The International Community response to the 2006 North Korean nuclear crisis: overcoming stick-and-carrot diplomacy?
Essay - 7 pages - Political science
On October 9, 2006, the North Korean state news agency announced that the country had completed its first nuclear test with success. This "great leap forward" was the first step toward a "powerful self-reliant defense capability". In the following days, Moscow and Washington confirmed that North...
Community Health Assessment
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The first category to discuss is the county's demographic or local population. The population of Mecklenburg County is 861,189. The male citizens are 421, 933, while the female citizens are 439, 256. The media age of this county is 33.7. The population under five years is 70, 176. The...
Mental health in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional analyses from a community cohort study - Jia et al. (2020) - Validated measures of mental health
Text commentary - 2 pages - Psychology
The paper titled "Mental health in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional analyses from a community cohort study" by Jia et al. provides an in-depth analysis of the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK population. The study is based on a large...
Community-Based Policing
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
With the rising crime rates, and the impact they have on the ability of our criminal justice personnel to stem the tide, criminal justice agencies have realized the need to return to their community roots if they are to do anything about crime and disorder in the communities. This has...
Community-oriented Policing, Multicultural Community Relations, and Law Enforcement
Essay - 3 pages - Political science
Community-oriented policing (COP) explains the principle that promotes institutional strategies that back the general utilization of unions and problem-resolution methods to actively deal with the direct circumstances causing public safety problems. Law enforcement refers to the activity...
Leasing Space for Trinity Community Hospital's New Orthopedic Service Line
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
Trinity Community Hospital requires an urgent improvement in its healthcare services, enumerated by adding a new orthopedic line of service. Since the healthcare needs of people are also growing daily, the hospital wants to add its capacity to those changing needs within the...
How Did the Jewish Community Manage to Reconcile War and Democracy in the Creation and Perpetuation of the Israeli State?
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
I am going to give you a presentation on democracy and war in the Israeli state, based on the writings of Ran Halevi. Ran Halevi is a French historian, born in 1950, director of research at the CNRS. His research focuses on the political history of France as well as on Israeli political history....
How African American heroes managed to lead the black community to recognition?
Presentation - 2 pages - Everyday's life
I am going to talk about the notion of "Myths and Heroes". But before we start, we shall say that a myth is a story that was initially "true" but as people retold it some parts may have been changed whereas a hero is a man or a woman of distinguished courage and ability who is admired for his or...
Community Health Promotion Program: Transition to Ontario Long-term Care
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
This is a community health promotion program designed to promote the transition to long-term care in the province of Ontario, Canada. According to a report by the Ontario Long-term Care Association in April 2019, more than 115,000 elderly people in Ontario are in long-term care support. It...
The precautionary principle and its consequences upon the community legal order: gmos and bse
Essay - 28 pages - European law
Concentrating on the expression itself it is clear that the word "principle? implies a peculiar importance given to the "precaution?. It is to say that the principle of precaution is a principle of law, even if it is not clear how and where this scope has been given: some would say in Treaties,...
The price of the dream: subprime mortgages in the African-American community
Essay - 2 pages - Finance
Let us first say that the financial disaster which has just recently occurred has effected the entire world, regardless of race, color, or creed. It is perhaps a testament to the new levels of equality and interconnectedness that what may have started out primarily among certain populations can...
Community health needs assessment
Essay - 2 pages - Psychology
Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs) are a vital tool in identifying the most prioritized health needs of a community and aligning the required resources and partners to address this needs(Judith & Chere, 2013). A well-structured CHNAs will provide very valuable data to direct...
The geology of Texas and how it has shaped the community of Texas
Essay - 3 pages - Geography
Generally, geology deals with the study of the earth and its processes with respect to its effect on the general life of humans or societies. For instance, it studies the history and material of mountains, glaciers and rocks and also analyzes processes like earthquakes, floods, and landslides. In...
Community supported agriculture (CSA) - CSA UBC Farm
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
This essay investigates what motivates members' in joining and remaining in the CSA. It also investigates the ability of CSA program to develop social capital within the surrounding community. Farm is an important asset to the UBC community since its value increase with time and...
The Republic, Community, Privatization
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
We must first clarify that it is not a question of opposing a multicultural society to a "monocultural" society. Our society is multicultural, and is a long time. She characterizes not only France since the 30 boom. We have always had several cultures cohabiting in our territory. The problem is...
Problems in How the African American Community Talk About Themselves
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Racial discrimination has been among the biggest problems to the American society. After the civil rights movement, the law provided a platform for racial equality in the country. However, almost fifty years later, the society is characterized by big differences between the racial groups. The...
Critical critique of a paper on community development in social work
Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy
In this article, the author, Rebecca Filliponi explains the similarities and differences in community work and social work, and how they affect the community by examining how they both integrate by using research tools, case studies and interviews. The author suggests that by doing...
United States Intelligence Community
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
President Truman in collaboration with the Congress did find out that the United States could not meet their security needs without a defined structure for decision making. They had to find a way to deal with intelligence issues in the country. On this note, the president, in 1947 , did sign the...
Clearance Rate within Community Policing
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
There is an encouraging trend within the criminal justice system that raises acknowledgement and praises with regard to how law enforcement carries out its roles in our society. Community policing has many aspects and the encouraging trend is seen from the narrowed gap in the relation to...
Effects of intensive policing tactics (like writing lots of UF-250s and summonses) on the community
Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies
According to researches, evidences consistently showing that, in the minds of police officers, as well as civilians, being black and male is inextricably accompanied with beliefs of criminality and dreadfulness leading to a habituated reaction of distrust and alarm that then results into...
The legacy and effects of racism on the black community
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Rabbit Proof fences movie depicts different policies that Australian government enforced in 1970's. The government took aborigine children from their mothers forcefully and then raised them in training schools. These schools trained them to work as domestic servants and factory workers. The...
Recommendations for Community-Based Practitioners
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Community-based corrections have experienced significant growth in the last few years. The correction has grown unabated since 1980, and the growth has significant implications for the correction agencies on matters on how to make decisions related to caseload and workload issues. The...
Race and my community
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
I have seen much change as the years pass by. I have lived in Lima most of my life and grew up here. I would saying I know this community very well. I am White and have lived mostly in the same place. I have moved out of the house my parents owned several times, but I always seem to come...
Organizational transformation, models restructure, traditional police agencies into community policing: Exploratory case study of three police departments in Norway
Case study - 20 pages - Political science
When organizational transformation succeeds, say the corporate change experts, employees feel they are working for a different company. Transformation is a radical change process, undertaken to respond to a crisis or to take advantage of a great opportunity. It has a much more profound effect...
Why international agreements are necessary to protect environmental health and community health?
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Environmental health refers to the elements present in the environment that affect and influence human public health. As established by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the United Nations health agency, Environmental health refers to both direct pathological effect of different elements...
Money laundering in the financial community: one of the dark sides of globalization
Essay - 9 pages - Finance
Economically, globalization may appear beneficial in that it enhances trade between men and generates growth. Many of its adverse effects are, however, the game of criminal organizations. Indeed, with the rise of movements of people, goods and capital, globalization tends to increase the capacity...
Right of establishment in the European Community
Thesis - 6 pages - European union
Article 43 states that restrictions on freedom of establishment of citizens of a Member State shall be prohibited. The community should eliminate domestic measures that were likely to impede the free movement of its citizens. It was done gradually. The Council enabled the effectiveness of...
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 393 U.S. 503 (1969)
Essay - 1 pages - Other law subjects
John and Mary Beth Tinker, high school students, decided with their friend, Christopher Eckhardt, to wear black armbands to school in protest of the Vietnam War. The armbands included a peace sign and were meant to support President Kennedy's call for a Christmastime truce. The school board...
Is the EU successful in its attempt to create a 'security community' with its neighbors through the elaboration of the European Neighborhood Policy?
Thesis - 6 pages - European union
The aim of this paper is to assess whether or not the EU is efficient in its attempt to build a security community with its neighbors through the implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). In order to do so, I will first demonstrate that the EU and its neighbors share, to a...
Achieving improved funding of universal basic education in Nigeria through community efforts
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
Universal Basic Education (UBE) program was launched in Nigeria in 1999, to increase the access of the children of school age to basic education. There is no doubt that adequate funding of the program is germane in view of the experiences of the past, particularly with regards to the collapse of...