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21 Dec 2012

Stage assistant intern: Cover letter

Sample letter - 1 pages - Film studies

I would like to apply for the position of Stage Assistant Intern. In the job requirements, you stated that the applicants must have “at least two years prior stage hand experience in the performing arts, or have taken High school/College level Stage Craft/Lighting/Sound classes, or possess...

23 Mar 2011

Distribution analysis of Migros

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Founded in 1925 by Gottlieb Duttweiler, Migros is a conglomerate of Swiss companies in the retail sector. Its head office is based in Zurich, Switzerland. Migros is the largest distribution company in Switzerland with 37% market share. It has over 81,600 employees and 2 million shareholders, and...

23 Aug 2022

Corrected mathematics test on fractions

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Mathematics

This document is a corrected mathematics test on fractions.

27 Jan 2011

Analysis of the confectionery market and the chewing-gum segment

Market study - 60 pages - Services marketing

This paper will present the entire market of chewing gum. Chewing gum has won over all generations from the age group of 7 (and younger) to 77 years of age, and this is especially because of the great diversity that it has acquired in the last few years. The chewing gum has a history to its...

02 Apr 2009

How to conduct a market research with special reference to Cadbury

Market study - 28 pages - Services marketing

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English lays down...

29 Sep 2009

The Granola project

Tutorials/exercises - 25 pages - Business strategy

The Lefèvre-Utile Biscuit Co. was a bakery and cookie manufacturer established in Nantes, France in 1846 by Jean-Romain Lefèvre. Today it is known as LU and is a part of Kraft Foods. The name LU comes from Lefèvre and his wife and who was also the first associate, Pauline Utile. Their initials...

29 Nov 2010

The strategic analysis of Chupa Chups lollipops

Thesis - 35 pages - Business strategy

Who among us has not tasted a lollipop from the famous global company Chupa Chups? Strawberry, vanilla, caramel, cola, yogurt ... so many flavors offered by Chupa Chups, affording us delectable pleasure. We will briefly present the company Chupa Chups, as this topic is already well developed in...

10 Jan 2011

The evolution and expansion of Nestle

Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy

In 1866, the Swiss chemist, Henri Nestle invented powdered milk for feeding newborns who could not be nursed by their mothers. He sold his invention in 1867 causing the start of a major company called Nestle. Over time, the company has diversified its range of products, ranging from food products...

12 May 2009

Marketing case: Kinder Surprise

Thesis - 4 pages - Services marketing

All of us have childhood memories that we cherish and very often there are little things such as smells and foods that take us back to our past. One such thing is Kinder Surprise manufactured by Ferrero, a mix of sweets and fun that has been putting smiles on children's faces ever since it was...

25 Jan 2010

Business strategy: Great chance for McDonalds to invest and develop in Vietnam's fast food market

Tutorials/exercises - 30 pages - Business strategy

Experts believe that Vietnam is the potential fast food market, but the available systems of fast food restaurants have not met the customer's demand yet. So, it is a great chance for McDonalds to invest and develop in Vietnam. Therefore, a project to analyze the chances, risks, competitors and...

29 Nov 2010

The evolution and expansion of nestle - published: 23/11/2010

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

In 1866, the Swiss chemist Henri Nestle invented powdered milk for feeding newborns, who could not be nursed by their mothers. He sold his formula in 1867, thus laying the groundwork for the start of a major company called Nestle. Over time, the company has diversified its range of products,...

05 Aug 2010

Aphrodisiacs and human sexual response

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

Human sexual response is not as simple as just being “turned on” or “horny”. Underneath those definitions lies a complex interweaving of biological and psychological processes. There are many factors, far too many to name, that go into how pleasurable the sexual response cycle...

15 Jan 2009

Cadbury Schweppes

Essay - 13 pages - Business strategy

Cadbury Schweppes is one of the world's largest beverage and confectionery company, with over 50 different brands, manufacturing plants in 25 countries, sales in a further 165 and a market extension that covers countries all over the world, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Malaysia,...

30 May 2009

Barista Vs Coffee Day

Tutorials/exercises - 73 pages - Services marketing

It all began around 1000 A.D. when Arab traders began to cultivate coffee beans in large plantations. They began to boil the beans creating a drink they called ‘qahwa' which translates to ‘that which prevents sleep'. The Coffee Café industry is currently one of the biggest and fastest...

27 Jan 2011

Hard discount: Understanding this phenomenon

Dissertation - 63 pages - Management

Hard discount inexorably invades all areas of consumption: the supermarkets Aldi and Lidl, EasyJet and Ryanair in the airlines sector, La Halle!, H & M or Vet Affaires in textiles, the free telephony operator via Internet and Brico Depot for DIY etc. All have gained strong positions in their...

25 Aug 2009

An examination of a hotel and its various departments

Thesis - 46 pages - Business strategy

Under the British law “a hotel is a place where the bona fide traveler gets shelter and food provided they are in a position to pay for it and are in a fit condition to be received.” Origin: The discovery of wheel brought development to trade and tourism; horse carriages, and caravans...

29 Apr 2009

A study on spurious products

Case study - 29 pages - Services marketing

Counterfeit and Pass off Products - Counterfeiting is a kind of duplication where even the original manufacturer would not be able to distinguish between a genuine and a fake product. These fake products bear the identical name of the original product, its packaging, graphics, color...

07 Jan 2025

Boxgreen's brand strategy and marketing analysis

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

Among parents, snacks do not have a good reputation: they are too greasy, too sweet, too salty, and not filling enough to properly satiate. In this crowded segment, Boxgreen proposes a natural and healthy alternative. Boxgreen's products are rich in fibers and formulated without artificial...

23 Oct 2024

Mathematics During the First Five Years of Life

Case study - 11 pages - Educational studies

This assessment task intends to closely observe and analyze a child's mathematical understandings by engaging in authentic play, and consequently plans for an additional mathematical learning experience that will build on the child's existing knowledge and skills. The daily routine and...

08 Jul 2021

The case study of BIC, a French company dominating the global market

Case study - 10 pages - International marketing

Bic is a well-known French company that has evolved through the years and became very famous worldwide. It is nowadays known for three types of products, the first category of products is related to stationery goods, this includes all types of writting tools, pens, markers, pencils and their most...

13 Jan 2009

Sensory marketing - using the 5 track senses

Essay - 15 pages - Services marketing

Almost our entire understanding of the world is experienced through our senses. Our senses are our link to memory and can tap right into emotion. A bright fresh spring day has a particular smell to it. Manufacturers try to bottle this feeling of life's renewal. Then the marketers use the...

29 Apr 2009

Market research on Britannia

Case study - 44 pages - Services marketing

Britannia was incorporated in 1918 as Britannia Biscuits Co Ltd in Calcutta. In 1924, Pea Frean UK acquired a controlling stake, which later passed on to the Associated Biscuits International (ABI) a UK based company. During the '50s and' 60s, Britannia expanded operations to Mumbai, Delhi and...

30 Apr 2009

Responses to World War I in European culture: "A very long engagement"

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

War and love could be said to be polar opposites. However, in the film “A Very Long Engagement (2004) by French director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the two intertwine, as the main character, Mathilde, a young woman with polio, begins a search for her lost love, a French soldier who was sent into...

29 Sep 2010

Does Marketing threaten children's education at primary school?

Dissertation - 60 pages - Services marketing

This project aims to identify the ethical problem of marketing by aiming at children, and will focus on children in primary school. This area has interested people since the last decade and the likes of psychologists, doctors, marketers have always tried to understand the power of brands on...

14 Oct 2010

To what extent the Fair Trade can move from a niche market to the mainstream and sustainable business?

Tutorials/exercises - 47 pages - Economy general

“This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many. Together, we...

03 Mar 2011

Switzerland and the watch making industry

Market study - 40 pages - Services marketing

For decades, Switzerland has been one of the most economically dynamic countries in Europe. Despite its persistence to stay on the outskirts of the European Union, it took advantage of several sectors such as banking and financial sectors and was more focused on the luxury market of Swiss watch...

19 Jan 2009

Lenôtre in China Beijing: The biggest market for the biggest gastronomical group

Presentation - 135 pages - Services marketing

Strengths: Global fame built on fine upscale products and services, genuine production processes, know-how and licenses (patents), staff (teams, chefs, wine steward...)very well trained, large implantation across the world, profitable company, diversified services (cocktails, buffets, marriages,...

29 Sep 2010

Competitive Environment Analysis : Haagen- Dazs

Case study - 24 pages - Business strategy

Since it was created in the early 1920s, Häagen-Dazs has become a strong and powerful brand, and is well established in the ice cream market. The company has made quality and originality its motto. Its philosophy is also based on the same principles: 'Find the purest and the finest...

15 Aug 2013

An in-depth case study of Nestlé Foods from the view points of organizations as organisms and organizations as cultures, and leadership implications

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

This paper is submitted in requirement of the independent study in ‘Leading Complex Organizations' for the MAOM program for the Spring Quarter. The organization selected for study is the global company Nestlé Foods. The study is approached from the points of view of organizations as...

28 Aug 2009

An overview of the Indian Coffee Board and its operations

Case study - 19 pages - Management

Currently India produces around three lakh tons of coffee per annum. A large portion of coffee in India is exported. Domestic consumption of coffee in India is estimated at around 55000 tons per annum and it has been stagnate at this level for the last few years. Coffee exported prices fluctuate...