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14 May 2009

Essay about sin city (Franck Miller & Robert Rodriguez)

Thesis - 5 pages - Film studies

I am going to talk about Sin city, an action, detective and all in all fantastic film released in 2005, directed by Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez, and Quentin Tarantino (but only for the sequence in Dwight's car, in which he talks with the policeman Jackie, while he (Jackie) is dead). Sin city...

19 Nov 2007

Stranger Than Paradise: Meaningful Minimalism

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The term “independent film” is extremely malleable in the realm of American cinema. A film may be considered “independent” if it is financed and/or distributed outside of a Hollywood studio, or if it bends and/or breaks the conventions of mainstream American movies....

21 Feb 2010

Drunken deconstruction

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

Drunken Master (Woo-ping Yuen, 1978) stars legendary martial arts film actor and kung fu master Jackie Chan. Even though it is a comedy and contains nonstop action, and fight scenes, the film does contain some very serious political and historical undertones and has a wide influence culturally on...

04 Sep 2008

FESPACO: More than a film festival

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

With the revolution of filmmaking has come the need to bring films and filmmakers together. The creation of film festivals provides a place where filmmakers can showcase their films. Thousands of film festivals have formed around the world over the past decades. Some are larger and more...

18 Dec 2008

Alice and Anna: The women of 'Closer'

Essay - 9 pages - Film studies

Feminist film criticism during its glory days focused on three major themes: the objectification of women on the screen, their marginalized role in the narrative, and the effect that movies as a product of popular culture have on that popular culture. These three perspectives, which began to be...

29 Sep 2010

Internship Report - Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

The Film Society of Lincoln Center was founded in 1969 to celebrate American and international cinema, recognize and support new filmmakers as well as enhance awareness, accessibility and understanding of the art. An independent performing arts center, The Film Society hosts a 363-day...

26 Apr 2009

The murderers among us: Post-War German rubble films. The complexities of thematic and visual meaning

Thesis - 9 pages - Film studies

This paper will discuss the first post-world war II film to be made in Germany. The film, entitled The Murderers Among Us (Die Morder sind unter uns, 1946) was directed by Wolfgang Staudte. It is the first in a series of films, which are collectively entitled (Trummerfilme) which means postwar...

30 Jun 2011

Viewer's Guide: Okuribito (Departures)

Essay - 8 pages - Film studies

New viewers of Asian cinema, especially if they are from a Western audience, often encounter many problems in understanding Asian movies. The cultural background of the film can often times be quite perplexing; Asian culture differs so vastly from Western culture that many new viewers...

09 Jan 2015

Michael Curtiz: Case study

Case study - 7 pages - Literature

Being director in Hollywood in 1940, is a curious business, midway between the foreman and the artist. Led studios, artists who are appointed to this position must obey a number of injunctions while using their authority on teams assigned to them. They have a particularly drastic specifications...

09 Jul 2013

Socio-cultural movements in India

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

There is no definition of art or nation that does not quickly become problematic in the Indian context, and this is indicative of the complexity of the issues at hand when we ask: in what ways do art and literature help in nation-building in India? Definitions are still manageable in the case of...

19 Nov 2007

Fellini's Otto e mezzo

Thesis - 5 pages - Film studies

Since the dawn of cinema, there have been numerous film directors who have garnered the reputation of innovator, auteur, even genius of the medium. Only three directors, however, have created such unmistakably identifiable styles as to warrant film terminologies based on their very names....

20 Jan 2009

Cultural project: Museums in Bradford

Essay - 13 pages - Journalism

Bradford is the 7th city in United Kingdom, with more than 478,800 inhabitants (metro district). Located in the West Yorkshire, this city has been developed thanks to the first industrial revolution (1780 - 1840) and the second one (1840 - 1900). During this period, Bradford has become very rich...

03 Mar 2011

The Walt Disney Company since 1923 till present

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

We do not go to the cinema to watch a cartoon; we go to watch a Disney production. The popularity of this company is such that Disney is not merely the symbol of animated films; it has become a synonym of them. With five theme parks (located in Florida, California, Hong Kong, Tokyo and...

19 Nov 2007

David Lynch

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Storytelling, since the dawn of time, has served as an invaluable means in which human beings are able to create, sustain, and relay emotion, identity, and ideology. The stories people tell allow them to simultaneously connect to, and differentiate themselves from one another. Arguably more...

17 May 2009

The French cultural exception: Exception or exclusion?

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In a bit more than one decade, culture has become a crucial issue of the globalization process. In fact, the IT revolution along with the development of transport, the increase of the international commercial exchanges and foreign investments, and the constitution of multinational conglomerates...

17 Jun 2008

A Performance Analysis of the films Harold and Maude and American Beauty (1999)

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

Over the course of the last three decades American society has taken its fondness of youth and femininity and turned it into an outright obsession. As a direct result of this obsession, women over the age of 35 have been made to feel bad about their bodies, their activity levels, the food they...

17 Nov 2008

Films on the ongoing war in Iraq

Essay - 14 pages - Film studies

Since the start of the U.S. war in Iraq in early 2003, the citizens of the world have been bombarded with news coverage the likes of which has never before been seen in the history of armed conflict. Likewise, the world of cinema has embraced the conflict in Iraq in many varied forms and...

28 Jul 2010

Baudrillard on image: Illusion

Thesis - 4 pages - Literature

Our modern society is obsessed with the image in many different ways. The more our technology has progressed, the more we have found ways in which to create images in ways that are indiscernible from reality. Special effects in movies are defining the way that we view cinema, and...

18 Dec 2008

Masculinity in Korean and western films

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

Korean cinema has made significant progress over the years. Two of the greatest Korean movies are A Stray Bullet (Obaltan) directed by Yu Hyun-mok (1960) and The Coachman directed by Kang Dae-jin (1961). A Stray Bullet is about a man named Chul-ho who leads a life of honesty and morality....

07 May 2009

Movie review: Trainspotting

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Many films deal with drugs. Among those, there are - Scarface, The Godfather, Revolver and so on. This theme is popular in Anglo-Saxon cinema. Trainspotting directed by Danny Boyle is a film which deals with drugs in a blunt way. A group of friends, in the nineties, in Edinburgh, are only...

19 Nov 2007

Home Movies

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

Nothing can create nostalgia like a movie camera. There is something about the moving image that can trigger emotions like few other mediums can. It is easy to get lost in a film; they have the awesome ability of capturing and recreating the past. The nostalgic value of the cinema is...

21 Nov 2008

Sexuality in modern melodrama

Essay - 7 pages - Film studies

The depiction of sex and sexuality in American cinema was slow in maturing, but in the last two decades there have been a growing number of popular melodramas that depict sex as a meaningful part of a relationship. This practice distinguishes modern melodramas from the classical Hollywood...

11 Dec 2006

Media in Germany after World War Two

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The development of media in the Western Germany during the period of the Allied Occupation (1945-1949) and in the first decade of the Federal Republic (1949-1959) The media is present all around the world. The media tries to express facts, entertainment, opinion, and other information. In this...

16 Jan 2009

Volkswagen's Touareg "Kong" advertising campaign study

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

December 2005, one of the most anticipated films of the year has come to the cinemas all around the world. This film is King Kong, produced by Universal Studios. January 2005, Volkswagen, the largest car manufacturer in Europe, had made an alliance with Universal Studios. Thanks to this...

04 Aug 2010

Food for Moloch: The Cyborg as worker

Essay - 1 pages - Film studies

In Sue Short's book on Cyborg Cinema, she progresses by discussing the Cyborg as a worker. The word “robot” is derived from the Czech word “robota” which means “enforced labor.” In turn, Aristotle referred to slaves as “living tools”. It is easy to...

15 Jan 2007

Live technologies in theatrical performance in a post modern perspective

Essay - 8 pages - Arts and art history

How does the use of live technologies in theatrical performance comment on our own positioning in a post-industrial technologically based society? How does this in turn exemplify some of the concerns of the postmodernists? Postmodern cinema is rich in intertextual references, and is often...

19 Nov 2007

They Live: Underestimating Camp

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Distinguishing a film as “campy” is, arguably, as difficult as determining whether or not a film is “good.” The definition of “camp” is utterly malleable and, moreover, exists almost purely in the eyes of the beholder. Similarly, a film is rarely definably solely as...

29 Sep 2010

Media in Germany after World War Two - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The development of media in the Western Germany during the period of the Allied Occupation (1945-1949) and in the first decade of the Federal Republic (1949-1959) The media is present all around the world. The media tries to express facts, entertainment, opinion, and other information. In this...

29 Sep 2010

An analysis on Disney

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

Disney Corporation was founded 87 years ago. It is an international company specialized in entertainment and media. Today, Disney is the biggest company in the world in this field. It is involved in the entertainment, media, tourism, and leisure fields. It also contributes in the distribution of...

29 Sep 2010

International advertising: "Global" advertising or "local" advertising ?

Dissertation - 31 pages - Services marketing

Consumption is at the core of the capitalistic world. In order to take people into buying your specific product, companies bet on advertising. The bottom line is: how can one marketing campaign convince every single person around the world? Should the campaign be global or local? In order to...