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Theme : Co2 emissions

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01 Jan 2023

Global Warming: Causes and Chemistry of Climate Change

Course material - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

This report serves as an overview of important aspects related to global warming and climate change. It touches on the relevant international organization and authorities in the field of climate change, forecasts of temperature increases, greenhouse gases, atmospheric chemical reactions and...

16 Jan 2009

The study of a famous Australian wine company : Banrock Station

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

Banrock Station is an Australian wine company situated within three hours drive from Adelaide, in South Australia. Its slogan "Good earth, Fine wines" perfectly embodies the two main motivations of the company: the protection of ecological balance and the pleasure of quality wine consumption....

29 Sep 2010

The fight against climate change: a burning international issue

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Climate change is an environmental issue that is now recognized by almost the entire scientific community in the world. It affects the entire planet. The climate is influenced by both natural and human factors. However, it's been proven that human activities are responsible for a wide range of...

23 Mar 2011

Mercedes: Should it introduce a small, 'clean' family car?

Market study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Mercedes Benz is a German automobile brand, distributed worldwide and known for its high-end vehicles. Like all other car manufacturers, it faces a severe economic crisis that has been particularly detrimental to the automotive sector. In this context, car manufacturers must innovate and artfully...

12 Feb 2024

Life cycle assessment of Solar panel - Mini project using Open LCA to conduct the life cycle assessment of a solar panel

Dissertation - 28 pages - Ecology & environment

This study presents a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a photovoltaic solar panel, aiming to evaluate its environmental impact across various stages of its life cycle. The assessment considers raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, installation, operation, and end-of...

21 Jan 2014

International marketing plan for a French car manufacturer "Renault" in the US market

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

In this assignment we'll put together an international marketing plan for the launch of an electric car by the French car manufacturer Renault in the US market. I chose Renault because it's the French company which is the most in advance in the field of electric cars. Indeed, Renault has for...

29 Sep 2010

The Impact of Environmental Issues on Toyota's Strategy

Essay - 17 pages - Services marketing

This thesis will seek to understand the controversial relationship between environmental factors and Toyota. Indeed, motor vehicle exhaust-emissions notably that of carbon monoxide pollution, is caused directly by the automobile industry. However, these negative impacts changed the...

15 Jan 2009

Coal: energy of the future or energy of the past?

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

In 2006, Doctor Heinz Scholtholt, member of a German firm of the energy industry (STEAG), pretended that Germany could become the worldwide leader of the coal industry by developing new clean coal technologies. Less than a year later, the German coalition's government has decided to stop its coal...

27 Jan 2011

Case Study: Launching of the Nissan LEAF in France

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

The year, eco mobility was honored saw many automakers put forward the electric cars. Many questions concerning the evolution of the electric car persist but its prospects remains grim. Many consumers want to drive 'green' but the adaptability of these vehicles is difficult because of the...

13 Jan 2009

Market Research: The launch of a hybrid diesel engine by PSA group

Market study - 4 pages - Services marketing

In 2004, Toyota launched a hybrid car: Prius. The principle of this car is the addition of an electric motor to the traditional petrol engine. The objective is to request the electric motor with starting and low speed and to request the petrol engine at higher speeds. The goal of this technology...

03 Feb 2011

The Greenhouse Effect: Definition, Causes, and Consequences

Thesis - 15 pages - Ecology & environment

Environmental hazards such as storms, tropical cyclones, droughts, etc. have been affecting us for generations. In France, the temperature reached its highest point last summer and reports showed that the August of 2003 experienced a high heat wave with the most dramatic consequences: the...

03 Feb 2011

The American diplomacy around the protocol of Kyoto

Essay - 15 pages - Ecology & environment

During the past forty years, the issue of global warming has gradually been established as the priority of environmental debates to become a major issue in our society for the twenty-first century. The proliferation of conferences, books, and films on this subject reflect the growing interest....

09 Jan 2009

Carbon footprinting

Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment

The nature of the carbon footprint is to examine human use of carbon and to try to apply it to how much greenhouse gas (converted to a scale based on CO2) is used. By discussing this, and viewing how "Climate change and infectious diseases in North America: the road ahead" discusses...

29 Sep 2010

Environmental issues in the air transport industry

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The air transport industry uses air craft to transport people, cargo, and mail. Civil aviation includes two major categories; first one is the scheduled air transport, which includes passenger and cargo flights operating on regularly-scheduled routes; and general aviation, including all other...

25 Oct 2021

Apple: Ethics and Sustainable Development

Case study - 5 pages - Brand management

"The planet is not waiting. Neither do we.", "Products that consume so little energy is not common", "Investing in nature to offset our emissions should be expected", "Our business is carbon neutral, and by 2030, all our products will be too". Recently, Apple, the world's largest...

03 Jul 2013

Air pollution: The case of China

Case study - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

According to Vallero, air pollution is “the presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the air that interfere with human health or welfare, or produce other harmful environmental effects.”(3) The above statement is indeed true in case of China. The presence of harmful particles...

16 Dec 2024

A ban on combustion engines in favor of electric motors: is 2035 too ambitious a deadline?

Dissertation - 29 pages - European union

The purpose of this work is to study the consequences of the EU's 2022 agreement on the end of combustion engines in new cars from 2035. Indeed, in the midst of an environmental crisis marked by global warming and following the 2015 Paris agreements, consecutive to COP 21, the EU launched a...

14 Apr 2009

Ontario Landfill gas: Management, regulation & recovery. legal & policy issues

Tutorials/exercises - 17 pages - Ecology & environment

Landfills seem to be a major part of waste disposal life. Love them or hate them, they are a necessity in dealing with ever increasing amounts of waste. Statistics Canada reported that Canadians threw out about 20 per cent more garbage in 2004 compared to 2000, bringing per-capita output to 418...

27 Jan 2011

The Audi company and its launching of a model of cross-country vehicle

Case study - 8 pages - Services marketing

The Volkswagen Group of France SA is a subsidiary that was created in 1960. Today it is the largest importer of cars in France. This company holds a significant market share in France, and accounts for 10.2% of it. In 2006, it achieved a turnover of 4.5 billion Euros. The group holds five brands....

13 Jan 2009

Air transportation and climate change

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

A sophisticated transport system has evolved in Europe to move people and frets. The air transport industry is growing at rate above the average growth of the economy of the EU: multiplication of short distance flies, the arrival of the “low cost” market, and increasing of aerial fret...

29 Sep 2010

Climate change and politics: a real shift or status quo?

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

We will try to analyze the responses from the political field against climate change and the overall sustainable development. Climate change means significant change in the average weather, which causes a lot of perturbations on the natural system. The French president, Jacques Chirac, in a...

07 Aug 2008

Auto pollution: No solution?

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

For the sake of natural resources and the welfare and prosperity of the population, motor vehicle fuel economy and emission standards must be raised. The dangerous and complicated problems that we face both today and tomorrow with motor vehicles should not be ignored and cast aside, but...

17 May 2009

Global warming

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

In today's society, environmental issues have an important impact on business and industrial decisions and are becoming part and parcel of economics. We live in scorching summers, the winters seem to be milder from year to year, and the seasons seem to have disappeared. Are these observations...

05 Apr 2010

Co-gasification of municipal sewage sludge and asphaltene residue from refineries for production of synfuels/power

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

One of the gravest problems being experienced by non-oil producing developing country like India is spiraling prices of petroleum crude which has seriously inhibited growth of power sector thereby considerably decelerating the growth rate. Added to this, the explosion in the population of the...

30 Jul 2021

Sustainable Tourism in Croatia - How Does Croatia Operate its Shift Towards a More Sustainable Economy Through Tourism?

Thesis - 24 pages - Tourism marketing

In 1800, there were 900 million human beings on earth. In 2020, the Earth is home to 7.8 billion people. This strong population growth is accompanied by an increase in demand for goods and services and production methods that cause environmental and social disorders. In the 1970s, many experts...

26 Sep 2011

Fiat - A stable and a favorite car-maker in the UK

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Fiat is an Italian automobile manufacturing company that was established in 1899 in Torin, Italy. It is an acronym for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino in Italian. The world's ninth largest carmaker has revenue more than 35 billion euro. Other than automobiles, the company also manufactures...

25 Nov 2008

Genetic aspects of air pollution and climate change

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

The ?rst incidences of air pollution impacts on the genetic constitution of forest tree populations were those documented near point sources of sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulates, and heavy metals. Localized extinction of forests around these point sources was documented by ecologists in the past...

14 Sep 2009

Business ethics and social responsibility - published: 14/09/2009

Thesis - 3 pages - Business law

Government's role in environmental protection is to establish standards and set regulations on environmental protection and enforce those standards in a method that is unbiased, and according to the guidelines of environmental integrity. Federal policy, first must achieve harmony between the...

07 Jul 2015

Renewable Energy and the Hotel Industry: A Perfect Fit?

Case study - 27 pages - Psychology

Renewable energy is one of the fastest growing sectors in today's energy market. Energy from solar, wind, hydro power, tidal energy and biomass sources is being harnessed to provide energy that is both environmentally friendly and secure from the fluctuations of the international fossil fuel...

09 Dec 2010

The TNT Group and its Sustainable Development: Strategy and Financial Analysis

Thesis - 55 pages - Business strategy

For many years, TNT has been communicating actively about social values and its social commitments, and neglecting to talk about its trade and transportation. Thus, the group seems to incorporate the concept of sustainable development in its business fundamentals. However, is this just a desire...