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24 Oct 2024

How School Shootings Affect Children Psychologically

Dissertation - 5 pages - Educational studies

Children's psychological well-being is severely affected by instances of school shootings. With these cases on the rise, there is a high likelihood that the trauma experienced by victims will affect not only their well-being, but also that of school communities' well-being'....

16 Oct 2024

Growing Body Dysmorphia Issues Among Females and accepting body image in children

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

There is no corner that social media has not pervaded in our lives, making it an inexorable place of scrutiny for beauty and lifestyle choices. I am a young woman and, thus, am already considerably aware of the pressure to look and live in a specific way, a lot of which many claim the carefully...

30 Oct 2024

Domestic violence suffered by children and teenagers

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Children and teenagers face a difficult situation that hampers their full functioning and general wellbeing in cases of domestic violence. This article aims to comprehensively look into the problem of witnessing domestic violence and take an applied approach. It aims to probe the...

29 Oct 2024

Eye-Gaze Profiles of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Relation to Fast-Mapping Abilities

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

This research analyzes children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to their normally developing (TD) rivals in terms of their eye-gaze behavior and swift learning abilities. Using the Tobii 1750 eye-tracking instrument, twenty TD and ten ASD children, ages five to seven, were...

18 Oct 2024

Prevalence and Health Impacts of Vitamin D Deficiency Among Young African American Children in the United Kingdom: A Systematic Review

Dissertation - 3 pages - Medical studies

Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients for a child's average growth. It exerts a significant influence on bone mineralization and immune responses. Despite being an essential nutrient, its deficiency is predominantly worldwide, leading to an alarming public health issue. Also, studies...

11 Jul 2022

Children living with Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Worksheets - 4 pages - Medical studies

The maturation of the brain begins at the conception and is continuous after birth. All trouble of cerebral tissues before, during and after birth can affect certain part of brain and, depending on the degree of injury, can cause a permanent trouble characterized by the progressive injury.

17 Jun 2021

Philanthropic Strategies for Children and the Next Generation

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

For millions of children around the world, every day is a struggle. This is why we have to be able to act without delay in a race against the clock where every day counts. In fact, as we know, everything we do as an impact today and tomorrow on our beautiful planet. If we want to save the...

14 Oct 2020

SWOT Analysis - National Society of the Prevention Cruelty to Children's Online Program

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is one of Great Britain's largest and most financially successful charities. In many ways, when the NSPCC decided to launch a program for its donors to bank online, it was simultaneously offering too much and asking...

29 Feb 2016

Middle aged children development issues

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Conventionally, for individuals to succeed in life they ought to have achieved academically, flexibility and willingness both in college and in career and a positive behavior. Consequently, school counseling for the middle-aged aims at promoting and enhancing the success of pupils in future by...

23 Sep 2016

Children of heaven - Majid Majidi, 1997

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

As a children growing up, it is often very difficult if not impossible to express ourselves. Children, despite the fact that they are young and still immature, must often face brutal circumstances and overcome serious difficulties. Sometimes, the difficulties cannot be overcome, yet...

13 Feb 2015

Increased Physical Activity among Latino Children in the Public Elementary School Decreases Obesity

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

Obesity cases have been increasing and become a nutritional issue among the children at the age between 2 - 19 years. Obesity among the Latinos has been an insightful area of study since it has been showing an up-ward trend among the population. There has been a need to reveal the various...

28 Jul 2015

Neurocognitive Outcomes of Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Essay - 8 pages - Medical studies

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a disease caused by the inability of the body to produce insulin. As a result of the human defenses against autoimmune disorders, insulin producing cells in the body are identified as foreign and therefore targeted by immune cells for destruction. Insulin is a...

29 Jul 2015

Children of divorce : annotated bibiliography

Book review - 3 pages - Psychology

When divorce hits a family, it creates existential anxiety that influences the Children's ability to adjust and cope with the world. Divorce is a difficult phase in a child's life that produces long-term implications of adjustment, well-being and relationships with others and with God. The...

04 Nov 2014

A Proposal for a Gym in Kuwait for Diabetic Children

Case study - 14 pages - Educational studies

This project is about opening a gym for diabetic children in Kuwait. There is no competition for that target market. Kuwait possesses one of the highest rates of diabetes, the project also aims to alleviate suffering and educate the society about the importance of physical exercise. As a...

12 Sep 2014

Article Critique: Equine-Assisted psychotherapy (EAP) in Children

Case study - 6 pages - Computer science

The article aims at presenting a mental health intervention modality for children who are or have experienced intra-family violence using an equine-assisted psychotherapy. The article links violence between parents to the adverse effects they have on their children. Children...

24 Nov 2014

Children health - Case study of Gastroschisis in Carolina

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Gastroschisis is an inherited condition where several case studies show that it has been prevailing in terms of frequency. This study aims at determining the birth occurrence of gastroschisis by the use of databases from the health centers in Carolina. Study design: the research reviews data...

19 Mar 2014

Educational needs of children with disabilities

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

All children with disabilities like any other children deserve a quality education that will enable them build on their skills as well as developing competencies that enable them become productive in future. Most programs have been established to ensure that these children...

28 Feb 2014

Understanding disabled children with regard to their cognitive process and WISC functioning

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

Children with who have learning disabilities do face so many obstacles while pursuing their education. Determining the possibility of a learning disability among children becomes a hard task to tackle. Therefore, scholars apply the Wechsler Intelligence Scale as a test protocol; it...

19 Nov 2014

The Impact of Providing Supportive Educational Environment to the Performance of Gifted Children

Case study - 17 pages - Educational studies

All over the globe, the information age has brought immense awareness amidst the social transformation emphasizing nurturing self-sufficiency skills through effective learning for all, eliminating instances of exclusion on the basis of limited proficiency and economically disadvantaged learners....

12 Aug 2014

Influence of Cartoons on Children

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Cartoons are preparatory designs, paintings or drawings intended for humor, satire or caricature. Cartoon maybe in form of continuous videos mostly appearing on television sets but can also be drawn in magazines to portray a certain message. Cartoons are non-realistic or semi-realistic drawings...

04 Nov 2014

"Children of heaven" review, theme of honesty

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Children of heaven” is a wonderful movie that brings the true living conditions and aspects of living in Tehran with much conviction and authority. The film, filmed on location in Tehran is about a poor family living in Tehran. Though the movie is shot in extremely rough conditions...

17 Jul 2014

What Factors Are Likely To Result In Greater Delinquency Among Abused Children?

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Juvenile justice system in the US focuses not only in disciplining juvenile offenders but also in trying to come with factors which accelerate these offences. This is with the aim of avoiding these problems in the future and also trying to identify the most effective methods of handling juvenile...

27 Nov 2013

Single parent's homes and the effects on children

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Family lifestyle is constantly changing, and almost half the number of children in the current generation spends part of their lives in a single parent family. Single parenting is becoming a normal trend mostly a result of family break-ups. The decision to bear a child by oneself is a...

16 Dec 2013

Viral marketing: targeting at children

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Nowadays, companies are getting more and more involved on the Internet. Indeed, Harridge and March (2004) confirm this statement. There are in fact several reasons why companies are increasingly using the Internet. It is possible for them to introduce their company through a website, to present...

14 Jun 2013

Children obesity in San Antonio

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

San Antonio is in the state of Texas. It occupies an area of 7.07miles of land area and 0.13miles of water area (, 2013). The total population of the area is 45,307 which is a reduction of 4.39% of the 2000 statistics. This is much lower than the national average of 9.71% and the 20.59% of...

27 Jan 2011

Decathlon: A Competitive and strategic study to develop recommendations to establish a specific communication in the bicycle market for women and children

Case study - 39 pages - Business strategy

Michael Leclercq established Decathlon in France in 1976. Decathlon was the first mass producer of sports equipment and caters to all a sportsman's needs whether he is an athlete or just a sports enthusiast. Decathlon is the leading innovator, producer and retailer of a broad range of sports...

19 May 2011

Organized Sports for Children and Pre-Adolescents: Genuine Fun or do the 'Cons' Outweigh the 'Pros'?

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The advantages and disadvantages of sports for children has been a topic of debate among parents, sports lovers, health professionals and sociologists. The main question being asked, is do the “pros really outweigh the cons”? Could the benefits of exercise, opportunity for...

30 Jun 2011

The birth date effect in children entering education systems: Is a child's self esteem compromised by being admitted overly young into the formal education system?

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility that admitting too young a child into formal education systems (e.g., kindergarten, elementary school) can negatively affect that child's self-esteem in later years. Although educational psychologists agree that a young child's self-esteem...

30 Jun 2010

Children's stories: Basic propaganda

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

“No; it is never worth while to do wrong. Little boys who read this story, consider which you would have rather been- the honest boy, or the thief?” So read the very last lines of The Orange-Man; or The Honest Boy and the Thief. This tale clearly espouses a moral message, as the story...

28 Jun 2010

Upbringing of children

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This study was designed to disprove all usual speculations that children growing up in wealthy households usually have the much easier lives than those of children growing up in middle-class and lower-class households. Just as the study stated that nobody has really paid much...