 Jan 2017

Economics assignment

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

There are many restaurants in the city providing significantly differentiated menus and are currently generating profits. Depict in a diagram showing the profit maximising equilibrium for such a typical restaurant. Will this typical restaurant maintain profits in the long-run? Depict this long...

29 Sep 2010

Ben L. Kedia and Ananda Mukherji, Global managers: Developing a mindset from global competitiveness

Book review - 2 pages - Finance

Ben L. Kedia is a Director of the Wang Center for International Business Education and Ananda Mukherji is a Dirctor from ZoomInfo, the largest index of business people in the world (source: Wikipedia) . They emphasize in this article the huge importance of having skills other than technical...

17 May 2009

Starbucks France governance: Competitive environment analysis

Thesis - 2 pages - Management

“Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled.” It is made to control the decision-making power of executives so they do not have as a matter of priority their own...

07 May 2021

Strategy proposal for an MNC who wants to invest or expand in a specific country - New Group Renault strategic plan: "Drive the Future"

Market study - 7 pages - International economy

In this work, we analyze Renault's strategic plan for 2017-2022, called "Drive the Future" on three levels: the company's source of competitive advantage (section 1), the reasons for choosing the target of investment in emerging country, such as China (section 2) and finally the content...