Analyze what is meant by either 'international society' or 'international interdependence' and assess how significantly the concept challenges the idea of international anarchy
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
The English school of thought holds two contrasting visions when looking at the international society theory and how it challenges the concept of international anarchy. It was Hedley Bull whom firstly brought these two contrasts to light in 1962, which were the pluralist and the solidarist...
The Challenges of Religion in Seventeenth Century Poetry
Thesis - 5 pages - Literature
Poetry has often been used as a vehicle to depict the complex aspects of religious life. Religion has always played a crucial role in the cultural development since the earliest times of mankind. Literature constituted an excellent means to express the feelings shared by the religious world....
Limited perspectives for electric cars: Auto industry facing new challenges
Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy
The Earth is warming up. This assessment has been highlighted by numerous scientists for several decades and is currently one of the main concerns all around the world. Even if the causes are not objectively acknowledged, the fact is unquestionable: During the 20th century, the average...
The world of luxury: The challenges of modernity
Dissertation - 41 pages - Services marketing
In this excerpt from the Spleen and Ideal, part of the collection of poems Les Fleurs du Mal, Baudelaire offers us a journey into a world where luxury blends with peace and pleasure. His words describe a world of luxury: "shining", "rare", "rich", "smooth", "leisure", "beauty," "splendor". All...
Global wine wars: New Challenges
Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy
During the last few decades, the global wine industry has grown by leaps and bounds to emerge as a $90 billion market. Scientific discoveries such as pasteurization and the cork-stopper invention have revolutionized the production of wine by easing restrictions on transport of wine, thus enabling...
Global Wine Wars: New World, Old Challenges
Case study - 5 pages - Economy general
In order to know if wine is a global or local industry we will assign a score between 1 and 5. (1 means that the assumption is not very accurate and 5 meaning that the assumption is totally accurate.) Globalization factors : The consumption of wine is now worldwide Production...
EU and the 21st century challenges: Energy and environment
Thesis - 6 pages - European union
Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for Environment opined that though in recent times, Europe has made considerable progress in cleaning the air that we breathe; air pollution remains a serious problem and continues to damage our health and the environment. The results of a poll published in March,...
The challenges of a good recruiting for a better efficiency
Case study - 10 pages - Management
British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational and diversified company. Consisting of factories, offices, and gas stations all around the world, it needs at its head office a strong leadership-skilled person, who is able to implement a clear and profitable strategy, to keep growing. Robert Horton,...
Wealth management: Economic and financial challenges
Thesis - 4 pages - Finance
According to an official report titled Challenges in the banking industry', the industrialization of services has helped to automate the banking activities to some extent. The increasing role of marketing banking services, ATMs and security measures accelerated the turnover of CRO's...
Media and terrorism: new challenges for freedom of expression?
Essay - 5 pages - Journalism
Benjamin Cardozo, an American jurist of the 20th century, used to say that "Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom?. As such, freedom of expression was recognised, as early as at the end of the 18th century, as a fundamental right...
Organizational challenges: Subtropics
Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism
Readers ask a tall task of our authors: to entertain us for as long as they have our attention, to transport us, to paint a vivid picture, and to give the reader a peek into the author's mind. And while each reader enters into this journey with a different perspective, for an author to be...
Climate change and green house gas emissions: issues and challenges in India
Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
Green house gas (GHG) emission is a matter of grave concern across the world. The adverse impacts happen mainly in the form of climate change and global warming. Immediate steps are required to cut the emissions. India is the fourth largest emitter of GHG in the world in absolute terms. Being a...
At the heart of the Lyon Silk market: Stakes and challenges of international prospects
Case study - 29 pages - Economy general
Our initiative cleary describe the historic interweavings between our city of Lyon and the international market of the silk. The story of the silk begins dates back to the Chinese tradition in XVIIth century BC and continues with three millenniums of exclusivity in the course of which China...
The challenges facing international organisations in implementing an effective expatriation strategy
Essay - 6 pages - Human resources
Since the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) was passed in the United States, regulating the competitiveness on US territory, American companies were forced to develop themselves in other countries. This was the beginning of the globalization of the economy. The companies had to find other...
The recent economic crisis both confirms and challenges differing views of globalisation
Essay - 5 pages - Economy general
Globalization is the process of making businesses, philosophies, cultures and technologies on a worldwide basis, and where the global economy is characterized as being an interconnecting market place. According to George Stonehouse and his co-writers in 'Global and Transnational...
Challenges that a company faces at the event of merger and acquisition
Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy
Globally most of the companies started a new tendency of either combining firms or buying of one company by the other for obtaining additional benefits and technology. This is referred to as Merger and Acquisition. Their history helps to understand the evolution of the M&A's in the world. In...
Reliable distributed generation: Key issues, challenges and roles in the Indian energy sector
Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism
In this paper the traditional approach in electric power generation is to have centralized plants distributing electricity through an extensive transmission & distribution network. Distributed generation (DG) provides electric power at a site closer to the customer, eliminating the unnecessary...
Foreign direct investment: Problems and challenges in the present corporate world
Thesis - 11 pages - Finance
In the present emerging global economy, the nature of the foreign investment has to be generally motivated by various favorable business environments accelerated by globalization, liberalization as well as privatization of capital flows which have been growing rapidly. Also the cross-border M&As...
Challenges faced in a foreign market
Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy
The number of companies operating internationally is increasing at an alarming rate in the recent times. Due to high competition there is a larger task for the companies which are based abroad.They should analyze the advantages and disadvantages before entering the market. Culture, politics and...
Global trade relations: Opportunities and challenges for direct investment in Brazil
Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Business strategy
Brazil is the largest and most populous country in Latin America, and the fifth largest in the world in both area and population. The country possesses a developed agriculture as well as mining and manufacturing resources, Brazil also has a large service sector forces like the banking sector,...
Ontario budget 2009 & addressing the challenges of the future and crime prevention
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
On March 25, 2009 the Ontario Government tabled its budget for 2009-10. There was much speculation regarding its contents in light of the current recession and prior announcements by the Federal Government with respect to cost-shared infrastructure spending. When it finally did come out it became...
Security challenges in wireless sensor networks
Thesis - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are wireless ad hoc networks of tiny sensor nodes. As a result of advances in sensor technology and wireless communication, sensor networks have emerged as an indispensable and important new tool for multiple civilian and military applications, including patient...
A study on export performance, challenges and prospects of IT industry in India
Tutorials/exercises - 32 pages - Economy general
My dissertation titled A study on Export Performance, Challenges and Prospects of Information Technology Industry in India mainly deals with exporting performance Information Technology industry in India. It also deals with various problems faced by the IT industry and also...
What are the main challenges for the international human resources management in the future?
Essay - 3 pages - Human resources
Human Resource Management has become a major concern in most companies as it affects the performance and thus, the competitive advantages of organizations. Nowadays, the competition is getting stronger and stronger, especially at the international level. The integration of HRM into the...
Marketing challenges when targeting developed markets: How to overcome them?
Essay - 10 pages - Services marketing
Over the past decade, many Asian companies have established branded products in several emerging markets (consumer electronics industry or domestic appliances for example). But nowadays, the next challenge is, for emerging market companies, to establish branded products in developed...
Critically review the opportunities and challenges that the Internet had brought to a particular industrial sector
Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing
In 2006, the total e-commerce spending by customers and businesses would reach and even surpass five trillion Dollars according to e-marketer (2004). This astonishing number confirms that e-commerce and e-business must be taken into consideration now by firms in order to be competitive. Even if...
Women face greater challenges than men in their attempts to climb to the top of the corporate ladder
Essay - 6 pages - Human resources
Women m?ke up close to ? h?lf p?rt of the U.K. workforce, ?nd this proportion is likely to grow. Working women ?re ? diverse group (e.g., White women, minorities, women with children, immigrants, older workers) with widely v?rying needs, v?lues, experiences, ?nd expect?tions. However, working...
Human resources: New vistas & challenges
Dissertation - 54 pages - Human resources
Human capital is not about describing people as economic units; rather it is a way of viewing people as critical contributors to an organization's success. It can be measured and managed more effectively in coming times as and when the human resource functions evolve with emerging trends in HR....
Human Resources Management: Challenges and Controlling Mechanisms
Case study - 10 pages - Human resources
Organizational Psychology holds that successful organizations focus not only on market realities and sustainable competitive advantages, but also on their human capital, which they consider as their most vital asset. In a sense, facts and figures are the quantitative elements of a successful...
Latinos and healthcare in the United States: Diverse challenges and unmet needs
Dissertation - 26 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since 2003, Latinos have become the largest minority group in the United States, composing over 12.5% of the population. Unfortunately, many Latinos are not able to access healthcare in a meaningful way, as barriers of availability, accessibility, affordability and adaptability create a...