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Theme : British government

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24 Jun 2024

The Guardian, We are family - Maureen Rice (2002) - Gay Adoption

Presentation - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The document is an editorial analysis in the form of an oral presentation on the theme of gay adoption. The 1976 Adoption Act prohibited unmarried couples from jointly adopting a child. Twenty-five years later, on May 16, 2002, the British government presented an amendment in order...

22 Feb 2013

Authoritarianism is a form of government

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

Authoritarianism is a form of government in which concentrated and highly concentrated in a small group of politicians. A political condition of authoritarianism exists when those in power leave little or no freedom of choice to those over whom they govern, either because they believe that...

12 Jan 2009

The government of the Iroquois

Thesis - 9 pages - Modern history

The Iroquois confederation, also called the League of Nation was a confederation of five Nations. These Nations of Iroquois were the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas and the Senecas). A sixth Nation (the Tuscaroras) joined the confederation in the early eighteenth century. They...

07 Sep 2024

Basing the analysis on the period 1945-1990, what judgment can be made of the Welfare State in Britain?

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

If many people, like the American political commentator Monica Crowley do consider that « Healthcare is the cornerstone of the socialist state. It is the crown jewel of the welfare state », the Welfare State embodying indeed a full part of the British history forging also its culture, the...

22 Aug 2023

Written speech - David Lloyd George (22 August 1918) - The role and personality of the Welsh Prime Minister

Text commentary - 4 pages - Political science

"Courage calls to courage everywhere, and its voice cannot be denied" stated the militant and politician Millicent Fawcett, founder of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societie (NWSS), in a famous rallying feminist speech, embodying perfectly the British ongoing move towards...

13 Nov 2009

China National Petroleum Corporation and the Iraqi government: A Marxist view

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

The China National Petroleum Corporation signed a deal with the Iraqi government, allowing the large oil company to drill for oil in a poor, rural area of Iraq. While the relationship between the oil company and the Iraqi government has gone well, the deal has sparked a great deal...

06 Jan 2010

Corporate governance and business ethics of Diageo

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

In spite of a global crisis, global businesses are reaching record profits like Exxon. In fact, businesses are more powerful than ever and the biggest ones are even wealthier than some countries (Leonard, 2008; Johnson et al., 2006). The power of these corporate influence policies and could...

19 Apr 2024

Is the House of the Lord undemocratic?

Essay - 2 pages - Constitutional law

British Labor proposes to abolish the House of Lords and replace it with an Assembly of Regions. The party's program was presented with a view to the legislative elections which must take place no later than January 2025. It would aim to replace the House of Lords, in which an Assembly...

05 Jan 2025

France in NATO, in practice, not in principle?

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

In August 2011, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France praised NATO's military intervention in Libya operation, calling the Alliance "an indispensable tool" . He added that the success of the operation justified his decision to integrate France into NATO's military command in 2009, ending...

11 Sep 2023

Understanding Brexit

Course material - 9 pages - European union

Since 1998, there has been no physical border between Ireland and Northern Ireland = this has been a condition for peace between the two. When Brexit happens, this border will reappear, but people from both sides of the border are against it. The EU proposed a "backstop" = if the UK leaves...

13 Jan 2009

Has British public policy been Europeanised in the period since 1973?

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

As Johan Olsen affirms ““Europeanization” is a fashionable but contested concept.” This term indeed occupies a lot of space in all studies about the European Union and more specifically about the domestic changes incurred by the member states through the dynamics of European...

21 Nov 2014

Analysis of the BP (British Petroleum)

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Over the years, organizations in the petroleum sector strategically prioritize customer winning approach in their product offering in response to the dynamic environment. However, attaining such goals for most organizations is curtailed by the competitive nature of other players offering better...

24 Jul 2022

English Test Correction: Geopolitical Relations in Great Britain and Australia

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages

This document contains an English test including sentences and expressions to translate, as well as questions on geopolitical relations about Great Britain and Australia.

15 Jan 2009

Governance in the European Union: Policies

Essay - 9 pages - European union

The Common Fisheries Policy is one of the oldest policies entirely delegated to the European Community since it is part of the Common agricultural policy. Indeed, in the Treaty of Rome, agricultural products are defined as “the products of the soil, of stock-farming and of fisheries”...

18 Mar 2009

Why do many British families of South Asian background prefer arranged marriages?

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The tradition of Arranged Marriages was practiced by kinship groups in the South Asian sub-continent centuries before migration to Britain took place during the 1950's. Initially, migrants came to Britain to earn wages (Shaw; 2000;13), However, the tradition of arranged marriages has remained...

22 Jul 2022

English Test : History on Geopolitical Relations

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Modern history

In Australia, the “History Wars” are a debate on the nature of the colonial settlement and on the extent of the deprivations suffered by the Aboriginals. What fuels the debate is not merely the quest for an ever-elusive historical truth, but rather the consequences that history has on...

06 Oct 2023

English basics - Culture, politics, sociology

Worksheets - 7 pages - World geography

European Economic Community founded in 1957, by« Inner Six» so France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg. Initially UK, unwilling to join the EU mainly because of its« special relationship» with the US, its Commonwealth and Geographic Localisation. 1960's years she realized...

25 Apr 2022

What were the three main challenges in achieving your objectives in the multilateral negotiation exercise?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - International relations

Multilateral negotiation occurs usually between three or more parties which debate on several subjects in the aim to reach an agreement which would be acceptable by everybody. As said Saadia Touval in his article titillated "Multilateral Negotiation", multilateral negotiation is most of the time...

24 Mar 2010

Changes in principal macroeconomic variables over the course of a business cycle and the attempts of the government to control the fluctuations in pursuit of macroeconomic objectives

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

An upturn takes place after a recession and is almost like the recovery stage after the slide. Inflation is at a low level and growth in GDP is beginning start again. Interest rates are low which means there is more borrowing in the economy which means more money for businesses to invest and a...

13 Jan 2009

British housing policies Case study: Impact on the social exclusion experienced by the Pakistani minority

Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Water and food are commonly accepted as the basic needs of life. Housing, by providing us a shelter, is also necessary so that you survive. Therefore it is also a fundamental need. However, every house should not only be a shelter, but also a real home. What makes a house a home is a complex...

02 Oct 2024


Course material - 47 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

No empire other than Great Britain brought to its colonies the technological tools (railroads, modern medicine) and the political ideals (capitalism, the rule of law) that made possible the development of stable and egalitarian societies. This explains why 54 nations, most of them former...

04 Sep 2008

Irony in 18th century British Literature

Case study - 5 pages - Literature

Philosophers as early as Plato have made distinctions between the mind and body, or reason and material perception, resulting in a dualism of being that has seeped into all aspects of Western Civilization. The cycle of perception and judgment of exterior forms has caused an anxiety prevalent in...

30 Mar 2021

What are the potential consequences and influence of the brexit on the UK and the EU?

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The term Brexit is an abbreviation of British Exit, which means the leaving of the United Kingdom from the European Union. January 1, 1973, is a key date for the United Kingdom: it saw its entry into the European Union (EU). But on June 23, 2016, a general referendum was held on whether...

29 Apr 2008

Investigative Report on Climate Change: The actions of the Australian Government

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

This report explores the recent issue of climate change. It will outline the key elements that make climate change an important issue politically. It will focus on how the issue of climate change is being addressed by both the Australian Labor and Liberal Parties.Climate Change has recently...

30 Aug 2024

On Women's Right to Vote - Susan B. Anthony (1873) - Analysis of the author's message

Text commentary - 3 pages - Modern history

This speech, given in 1872 by Susan B. Anthony, occurs in an unequal and segregationist America. In fact, the United States of America was dominated by an Anglo-Saxon men's oligarchy. Others categories of people, that is to say, women, black people, poor and uneducated people were left...

29 Nov 2021

The different political parties in the United Kingdom

Presentation - 2 pages - Political life and election

The politic life in United Kingdom is based on the cleavage between the Labour and the conservative since the twenties, because of the political system that favors the big parties like them. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 and is a right or center-right party. Since its foundation, it...

30 Jan 2015

The two faces of Churchill: Case study

Case study - 6 pages - Literature

As history is not static, their understanding changes constantly varying according to the historian vision, which, unfortunately, can not be completely impartial. This happens in history, when the same fact is considered differently. And the importance of Winston Spencer Churchill -...

04 Aug 2022

Racism Among People of Color in Australia

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Australian racism traces contemporary and historical society attitudes, non-compliance to political matters, and government negligence of citizens' rights. Contemporary Australia results from indigenous people and numerous immigration waves from Ireland and the United Kingdom. Racism...

02 Feb 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Corporate social responsibility

Within the last 12 months, many Environmental, Social and Governance failures showed us that many companies, corporations and even governments are trying to mislead consumers or citizens and to improve their reputation, by promoting sustainable initiatives or products. These claims can be...

22 Jan 2021

SWOT Analysis - Total

Case study - 5 pages - International marketing

The Total group was founded in 1924, and it is one of the six largest companies in the petroleum sector in the world. Its main competitors are British Petroleum (BP), Chevron, Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips and Shell. The energy market has changed significantly in recent years. Indeed, Europe...