Current Polish foreign policy towards Poland's eastern neighbour states: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine (October 2004 - February 2005)
Essay - 10 pages - International relations
Poland has always lied at the crossroads of Europe, as suggested by the title of one of Norman Davies' famous history books Heart of Europe. Intermediate between the West and the East; buffer state; ally or enemy of the main European powers, Poland was once a very powerful country whose territory...
The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 have led to a complete change in American foreign policy
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
When George W. Bush arrived in office as President in 2000, he was determined to limit the role of the United States in foreign affairs, although there was in his electorate a hope for a strong foreign policy. The new administration saw in the failure in Yugoslavia, Clinton's...
Patrice Lumumba: American foreign policy and cover-ups
Thesis - 6 pages - International law
Historically, the foreign policy of the United States has been such that one event has integrated itself into effecting the majority of events to follow. The case of the United States foreign policy in the Congo and, specifically, the assassination of Patrice Lumumba is no...
The public health environment in England: Focus on specific policies
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The nature of major causes of work-related ill health makes occupational health fit more closely than ever before into the public health agenda. The government has been quick to recognize the role of occupational health nurses in reaching the public health targets set in recent public health...
Importance and limits of the influence of ethnic lobbies on US Foreign Policy: The case of the Armenian-Americans' impact on US relations with Azerbaijan
Thesis - 16 pages - International relations
The US is a nation of immigrants and the diversity of the constituencies is represented in the functioning of its political institutions. Indeed, not only is it considered legitimate for the interest groups to interfere with the decision making process, but the foreign policy does not...
Communatarism" in Great Britain and the "French Republican model" of integration: With which method should the public policies be controlled while dealing with a multicultural society
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
The issues of national identity, citizenship and multiculturalism are definitely in the middle of nowadays debates. In his work, John Rex develops the approach that the development of multiculturalism policies might diminish tensions between dominant and minority groups within a contemporary...
Karen E. Smith "European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World"
Book review - 4 pages - European union
European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World provides a clear introduction to the complexities of the contemporary European Union foreign policy, and offers a comprehensive and a distinctive perspective on the nature of the European Union's international identity. Karen...
Planning for tomorrow: Provincial policy, regional government and public opinion
Thesis - 4 pages - Government finance
Provincial politics can often be as overstated as it is often outdated. In the case of the former, this is a result of the dependency our provincial governments have on federal funding. As for the latter, consider that provincial policy making is often a tense and contradictory affair...
Motives, methods, and morals: Towards an informed anti-cheating policy in massively online multiplayer games
Thesis - 10 pages - Computer science
World of Warcraft and other massively multiplayer online games have become immensely popular in the past few years. Their growing popularity, advanced player-driven economies, and often reinforced social and political tendencies have yielded an interesting if troublesome set of problems....
How US domestic policy influenced the Cuban missile crisis?
Thesis - 6 pages - International relations
It is a well known fact that United States and Soviet Union came close to nuclear war due to the Cuban Missile Crisis. President John Kennedy's diplomatic efforts helped to resolve the crisis in the peaceful manner for which he received international acclaim. President Kennedy's popularity soared...
Enforcement of environmental policies in Europe
Thesis - 2 pages - Political science
Acid rain, coastal pollution, deforestation, toxic waste, and industrial contamination infect Europe's landscapes, waterways, and skies at higher levels than ever before. The United Nations, the European Union, and other international organizations have been implementing new environmental...
How far do you agree that the crisis experienced by China in the late 1980s was due to "the inevitable consequences of the policies of economic liberalization by Deng Xiaoping"?
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
Shortly after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 came the rehabilitation of Deng Xiaoping. During the latter's reign, China experienced a crisis in the late 1980s, the 1989 Tiananmen Crisis, during which the army attacked students who held a demonstration demanding political liberalisation. This...
What is state terrorism? How would it be possible to differ it from authoritarian policies to enforce law and order?
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Kofi Annan's words reveal how important and central the fight against terrorism is in pacifying international relations and protecting human beings across the world. That also shows to what extent we are all concerned by this threat. However, the international community still meets difficulties...
The well-being policies in GlaxoSmithKline
Case study - 14 pages - Human resources
Last year, we observed the changes in GlaxoSmithKline. This trend has deeply modified the way to consider the work atmosphere. New policies are applied to ensure that employees feel good at work and to increase their commitment as well. Companies were forced by the market pressure to adapt...
Was the Macmillan government's decision to apply for membership of the European Communities the product of Britain's declining global status?
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The fear that Britain would become, as Labour's post-war Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin put it just another European country , was one of the main reasons to explain the British refusal to join a European supranational organisation. The Attlee government was indeed in favour of...
Critically Examination of US policy toward the Middle East in the twentieth century
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
Throughout the course of its history, the United States has utilized its foreign policy objectives for the purposes of pursuing its own needs. Although the United States has, in rare instances, pursued foreign policy objectives for the purposes of altruistically improving outcomes...
Overview of the World Bank organization, the positive contributions that the organization has made to the development of Third World countries, and the specific policies that have been criticized by world leaders
Essay - 9 pages - Government finance
The World Bank was created in the aftermath of World War II with the intention of helping all countries in Europe rebuild in a positive and prosperous manner. Since this time, the World Bank has undergone many changes and refocused its strategies for development. Today, the World Bank takes part...
Legal and policy issues and campaigning strategy relevant to the 21st congressional district election in Florida
Essay - 16 pages - Other law subjects
This paper will outline the legal and policy issues that are pertinent to your election campaign against incumbent Lincoln Diaz-Balart in the 21st U.S. Congressional District of Florida (herein after the 21st District, the District, or the 21st). We start with a general fact summary of...
Soviet Literature: A clearly defined and a Poor quality Literature? Literary policies and their consequences on Soviet Literature, and perceptions of this one
Thesis - 15 pages - Services marketing
The Soviet Communist ideology which has ruled everything in the Soviet Union for decades was based on Marx's ideas, concepts as Dialectical Materialism. In this theory the world was in perpetual process of change, this through a dialectical movement which was made of conflict between the...
The EU Foreign Policy - Myth or Reality?
Essay - 21 pages - International relations
European Union (EU) critics are a very heterogenic group. Amongst them, there are people who think that this organization has too many responsibilities. Sometimes this disapproval is summarized in only one word: Brussels', the city where several institutions of the EU and especially the...
The European Union's Policy in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries: Towards an Effective Democratisation?
Essay - 7 pages - European union
Since 1992, the European Community has included in all its agreements with third countries a clause defining respect for human rights and democracy as essential elements' in the EU's relationship. This clause is unique in bilateral agreements. This approach has been further...
British housing policies Case study: Impact on the social exclusion experienced by the Pakistani minority
Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Water and food are commonly accepted as the basic needs of life. Housing, by providing us a shelter, is also necessary so that you survive. Therefore it is also a fundamental need. However, every house should not only be a shelter, but also a real home. What makes a house a home is a complex...
How and why has the adoption of free market economic policies affected the consolidation of democracy?
Essay - 6 pages - Economy general
Economic factors have significant impact on democratization but they are not determinative. (Huntington 1991: 59). To Huntington, there is a clear link between economy and democracy as a form of regime, bond that few people could deny nowadays. Actually, this bond can be shown by the...
Governance in the European Union: Policies
Essay - 9 pages - European union
The Common Fisheries Policy is one of the oldest policies entirely delegated to the European Community since it is part of the Common agricultural policy. Indeed, in the Treaty of Rome, agricultural products are defined as the products of the soil, of stock-farming and of...
Outline de Gaulle's vision of France's international role and discuss the ways in which his foreign policy sought to realise this vision
Essay - 13 pages - International relations
The immediate cause of Charles de Gaulle's resumption of power (1958-1969) was the Algerian War, which had brought France to the brink of civil war and destroyed the Fourth Republic. By ending the war, de Gaulle had the chance to resurrect his proposal, first elaborated at Bayeux in 1946, of a...
Commercial strategies and management policies of Lagardère
Essay - 16 pages - Management
Lagardère SCA is a French media and high-technology company. The Company, headquartered in Paris, operates through two business segments: Lagardère Media, which constitutes the core of its activities, and the high-technology division, EADS, in which it holds a 14.98% share. Lagardère Media is a...
Is the Common Agricultural Policy indispensable for the future of Europe ?
Essay - 16 pages - Economy general
The CAP has long been a stumbling block among EU members. Last year, Jacques Chirac strongly opposed Tony Blair's proposal about the CAP. Indeed, France is the country which receives more agricultural subsidies while the United Kingdom does not get any concern in the agricultural policies. The...
How Korea impacted American foreign policy throughout the second half of the twentieth century
Thesis - 9 pages - International relations
It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear proclaimed General Douglas MacArthur on May 15, 1951 in...
Evaluation of the national child benefit act: Critique and policy suggestions
Thesis - 10 pages - Constitutional law
Introduction - This research paper will present an evaluation of the 1997 Federal National Child Benefit Act. The NCB was introduced as a way to aid poor working families which include children override income disparities which exist between them and families in higher economic brackets. Research...
The impacts of the common agricultural policy (CAP) in France
Thesis - 10 pages - Administrative law
The CAP is often considered as a debate of the specialists since this is a very complex and technical topic, but nowadays there is a huge public debate on this policy which is one of the most important European policy and also one of the most expensive one. In May 2006 there was the...