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Theme : Brazil

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30 Oct 2009

An American woman's journey in Brazil: Gender in inequality in education

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Historians are given a unique task; to gather information from a plethora of sources with a discernable eye, assess the credibility, corroborate and establish an accurate relay of events at any given period throughout the world. Here, the documentation and accounts of a woman traveler will be...

16 Jan 2009

The successful setting up of Accor in Brazil

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Accor is a French company, born after the merger in 1983 between Novotel (created in 1963) and JBI (Jacques Borel International, created in 1967). Today, the company can be found in 140 countries all over the world, hires 168 500 people and had a € 7622 million turnover in 2005. There is the...

15 Jan 2009

Global trade relations: Opportunities and challenges for direct investment in Brazil

Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Business strategy

Brazil is the largest and most populous country in Latin America, and the fifth largest in the world in both area and population. The country possesses a developed agriculture as well as mining and manufacturing resources, Brazil also has a large service sector forces like the...

13 Jan 2009

The Japanese immigration to Brazil

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

Japanese immigration to Brazil has a long history starting early in the twentieth century when astonishing amounts of Japanese immigrated to Brazil to take advantage of Japanese government funds encouraging emigration as well as the Brazilian market. However, a deep economic crisis...

16 Jan 2009

Brazil as an emerging market and the importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

With its free market and export-oriented economy, the Federal Republic of Brazil is currently the leading economic power in Latin America as well as a strong regional leader. The country is nowadays attracting many foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows thanks to efficient macroeconomic...

15 Jan 2009

Business plan on exporting redgreen (Danish chic sportswear products) to Brazil

Business plan - 7 pages - Business strategy

Brazil has become one of the most promising emerging countries besides China and India and counts a very large population, whereby extreme poverty and extreme wealth coexist. In this context Redgreen, a Danish company specializing in high end and high quality sportswear outfits considers...

16 Jan 2009

International marketing: the French company Caroll in Brazil

Essay - 16 pages - Services marketing

In order to enter the Brazilian market, the French company Caroll has to adapt its strategy. Indeed there are a lot of competitors like Zara, Etam and the local competitors. The Brazilian market represents a good opportunity for the firm and Caroll has to develop its brand on the Brazilian market...

15 Jan 2009

Financial aspects of international operations: Case study - weapons export to Brazil

Case study - 18 pages - Finance

In the framework of the “financial aspects of international operations” we were invited to analyze the case of exporting weapons from Belgium to Brazil. We are going to introduce the analysis with a description of the weapon sector in Belgium and in Brazil. In this...

21 Nov 2008

Re-Africanization and the popularity of the Brazilian Samba

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

To the rest of the world, Brazil looks like a kaleidoscope of races, foreign in its demographics to virtually every other culture on the planet. From the density of the Amazon rainforest to the all-inclusive street parties of Carnival in Rio, the Federative Republic of Brazil,...

05 May 2008

Effects of ethanol trade barriers on U.S. and Brazilian markets

Thesis - 7 pages - Services marketing

Rising oil prices, a slowing U.S. economy, the war on terror, and increasing concern about global warming have all converged on the international stage and in the mind of the average U.S. consumer in recent years. Calls for energy independence, clean energy, and cheaper alternatives to oil have...

23 Oct 2024

Dimensions of Culture

Case study - 5 pages - Human resources

Being an American worker at Quangtrongization makes it crucial to understand the cultural undertones of our daily work experiences. The US culture is noted chiefly for its individualistic, motivated, and democratic values. This value chart is instrumental in determining how we approach work, work...

07 Jul 2022

Internationalization Strategy Proposal - Tim Hortons

Case study - 12 pages - International marketing

The Tim Hortons chain was established in 1964 and opened in Hamilton, Ontario. The first Tim Hortons restaurants offered only two products: coffee and donuts. Over the years, Tim Hortons has become Canada's largest national chain in the coffee and bakery market. Tim Hortons has more than 4600...

11 Aug 2019

Carrefour's logistics strategy

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

The term strategy comes from the Greek -statos-, having as meaning -army- with -agen- which means -to drive-, and then from the Italian -strategia-. It is usual to associate this term strategy with an exclusive approach undertaken by the General Management of any company. There are many, and...

27 Oct 2024

Nescafe's Global Communication Strategy

Case study - 5 pages - Communication

In the globalized market of today, dynamic marketing communication strategies are the key for brands that want to relate to the diverse consumer niche from different cultures and markets. Nescafe is one of the most popular instant coffees on the market, which is owned by a huge company - Nestlé....

31 Dec 2010

Internationalization strategy of the Accor group

Thesis - 25 pages - Business strategy

Accor is one of the major French groups to have an international base, and is distinguished by a remarkable internationalization strategy. The main ambition is to ensure the continued growth of the business and ensure its sustainability. What then are the strengths and weaknesses of Accor which...

13 Jan 2011

Nazism in South America: Chronicle of a secret war 1930-1950 - by Sergio Correa da Costa

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

Historian and diplomat, Sergio Correa da Costa had the chance to serve his country in the city of Buenos Aires, during the Second World War. Correa lived in the Argentine metropolis during the reign of the GOU (United Officers Group) and later that of Juan Domingo Peron and Evita Duarte de...

03 Mar 2011

Marketing analysis of Natura Brasil

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

Natura Brasil, which was established in Brazil in 1969, is now one of the leading cosmetics brands due to its social and environmental commitment. By designing products in close collaboration with traditional communities, Natura wants to enhance the skills, contribute to the development...

22 Nov 2006

Foxtel TCO Analysis

Case study - 50 pages - Logistics

"Sourcing in China started with low-tech products but it has evolved beyond that," says Jim Hemerling, a senior vice president in The Boston Consulting Group's Shanghai office. "Now, in addition to traditional products, another huge area is consumer electronics. I believe the next big wave...

30 Jun 2011

Walmart Overseas: An analysis

Essay - 13 pages - Business strategy

The idea behind what would become Walmart was a store that would offer a large variety and volume of products offered at low prices, everyday. Sam and J.L. Walton, the founders of Walmart, believed that American small towns would benefit from a large retail shopping center because of the everyday...

21 Mar 2012

International retailing: Carrefour

Essay - 26 pages - Business strategy

Carrefour is one of the biggest distributions group in the world. Since its creation in 1959, Carrefour has always innovated to build a strong reputation, a good image and a clear strategy of development. With the globalization, Carrefour has exported its model in other countries to...

09 Jan 2009

Postmodernism and cinema

Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies

‘It's about flights of fantasy, and the nightmare of reality, terrorist bombings, and late night shopping, true love, and creative plumbing.' (Gilliam; 1985). This tagline for the film Brazil highlights most of the concepts present in postmodernist criticism of cinema and television....

02 Dec 2010

Business appropriateness in the Mexican food market

Thesis - 48 pages - Economy general

The 12 presidential elections that took place in Latin America have attracted considerable media attention this year. Indeed, in addition to informational interest, a considerable change is looming on the American continent and a new socialist trend creates a major part of Latin America. Outside...

19 Oct 2007

The Fall of Ulysses

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

In all its humor, 1984 ½ would have in actuality been a very fitting title for Terry Gilliam's Brazil. An invisible, all-powerful government, the struggle of the individual against the state, the apparent hopelessness, there is no doubting the similarities between George Orwell's...

24 Apr 2008

The dependencia Theory And Its Impact on Latin America

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

Latin America is one of the most troubled and interesting areas of the world. It has constantly been plagued by political, economic, and social hardships. For years outsiders have looked at Latin America and pondered why this region has not developed “normally”; in other words, like the...

06 Jun 2009

Endangered Amazon ecosystem

Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The Amazon Rain forest is split between nine nations, with more then half of it in Brazil. The whole Rain forest covers five and a half million square kilometers and represents more then half of all the rain forests on earth. It is estimated that its age would be at least 55 million years...

03 Mar 2011

The instability of the international financial system and the proposals for reform proposals

Dissertation - 193 pages - Economy general

In 1997, an earthquake hit Asian stock exchanges, the shock wave reached Russia a year later, and then Latin America, including Brazil in 1999. To the world, these crises have been a succession of real and financial shocks of exceptional magnitude. Far from having exogenous origins, this...

20 Apr 2015

Agro-industrial in Santa Catarina

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

The agricultural industry is one of the main segments of the Brazilian economy, which are both important in the domestic supply as the export performance of Brazil. Agribusiness is synonymous with value addition, adequacy of raw materials, protection and food safety, development processes...

27 Jan 2011

Business strategies: The Carrefour group

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

The Carrefour Group is the leading European retail group, and is the second largest in the world after Wal-Mart. Although it is still poised as a leader, it continues to develop amid tough competition on European markets as well as the global markets, even as the demands of the consumers become...

27 Nov 2012

America Movil - Strategic management

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

America Movil was established in September 2000 in a spin-off from Telmex and Telcel, the leading provider of telecommunications services in Mexico. The spin-off was implemented using a procedure under the Mexican General Corporations Law (Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles) called "escisión"....

26 Mar 2013

Saccaro (Brasil): Case study

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Founded in 1947, Saccaro furniture is a family company started by Italian immigrants in Brazil: The Saccaro Brothers. The company began manufacturing wicker baskets for the wine industry, following new products such as cribs, coffee tables and chairs, among others. Currently Saccaro...