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Theme : Competition

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09 Feb 2024

Crowdfunding for sustainable energy projects: the criteria of selection by platform managers and competition between investors

Thesis - 25 pages - Finance

Despite the contributions of research on the crowdfunding phenomenon, there is a lack of knowledge on the link between crowdfunding and sustainability and renewable energies in particular and also a lack of understanding from the point of view of investors and managers of crowdfunding platforms:...

25 Nov 2014

The gaming console industry competition: Sony vs Microsoft vs Nintendo

Case study - 21 pages - Management

Unlike in other electronic industries such as PC, Camera, Smartphone etc only 3 majors companies lead the gaming console market: Microsoft XBox, Sony Playstation and Nintendo Wii. This industry has become more profitable year over year, but remain a really competitive business where companies...

29 Jul 2014

Unfair competition Law- Business and Professions Code 17200 et seq

Case study - 3 pages - Other law subjects

The business and professional code is among the 29 codes that govern the state of California. The business and professional code provides insight to both business persons and consumers about business practices permitted by the law. Section 17200 of the code, known as the Unfair Competition...

21 May 2012

Does competition affect social preferences in the context of a bargaining game? Discuss

Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy

This essay argues that competition has an effect on social preferences. Two playered bargaining game is called as an ultimatum game(UG).The results of which are compared to the results of experiments in which there are more than two players, where competition exists. References to...

03 Mar 2011

Study of Chanel No. 5 and its positioning, history, ranges and competition

Case study - 24 pages - Services marketing

Gabrielle ‘Coco' Chanel's iconic brand needs no introduction. Six letters in black or white that possess the magical power to transport us to the land of femininity, elegance, luxury and sophistication with the inevitable French touch. In this case, it becomes impossible to separate the...

03 Mar 2011

The market of the French wine and international competition

Market study - 38 pages - Services marketing

For a long time, France was called the "wine country", and the reference country in terms of production and consumption of wine. However, this world leader has seen the market eroding in recent years. Export volumes and domestic consumption are declining. The main reason that could explain this...

03 Mar 2011

Comparison between Marks & Spencer and Zara: "The competition of the processes in industry of clothing" (2006)

Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing

Founded in 1884, Marks & Spencer is a company that is more than two centuries old. The origin of its fame and development comes from a very particular situation experienced in England in the late 19th century. Soon after, M & S has positioned itself as a solid reference on the clothing market in...

10 Jan 2011

Competition in the financial markets of New York and London since 1944

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

In the global economy, international financial markets play a major role, and provide substantial benefits to the economy of their countries. They are a challenge both nationally and globally, and many economists and historians have sought to create hierarchies for these places. Above all, a...

03 Mar 2011

Study of competition: Innocent Smoothie

Case study - 8 pages - Services marketing

In 1998 during a festival in London, three twenty year old students decided to sell fruit juice. The success was beyond their expectations and when they were newly graduated, they decided to start a real company that has just opened an office in Paris, having already conquered the UK, Denmark and...

21 Sep 2011

Toys "R" Us: Storch Strategizes to Torch Competition in the US

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Toys "R" Us Inc., founded by Charles Lazarus in 1948, is one of the leading retailers of toys, games, electronics, sporting goods, baby products, children's apparel and juvenile furniture. With its headquarters in Wayne, New Jersey, and over 1600 stores worldwide, Toys 'R" Us has been the...

10 Jan 2011

Perfect competition and Pareto optimality

Case study - 2 pages - Management

The model of perfect competition can be achieved through a formalization of the concept of the 'invisible hand of the market'. This theory was put forward by by Adam Smith in 1776. His goal was to provide a stable base to build a society on . This concept involved an environment...

02 Jan 2011

European rules on competition

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Largely inspired by the U.S. Antitrust law, the European Commission's rules on competition play a central role in the laws of the European Union. Grouped under Title VI of the European Council's Treaty, these rules concern the "common rules on competition, taxation and approximation...

27 Jan 2011

Competition between European football clubs

Dissertation - 37 pages - Management

In Europe, the economic competition is as fierce as the sporting competitions that engage among the professional football clubs, and this fight is somewhat uneven between very large European professional clubs and other smaller clubs. How can we explain the differences in...

24 Feb 2010

Finding if competition exists among the same or different species, and measuring it

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

Plant competition is something that is very important to study. Like any other organism, plants must consume resources to survive. With limited resources, those that are most competitive generally receive the most resources, allowing them to survive. This lab investigates just that. Using...

24 Feb 2010

The effects of competition for resources on resulting plant biomass

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of competition for resources on resulting plant biomass and to analyze the differences between intraspecific and interspecific competition. The study quantified the growth of two different plant species, wheat (Tricticum...

29 Sep 2010

Competition between European football clubs - published: 29/09/2010

Case study - 25 pages - Business strategy

In Europe, the economical competition is as relentless as the sport competition between professional football clubs and this fight is clearly unequal between the big and small clubs. How can we explain the competitive differences between the best French football club and the best...

22 Nov 2010

Mark & Spencer: Company overview, market and competition

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Marks & Spencer is a British retailer. Its head office is located in City of Westminster, London, England. It is the largest clothing retailer in UK. It was founded by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer. Mark & Spencer is 43rd largest retailer in the world. Marks & Spencer have been for more than a...

22 Nov 2010

Strategy management : Competition and cooperation in the Network level strategy

Thesis - 3 pages - Business strategy

According to Bob De Wit and Ron Meyer, global strategy can be divided in three parts: process, content and context. These can be recognized in all business situations in relation to managers. The strategy process is defined as a set of essential questions about the business as a whole. In these...

29 Sep 2010

Benetton group: The evolution of a network to face global competition

Case study - 11 pages - Management

Benetton's story has started in the 1950s from the "idea of color?. The family holding group has been established in 1965. Over the ongoing decade, the first factory and 1000 shops opened worldwide. Benetton has grown through a unique network organization which is flexible and innovative, as...

29 Sep 2010

Nokia: Fierce competition in the cell phone industry: Is it a risk for the leader?

Dissertation - 30 pages - Services marketing

Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. They focus on the key growth areas of wired and wireless telecommunications. Nokia is currently the world's largest manufacturer of mobile telephones, with a global device market share of 38,6% in 3Q 2007. We will focus...

22 Nov 2010

Air Arabia: Company overview, market and competition

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The company Air Arabia which is chosen in this report is a public company. This report also gives information about how the company works internally and externally. The main hub of the Air Arabia Company is in Sharjah, U.A.E and Mohamed V Airport in Casablanca, Morocco. This report will also give...

20 Jan 2009

The French wine market and international competition

Market study - 32 pages - Services marketing

For a long time, France has been a "wine country", a reference in terms of production and consumption of wine. Nevertheless, this world leader has seen erosion in its market share for the last few years: volumes exported are decreasing and national consumption is down. The main cause is that...

16 Jan 2009

Competition in the banking industry

Essay - 4 pages - Finance

Nowadays, the banking industry has become significantly more competitive than in the past and competition is likely to increase further. New competitive pressures are emerging from abroad, owing to the liberalization of international banking and capital flows, and as a result of the...

12 Jan 2009

Competition Law

Market study - 4 pages - Other law subjects

The area of EC Competition Law has experienced major structural and substantial changes over the past two decades. The last decade of reforms of EC Competition Law is often cited as the « modernisation process » . Since competition rules always apply to a « market », this...

07 May 2009

How has European competition policy empowered the commission?

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

This question could appear really simple, and the first answer that comes is “yes of course”: with the introduction of European Competition Policy, the EU Commission has an extended power, and can now decide if a company respects competition laws in the Union or not. But...

05 Mar 2009

To what extent is competition between social groups a necessary condition for inter-group discrimination?

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Discrimination is a highly contentious issue in our contemporary society, and is still not a thoroughly understood phenomenon, despite extensive and illuminating psychological research. The question acknowledges that there is a place for competition in the creation of inter-group...

28 May 2009

An analysis of why Canada's regulation of competition is weaker than in the United States

Thesis - 9 pages - Political science

Canada, with its more or less 30 million people, is one of the United States biggest trading partners. As a matter of fact Canada is the US largest market for its agricultural export in the northern hemisphere. This importance of the Canadian market had been numerously acknowledged by the United...

30 Nov 2009

Case study: How Virgin mobile successfully thwarted competition through innovative marketing

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

This paper focuses on operations of Virgin Mobile, USA. It would be helpful to see what strategies Virgin used by analyzing the competition, consumers and the company aka the three C's. Let us first look at the company itself. When consumers look at virgin, they are concentrated on the...

11 Oct 2021

Example of a competitive benchmark - Fast food restaurants

Case study - 8 pages - Marketing theories

Marketing and competitor analysis play an increasingly important role in the life of businesses. Indeed, regardless of the sector, they are subject to very strong competition, and it is necessary to adapt to obtain the best results and always be more competitive. But developing effective...

04 May 2022

Competitive analysis of the aerospace industry - Boeing and Airbus

Case study - 6 pages - Brand management

One of the main challenges in all industries is rival companies, and it is critical to the survival of a company to consider its rivals competitive actions. In this report, we investigate the competitive rivalry between the two giants of the aviation industry, Airbus and Boeing, to discover how...