Considerations of Coca Cola
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Between the Civil Rights movements, war on poverty, peace protests, assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy, the rise of counterculture, exploration of space, and Nixon's resignation due to involvement with Watergate, the 1960's were packed full of significant events. The...
Coca Cola vs. Pepsi: Analysis and Comparison of Strategies (2008)
Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy
In the course of making a suitable strategy, we had to make a strategic analysis of both the companies. We chose a recurring theme that may seem that it concerns us directly, the cola market.It seemed interesting to take the two protagonists of the cola market, two companies with...
Pepsi and Coca-Cola (Coke) war
Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy
Coke and Pepsi have both have been the results of experiments conducted by creative pharmacists, John Pemberton and Caleb. D. Bradham respectively. Their creation has sparked off a rivalry between the two companies that has continued since the inception of both the companies. The rivalry between...
Analyzing financial statements: Coca-Cola vs Pepsi
Case study - 18 pages - Finance
Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been world leaders of the soft drinks market for more than 100 years. Coca-Cola brand has been created by John Pemberton in 1886 in Atlanta. The Pepsi-Cola brand has been created in 1898 by Caleb D. Bradham. Thanks to their strong reputation and the...
Overview of Coca-Cola
Thesis - 35 pages - Business strategy
It was a prohibition law, enacted in Atlanta in 1886, that persuaded physician and chemist Dr. John Stith Pemberton to rename and rewrite the formula for his popular nerve tonic, stimulant and headache remedy, "Pemberton's French Wine Coca," sold at that time by most, if not all, of...
The strategy of Coca-Cola in China
Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy
Chinese Economic Reform and Opening up policy was started in 1978; in the same year, the Coca-Cola Company returned to the Mainland market, becoming the first foreign enterprise who entered Mainland China after 1949. Therefore, its 30-year exploration can be regarded as an...
Performance appraisal in Coca-Cola company ltd
Thesis - 26 pages - Human resources
Since organizations exist to achieve goals, the degree of success that individual employees have in reaching their individual goals is important in determining organizational effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting their individual goals, therefore, becomes...
An overview of Coca-cola and its work process
Tutorials/exercises - 18 pages - Business strategy
The U.S. market for non-alcoholic beverages is valued at over $160 billion annually. Within this market, soft drinks account for roughly 59% of sales. Fruit juices account for a further 26% of the market, while hot drinks and bottled water account for 9% and 5%, respectively. The US Gross...
Coca Cola ads since its creation (period 1938-1952)
Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing
Nowadays, Coca-Cola company is still a dream. This 1889's company, worldwide, well-know, survived and moreover it is still developing its products to increase of course its markets shares and its sales. Coca-Cola is a model for entrepreneurship because for its capacity to survive,...
Business analysis of Coca-Cola in India
Thesis - 15 pages - Business strategy
While, The Coca-Cola Company is a global company with some of the world's most widely recognized brands, the Coca-Cola business in India, as in each country where it operates, is a local business. Its Marketing Co. are produced locally, employing Indian citizens, our product range...
Management of international human resources: Coca Cola
Essay - 7 pages - Human resources
According to Armstrong in 2006 "International human resource management is the process of employing, developing and rewarding people in global organisations". However, nowadays, one of the most complex challenges for a MNC, across the globe, is the management of human resources because of...
The Coca-Cola Company on a strategic level
Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy
Nowadays more than ever, with this financial crisis that does not seem to end and creates more and more losses every day, it is very crucial for companies to not only settle for a long term strategy but also a back-up strategy to face problems such as the ones they could face during those times....
SWOT analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi Co
Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy
The last time I saw the clash of the two soft drink giants was in the advertisements they promoted where each of them came out of their ethical way in promoting their products though the media for an international cricket tournament few years back. This paper doesn't involve the clashes but only...
How can a large global company like Coca-Cola manage its human resources efficiently? The example of the US divisions
Essay - 8 pages - Human resources
Coca-Cola is one of the most famous and successful brands all over the world. The Coca-Cola Company is a large multinational enterprise, operating in about 200 countries. This can be considered as the quintessential global corporation. We could more likely use the terms...
The Coca-Cola company
Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy
On May 8, 1886, Dr. John Stith Pemberton, a local pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia, created the syrup used to produce Coca-Cola. He introduced the syrup to the community at Jacob's Pharmacy, also located in Atlanta, Georgia. The syrup was sampled, well liked, and sold for five cents per...
Coca-Cola's product marketing strategy
Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy
The Coca-Cola Company: Who would have ever thought that what began as a local soda fountain curiosity on May 8th 1886, would become the world's favorite soft drink. From its simple beginnings, Coca-Cola has grown to be a part of life in cities and towns around the world. The...
The Cola War: Coca Cola versus Pepsi
Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy
The soft drink industry is divided into two categories of product: the non carbonated soft drink and the carbonated soft drink (CSD). During the next 30 years, CSD consumption rose constantly and grew at an average of 3% per year. The consumption of CSD in USA is about 53 gallons per year! So the...
Coca-Cola in India
Thesis - 9 pages - Services marketing
One of the impacts of globalization has been the merging between industrial-developed nations and traditional-centered countries. While this merger is based around business, the lines of communication in terms of brand identity, advertising, and corporate policies introduces the need for a...
The marketing mantra behind Coca- Cola's success
Case study - 14 pages - Business strategy
It is essential for a company to anticipate the reaction of its competitor before making a strategic decision. A strategy can be deemed effective based on the reaction it generates from the competitor. The essence of strategic thinking involves anticipating every move of the adversary, like in a...
The Marketing strategy behind Coca- Cola's Success
Thesis - 17 pages - Services marketing
In 1886, in Atlanta, Dr. John Pemberton, a pharmacist by profession, was experimenting with coca leaves and kola nuts in his lab to discover an effective remedy against fatigue. He came up with a great tasting beverage that would quickly conquer not just the local client base but an...
Neuromarketing: is looking into the consumer's brain morally justifiable?
Essay - 11 pages - Marketing theories
In 2004, a study conducted at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, demonstrated that certain brand attributes and messages can shape personal preferences through their effect on the human brain. Using the famous Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi rivalry as a basis for their research, they...
The Implications of the Internet for Collaboration with Customers on Product Decisions
Essay - 7 pages - Marketing theories
Web 2.0 is opposed to web 1.0 (appeared in 1990) which was defined as a 'static web' where the user was passive and simply consume the information that came to him without intervening. The origin of the term Web 2.0 was introduced by Dale Dougherty of the company O'Reilly in 2004 and...
Selling and Advertising
Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
"We could become more aware of what we can do to help people. Indeed, there are still many people who need help around the world, for various reasons, and we could learn how each of us can do small things to help them."
Corporate Sustainability
Essay - 3 pages - Management
Corporate sustainability refers to a new way of management, it is an alternative to the traditional growth and profit-maximization model. Corporate sustainability focuses on both growth and profitability as much as the social and environmental impact and goals toward sustainable development....
Globalization: Cultural Trends
Course material - 5 pages - World geography
We can talk about brand appropriation: people who can in a way take advantage of this appeal to their own profit without necessarily complain with all the legislation and therefore without cleaning what the brand's owners want to clean. For example, on the street, we can buy a shirt from any...
Company analysis - PepsiCo
Case study - 10 pages - Audit
PepsiCo is a major corporate player in the global food and beverage industry, providing people with a wide selection of uncomplicated products since the early 1900s. Therefore, PepsiCo has been around since 1898 and functions through a complementary entity of a collection of brands that covers...
Case study tutorials
Case study - 13 pages - Marketing theories
1. Which factors do you think would be the main contributors to your chosen company's brand equity? Brand equity that is based on consumers happens when consumers are ware and familiar with specific brands and their memories can easily hold uniqueness, favor and strength in the brands. Some...
Cola War: Coke vs. Pepsi
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
Industry competition has given rise to extensive market efforts by companies to sustain their position by gaining an edge over competitors. Industrial trend helps company to set standards and design a strategy for the accomplishment of goals. Multiple set of strategies are devised in accordance...
Coco-Cola and Pepsico : Market, Finance and strategy analysis for BRIC countries
Thesis - 40 pages - Business strategy
Since 2006, the soft drinks market has been "flourishing thanks to two factors: rising disposable incomes and well-being. Consumer lifestyles are undergoing a major change due to a growing awareness of the link between diet and health. On the other side, enhanced living standards,...
The sector of colas in France
Market study - 2 pages - Services marketing
We represent a Canadian firm specializing in marketing Cola beverages solely in Canada. We wish to extend our sales and therefore launch our products on the French market. For this, we will analyze the characteristics (threats and opportunities) of the French market using the hexagon...