Business in Asia - What should Telenor do in India?
Case study - 5 pages - International marketing
Telenor is a telecommunications company headquartered in Fornebu, Norway. It has operations in 11 countries and over 146 million mobile subscriptions. The company was started in 1855 in telegraphs and has since evolved to become a major player in the telecommunications industry. Telenor was...
Business ethics - Canada's oil sands: "the most destructive project on Earth" or "ethical oil"?
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - International economy
This document contains a business ethics case study that provides answers to the following questions : 1. Which actors have a stake in deciding whether the oil sands are an ethical source of oil, and why do you think they differ so much in their assessments? 2. How would you go about...
Smart Water Purification System Business Report
Case study - 5 pages - Management
People who use the Smart Water Purification System enjoy advanced home water filtration that combines nanotechnology with Internet of Things capabilities, ensuring continuous water quality assessment and contaminant purification. Passive filtration methods used by traditional water purification...
Trend Buddy: A unique business idea where Artificial Intelligence is integral to the business model
Case study - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship
By analyzing vast amounts of historical data and leveraging advanced algorithms, AI can identify patterns, detect trends, and make accurate predictions about future outcomes. Trend forecasting takes into account interactions between brands and their customers to better predict the direction of...
Strategic Management and Business Simulation - CarbonX
Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy
CarbonX business simulation was designed so to evaluate strategic decision making in a highly competitive, innovative, sustainable and strapped about consumers driven field, such as the carbon fiber bicycle industry. Additionally, the industry CAGR will rise to 8.2% by 2030 on account of...
How to set up a business in Italy
Course material - 3 pages - Business law
The concept of a company started 600 years ago, when men thought of doing business together to share responsibility and profit thanks to a contract. A company needs a contract when there is more than one person who wants to start a business in the name of a legal entity. Civil codes...
Bajaj Auto: the Indian Motorcycle Manufacturer Internationalizes its Business
Case study - 2 pages - Marketing theories
Being one of the largest motorcycle manufacturers, the best internationalization theory to describe Bajaj would be Emerging Country Multinational theory (EMNC). One of the key components in the EMNC theory is that a company chooses where to enter next by where the highest acceptability will be...
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - published: 08/03/2024
Case study - 17 pages - Business strategy
The paper discussed is written by Dirk Lindebaum, Deanna Geddes & Yannis Gabriel, under title 'Moral Emotions and Ethics in Organizations : Introduction to the Special Issue'1, published in the Journal of Business Ethics in 2017. The authors propose to introduce the reader to the...
Student CV for a business school internship
Sample resume - 1 pages - Everyday's life
This CV is a template for any business school student applying for an internship.
Business issues in the US
Course material - 24 pages - Management
In the early 20th century when faced criticisms or a crisis large, corporations started to end their culture of secrecy and to promote the broadcasting of information towards the public. They relied on journalists, or the used posters, publicity bureaus and press agents to become experts in...
Is the doctrine of consideration adequate to modern business?
Essay - 2 pages - Business law
The doctrine of consideration is one of the most established rules within the common law of contract. It saw the light during the early stages of the English contract law of the Middle Ages. At first, contracts were established under the word of honor, but this soon became a problem since there...
Business Communications
Essay - 3 pages - Communication
The paper emphasizes understanding the basic pillars of communication and how they apply in the professional world. The communication process comprises several stages, beginning with the sender formulating an idea and encoding it into a message (Guffey & Loewy, n.d.). The message then moves...
Data Drives Decisions: How Analytics Brings Intelligence to the Business Strategy
Essay - 2 pages - Business strategy
Statistics and data analytics are closely related but sometimes work differently. Statistics provides data analysis with a methodology that includes techniques for accumulating, arranging, compendium, and interpreting data structures. (Levine, D., & Stephan, 2014). For instance, employing...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry Using Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation-Hygiene Theory - Bettye L. Holston-Okae and Richard Mushi (2018) - The Impact of Motivation on Employee Turnover in the Hotel Industry
Text commentary - 3 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment
Employee turnover in the hospitality sector is one of the issues influencing the organization's effectiveness and ensuring financial stability. However, the importance of motivation compared to other determinants regarding team member retention becomes more pronounced. A driven workforce...
Payroll processing software for small business
Case study - 8 pages - Management
This report analyses market leading Gusto, Paychex Flex and OnPay Payroll processing software's, and their suitability for use in a small flower shop. This analysis and comparison is made in terms of cost and benefit, features and consumer ratings. The importance of the payroll in terms of...
Business Strategy in Hospitality and Tourism (BSHT) - Ritz Hotel
Case study - 11 pages - Business strategy
The Ritz-Carlton group is an international high standard hospitality group which benefits from a strong brand and is the symbol of lux palace. Its strategy so far consisted on a good implementation, especially in the United States, Europe and the Gulf. On a most recent period, implementation...
Legal practices for small businesses - IP protection strategy
Course material - 2 pages - Internet and digital law
IP protection strategy is deep-rooted action that requires extensive planning, and establishing ongoing follow-up systems. Ongoing audits of intellectual property assets, being ahead of updates in legal changes, and active enforcement should be done to access the maximum value of IP investment...
Discipline Investigation: Business Administration - Management Information Systems
Dissertation - 3 pages - Management
Engaging in the intricacies of the discourse community involved in one's area of study is a distinct benefit of carrying out a discipline investigation. As a Management Information Systems (MIS) student in business administration, I find it crucial to deeply understand MIS's...
Business Model Canvas - Tesla, Inc.
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
Tesla, Inc., one of the most profound innovators, challenges the auto industry standards by introducing software-driven electric cars and green solutions aimed at transforming the energy sector. Following its operations, the company has been among the most transformed entities in the auto...
Business Intelligence - published: 31/08/2024
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Business strategy
Mastery of knowledge and information is probably the most important competitive advantage of the 21st century, and to find relevant and reliable information is a steady challenge for a company. Business Intelligence could be defined as a set of tools and practices giving access to...
Business plan for EcoTech Solutions
Business plan - 4 pages - Business strategy
EcoTech's objective is to ensure an innovative, environmentally friendly technology that will address these ecological issues while at the same time helping attain economic progress. The firm's mission is to pioneer environmental conservation by leading the transition to a greener future....
Partnerships and way to act in business
Course material - 3 pages - Business law
An entrepreneur, definition art 2082 CC, someone who exercises an economic or financial activity professionally, organizes to produce/exchange produces and services, in an individual or collective way. If it's a small entrepreneur = artisan, it's article 2083 CC: he is the one who carries...
Business Analysis - SRI LANKA
Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy
With more than 21 millions inhabitants, Sri Lanka is an emerging country, with high growth rates during last years. The key economic forecasts are good, with a positive and moderate inflation. However, debt risks remain real with a current account negative since 2011 and which should be negative...
Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Decision-Making Processes
Dissertation - 5 pages - Business strategy
The role of artificial intelligence (AI) keeps advancing across a wide spectrum of activities. AI is steadily elevating the ways organizations function and make decisions. In the business world, AI technologies have become a part of it, as they ensure the automation of operations, data...
How Do Social Media Business Models Affect the Public Sphere?
Essay - 2 pages - Medias&communication marketing
Social media platforms have emerged as the center of the universe for our digital persona, changing how people communicate with each other and profoundly impacting both the economic sector and the public arena. At the core of their influence lies an innovative business model that exploits...
International business management
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Business strategy
For the purpose of this comment, I picked different elements depending on my personal interests especially on management issues and how it is possible to bring people from different cultures, with different expectations and ways of communicating things to work together in the same project, with...
Cover Letter to Enter a Business Management Bachelor e-Learning Program
Sample letter - 1 pages - Educational studies
This letter is an application to the Business Management Bachelor e-learning program at the University of Essex.
Diversity and circular economy in business
Essay - 2 pages - Economy general
This concept of the circular economy is a plural approach based on the economy, which aims to minimize the production of waste and the losses resulting from the use of our resources. It is therefore, in essence, opposed to the so-called linear and traditional economy, according to which we...
Conflict Over Leadership and Succession in a Successful Family Business: The Lakkard Leather Company - Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation (2011) - Case Review
Case study - 2 pages - Economy general
This document contains the review of the case study: Conflict Over Leadership and Succession in a Successful Family Business: The Lakkard Leather Company. The case study, determines: The situation. Background information: industry, organization, products, history,...
La Tricyclerie: The Challenges of Scaling a Social Business
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
The biggest challenge for the company is growth, with all the internal changes that are required to scale the company up. Indeed, more and more clients would like to subscribe to get the company's service, and more and more cities wish to get La Tricyclerie to implement the service....