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22 Apr 2024

The place of youth in American cinema

Dissertation - 1 pages - Film studies

The idea here is to present youth as a generation, between the ages of 17 and 28, with a certain margin of freedom. Indeed, young people are those who don't work, or who have just started working, and who don't necessarily have enough income or a place in society. As a result, American...

19 Aug 2023

What Strictly Defined Expressionist Cinema in its Aesthetic and its Intellectual Aspirations ?

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

After WW1, Germany was wiped out and wrecked and so had difficulties putting on a new face. Its cinematographic industry also had trouble compared to Hollywood given that Germany has been undergoing an economic recession. The expressionist cinema is a movement which arose from the German...

22 Aug 2023

How did the Brighton School change the way of telling stories in Cinema, using in particular a new method of editing and giving a new role to the camera?

Dissertation - 2 pages - Film studies

A freshman graduating in Cinema would probably have questions about how Cinema has evolved since 1895. Although, more precisely, the question to ask is when and what are the basis of the cinema we know today. The Brighton School started in 1898 with Robert William Paul. He...

14 Jun 2021

A Case Study Comparing Marketing Campaigns in Film with Research into Models of Distribution and Marketing in Cinema

Case study - 4 pages - Marketing theories

In this case study we will be looking at the marketing campaigns of two films, one before the digital age truly began and one during the boom to see how they both were marketed to audiences and how successful it was in terms of profit return and critic consensus. Before we get into the main...

06 Aug 2013

Women in Film: African Filmmakers and Female Identity in African Cinema

Case study - 5 pages - Film studies

tradition from generation to generation. This is an essential part of how powerful the medium of film can be in Africa; it is more effective in societal change than books, literature, or anything involving literacy. African film goes beyond its function in western culture; it serves a greater...

20 Jan 2011

Cinema and Technology: An Essay

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

'The cinema of attractions directly solicits spectator attention, inciting visual curiosity, and supplying pleasure through an exciting spectacle' Gunning (1990), p. 58. To what extent does mainstream cinema today continue to operate as a 'cinema of...

08 Jun 2009

Edward Cullen and his To-Be-Looked-At-Ness: Reversal of the cinematic gaze in Twilight

Thesis - 6 pages - Film studies

Twilight is the unabashedly melodramatic, vampire-meets-girl love story of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, and despite its clear success it still seems to be strange material for the first huge literary phenomenon of the twenty-first century. The author Stephenie Meyer has a tendency towards the...

30 Apr 2009

National cinema and tropes of horror: Guillermo del Toro's "The Devil's Backbone" - Representing fascism through hauntology

Thesis - 5 pages - Film studies

Horror films, rich in texture, are capable of interpretatively referencing specific national contexts. Using the supernatural, these stories can aid in understanding national themes by correlating particular social ills or historical periods with the uncanny: the film's meaning-making, acting...

22 Apr 2009

I'm at the 'Window':A look at voyeurism in the cinema and society

Thesis - 5 pages - Film studies

We all carry certain expectations with us when we go see a film at the theater. We expect the room to be dark, though we make exceptions for the beam from the projector behind us, the track lights showing us to our seats. We expect quiet, hence the ads preceding the feature presentation that...

09 May 2009

The US cinema industry (2005)

Thesis - 3 pages - Film studies

When I try to imagine a typical American family, the first image which comes to mind is that of a perfect family with beautiful (their teeth have to shine) and rich parents and beautiful and healthy children, who live happily in a small house somewhere in the countryside in a small village. A...

09 Jan 2009

Postmodernism and cinema

Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies

‘It's about flights of fantasy, and the nightmare of reality, terrorist bombings, and late night shopping, true love, and creative plumbing.' (Gilliam; 1985). This tagline for the film Brazil highlights most of the concepts present in postmodernist criticism of cinema and television....

05 Feb 2009

Formulating nationalist conversations: An investigation of the function of West African Cinema

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Traditional African filmmakers, considered themselves part of an emerging third world cinema and used film as a tool of revolution, a means of political education to be used for transforming consciousness, however now there is a new generation of filmmakers that have been supposedly "freed...

13 Jan 2009

The African-American cinema: Between protest and integration

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

The invention of cinema happened at the very same time as the establishment of the segregation in the South. This social and political system, which advocated prejudices and inequality of races, is definitely going to stigmatize the nature of the relationships between the American...

21 Nov 2008

Cinema of the absurd: The baby boom generation in The Big Lebowski

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

After World War II, America experienced what would eventually be termed the “baby boom,” in which about 75 million births occurred between the years of 1946 and 1964. The “baby boomer” generation has been constantly examined since its inception, and the world during its time...

18 Aug 2008

Human connection in international cinema

Essay - 7 pages - Film studies

Many of the films we have watched in Contemporary International Cinema explore the nature of love on various levels. Some focus on the platonic aspect of human connection, some look at the sociological and nationalistic bonds that hold people together, and some delve deep into the inner...

20 Apr 2007

Divided Against The Self :The ego-dystonic individual as illustrated in Stephen Frear's "Prick up Your Ears" An essay On Erotic Identity, Homosexuality and the Cinema

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Stephen Frear's Prick Up Your Ears (1987) is based upon the life of England's notorious playwright Joe Orton. The film focuses primarily on Joe's 16 year unconventional relationship with Kenneth Halliwell. This relationship shall be used in the analysis that follows as an...

12 Dec 2022

Corporate strategy - Disney +

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

Entertainment giant Disney's new streaming platform is undoubtedly a major turning point for the company. Disney+ is an online video-on-demand platform owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company through its Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer and International division with the four...

24 Oct 2024

A Trip to the Moon - Georges Méliès (1902)

Artwork commentary - 3 pages - Film studies

I examined 'A Trip to the Moon' because of its historical relevance, early science fiction's inventiveness, and social critique. The film's creative imagery, fantastic storyline, and sarcastic overtones shaped subsequent filmmakers and popular culture's space exploration...

04 Aug 2021

In what way storytelling helped shape feminism in our current society?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

I choose the notion of the Idea of Progress. To illustrate this notion, I decided to talk about the idea of progress in feminism. Before I start, I'd like to give a quick definition of the notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. As a...

23 Nov 2021

Jane Eyre - Franco Zeffirelli (1996) - The issue of adaptation

Artwork commentary - 18 pages - Film studies

Zeffirelli had to combine several, sometimes contradictory constraints: he had to update the text, to maintain a specific filmic transcription of the novel, and to negotiate a delicate balance between recognising the influence of the source text and the need for a specific creativity in the...

07 Dec 2020

The Tangible Sight: The Haptic Experience in Film

Dissertation - 20 pages - Film studies

The following essay concerns audio-visual representations of the sense of touch in cinema, with a focus on contemplative and experimental cinema, and the affect it has on a general audience. To explain what happens physiologically and psychologically that allows us to feel,...

28 Aug 2009

Service marketing in multiplex

Case study - 110 pages - Services marketing

The magical word in cinemas today is - multiplex. It caters to the busy, fast moving and variety-loving consumer who wants more than just one film under a single roof. Multiplexes have become just a rage that most of the old cine complexes are converting to multiplexes. Cinema...

26 Nov 2010

Pathe: Internal and external analysis of the company

Thesis - 70 pages - Film studies

Pathe is a French movie company. This company was founded as Societe Pathe Freres in Paris in 1886, by four brothers: Charles, Emile, Theophile and Jacques Pathe. First, thanks to Charles Pathe, the company became a major producer of phonograph records. Then he decided to extend his company to...

27 Jan 2011

Promotion of the film: "O Jerusalem"

Case study - 8 pages - Services marketing

With nearly 50% of admissions, Europe remains the geographical leader for French cinema. The United States occupies a good third of the results for French films abroad. Asia saw a decline in the distribution. For two years, Japan recorded about 2 million entries, below their potential and,...

29 Sep 2010

Miramax Company

Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

The world of the cinema is a very peculiar one. And because it is a very peculiar one, I choose to study the most peculiar firm on this market: Miramax. This choice has been motivated by the fact that this firm had a very strange story which determines its strategy. While at the beginning...

16 Jul 2008

Hitchcock, Truffaut and Godard:New wave's brothers from another motherland

Essay - 13 pages - Film studies

Alfred Hitchcock's fascination with French culture emanates in nearly all of his films. Conversely, many aspects outlining the fundamental guidelines of the 1950's French film movement adopted quintessential “Hitchcockian” devices. Hitchcock's influence on French filmmakers shaped much...

19 Nov 2007

Subverting the Mainstream: The Postmodern World of David Lynch

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

During the first half of the twentieth-century, a movement known as “classical Hollywood cinema” thrived; this was the dawn of truly “mainstream” films. The movies created during this time operated largely within metanarratives; all-embracing laws which governed human...

16 Jan 2009

M&M's, the "funniest" strategy

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

What famous chocolate does a person who likes cinema, NASCAR races and has a fun spirit, buy first? M&M's!! This chocolate brand is known all around the world. This reputation is not the result of the hazard's but the consequence of a historic strategy. Indeed, M&M's is one of the oldest...

19 Nov 2007

Georges Melies: Movie Magic

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

As is the case with many art forms, the exact origin of Cinema is tainted with controversy. While numerous innovators played important roles in the dawn of the medium, the Lumière brothers (Louis and Auguste) of France are most directly accredited with creating the first...

23 Mar 2011


Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

In this case, we will consider the servuction process in a restaurant. The restaurant we are studying is not a classic restaurant. It is part of a chain which implies a degree of standardization of the offers, and the recognition of the sign among the public. This represents a strong competitive...